Imagens das páginas

Spanish rising against British influence, and declared the complete untruth of the assertions of its contemporaries.

this writer added, " are the works relating to the Detached Forts round Paris in the course of execution, that at this moment, should a necessity arise, four of the citadels which surround Paris might be armed and occupied."

Since this, however, matters have again taken another turn. The French Consul at Barcelona is gravely and openly accused of having contributed to originate and foment Pleasant prospect! and solely the work of the insurrection; the French government this patriotic Press. Already we seem to precipitately and passionately adopts every hear the voice of Louis Philippe in Paris, act of this Consul, by rewarding him on the as that of Napoleon was heard in the Deinstant with the cross of the Legion of sert: Citizens! From these Detached Forts Honor; the French Press is again hounded forty thousand soldiers look down upon to its work; and its cry swells up once you! more, stronger at the close than at the beginning of the Barcelona revolt, "Hatred France. Freely we admit its extraordinary to England."

We are not unfriendly to the Press of

talent with bitterness, when we look to its But the French People, we firmly believe, present condition, reflect upon the enormous are this time on their guard and well pre- capability for good it has of late so utterly pared. By this time they know their Press abused. Fallen, and with but a shadow of pretty well, and they begin to know their its former influence, we now believe that King. We may venture, we think, to pre- Press to be. We have shown, also, that it dict that the game of the Fortifications of has merited its fall. But it may even yet Paris will be played with less success in its be worth its while to consider, that if it be new form of a Bold Stroke for a Bourbon not determined upon sinking itself deeper in intervention in Spain. The newspapers are its present forlorn and pitiable condition, it again astride their hobby, ready as ever to will cease that monotonous din of which the be cheated, but with none of the old power ear of this country is weary, and apply itself to cheat. The "Commerce" may charge us to some useful work. Difficult it may be with the unparalleled atrocity of Barcelona to retrace its steps, but it is not impossible. in a "state of siege," as the fresh crime The field is ample and almost untrodden. which pollutes the history of the sanguina- As friends we would suggest to them as ry and sordid policy of England; but it is a study, the Institutions of that people not quite forgotten, either in Paris or in against whom it is their pleasure to rail. Lyons, that there have been such things as Are you not ashamed, Newspaper Writers "states of siege" by no means so far from of France, that after two revolutions in the home. The "Débats" may virtuously, but name of Liberty, there is no security for very harmlessly, denounce the extra-legal personal freedom in your country? You severities of Espartero, so long as the extra- know that the police may enter the house of legal condemnation of Dupoty continues to any man, and if he be from home, may frightbe freshly remembered. The "Presse," in en his wife and children, break open his its wild bombastic rage, may track "the drawers, and seize his papers. The letter blood which flows at Barcelona," flowing found in M. Dupoty's box has shown you "to the profit of English cottons," and, what use may be made of papers in the manifest "amidst the carnage of execution," hands of an attorney-general, who deciphers and "surrounded by the light of the bomb- their meaning through MORAL CONVICTIONS. shells of the siege," may descry the finger Nay more, it has again and again most of England: but that Spectre England has bitterly occurred to you, that a man may already played her part in nightmares wild-upon mere surmise be thrown into gaol, and er than these, and with what practical results there, upon no better grounds than Moral the French people know too well. Could Conviction, be detained until the pleasure or they by possibility have forgotten, there convenience of the authorities allow him a was a journal in the Barcelona excitement trial; or he may, at the end of a month, or which took care to refresh their memory. a year, or two years, be dismissed from conBe in good heart, citizens of Paris, exclaim- finement, with the stain of the prison upon ed that journal; go and see how the fortress him, broken in fortune and in health, and of Ivry gets on. It covers more than three hundred acres; it has five enormous bastions; eaah bastion is prepared to receive sixteen pieces of artillery; there is a glorious drawbridge, and, commanding the entrance, a splendid rampart. "So rapidly,"

*Before the battle of the Pyramids. "Soldiers, from these Pyramids forty centuries look down upon you!" The parody is the pleasant suggestion within our design to mention, but always full of of the "Charivari," a paper that it has not come wit, and rarely deficient in wisdom.

yet no satisfaction, no redress! Would and obtain guarantees for that peace which you not, O Journalists, be better employed it is still asserted that he loves, and which in agitating for the adoption of a measure it will then be his honor to have maintained. for the security of personal freedom, (M. But let him mark well, that upon no other Guizot will tell you about our English ha- condition than this, is either the one or the beas-corpus,) than in rendering yourselves other permanently fixed. And notwithworse than useless by your folly, and so de- standing the grave censure which we have priving the public of the only public defend- been obliged to pass upon the Paris Journals, er left to it. We propose but one glorious we think sufficiently well of them to believe feature of liberty to you, lest we might that they would yet support the monarch in confound you with too much light. Here the wise, just, liberal, and yet most prudent is a noble, useful, necessary object, for the course, which we humbly suggest to him. advocacy of which the country would thank A more grateful task could not occur to us you, in the efforts for which the country than that of welcoming back the NEWSPAPER would sustain you, and in the pursuit of PRESS OF FRANCE, in circumstances such as which you would once more take your le- these, to a position they never would have gitimate place as the guides and guardians forfeited, if the possession of most remarkof a virtuous public necessity. able talents, and the recollection of services for which in times past they made the whole civilized world their debtor, could of themselves have retained them there.

If the Journalists of France adopted this counsel, the glory would be all their own. The popular leaders in the Chamber show not the least inclination to make a stand for public liberty. Thiers helped to pass the September laws against the Press, which made him what he is; and without Odillon Barrot, the Bastilles could not have been carried. We hear enough of soldiers and sailors, but not one word about civil institutions. M. Dufaure and M. Passy are separated from M. Guizot only by so many sail of the line; they have not a word to offer for the electoral franchise. Here, we repeat, is a wide, and to the shame of the statesmen and legislators of France, an untrodden path. To the Press we again say, take it, occupy it, plant it with fresh and vigorous Institutions for the shelter and security of the People, and do cease to play those tricks which make you objects of pity to your neighbors.

We are the more earnest in offering this advice, because we think the present time most favorable for an experiment in favor of Liberal Institutions. The country enjoys profound internal tranquillity; but the country is standing still; and an ardent, intelligent and accomplished people, will not consent to stagnate, while every other nation is, if not in progress, at least in a state of activity. It is because the attention of France has not been fixed upon practical reforms, that in particular fever fits she turns to foreign war as the sole path to glory. It was the hope of war, deprived of the fear of invasion by the Fortification of the Capital, which allowed that feudal measure, so full of danger to liberty, to be passed in a moment of artificial excitement. Let Louis Philippe boldly widen the popular basis of his throne, and he will secure the dynasty of whose continuance he is so apprehensive,

WEALTH.-One of the best and most satisfactory uses of wealth, my dear boy, (says Punch, in his "Letters to his Son,") is to dazzle with our riches the eyes of our neighbors. Your dear mother once hit this point to a nicety. We had long expected the payment of a small legacy bequeathed to her by a distant relation, whose exact degree of kindred I cared not much to inquire into. It was enough for us that your dear mother's name was down in the will; and that the executors promised some day to faithfully perform the injunctions of the dear deceased. "And when we get this money," said your mother to me in a moment of connubial confidence. "I tell you what we'll do with it-I tell you, my love, what we'll do with it." As I knew she would proceed no further until I begged to know her intentions, I at once put the question: "What, my dearest, what will you do with it?" Why, my love," answered take the plate out of pawn, and give a party. your parent, her eyes sparkling with pleasure, we'll Yes; the great gratification to be gathered from the legacy was, that we might flash our four tea-spoons and pair


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of tongs in the eyes of people for whom we had not the slightest esteem; and to one of whom your mother had, I know, on three occasions captiously refused the loan of her bellows. I think I have heard you say my love the face of Nature-the open sky-the fields, the trees, the shining river, all are glorious to you! My dear boy, whatever may be your present delight in contemplating these objects, as yet you know nothing of their value. Look upon them with the eye of a proprietor, and what a turf will be an emerald to you; every grasshopper bloom will come upon the picture! Every bit of will chirrup-a very angel to your self-complacency; every tree. moved by the wind, will bow to you as you pass by it; the very fish in the river will

Show the sun their wav'd coats dropp'd with gold.

reflecting there your wealth, and not their beauty. Nay, that portion of the sky which rains and shines its blessings upon your land, you will behold as yours; yea, human pride, strong in its faith of property, will read upon the face of heaven itself"MEUM!" Every sunbeam will be to you as if it were an ingot. How delicious and how entrancing must have been the feelings of Adam when he awoke in Eden, to find himself-a landed proprietor !— Charivari.



From Ainsworth's Magazine.

THERE is a sweet and dim recess
In the depths of a lone green wilderness-
'Tis form'd of cedar, beech, and pine,
Whose boughs so closely interwine
That scarce a glimpse of sky is seen

The thick and deep green leaves between :
The moss of its untrodden floor
Is interwoven all with flowers,
And the breezy roof is fretted o'er

With quivering light in the noontide hours;
But when the moon is bright and high,
She pours through the web-like tracery
A tremulous and tender glow
Upon the velvet sward below.

There trills a thin and silvery brook,

Through the grass and flowers of the fairy nook,
Which is fed by a clear and sparkling well,
That springs in the midst of the leafy cell;
And hither at night the elves would come,

When the skies were bright and the winds were dumb,

To sport in the mazy dome, and lave
Their moony limbs in the crystal wave.

In the days of yore, a wandering knight
Reposed on the marge of that fountain bright,
And he dreamt a dream that a lady fair,
By a wicked enchanter, was spell-bound there
And that he alone could dissolve the spell,
And free the nymph from the magic well.
The sprite of his vision then portray'd
The shadowy form of the captive maid,-
The waters heaved on their glassy breast
A fair young lily's veined crest,

Which, obeying the wave of the mystic wand,
Disclosed a being so bright-so fond-
As fill'd the breast of the sleeping knight
With a tumult of wonder and wild delight.
Oh, never, I ween, had he gazed before
On charms so bright as that fair maid wore ;
The dewy plumes of the winged air
Waved back her hyacinthine hair

From her young white brow and her azure eyes,
That were full of the light of the starry skies,
And turn'd the hues of the violet dim-
And their orbs were weepingly fix'd on him.

He sprang from the earth with an eager bound,
And he threw out his arms-but, alas! he found
He had been but the sport of an idle dream :
The moon and the starlight softly fell
Through the emerald gloom of the leafy dome
On the clear blue breast of the fairy well.

Aload he call'd upon 'squire and thrall,
They were chain'd in slumber, each and all-
So deep, that but for the heaving breath,

He had deem'd them lock'd in the sleep of death!
And their steeds reposed on the shady ground,
In the same deep magic of slumber bound.
With a frown of anger he grasp'd his lance,
To rouse them up from their mystic trance,
When a murmur of melody, sweet and low,
Arose on his ear, with a lute-like flow,
And sank to his soul like the bloomy balm
Of a spring-tide eve, when the skies are calm.

The notes grew louder, and seem'd to swell
From the still blue depths of the waveless well,

[blocks in formation]

Softly and sweetly the echoes died
In the voiceless space of the welkin wide,
Till nought was heard but the sleepy trill
Of the eager waves of that infaut rill,
As they leap'd along, with a lulling song,
The moss and the flowers and leaves among ;
And the fays dissolved in the ether blue,
As fades in the beams of morn the dew.
But quick as their mysterious flight,
A queen-like lily, fair and bright,
Display'd her lithe and sylphite bell
On the placid breast of the azure well.

There stood she, like a fair young bride,
In her dream of joy and her hour of pride,
Ascending out of her liquid cave,

And viewing her limbs in the limpid wave;
The pausing moon on her forehead shone,
And the eye of the knight was fix'd thereon.
When lo! from the clasp of her veined arms,
So modestly folding her virgin charms,
A creature bright, of dazzling light,
Look'd out with a smile on his raptured sight.

The spell was burst-the nymph was free
From the dark magician's glamourie―
But ah! too eager he to grasp
His treasure in a lover's clasp-
No sooner did his mortal hold
In rapturous clasp her form enfold,
Than one long, low, mysterious wail
Was borne to silence by the gale,
And in a shower of sighing rain
She sank amid the waves again!

The morning broke, but nowhere found
His serfs their lord ;-they sought around
Each gloomy thicket, dell, and cleft,
In vain-in vain- no trace was left!
And 'squire and thrall, with troubled look,
At length their anxious search forsook,
And each, in mystic wonder bound,
Stole, awed, from that enchanted ground.



From the Colonial Gazette.

nounce the imputations of the Tory press. He was interrupted by some person, who called out "Question!" an interruption which Mr. Cobden with much temper and adroitness, turned to account

is the game, the deliberate game of our enemies, to scatter charges against us, and thus divert the minds of the people from the object which we have at heart."

THE Anti-Corn-law League had a "grand Metropolitan demonstration" on Wednesday-a public meeting of their friends and supporters at the Crown and Anchor Tav"That gentleman, whether he be friend or Mr. Hamer Stansfield of Leeds took enemy, is right. It is a mistake, and a great the chair; and there were present, Mr. John fault on our part, to allow ourselves for a moBright of Rochdale, Mr. Brooks of Man-ment to be diverted from the real question. It chester, Mr. Joseph Hume, Mr. Cobden, Mr. Milner Gibson, Mr. Ewart, Dr. Bowring, Mr. R. R. R. Moore of Manchester, Mr. Paulton, and a great number of the Chairmen and He described the peaceful weapons of the Secretaries of the branch Associations of League-the printing-press, and lectures; the Metropolis. The meeting is said to its object-to make the Corn-law known, have been the largest held at the Crown and understood, abhorred, and therefore speedAnchor for twenty-four years: not only the ily put to an end. After a clever Anti-Corngreat room, but all the ante-rooms and pas-law address, Mr. Cobden again adverted to sages, were crowded; and deputations were the charges against the League; referring sent from time to time to the platform for particularly to the speech of the Rev. Mr. speakers, who came out and addressed the Bayley, of Sheffield, on the 6th of July— auxiliary meetings. Frequent allusion was. made to the scene in the House of Commons last Friday night. The Chairman remarked

"Their enemies might single out an individual with: and what then? Let a man, whether he speech or an individual act to reproach them be a real enemy or a false friend, single out the "If there be any characteristic of an English- individual speech of a minister of the gospel, and man which distinguishes Richard Cobden more say that his language was violent and indiscreet, than another, it is his love of fair play. Now, and Mr. Cobden would say to him, as had been foul play has been practised on that gentleman. said to another before him, 'Let him who is with(Vehement cheering.) The higher the party out sin among you cast the first stone.' There from whom it emanated, the fouler the deed. was no doubt but that the short life of the League To accuse a man openly of instigating to the had witnessed acts of indiscretion, as there were commission of assassination, if there were acts of indiscretion in the daily and weekly lives grounds for such a charge, it would be manly-of them all: but was it the part of a friend to it would be bold-it would be English to make mount the most public stage he could find in the it but to insinuate what it is not dared to ex-country, and declaim against a member of the press, is worthy of a mind practised in duplicity. (Loud cheers.) But let Mr. Cobden be assured that, from whatever source this atrocious stigma proceeds-whoever aims the foul blow-whether it be a wily enemy or a false friend-(Loud cries of 'Roebuck!' and groans)—his countrymen will rally round him and see that he has fair play." (Continued cheering.)

Mr. Cobden himself said, he would rather that the transaction had not been alluded to: he should leave it in the hands of his intelligent countrymen, and be satisfied with their verdict

Anti-Corn-law League, in language which he knew would be seized hold of by the Monopolist press and applied to the whole League? Was it right that a friend to their cause should take such a way of reproving individual acts of members of their body? or should he not have written upon the subject to those members of the League with whom he was in close correspondence at the time? But he did not attend there to exculpate the members of the League from charges which might have been brought against them. He heard these charges with regret, but he knew that the League had outgrown such charges. They could laugh at them, and despise such kind friends as those who advanced them them; nay more, they would do what probably did not intend or wish that they should do-they would profit by their censures." (Loud cheers.)

Mr. Bright delivered a very long speech, in the course of which he said, that as long as the Corn-laws existed, they would be lia ble to such outbreaks as those of the au

"You have been told that I have been charged in my place in Parliament with instigating to assassination! I, who received a diploma from the Society of Friends as a peacemaker, on account of my writing, long before I was known as a politician: I, who in all shapes, to the best of my humble ability, endeavored to depress the false boast of mere animal powers at the expense of the immortal part of our being: I, who abhor capital punishments: I, who am conscientiously tumn: so long as human nature remained of opinion that it is worse than useless to take as it was, he felt satisfied that vast multilife, even for the punishment of murder: I have tudes of men, who could live if the law been accused of instigating to assassination!"-permitted them, would not lie down and die (Loud groans.) quietly with wives and children starving He then proceeded indignantly to de-around them. He believed that if the late

disturbances had taken place in the agricul- [his commencing pattern in calico printing. tural districts, the probable results would His third son, the late Sir Robert, was the have been such as he dared not contemplate. founder of the family. He was born at The brutal ignorance of the agricultural la- Blackburn in 1750, and after having traded borer might be in some degree explained, in that town for some years, he removed to when they recollected that there were no Bury, and established that larger cotton persons above their own situation in life manufactory, which ultimately led to his who had for them a word of sympathy or great wealth. Having acquired a fortune, comfort. Such was not the case with the he procured himself to be returned as a operatives in the manufacturing districts. member of the House of Commons, was Their employers interested themselves in made a baronet, and died in 1830, leaving their condition; but had the rural squire behind him a plentiful landed estate, and and the clergyman any sympathy with their between one and two millions of personal unfortunate laborers? property. The present Sir R. Peel, the prime minister, thus speaks of his father :

Colonel Thompson ridiculed Sir R. Peel's fears of assassination

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My father moved in a confined sphere, and "The Prime Minister had been represented as employed his talents in improving the cothaving been much excited at something-a threat ton trade. He had neither wish nor opporof assassination! (Laughter.) If this was true, tunity of making himself acquainted with it must have arisen from the still small voice of his native country, or society far removed conscience; and he would not wish him visited from his native county, Lancashire. I lived with any greater censure. He knew a little girl under his roof till I attained the age of who stood being shot at a great deal better than manhood, and had many opportunities of he did. (Tremendous cheering for some minutes, intermingled with cries of 'The Queen! discovering that he possessed in an eminent God bless her!) He believed that the whole degree a mechanical genius and a good affair was a political stratagem. The Quarterly heart. He had many sons, and placed them Review had charged him with saying it was time to do something more than talk: that was uttered during the progress of the late election, hustings. That was a specimen of the truthfulness of the charges against the Anti-Corn-law League in reference to a late event."

and referred to the conduct of the electors on the

The meeting was also addressed by Mr. Hume, Mr. Milner Gibson, and Dr. BowHume, Mr. Milner Gibson, and Dr. Bowring; and, thanks having been voted to the Chairman, it peaceably separated.


all in situations that they might be useful
to each other. The cotton trade was pre-
ferred, as best calculated to secure this ob-
ject; and by habits of industry, and impart-
ing to his offspring an intimate knowledge
of the various branches of the cotton manu-
facture, he lived to see his children con-
nected together in business, and by their
successful exertions to become, without
one exception, opulent and happy.
father may be truly said to have been the
founder of our family; and he so accurately
appreciated the importance of commercial
wealth, in a national point of view, that he
was often heard to say that the profits of
individuals were small, compared with the
national gains arising from trade."


From Bell's Weekly Messenger. Sir Robert Peel and his Era. Cotes, London. Sir R. Peel, the father of the Premier, As nothing is more sought after in this had a very early presentiment that his son day than biography and anecdotes of public would rise to high public station, and in his characters, we candidly confess ourselves plain way of speaking he even mentioned pleased with the work now before us, as this in the House of Commons. "I taught largely contributing to the curiosity and him," he said, "from early life to walk in entertainment of the reader, and disclosing the steps of Mr. Pitt, and I felt persuaded many particulars relating to the family of that he would deserve the praise which the eminent statesman whose name stands some honorable gentleman had been pleasso prominently on the title-page. This, in- ed to bestow upon the speech which he has deed, may be emphatically called the "Era" just made." The present Sir Robert, the of Sir R. Peel, and his name seems stamped upon it, for all posterity, as the leading character of the age.

The grandfather of Sir R. Peel is said to have been traditionally known in Lancashire as "Parsley Peel," from the circumstance of his first having used the parsley leaf as

Premier, was born at Chamberhall, near Bury, in Lancashire, in 1788. He was sent at a proper age to Harrow school, where he was a schoolfellow of Lord Byron, who thus speaks of him while he was his companion at Harrow. "He was my form-fellow, and we were both at the top of our class. We

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