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What problems were encountered in the installation stages of the project, either in initial tests, or in later variants? If any of those problems were recurrent, that is, were encountered in all or most of the pilot installations, that fact should be identified, and hypotheses presented as to how future installation might be organized to avoid or overcome such difficulties.

Vital information that will concern later adopters of a program is the costs, in money, time, and energy, that go into the initial stages of an installation. For example, pilot studies may have found that reform efforts succeed more quickly when certain physical plant modifications are made, or when the entire school staff participates in one or two-week workshops before the opening of the school year.

Although each local site must have latitude to adapt and modify reforms to match the unique requirements of its settings, the more completely the records resulting from pilot studies can specify the necessary conditions, including hardware, materials, and facilities, and special services required, for successful installation and operation, the better it will discharge its obligation of informing the potential user of the problems he faces, and the benefits to be gained. 20



M. B. Miles (Ed.), Innovation in Education (New York: of Publications, Teacher's College, Columbia University, 1964).


Averch, H. A., S. J. Carroll, T. S. Donaldson, H. J. Kiesling and
H. Pincus. How Effective is Schooling? A Critical Review and
Synthesis of Research Findings. Prepared for President's
Commission on School Finance. Santa Monica: RAND, 1972.

Campbell, D. T. "Reform as Experiments."

Vol. 24, No. 4, 1969.

American Psychologist,


Carlson, R. "The OE-NIE Roles in Educational Change."


Cohen, D. K. "Politics and Research: Evaluation of Social Action Programs in Education." Review of Educational Research, Vol. 40, No. 2, 1970.

Marris, P., and M. Rein. Dilemmas of Social Reform: Poverty and
Community Action in the United States. New York: Atherton
Press, 1967.

Maslow, A. H.

"Observing and Reporting Education Experiments." Humanist, Vol. 25, 1965.

Miles, M. B. (Ed.) Innovation in Education. New York: Bureau of
Publications. Teacher's College, Columbia University, 1964.

National Advisory Council on Education Professions Development.
Windows to the Bureaucracy. Washington, D. C., 1972.

Provus, M. "Evaluation of Ongoing Programs in the Public School
System.' Educational Evaluation: New Roles, New Means.

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R. W. Tyler (Ed.) National Society for the Study of Education.
63th Yearbook, Part II. Chicago:
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.

Smith, L. M., and P. Keith. Anatomy of Educational Innovation: Organizational Analysis of an Elementary School. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1971.


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