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book. [Pulls out the pocket-book and contemplates the por trait.] 'Twas rash; but who could behold such beauty and[Kissing the picture.

Enter FOSTER, R.

Fos. Pray, sir, will you—

Brom. [Hastily closing his pocket book.] Well, Foster! what now? what's the matter?

Fos. Young Mr. Lovemore is in the counting house, and desires to kno ir, whether you will advance him the thousand pounds ne spoke to you about?

Brom. What, I advance money to enable a married man to supply the extravagances of a mistress?

Fos. You know, sir, we have consignments on his account from his estates at St. Domingo, to four times that


Brom. That is nothing to the point, Mr. Foster. However, you may refer him to my partner, Mr. Simpson; he may find him less scrupulous. [Exit Foster, R.-Re-opening his pocket-book.] What eyes! what a complexion! what expression! Many a pocket-book on 'Change is crammed with riches; but where find one that clasps a treasure equal to this?-After all, am I very, very much to blame? Where is the husband who-My partner loves his wife dearly; but, spite of his demure looks and rigorous principles, even he, I'll answer for it, has some little indiscretions, that-here he comes-I'll sound him, and perhaps I may make him a useful confidant.


Simp. Good news, Bromley, good news; the Bank has discounted every shilling of our paper.

Brom. Aye, indeed! My dear Simpson, I am delighted to hear it.

Simp. The firm of Simpson & Co. stands as high as any house in London, and our signature is a bank-note to the very Bank itself. Have not I always told you that our partnership would be a fortune to us?

Brom. True, true; and our connexion in commerce is so natural; why, we had a kind of rehearsal of our present partnership in very early days. At school, you know --though there, to be sure, you had much the start of me

ge, for you were in the highest form, when I was in lowest

Simp. Yes; I left Doctor Thwackum's to begin my kship, just six months after you came to his academy. Brom. But, though only at Thwackum's together for -a-year, you recollect, Simpson, how I made you join in all my frolics; and now in business

Simp. In business, I grant you, our labours and our fits are pretty equally divided At school, the case Some boy, and, as

s different. I was never a fre u say, considerably your elder; but, somehow or other, henever you opened an account of mischief, our master ways drew upon my shoulders for the unsettled balance drubbings.

Brom. Well, in business, at least, we are more exact; and, if we are fortunate, we may fairly boast that we deerve to be so. Attentive, industrious

Simp. Always looking to the main chance

Brom. Domestic in our tastes

Simp. Economical in our habits

Brom. Neither of us run-abouts, nor men of intrigueSimp. Faithfully attached to our wives, and loving them solely and entirely, as they love us—

Brom. Inhabiting the same house, in peace and harmony; not the slightest altercation—

Simp. Altercation! your wife is mildness itself; so confiding, too, in your attachment to her!

Brom. And yours!—

Simp. My wife? she is a treasure! but, still, for all that

Brom. For all what?

Simp. You know, Bromley, I have no secrets from you; my wife is a little-Mrs. S. is rather too susceptible on the score of jealousy.

Brom. To be plain with you, I have sometimes fancied so. Now, between ourselves, my dear fellow, have not you given her some cause to-? Yes, yes, you have. Simp. What, I


Brom. None! Ha! ha! ha! Come, come, Simpson.
Simp. [With emphasis.] None-none-poz-

Brom. Now I like your making a mystery of it to me. Men, you know, are not remarkably severe towards each

other-besides, if you had, where would be the great harm of it?

Simp. A married man, and ask me wh 're's the harm of it!

Brom. You love your wife, I know, and study her happiness: but you would not have me believe that when a little adventure happens to fall in your way—

Simp. Harkye, Mr. Bromley; a good husband never goes where little adventures are likely to fall in his way. Brom. [Aside.] 'Tis lucky I did not trust my secret to


Simp. My notions of conjugal fidelity are strictly moral. A husband, like a merchant, is bound to fulfil his engagements. Mrs. S., in marrying me, drew upon me for my fidelity for life; I accepted the draft, and 'tis my duty to honour it.

Brom. But, unlike bills of exchange, the longer the date of one's matrimonial engagements the more difficult they are to provide for. But enough: I know your sentiments, as you are acquainted with mine; and all I have 'ust now said to you

Semp. Was intended as a hoax, perhaps?

Brom. Nothing more.

Simp. I don't like such hoaxing. No, no; what I was before marriage, I still am-the sworn enemy to nonsense. I was born for the counting-house and a steady life; and even in my younger days, whilst others were gadding about to Vauxhall, and play-houses, and running their heads into all manner of scrapes and troubles, Ĭ was usefully employed in working decimals and calculating exchanges.

Brom. Ha! ha! ha! Perhaps I never met you on a certain fine summer's evening, taking a sentimental ramble along with

Simp. And what then? She had but just come up with me in the fields, and was asking me the way to Islington; but didn't you step in, like a friend, and whisk her away, assuring me you did it for my good? But come, let us to the counting-house, and answer our Lisbon letters.

Brom. And after that I'll treat you with a walk to the West End before dinner

2. Impossible; I have busines at the custom-house, u must stay at home to deliver up the securities to adely, who will call this morning as per appointYou may as well take them at once;-here they [Gives papers to Bromley.

m. Very well;-Mr. Tradely's securities;-there re, safe till he calls. [Puts them into his pocket-book. p. By the bye, your treat with a walk to the West is to drag me all the way from Mincing-lane to Har


om. [Alarmed.] What do you mean? [Aside.] Can ve discovered!

mp. Do you remember some weeks ago, how you me blowing my fingers, in the cutting east wind at nd of March, tramping up and down before the iron of a house in Harley street?

rom. [Aside.] My first visit to Mrs. Fitzallan! mp. "Wait at the door, my dear Simpson, I shan't second." My nose was as blue as an orang outang's. rom. Well, well, I didn't detain you long.

imp. Long!-And the second time? There was I ting, and trotting backwards and forwards, looking at the windows, down into the area, watching every ement at the street door, freezing, shivering, swear-What the deuce have you to do in Harley street? Brom. Oh!-The recovery of a little debt due to me ore we entered into partnership.

Simp. Do you expect to lose any thing in that quarter? Brom. No-not exactly ;-but I may wait a long time fore my demands are satisfied.

Simp. Aye, I understand-" Call again to-morrow." ́ell, I wish you success; but if ever you entrap me ith you to Harley street again-Ha! here comes your ife.

Enter MRS. BRomley, L.

Brom. Returned so soon, my love?

Mrs. B. I have just met with an agreeable surprise, harles. You've often heard me speak of my old school riend, Marianne.

Brom. Well?

Mrs. B. Shortly after my leaving school, she returned

to her family in Somersetshire, and the last I heard of her was, that she was gone to India. Imagine my pleasure, when, just now, on going into my milliner's, there I met my dear Marianne. You may suppose, that, after so long a separation, we had much to say to each other. Brom. No doubt.

Mrs. B. But there was such a crowd at the milliner's we had little time to talk-I forgot even to ask her where she lived.

Brom. That was unlucky; for how are you to meet again in this wide world of London ?

Mrs. B. Oh! I took care of that, for I have engaged her to dine.

Brom. That was right, my love; whatever contributes to your pleasure, is agreeable to me.

Mrs. B. You are too kind, too attentive to me, Charles. Brom. Aye?

Mrs. B. I should be unjust, were I to deny that I am the happiest woman in the world.

Simp. Not so fast-one of the happiest, if you please; for I flatter myself that Mrs. S. is equally so.

Mrs. B. By the bye, you and Susan must be of the party.

Simp. With great pleasure; and come-as I am satisfied with our morning's business, 'gad, I'll stand treat to a box at the opera for the evening!

Mrs. B. Heyday, Mr. Simpson, you?

Simp. Mrs. S. last night dropped a hint that she should like to go; and as gallantry is my-but, come, business before all; let's to the counting-house, Bromley.

Brom. One kiss at parting, Anna; I'll soon be with you again.

Simp. Come, Bromley, come; what the deuce-who thinks of parting kisses when once he is married. Come, business before all. [Exeunt Bromley and Simpson, L.

Mrs. B. Yes, I am, indeed, the happiest of wives.—How few among my married acquaintance whose peace is undisturbed by discontents and bickerings-by jealousy too often well-founded-how blest, then, am I, in the possession of a man whose thoughts never wander from his own fireside.

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