Our Social Heritage, Volume 17Yale University Press, 1921 - 307 páginas |
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Página 43
... statesman , the engineer , and the financier depends for its efficiency upon its relation to the daily routine of administration , or construction , or business . For the young official , indeed , or business man who desires in his own ...
... statesman , the engineer , and the financier depends for its efficiency upon its relation to the daily routine of administration , or construction , or business . For the young official , indeed , or business man who desires in his own ...
Página 44
... statesman , he says , " must appeal from the impulses of a perturbed and hurried life to the principle of order " ( p . 76 ) . " One who should feel himself to be over - excitable in the transaction of business , would do well to retard ...
... statesman , he says , " must appeal from the impulses of a perturbed and hurried life to the principle of order " ( p . 76 ) . " One who should feel himself to be over - excitable in the transaction of business , would do well to retard ...
Página 45
... statesman " should set apart from business not only a sabbatical day in each week , but if it be possible a sab- batical hour in each day " ( p . 79 ) . Our growing consciousness , again , of the relation be- tween our socially ...
... statesman " should set apart from business not only a sabbatical day in each week , but if it be possible a sab- batical hour in each day " ( p . 79 ) . Our growing consciousness , again , of the relation be- tween our socially ...
Página 59
... statesman may still remember his most im- portant council meetings rather as conflicts of will be- tween the proposers of different plans than as opportu- nities for coöperation in building up a new plan . Again , because our socially ...
... statesman may still remember his most im- portant council meetings rather as conflicts of will be- tween the proposers of different plans than as opportu- nities for coöperation in building up a new plan . Again , because our socially ...
Página 61
... statesmen and naval and military officers . Every important member of each group ( except Lord Kitchener , who had died ) appeared before the Commissions . All written records were produced , and nearly every witness seems to have tried ...
... statesmen and naval and military officers . Every important member of each group ( except Lord Kitchener , who had died ) appeared before the Commissions . All written records were produced , and nearly every witness seems to have tried ...
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Palavras e frases frequentes
acquire action American Anglican Anglo-Catholic argued army biologically inherited Bishop body Britain British century change of habit Chap Christian Church civilization conscious constitutional constitutional monarchy coördinate decision democracy economic effect election emotion England English exist experience fact feeling forms Friendship's Garland G. D. H. Cole German GRAHAM WALLAS group coöperation guild habit human idea impulse individual industrial instance instinct invention knowledge labor lawyers leader less Liberal Liberty logical Lord Lord Fisher Lord Hardinge Lord Kitchener mankind means ment mental Mesopotamia methods military mind modern monarchy nation natural obstruction officers parliamentary party Pericles political possible primitive principle problem professional psychological relation religion result S. G. Hobson sacramental says seems social equality social heritage socially inherited society soldiers statesman stimulate subconscious teachers teaching thinker thought tion Trade Unions tradition vocational organization whole women world coöperation
Passagens conhecidas
Página 150 - For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin?
Página 191 - Certainly, gentlemen, it ought to be the happiness and glory of a representative to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with his constituents.
Página 156 - Our constitution is named a democracy, because it is in the hands not of the few but of the many. But our laws secure equal justice for all in their private disputes, and our public opinion welcomes and honours talent in every branch of achievement, not for any sectional reason but on grounds of excellence alone.
Página 161 - Liberty, as a principle, has no application to any state of things anterior to the time when mankind have become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion.
Página 192 - But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his enlightened conscience, he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men living.
Página 159 - Such are the differences among human beings in their sources of pleasure, their susceptibilities of pain, and the operation on them of different physical and moral agencies, that unless there is a corresponding diversity in their modes of life, they neither obtain their fair share of happiness, nor grow up to the mental, moral and aesthetic stature of which their nature is capable.
Página 178 - I do think, and am still of the same opinion, that every man born in England cannot, ought not, neither by the Law of God nor the Law of Nature, to be exempted from the choice of those who are to make laws for him to live under, and for him, for aught I know, to lose his life under.
Página 158 - Thus the mind itself is bowed to the yoke: even in what people do for pleasure, conformity is the first thing thought of ; they like in crowds ; they exercise choice only among things commonly done: peculiarity of taste, eccentricity of conduct, are shunned equally with crimes: until by dint of not following their own nature, they have no nature to follow...
Página 161 - That principle is that the sole end for which mankind are warranted individually or collectively in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number is self-protection ; that the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.
Página 158 - The grand, leading principle, towards which every argument unfolded in these pages directly converges. Is the absolute and essential importance of human development In Its richest diversity.