Peace and War: A Collection of Poems

Michael Harrison, Christopher Stuart-Clark
Oxford University Press, 1989 - 208 páginas
"The war poems of slaughter and loss in this anthology say as much about peace as do the few idyllic pastoral poems. Of the nearly 200 poems, a few are difficult, but most are dramatic and immediate. There's intense booktalk material here, terrifying action told with burning truth." -- Booklist (starred review)
This comprehensive anthology, now in paperback, spans lands and cultures throughout the world from the time of Ancient Greece and Rome to the uneasiness of the present and the uncertainly of the future. Such poets as Aeschuylus, Milton, Blake, Shakespeare, Robert Frost, Rupert Brooke, Carl Sandburg and others reflect the central place that feelings of peace and war occupy in our hearts and minds.

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What can I have Meant by Happiness?
Landscape Sukjung Shin
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