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those of the Junior year; 10, 11, 12, those of the Senior year. From 13 on, the courses are collateral or elective. Those from 7 to 12, that is, of the Junior and Senior years, are also elective. Course I is always to be taken first. To find the number of hours a week allotted to each course in each term, turn to the "Courses of Study."

The methods used in teaching are based upon a firm conviction that it is not best to make the work dry and difficult; that it is best to aim at a good reading knowledge for the student; to introduce him early to a large amount of reading; and to let his knowledge of the language grow, largely, out of the text itself, rather than be confined to the outside help of books. More minute study comes later, as the aptitude for it is developed.

Careful attention is given to matters of history, archæology, and mythology, related to the texts read.

There is, everywhere, a free use of maps and charts, of which the Department has a good and constantly increasing supply.

Collateral research is required at every stage of all parts of the work. Philology is one recitation a week, running through the year, beginning with the facts, and proceeding from them to the principles.

In Hebrew the same principles and methods govern as in Greek.


The Preparatory work covers the completion of arithmetic, three terms in algebra, and two terms in geometry.

The following courses are provided in the collegiate department:

1. Advanced Algebra-a course of five hours. Fall Term.

2. Solid and Spherical Geometry-a course of four hours. Winter Term. 3. Application of Algebra to Geometry, and Original Geometrical Demonstration and Solution-a course of four hours. Spring Term.

4. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry-a course of five hours. Fall Term. 5. General Geometry-a course of five hours. Winter Term. 6. Differential and Integral Calculus, with their applications to Geometry and Physical Science-a course of five hours. Spring Term.

Fall Term.
Winter Term.

7. Advanced Calculus-a course of three hours. 8. Advanced Calculus-a course of three hours. 9. Modern Higher Algebra, including Determinants-a course of two hours. Spring Term.

10. Quaternions-a course of three hours. Fall Term.

Courses 1, 3, 5 and 6 may be elected by students in whose General Courses they are not required studies.



1. A course of three hours, during the fall term, in descriptive astronomy. 2. A course of three hours, during the winter term, being a continuation of the above, with special attention to the description and use of astronomical instruments and the simpler mathematical reductions.

Elective. A course of three hours per week during the entire year, including a large amount of practical work in the Observatory, solar and lunar

eclipses, observations and reductions for obtaining time, latitude, longitude, etc., etc.

Students desiring to do more advanced work will be given special direction in various lines of investigation, and will be granted free use of the observatory equipment in the prosecution of their studies.


1. A course of three hours during the fall term in elementary work covering Mechanics, Hydrostatics and Pneumatics.

2. A course of four hours during the winter term in Electricity and Magnetism, Optics, Heat and Acoustics.

3. With the Sophomore class, a course of three hours in the winter term and three hours in the spring term, largely mathematical in treatment, and covering the same general outline of topics as in the above elementary course.

Elective.-A course of three hours extending through the entire year, and covering such topics as may be especially chosen by students electing advanced work in physics.


Elective. A course of three hours during fall term in practical surveying. Land, Railroad, Leveling, Topographical Plotting, Field work.


Required.-1. Chemistry of the Non-Metals three times per week, together with Laboratory practice in the grouping and separating of Metals and Acids, two days each week and two hours each day, fall term.

Electives.-2. Qualitative Chemical Analysis, winter term, Laboratory practice two hours each day of the week.

3. Organic Chemistry, Laboratory work two hours per day, two days each week, spring term.

4. Mineralogy, descriptive and determinative; Laboratory work two hours per day, three days each week, spring term.

5. Sanitary Science, lectures three times each week. This Course will be given the fall term of 1887, but not in 1888.

6. Geology, Dynamical and Historical, four times each week.

7. Advanced work in the above courses will be given to students showing special proficiency.

Students expecting to teach will be given work to prepare them in chemical manipulations, the care and management of a Laboratory, etc.


Required.-As preparatory to the College work, a term's work each in Human Physiology and Systematic Botany is taught.

In Freshman Year all students are required to take Zoology, four hours. Study from actual specimens is carried on as far as possible, spring term.

Electives.-1. Microscopy, the practical study of the use of the Microscope in Biological Research. Each student is furnished with a Compound Micro

scope and other appliances for the preparation and mounting of objects for study; winter term, two hours each day.

2. General Biology. in which underlying principles are discussed and low forms of life, both animal and vegetable, studied. Two hours of Laboratory Work each day, and three days per week; fall term.

3. Animal Biology, a combination of Course 2. Laboratory Work two hours per day, three days per week; spring term.

4. Vegetable Biology also a continuation of Course 2, in which several type forms of vegetable life are studied. Laboratory practice two hours a day, three days; spring term.

5. Research Class, for the discussion of current Biological topics, reviews of periodical literature, etc., will meet once a week, and a class will be formed, during any term, when a sufficient number apply for it.

It is desirable that Course 1 should be taken before 2, 3 and 4, and Course 2 must precede 3 and 4.

In Courses 2, 3 and 4, students are required to (a) collect their material as far as practicable, (b) observe and study the object itself, (c) make careful notes on all points observed, (d) make drawings of separate structures and diagrams showing their relation to other structures, and (e) embody the knowledge thus obtained, and no other, in a written account.

Students who show special proficiency in Courses 2, 3 and 4 may continue the work as Collateral Research.


Students desiring to take any of the work here laid out must have been credited with at least five hours in U. S. History and ten hours in General History.

1. Modern Political History of Continental Europe. Lodge. Special attention given to the Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, and to the Rise of Prussia and Russia. Three hours per week, 1st and 2nd terms.

2. Historical Geography, Ancient and Modern. Students will be required to make maps showing political condition of the world at different epochs. Two hours 1st term, three hours 2nd term.

3. History of Civilization. Guizot. Three hours 2nd and 3rd terms.

4. Constitutional History of the United States. Von Holst. Two hours 1st term, three hours 2nd term.

- 5. Constitutional History of England. Gneist. Gneist. Considerable attention given to recent changes in the Constitution of the British Empire. Four hours 3rd term.

6. Political Economy. Mill. Topical Reports from Students. The Importance of Experience as the final test of theory constantly emphasized. Three hours 1st and 2nd terms.

7. International Law. Woolsey. Prominence given to contemporaneous questions. Four hours 3rd term.

8. Political Science. Woolsey. Reports by students on standard authorities on the subject. Two hours 1st term, three hours 3rd term.

9. A Research Class will be formed for work in Politics and Economics, during the first and second terms. These will be prepared, as far as possible, by the use of original authorities; reports will be given upon books and articles from the periodicals, suggestions made as to best methods of work,

etc. In the third term the work will consist chiefly of studies from the periodicals on current topics. Credits from one to three hours, at the discretion of the Instructor in charge. Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock.

NOTE. Courses 1, 2, 7 and 8 will be given in 1888-9 and every second year thereafter; 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be given during 1887-8 and every second year thereafter.

Instead of any of the above, other courses may be given, if from any cause such change should seem desirable.

Only such students will be admitted to the Research Class as, in the judgment of the Instructor, are prepared to prosecute the work successfully.


The College has just instituted a comprehensive English Course, for admission into which four years of High School work will be required. The main feature of this Course is the introduction of a large amount of English work, embracing a very full study of the English Classics, the structure and literature of our English tongue, with an unusual amount of Historical Research. Special attention will also be given to the Anglo-Saxon, Transitional English, etc. It is proposed to make the Course very comprehensive to meet the wants of students who, graduating from the English Course of any of our High Schools, desire to pursue the same line of study to a much greater



Required.-I. Psychology-Cocker's Handbook of Philosophy will be used, accompanied by familiar lectures with ample elucidations. Analysis of Mental Phenomena and Faculties specially insisted upon-first half of the year.

II. Logic-Inductive and Deductive-The identity of fundamental principles explained, and the special office of each form of logic given. For outlines of the subject, Jevons; for fuller study of special subject, Mill-half a year.

Electives.-III. History of Philosophy.-This must be preceded by psychology in order that there may be a standard of philosophy in the mind of the student with which to compare the theories advanced by the different schools. A thorough analysis of each school will be presented, with the two-fold aim of learning the history of philosophic thought, and determining what is true in the different systems studied. The first half of the yearseveral works used.

IV. Moral Science.-The fundamental principles will first be considered, then their application to human life. This study follows psychology, and is pursued in the latter half of the year. Four-fifths of a term-Calderwood and Porter.

V. Theism-Bowne used as a text-book-taught during the spring term. A few explanatory statements should be made.

1. All our preparatory courses cover four years. There are no short


2. The courses in the college are of uniform length-four years each. The time required to earn the different degrees is the same.

3. By the time the student reaches the junior year he is regarded as prepared for more independent work than he can generally carry forward in the earlier part of his course. Henceforth his individual preferences are more largely consulted. Hence, lines of study and investigation are provided, from which he may select the branches to be pursued. Thus it will be seen


4. A few studies-but a comparatively small number--are elective previous to the junior year.

5. All studies in the Junior and Senior years are elective with the exception of Psychology, Logic and one term of Chimistry.

6. Students must select from at least two lines.

7. It is recommended that they select from three lines-they must not select from more than five lines. These selections will be made under the advice of the Faculty, so that consistency of work may be secured.

8. The student is required to have fifteen hours of recitation each week, or what is equivalent thereto.

9. A large amount of research work is prosecuted during the Junior and Senior years.

10. The Degree conferred at graduation is determined by the course pursued up to the close of the Sophomore year. If, previous to that time the student has taken the studies of the classical course, his degree will be "Bachelor of Arts;" if Latin Scientific, it will be "Bachelor of Philosophy;" if Scientific, it will be "Bachelor of Science;" if English, it will be "Bachelor of Letters.' The Junior and Senior studies are largely of a university character, preparing the student for independent investigation when, from graduation, he must carry forward his studies without the presence and guidance of a living teacher. The lines of study provided have been made so broad and varied that the candidate for any of the professions, as well as the business man, can obtain here the scholarship which will best fit him for his chosen and anticipated mode of life.


This department has been very prosperous the past year. It provides instruction on the piano, organ, violin, and all orchestral instruments. Voice culture is made a specialty. In connection with this department there is an orchestra of about fifty members which meets weekly for practice and drill. Six teachers are employed to give instruction in the Conservatory, five of them devoting their entire time to this work.


This school has made considerable progress during the year. The gallery contains 150 hanging pictures, and quite a large assortment of busts and models. The attendance of students was considerably in excess of the preceding year.


Finding that many of our students desired to obtain some knowledge of commercial branches we made provision for this class of work at the begin

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