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" Wilt thou be gone ? it is not yet near day. It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree. Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. "
An Essay on the Genius of Shakespeare: With Critical Remarks on the ... - Página 21
por Henry Mercer Graves - 1826 - 206 páginas
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The orphan. The history and fall of Caius Marius. Venice preserv'd. Poems ...

Thomas Otway - 1757 - 392 páginas
...[Exeunt. w ACT IV. SCENE I. SCENE The Garden. Enter LA vi N i A and MAR i U s Junior. LAVIN IA. ILT thou be gone ? It is not yet near Day. It was the Nightingale, and not the Lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thy Ear. Nightly on yon Pomegranate-tree fhe fings. Believe me, Love,...
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The Art of Poetry on a New Plan: Illustrated with a Great Variety of ...

John Newbery - 1762 - 292 páginas
...the fceoe of Sbaktfptart Romeo and Juliet, where fhe, to induce her lover to ftay, cries, Wilt them be gone ? It is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly fhe flags on yon pomgranate tree : Believe me, love,...
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The art of poetry on a new plan, illustrated with a great variety ..., Volume 1

Art - 1762 - 290 páginas
...the BEAUTY of THOUGHT. 35 Romeo and Juliet, where fhe, to induce her lover to flay, vries, Wilt them be gone ? It is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly fhe fmgs on yon pomgranate tree : Believe me, love,...
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The works of Shakespear [ed. by H. Blair], in which the beauties ..., Volume 8

William Shakespeare - 1771 - 388 páginas
...Enter Rcrr.eo ar.d Juliet, abfce,.at a window ; a ladder •f ropes fit. J-uL ' Wilt thou be gone ? i: is not yet near day. It was the nightingale, and not the lurk, That pierce'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly fhe fings on yon poma;ranate tree. Believe...
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Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello. Appendixes

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 630 páginas
...morn, No nightingale. Look, love, what envious fcrcaks Do lace the fevering clouds in yonder Eaft; Jul. Wilt thou be gone ? it is not yet near day: It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear •, Nightly fhe fings on yon pomgranate tree : Believe me,...
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Letters on Several Subjects, Volume 2

Martin Sherlock - 1781 - 260 páginas
...with fuch fweet and artlefs eloquence as Juliet vifes you would endeavour to detain them ? Wilt thoube gone ? it is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly -fhc fings on yon pomegranate tree : Believe me,...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - 494 páginas
..." this has no holding, " To fwear by him, and to proteft I love <> Whom I will work againft." . AB Wilt thou be gone ! it is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear J ' lightly flie fings on yon pomegranate tree : Believe me,...
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Cymbeline. Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespeare - 1788 - 582 páginas
...early by and by : — Good night. [Exeunt, SCENE f. Ju LIST'S Chamber. Enter ROMEO, and JULIET. J1d. Wilt thou be gone ? it is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark, 570 That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree : Believe...
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Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, Volume 93

1793 - 526 páginas
...where the worfer is predominant Full foon the canker death eats вр that plant. Juliet. Wilt tho-j be gone ? It is not yet near day : It was the nightingale, and not the lark,That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly (he iings on young pomegranate tree : Bilieveme,...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry, Selected for ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - 476 páginas
...Garden. Fricr Romeo anil Juliet abo-uc at a window ', л ¡atlíii-r of ropes fet. Jul. Wilt thou b; gone > it is not yet near day» It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly flic fipgs on yon pomegranate-tree: Relieve me, love,...
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