Imagens das páginas



Civiche Scuole Popolari E Cittadine alla fine Dell'Anno Scolastico 1899-1900. 1900.

Rapporto Sanitario per il quadriennio 1891-1894.


Relazione Annuale del Civico Ligeo Femminile di Trieste alla fine Dell'Anno Scolastico 1899-1900. 1900.

Riassunto Di Statistica. 1904-1906.

Statuto Civico E Regolamenti Diversi. 1900.

Verbali della Delegazione Municipale di Trieste.

Verbali del Consiglio della Citta di Trieste. 1899.


Conto Consuntivo della Amministrazione Civica di Trieste. 1898.

Troy, N. Y. City Comptroller. Annual Reports. 1889.

Truancy, Child. Chicago. Intensive study of the causes of truancy in three Chicago Public Schools, including a home investigation of 300 Truant Children. Being a report presented to Conference on Truancy called by Chicago Board of Education, Dec. 6-8, 1906. By Gertrude Howe Britton, Hull House.

Trust Problem.

Clark, Hugo, and Brooks, Bartlett. The Trusts and the Constitution. 1904.

National Civic Federation.

Trusts and Combinations.

Oct. 25,

of National Conference of Trusts and Combinations.
1907. Chicago.

Pure Oil Trust vs. Standard Oil Company. Being report of an investigation by the U. S. Industrial Commission. Compiled from private and official sources by the Oil City Derrick, 1899-1900. 1901. Tuley, Murray F. Laws and Ordinances governing the City of Chicago. Compiled and arranged by Murray F. Tuley and published by authority of the Common Council. 1873.

Turkey. Annales Medicales et Bulletin de Statistique de L'Hopital D'Enfants Hamidie. Publie le jour anniversaire de l'avenement au Trone de S. M. I. Le Sultan sous la direction du Medecin en Chef, en collaboration avec les Medecins de L'Hopital. Constantinople. 1902-1907. Twin City Rapid Transit Co. Report on by Marwick, Mitchell & Co., with graphical charts showing operation from 1878-1904.

Ulrich, C. F. The Water Supply of Cities. Reprinted from Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 26, 1898.


Anthracite Coal Commission. Report to the President on the Anthracite Coal Strike-May-October, 1902-by the Anthracite Coal Strike Commission. 1903.

[blocks in formation]


Bureau of Census. Census Reports. Twelfth Census. 1900.

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Statistics of Cities having a population of over 30,000. 1905.

Employees and Wages. By D. R. Dewey, Expert Special Agent.
Insane and Feeble-Minded in Hospitals and Institutions. 1904.
Manufactures. 1905. Part I. United States by Industries.
Mines and Quarries. 1902.

[blocks in formation]

Mortality Statistics. 1905, 1906.

Occupations at the Twelfth Census.

Paupers in Almshouses. 1904.

Prisoners and Juvenile Delinquents in Institutions. 1904.

Street and Electric Railways. 1902.

Supplementary Analysis and Derivative Tables. Twelfth Census. 1900. Telephones and Telegraphs. 1902.

Wealth, Debt and Taxation.

Statistics of Women at Work. Based on 12th Census, 1900.

Census Bulletins Nos. 1-94.

Census of Philippine Islands. Bulletins 1-3. Contents: Bulletin I.Population of the Philippines. Bulletin II.-The Climate of the Philippines. Bulletin III.-Volcanoes and Seismic Centers of the Philippine Archipelago. 1904.

Uniform Municipal Accounting. Minutes of Conference held in City of Washington, Nov. 19-20, 1903, under auspices of United States Census Bureau. 1904.

Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization. governing the admission of Chinese. 1907. July, 1907.

Treaty, Laws and Regulations
Regulations approved Feb. 26,

Commissioner-General of Immigration. Annual Reports. 1899-1906. Immigration Statement and Inward Passenger Movement. Monthly. 1906-1908.

Bureau of Labor.


Commissioner of Labor.


Annual Reports. 1886, 1888, 1890-1899, 1906.

2d, 4th-9th Special Reports. 1892-1897.

Exhibits at Pan-American Exposition, 1901.

Monographs on Social Economics.

I. The Working of the Department of Labor. By Carroll D. Wright,
U. S. Commissioner of Labor.

II. The Value and Influence of Labor Statistics. By Carroll D.
Wright. U. S. Commissioner of Labor.

[blocks in formation]

III. Employer and Employee under the Common Law. By V. H. Olmsted and S. D. Fessenden.

IV. Present Status of Employers' Liability in the U. S. By S. D. Fessenden.

V. Protection of Workmen in their Employment. By S. D. Fes


VI. Public Baths in Europe. By Edward M. Hartwell. Bureau of Manufactures.

Daily Consular and Trade Reports. 1907-1908.

Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. Nos. 241-252; 254-267; 269-278; 280-281; 283-318; 320-331. 1900-1908.

Special Consular Reports. Nos. 1-7, 9-21, 23-38.

Bureau of Statistics. Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the United States. July, 1901-January, 1908.

Statistical Abstract of the United States. Annual. 1896, 1900, 1903-1906. The Foreign Commerce and Navigation of the United States. 1897, 1899-1906.

Coast and Geodetic Survey. Reports of Superintendent. 1894, 1895, 18971901, 1903-1906.

Professional Papers. Nos. 1-20.

Special Publications. Nos. 4, 7.

List and Catalogue of the Publications issued by the U. S. Coast and
Geodetic Survey. 1816-1902.

Superintendent of Documents.

Check list of United States Public Docu

ments. 3d Edition. Advance Sheets. 1907.

Monthly Catalogue of Public Documents. Nov. 1900-1908.


Census Office. Compendium of the 11th Census, 1890. Part 3-Miscellaneous Statistics. 1897.

Commissioner of Education. Annual Reports. 1904-1906.

Public, Society and School Libraries. Reprint from report of Commissioner of Education for 1903.

Geological Survey. Bulletins. Nos. 4, 12, 14-16, 37-333.

Geologic Atlas of the United States. Folios Nos. 1-150.
Monographs. Vols. 1, 3, 4, 6-45, 47, 49, 50.

Water Supply and Irrigation Papers. Nos. 22, 32.

Interstate Commerce Commission. 5th-19th Annual Reports. 1891-1905. National Association of Railroad Commissioners. Proceedings. 1889, 1891-1896, 1898-1906.

Statistics of Railways in the United States. 1st-18th Annual Reports.


Railways in the United States in 1902. Parts 2, 4, 5. Contents: Part
II. A Forty-Year Review of Changes in Freight Rates. Part IV.-
State Regulation of Railways. Part V.-State Taxation of Rail-
ways and other Transportation Agencies. 1903.

Senate. Report of Committee of the Senate upon the relations between



Labor and Capital, and Testimony taken by the Committee. Vol. IV.-
Testimony. Washington, 1885.

Smithsonian Institution. Reports of National Museum. 1896-1902, 1905.
International Exchange List of the Smithsonian Institution, corrected
to September, 1903.

Report of Secretary for year ending June 30, 1907.
Treasury Department.

Bureau of Statistics. Monthly Summary of Finance and Commerce of
the United States. July 1, 1897-June 30, 1900.

Public Health and Marine Hospital Service. Public Health Reports.
Vols. 22-23. 1907-1908. Index to Part I-Vol. 22, Nos. 1-26.

War Department. Chief of Engineers, United States Army. Annual Re-
ports. 1872. 1879-1906.

Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. Facts concerning the origin, organization,
administration, functions, history and progress of the principal
government land and marine surveys of the world. Being extracts
from report of 3rd International Geographical Congress and Exhibi-
tion. By Capt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A. 1885.
United States Official Postal Guide. January, 1907.

Uruguay. Anuario Estadistico de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. Tomo
I. 1897.

Informe Anual de la Camara de Comercio.


Correspondiente al ano

Censo Ganadero de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay. 1900.
Codigo de Comercio. 1900.

Comercio Exterior Y Movimiento de Navegacion de la Republica Del
Uruguay. 1901.

Comision de Sueldos. Informe. Proyecto de Ley. Otros Trabajos.

Diario de Sesiones de la H. Camara De Senadores de la Republica
del Uruguay. Tomo LXXIII. 1900.

Indicador de Disposiciones de Caracter Militar. (1828-1900.) 1900.
Mensaje del Presidente de la Republica a la H. Asamblea General. 1901.
Utica, N. Y. Municipal Year Book (Annual Reports). 1903, 1905-1907.
Police and Fire Departments. Annual Reports. 1900, 1902-1906.
Charter and ordinances, together with general and special laws relating
to its government as amended to Jan. 1, 1902. 1902.

Vance, Joseph A. American Problems. 1904.

Vancouver, Canada. Annual Report of the Corporation. 1900.
The act of incorporation of City of Vancouver. 1900.

Vedel, P. On the growth and sustaining power of ice. 1895.

Veiller, Lawrence. Special Report on Housing Conditions and Tenement
Laws in Leading American Cities. Oct. 17, 1900.

Tenement House Legislation in New York, 1852 -1900. Aug. 4, 1900.
See Bonner, Hugh, and Veiller, Lawrence, joint authors.
Venice, Italy. Censimento della Popolazione. Feb. 10, 1901.

Rassegna Statistica. 1903-1906.

Vienna, Austria. Bericht über die Tätigkeit und Verwaltung der Feuerwehr
der Stadt Wien. 1899, 1902, 1905.

Die Erbauung des Wiener stádtischen Gaswerkes. 1901.

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Die definitiven Ergebnisse der Volkszählung vom 31. December, 1900, in der Reichshaupt und Residenzstadt Wien.

Die Gemeinde-Verwaltung der Reichshaupt und Residenzstadt Wien.


Katalog der in der Maschinenhalle Ausgestellten Gegenstände und Muster-Sammlungen. 1902.

Kurzer Abriss der Entstehungsgeschichte der zweiten Kaiser Franz Josef Hochquellen Leitung. 1900.

Statistisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Wien.


Die Sterblichkeit an Tuberkulose und Krebs in Wien im Jahre 1904 nach Berufen.


Die Verkehrsanlagen in Wien. Herausgegeben von der Commission für Verkehrsanlagen in Wien. 1900.

Verwaltungs-Bericht der Gemeinde Wien-Städtische Strassenbahnen. 1905.

IV. Oesterr. Ingenieur und Architekten Tag. Führer zur Besichtigungsfahrt am 7. October, 1900. Wien, 1900.

Virginia. University of Virginia Bulletin. Alumni Bulletin. October, 1903.
Visher, John. Handbook of Charities. 1894.

Vivisection-Concerning Dogs. By Chas. J. Whalen, Commissioner of
Health, Chicago. Jan. 10, 1907.
Vivisection. By W. W. Keen, M. D.
cyclopedia Americana. 1903-1905.
Voter. A Monthly Magazine of Politics.

Washington, D. C.

Reprinted from Vol. XVI, En (In "Concerning Dogs.") 1903-1908.

Commissioners of District of Columbia. Annual Reports. 1891-1892. 1894-1902, 1903-1906.

Assessor of District of Columbia. Annual Reports. 1898-1902.
Auditor of District of Columbia. 1896-1901, 1902-1903.

Board of Education. 1890-1891, 1898-1899, 1900-1902, 1903-1906.
Engineer Department. Annual Reports. 1893-1894, 1895-1902, 1903-1906.
Fire Department. Annual Reports of Chief Engineer. 1898-1900, 1901-


Health Officer. Annual Reports. 1897-1902, 1903-1906.

Laws and Regulations relating to Public Health in the District of
Columbia, in force Jan. 5, 1907.

Department of Insurance. Annual Reports. 1903-1906.

Metropolitan Police Department. Annual Reports. 1896, 1897, 19001905, 1907.

Public Library. Annual Reports of Board of Trustees. 1899-1902, 1903


Superintendent of Street Cleaning Department. Annual Reports. 18971899, 1900-1902.

Wallace, Henry E. (Editor.) The Manual of Statistics-Stock Exchange Handbook. 1901.

Wallingford, Conn. Board of Electrical Commissioners. Annual Report.


Waltham, Mass. Chief of Police. Annual Report. 1901, 1903.

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