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No. 2,657.]


If I might give a short hint to an impartial writer it would be to tell him his fate. If he resolved to venture upon the dangerous precipice of telling unbiassed truth let him proclaim war with mankind-neither to give nor to take quarter. If he tells the crimes of great men they fall upon him with the iron hands of the law; if he tells them of virtues, when they have any, then the mob attacks him with slander. But if he regards truth, let him expect martyrdom on both sides, and then he may go on fearless; and this is the course I take myself.-DE FOE.


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mention those of Lord John Russell, Lord Stanley, Lord Carlisle, and Lord Shaftesbury; and it is the very number of their fellow-labourers in the cause of truth and humanity that forbids us to increase the list.

Taking into consideration the position of parties, and the state of the House of Commons in particular, we are rather to wonder at the number than the paucity of the legislative results of the session. Three measures are specially worthy of notice, as among the most valuable additions to the statute. Every year has, of course, its ecclesiastical as well book. The emancipation of the Jews, though the ques- as civil history. Among the religious events of 1858 tion could not have been settled in a more ungracious or we have to register the opening of the metropolitan catheunbecoming manner, is an event to be marked with chalk. drals to the community at large. It is a strange thing to A GLANCE AT THE PAST YEAR. Another was the opening of the new tribunal for hearing have to chronicle, but the last few months have witnessed matrimonial causes; extending to the poor those legal for the first time the effective use of our two grandest Time has once more reversed his glass, and the sands of remedies for connubial ills which had hitherto been churches for the purposes of public worship. Two noticea new era are trickling while we write. We propose to menopolised by the rich. To these let us add the abolition able movements have also been going forward, each deservmake but a very few remarks on the more salient events of of the property qualification for a seat in the House of ing of a passing word; we allude to the efforts of the -1858, and we may safely begin by observing that if there Commons, a great improvement, although one of the points Liturgy-reformers, which have our best wishes, and to those of the Charter, and a mortal offence to all the snobbery in of the Popish party in the Church, towards which our have been many brighter, there have also been many darker the kingdom. readers need not be informed that our feelings are not quite These and other liberal measures proved what we have the same. We shall only say that we have no tears to shed It is impossible to deny a considerable share of splendour often had occasion to remark, that the party now in power over the failure of the enterprise to erect the Confessional to a period which has seen in India the greatest works of war are much less dangerous to public interests in Parliament in England, for it has failed signally, or succeeded only in and peace conducted and accomplished together; the most than in Downing Street,-as legislators than as adminis- covering with shame its patrons and promoters. formidable rebellion subdued that ever tested the strength trators. We have seen upon what monstrously false The year ended curiously enough, much in the way in of an empire, and the very period of the struggle employed tences of vindicating the national reputation they helped to which it opened. It began with Orsini's abortive attack on in building up a new edifice of civil government, to say eject their predecessors from office. The events, indeed, of the French Emperor, and closed with the Imperial attentat nothing of the magnanimity of granting a charter of 1858 have shown that the House of Commons is a trustier on M. Montalembert, the defeat of which was no less conspiliberties to the vanquished, as it were upon the battle-field. guardian of the public honour than any administration. cuous. It is worthy of remark also, that if twelve months Had the defunct year nothing but this to boast of, it might well Nothing was ever poorer in the production of diplomacy than since the action of France upon England was so consibe vain of its history; but it has other brilliant transactions the way in which Lord Malmesbury attempted to repair derable as to occasion the overthrow of one of the strongest to record. Farther East again, it has earned undying fame Lord Clarendon's errors. The present Foreign Secretary, of governments, the reverse action of this country upon its by the treaties that have opened the long-shut gates of China to be sure, was more energetic than his predecessor at neighbour has perhaps been felt no less sensibly in the and Japan to commerce and civilization; while, if we turn Naples; but we must know more of Lord Malmesbury's result of the prosecution we have alluded to. to the West, we behold other forms of British enterprise conduct in the Portuguese business, where a greater power equally victorious in the rise and rapid development of New than King Bomba's was pitted against him, before we can Caledonia, extending the chain of our flourishing settle- pronounce the character of the country safe in his hands. ments in North America from the western to the eastern This, among other mysteries of the old year, will probably be revealed early in the new.



CRIMINAL COURT OF APPEAL. The question of new trials for criminal cases is again raised by certain verdicts which have filled all reasonable minds with mingled astonishment and alarm.

The year that is gone need at all events fear no comparison Turning to Ireland, in our necessarily rapid and imperfect with its predecessor. At the close of 1857 the Indian re- survey, we heard during the year more about her than was The arguments against a Court of Appeal for Criminal bellion was at its height, and we were in the midst of that agreeable. The Tory accession, according to established Cases always proceed on the assumption that the convicted alarming monetary crisis which made it necessary to as- usage, was inaugurated with a riot; the police, the govern- party only is to have the benefit of the new trial. So in the semble Parliament prematurely, and threatened a general ment, and the college had a row in the streets of Dublin, discussion of the subject last Session, Mr Lowe deprecated financial and social crash on both sides of the Atlantic. in which it was hard to say which of the three was most adding to the numerous loopholes already existing for the Now there is little left in India for our arms to accomplish. efficient. Then came Cardinal Wiseman's progress, and escape of criminals, as if a criminal court of appeal would be Our authority is re-established upon surer foundations than the feasts of taste and intellect, where the Pope's health was solely for the benefit of the convict. Our understanding of ever; while at home the rate of interest, reduced from ten drank in place of the Queen's. Autumn brought the shoot- the court proposed is that it is to remedy any miscarriage in to two per cent., exhibits a similar return to order in the ing season with it. We forget how many landlords were the court below, and to promote justice, either by acquitting commercial world. bagged, but we remember that the sport was considered pretty a prisoner unjustly convicted, or convicting one unduly Early, indeed, in the year occurred an event no less good. And lastly, it would seem that there is actually ano- acquitted. A Court of Appeal open only to the convicted, auspicious than the relief of Lucknow, which was soon fol- ther rebellion on foot, which promises to be every whit as would be a court rendering less than half the service lowed by the news of the capture of Canton, with its beastly terrible as that of ten years since, which was suppressed by required by justice, for the cases of undue acquittal are far satrap; but these few gleams of sunshine were of brief a single policeman in the famous cabbage garden of Balliu- more numerous than those of unjust convictions. But here duration. A storm arose in France which soon ex- garry. ex- garry. The activity of Lord Eglinton's administration has it will be asked with pious horror, whether it is proposed to tended to England. The explosions of a few bomb- been undeniable, but chiefly, we believe, in that useful try a man twice upon the same capital charge. And why not? shells in the streets of Paris threw the Emperor into a branch of industry called "making hay while the sun we ask, if it be made clear to the judges who will have the panic, and our Government was weak enough to catch "shines." No Irish government ever did so much work of power of granting or refusing the new trial, that new the contagion, and go wild with sympathy or mad with that kind in so short a period, and we need hardly remark evidence is forthcoming, or that the finding of the jury in complaisance. Lord Palmerston had already done much what a very good example it is to set an agricultural the trial had was contrary to the evidence before it. In by his bad appointments and offensive personal demeanour country. Courvoisier's case, if the discovery of the stolen plate had to hasten his fall. The Conspiracy Bill decided his The loudest croakers will admit that 1858 has on been made a day later, the assassin would have been defate. The people of England determined to preserve the the whole been a period of more than average material clared not guilty. He would have left the court in triumph, right of asylum inviolable, and they were neither to be welfare. Employment began to revive early in the and the next morning the fact proving him guilty would coaxed out of their principle by their own Ministers, nor spring, and pauperism to diminish. The harvest was have been made public. Would not every one have bullied out of it by the French centurions. The pity was a fair one, and as winter approached food became lamented in this instance that a new trial could not be had that the popular resistance, so just and noble in itself, cheaper, manufactures busier, and money more abundant. to admit the fresh evidence and to bring the crime within should have involved the illogical consequence of transfer- At the same time the magnificent cotton crops in all the grasp of justice? But we shall be told that to try a ring the government to men who had been quite as ready cotton-producing countries have happily afforded the best man for his life twice upon the same charge is contrary to Is their predecessors to compromise the honour of the guarantee for the continued prosperity of one of the great the humane sentiment of our law in favour of life. Let us country upon the point at issue. However, such was the staples of our industry. Not only the mercantile world, probe this boasted sentiment a little. A man's life may not fortune of the year. The Minister at the head of the over- therefore, but the bulk of the community, are reasonably con- be less dependent on a question of property than upon the whelming majority fell as it were by his own hand, and his tent with the present, and have a just reliance upon the issue of a criminal charge; but the law has no scruples rival who could scarcely command a hundred votes had future. These are good things to set to the account of any about a new trial in a civil case respecting property. the greatness thrust upon him, and strong in the schisms of his year in the century. They are particularly good at a time loss of which may involve consequences of ruin and misery adversaries, was encouraged to accept it. Thus, before the when public questions are in agitation which in days of compared with which death would be a relief. It certainly vernal equinox, the political world was turned topsy-turvy; trouble and adversity would stir society to its depths, and seems somewhat inconsistent that our law, which has such public men were all at loggerheads; and it was in this state make the demagogue omnipotent who now with difficulty a refinement of tenderness for life, has none of the same of things, in this sort of equilibrium, that of the cone on its finds an audience. sentiment where the means of living are concerned. We apex, that the House of Commons sat gravely down to re- The great scientific events of the year, not to speak of must not hint that the interests of lawyers explains the construct the government of India. the great eclipse in March and the great comet in Septem- difference, it seldom happening that much is to be made of How a tolerably good India Bill ever came forth from ber, were the launch of the Leviathan after numerous criminals on trial, they being generally people of the poorer amidst such contentions of statesmen, conflicts of projects, abortive efforts, and the still more brilliant success, though classes, while new trials for questions of property give double and general parliamentary hubbub, to say nothing of the not yet a permanent one, of the electric communication profits to the profession. sultriness of the summer and the perfume of the Thames, is a across the Atlantic. No occurrence in the history of the Another class of cases for appeal would be those in which wonder only comparable to the primary birth of order out world is surely more safe from oblivion than the interchange there has been a miscarriage of justice not from evidence of chaos. The bill passed amidst universal confusion, of civilities in the space of half an hour between the Queen imperfect at the time, but afterwards complete from new like a resolution at a mob-meeting. The new govern- of England and the President of the United States, which discovery, but from the stupidity or perversity of the jury, ment, which in the main was the most servile copyist took place on the 22nd of July, 1858. as in the recent memorable instance of Spollen, acquitted in of Lord Palmerston's, had the egregious folly to aim at Nor under the same head ought we to omit to mention the teeth of facts by a Dublin jury, and of Atkinson, acoriginality in its Indian legislation. Rich as the past year the second meeting of the Social Science Association, held quitted equally against evidence on the ground of insanity. was in absurdities, among which Mr Disraeli's Slough at Liverpool with even more éclat than when it was first in- Now would it have revolted the sentiment in favour of speech, Lord Ellenborough's missive to Lord Canning, and stituted. Coupled with its proceedings we should record the life to have put Spollen a second time on his trial for the Sir John Young's despatch hold distinguished places, the personal exertions of its noble founder, if Lord Brougham murder of Mr Little? To answer this question we must Derbyite India Bill unquestionably bore the palm. If had not thrown them into the shade himself by his marvel- extend our cares and tenderness for life beyond the life of it was the work of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, it out-lous effort of genius at Grantham, on the occasion of inau- the particular man. Has the example of his acquittal tended did his oration; if it was Lord Ellenborough's, it transcended gurating the statue of Newton. It would, however, be un- to the security of life where there is an opportunity of crime his letter. The writers of comic history hide their dimi- just to other leading men to omit their names from the roll similar to that which proved fatal to Mr Little? How nished heads in presence of the men that make it. of the public instructors of the year. We must at least many wickedly disposed men may have been emboldened to


crime by that extraordinary acquittal upon evidence not leaving the shadow of a doubt in any reasonable mind.

sovereigus to whom this benevolent temper is attributed, the now yields a revenue fourfold that of the British empire reigning emperor, has entirely approved the conduct of a during his reign. When coffee made its first appearance An assassin in France recounted lately the number of viceroy who in a couple of years' time has put to death 70,000 in Arabia, the Mahomedan doctors made war upon it, murders he had committed after the trial for his first crime of the subjects in question, and some of them women-by because the name by which it first became known to them which had ended in an acquittal. No less than five inno-slow torture! Under another of these sovereigns, the pre- also signified "wine;" but coffee beat them, and is now the cent persons had suffered cruel deaths in consequence of decessor of the present monarch, his plenipotentiaries offered favourite beverage of all good Mahomedans. In the same the escape of that one guilty man. The jury had been fifteen years ago to legalise the opium trade for a suffi- manner the Chinese published edicts against opium, and moved to their decision by the sentiment in favour of life, cient pecuniary consideration. In 1843 these plenipoten- punished the possession of it with death, but we see the to which five innocent lives were sacrificed! Humanity tiaries, at the head of whom was the well-known Keying, result in a trade now as legitimate and fully established as should not have this short sight; it should look farther, and gave in a written paper proposing to legalise that trade, so that of tobacco in England. What a pity that such excellent observe what the consequences may be of letting loose a demoralising to his Majesty's subjects, provided the British diligence and such abundant zeal should be wasted in a murderer upon society. If the truth were known, many Government would guarantee for ten years that the duties hopeless crusade against poppy juice, when they might be would be the examples like that to which we have referred of should not fall short of a yearly sum equal in good Sycee beneficially applied to attainable objects. the French assassin, of criminals whose career of blood has silver to 650,000l., paying five years' duties in advance, been attributable to the mistaken humanity and merciless which would, of course, have amounted to an immediate disbursement from the British exchequer of 3,250,000%. ! mercy of juries. LORD ELGIN'S ASCENT OF THE YANGTSE. With reference to Atkinson's case Dr Mayo excellently The benevolent prince was, it seems, less anxious about The Yangtse is the Mississippi of China, and indeed of remarks: the morals of his subjects than he was to drive a hard bar- Asia, and in so far as relates to the population on its banks, gain. The offer was of course rejected. Those who desire it is equal to a score of Mississippis. By the last accounts to authenticate this fact may consult the opium papers pub- Lord Elgin, with a squadron of steam corvettes and gun lished by authority of Parliament last year. boats, six in number, was about to ascend this mighty

Until he has committed a frightful crime the delinquent is a vicious brute, subject to all the minor penalties of the law. Let him only murder the woman whom he has ruined, and he becomes the subject of a metaphysical exculpation, and is maintained for the rest of his life at the public expense. Such is English law-at one period of our history a sanguinary code, protective of the public at the expense of the delinquent; at another period protective of the delinquent at the expense of the public safety.

At the public meetings which have been lately held in the stream, in order by ocular demonstration to test its comprovinces, the inconvenient fact of the extensive production of mercial value, and the fair intentions of the Chinese. opium in China itself is wholly ignored. Before 1840 the esti- His Lordship proposed ascending the river as far as Hangmated quantity produced was said to be 10,000 chests. It chow, the principal emporium, which is 500 miles distant If Atkinson had been a man of property, the same evi- is now above 60,000, while the Indian opium has only in- from its mouth, and 300 beyond Nankin, hitherto the utdence upon which he has been acquitted of murder on the creased from 30,000 to 76,000. The Chinese opium is most limit of English navigation. Neither the French or ground of insanity, would have been produced before a stronger and much cheaper than the Indian, but it does not American Plenipotentiaries accompany him, so that the encommission of lunacy to disprove his competency to equally suit the taste of the higher class of consumers. Let terprise is wholly English, while it is undertaken with the manage his affairs, and the very same question which was it then be supposed that the Indian opium were by some consent of the Chinese government, which sends a high solved by a York jury in a few hours, would have occupied miracle annihilated, the certain result would be that its officer to accompany his lordship. A short explanation will the commission some three weeks, and with an opposite absence would act as a bounty on the growth of the poppy in be necessary for an appreciation of its importance. result, for no man has ever been deprived of his liberty and China, that Chinese opium would quickly supply the place Upon the free navigation of the Yangtse and its tributathe management of his property, and consigned to a mad- now occupied by the Indian, and the former article, being ries, watering, as they do, countries embracing near one-third house upon the evidence on which Atkinson has been found cheaper and stronger than the latter, more of the drug of the population of China, must depend our main hope irresponsible for his act of blood. How is it that the law would inevitably be consumed than at the present hour. of a substantial increase in our commerce with the empire, requires so much proof where property is concerned, so At present the Indian opium is the consumption of the the economical transport of its raw produce, and the little where the assassin's accountability for his crime is in wealthy, who are content to pay a higher price for the use economical diffusion of our manufactures in exchange for question ? of this luxury. Deprived of it, they would substitute the them. But by the recent treaty we are precluded from cheaper article. It follows, therefore, that the introduction extending our trade to the emporia on the Yangtse, until of the Indian opium not only does not extend, but even the existing insurrection, now chiefly confined to its banks, limits the quantity of the drug consumed by the whole shall have been suppressed; an indefinite period, if we are Chinese people. We refer our readers to the work of M. to judge by the hitherto feeble and protracted tactics of the Huc for the facts we have now stated. Imperial armies, which have in vain besieged the Taipings

If the answer be the trite averment of the law's favour of life, we deny it. Concern for life in the large sense of the word demands the deterring example of punishment for

every act of blood.

But what if the man's impulse was beyond control, as the mad doctors allege? Why, how can any human being In the sixteen years that have elapsed since the Treaty in the city of Nankin for four years, although it is admitted pretend to find an impulse in another mind uncontrollable? of Nankin, not a single Imperial decree or provincial that these insurgents, after carrying havoc and desolation Who can possibly know whether an impulse was beyond proclamation has been issued against opium, the trade for seven years over some of the finest provinces of China, control or not? The great aim of justice is to control the in which has been as free and open as in any ordinary are now reduced to the condition of mere bands of robbers. criminal impulses by the example of punishments, and all article of imported merchandise. It may be said that this In its progress up the river the British squadron will impulses must be assumed to be controllable till a case of delusion, or incapacity to distinguish between right and arises from fear of giving offence to the British Govern- have to pass not only Nankin, but several other places still wrong be established. Even madmen coming within the ment. Such fear might be supposed to have actuated the in occupation of the insurgents; and in the ignorance and Chinese at the ports where there are British functionaries, insolence of these people it is not improbable but that they last description are governed by their fears, as Dr Mayo but the opium trade is free in the interior of the empire, may oppose the ascent, in which case retaliation would truly observes: where prohibition might have existed without even the follow, but the squadron is of sufficient strength not only to The most unquestionable lunatics can be influenced by motives-a knowledge of Europeans, in which interior too, the native capture Nankin, but every other position of the rebels, a fact well recognised and applied by all judicious managers of asylums. Let those who must not be incarcerated in such places benefit by opium has within the same time increased in quantity six- conclusion which would at once throw open to us the whole prevention thus carried out. I do not believe that we shall be eman- fold. During the negociation of the treaty of Tin-tsien, navigation of the great river, and bring peace to the cipated from the social dangers which this letter is intended to avert the opium trade was never once mentioned or alluded to Chinese empire.

until we have emancipated ourselves from our present theory of by the Chinese negociators, for it was considered virtually moral responsibility, and learnt that unsoundness of the moral prin

ciple gives many elements of character closely resembling those of legal. When the tariff came to be discussed at Shanghai,


the insane, but differing in one all-important element-namely, the the question was not its legality or illegality, but simply the Why is not Barnum engaged in quality of showman to capacity of appreciating the risks attendant on crime, and thus of amount of import duty that should be levied on it. The attend Prince Alfred in his voyage of exhibition? If the being influenced by fear of punishment. British Ambassador proposed about 81. a chest, and the Prince is to go about for a show, to be gazed at and Chinese insisting on 107, the question was referred to that cheered, saluted and adulated, surely the thing would be Emperor who has so tender a regard for the morals of his best done by a professional manager of such clap-trap exhi subjects, and he decided in favour of the lower rate.


We have often remarked of this doctrine of uncontrollable impulse, that if accepted at all it should have application to all offences, and absolve thieves from responsibility equally with murderers. But in vain has uncontrollable Our opponents assure us, that they are not ignorant of When the profession of the young Prince was chosen it impulse been pleaded even for shoplifting. Our contem- the difficulties of Indian finance, but they ask why we rely was given out that he was to be treated just like any other porary, the Saturday Review, well observes, that if Dr on a source so precarious as the revenue derived from opium. youth of the same rank in the service, and to learn his duty Forbes Winslow's doctrine is allowed to prevail, there is no No doubt it is more or less precarious, but that is no reason by the beaten track, rough or smooth, not by any Royal such thing as crime. Our jails should all be turned into why we should not avail ourselves, as long as it lasts, of an road. Instead of this sensible plan, the practice has been lunatic asylums. But if impulses are admitted to be uncon- item in Indian ways and means equal, in proportion to the to carry the Prince from place to place to receive Royal trollable, let them be so on more than the prisoner's side of the Court, and permit the judge and jury an uncontrollable revenues of the United Kingdom, to some 18,000,000l.! Even honours, and all the homage and adulation that sycophancy a precarious resource is surely better than the ultimatum of impulse to hang a murderer. anti-opium advocates, which means no resource at all. It It is a common cure of a spoiled boy to send him to sea, One of the doctors so properly called mad, has gone so far is not, however, so precarious as might at first view be but it is quite new to spoil a boy by sending him to sea. as to lay down the proposition that the act of murder is in itself evidence of insanity. This discovery comes rather imagined, for the richer consumers, as we have already said, For it is not only that the Royal lionizing of Prince Alfred itself evidence of insanity. This discovery comes rather late, for according to it the very first judgment upon homi- insist on using the Indian drug instead of the cheaper do- will not make him a sailor, but that it is calculated to mar cide was in error, the Almighty not having beld Cain mestic product, just as with ourselves, those who can afford the excellent education he had received in a wisely-managed it, prefer dear cognac to cheap gin. home. Imagine the probable effect upon a youth of the guiltless as insane. The mad doctors would have reversed the divine sentence, and instead of putting a mark on Cain and sending him to wander on the face of the earth, assigned to him a comfortable retreat for life in a tenderly kept lunatic asylum.


can offer.

The anti-opium advocates ask us why the culture of the age of Prince Alfred of the adulation meeting him fresh and Poppy may not be suppressed in the provinces subject to fresh at every port his ship touches at, to say nothing of Bengal, as it is in those subject to Madras and Bombay. the honours, the salutes, entertainments, &c. Indeed his The question is only a proof of their own imperfect know- voyage seems to be only a means of holding a succession of ledge of the subject. The growth of the poppy is not pro- courts. As this can never make a seaman, and may spoil an hibited, but it will not grow so as to yield opium in the southern excellently disposed youth, how much better it would have and intertropical latitudes of the provinces under the latter been for Prince Alfred, like the Prince of Wales, to have Presidencies, any more than the fields of England will pro- taken his rank in his profession without pretending to pass Our last number contained two letters on this subject, duce sugar-canes, or the fields of Malwa and Behar, which through its grades and learn its duties. The Prince of one from a professional correspondent, agreeing in opinion produce the somniferous poppy, will produce cloves and nut- Wales wears the uniform of a Colonel. The Prince Alfred with ourselves, the other from a member of the Anti-megs. The government of Bombay has no distaste for an might wear the uniform of a Post Captain without knowing Opium Association, of course disagreeing with us. In opium revenue, for of the total amount of that revenue it the stem from the stern of a ship. The choice should be reference to these, and to the arguments used at anti-opium levies "one-third" part in the shape of a transit duty, for better for worse either of the short cut of the Royal road, meetings recently held at Manchester, Leeds, and other namely, the sum of 1,500,000l. or of the rough one of passing through the grades of the places, we briefly resume the subject. In conclusion we must warn the Anti-Opium Society that service, living in all respects like others of the same class, Our well-meaning opponents most pertinaciously insist that when they propose to themselves the suppression of the opium without any passages from the cockpit to a mimic court. the government of China, in winking at the foreign opium trade, they engage in a contest which is utterly hopeless of The Prince may soon learn to go aloft without getting his trade, is acting simply under English constraint. The success, because the history of all mankind, in every age, head turned, and without availing himself of the Royal road "emperors of China," say they, "have always nobly declared shows that it is in its nature one which is beyond the power of the lubber's hole; but he is too likely to become giddy "that they would not derive a revenue from the demoralisa- of legislation. King James blew his counterblast, and the from his present shore-going habits.

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"tion of their subjects." Now this is really very idle Great Mogul and Emperor of Japan, his cotemporaries, in We copy an account of the midshipman's progress from a speaking, for it attributes to a Tartar chief language vain published edicts against tobacco, but the ugly weed spirited article in the Times.

which could only be ascribed to such a rare European defeated the three potentates under their very noses. The The other day-it was on the 19th of December-the Euryalus sovereign as Henry the Fourth of France. One of the plant, the smoke of which offended the nostrils of King James, reached Valetta, last from Tangier. The first thing done was to fire

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