Imagens das páginas

Saxondom. With your tiaras, triple hats. "The rank is but the guinea-stamp." In your smalldebt, pie-powder court.

7. Emerson always gives the other side of a question. Comment on this criticism.

8. Give the history of the following words :-Abbot, alchemy, amuck, balcony, battledore, Chester, corridor, schooner.

9. What are the Teutonic languages?

10. Give a short outline of Gray's Bard.


Professor Morris.

1. Write an Essay on "Dr. Johnson's Influence on English Literature."

2. Write a short account of each of the following books:

Spenser's "Faerie Queene."

Milton's "Areopagitica."

Gibbon's "Decline and Fall."

3. Wherein do Shakspeare's sonnets differ from other


4. Explain the following passages in Cymbeline:I chose an eagle,



And did avoid a puttock.

A hilding for a livery, a squire's cloth,
A pantler not so eminent.

(c) Some griefs are med'cinable; this is one of them,

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For it doth physic love-of his content,

All but in that.

(d) Your daughter whom she bore in hand to love.

5. Is it possible to draw more than one political lesson from Coriolanus? What is the moral lesson of the play?

6. Comment on the following passages:

(a) The fine-spun euphuisms of the unparalleled John Lyly.

(b) I cannot shake off the story of Hugh of Lincoln.

(c) "Sire, your character is a constitution for your country, and your conscience its guaranty." (d) Irving was in our service as well as theirs.


Thus she contrives to intenerate the granite and feldspar.

(f) Our common fathers the Vikings and their patron Odin, "the goer."


The "Doctor" was my brevet of vaticination. (h) The Celt and the Copt, the Red man as well as the White, lives between two eternities.

In each case name the author.


7. Comment Browning:

the following passages from

(a) By boulder stones where lichens mock The marks on a moth.

(b) One star its chrysolite.

(c) How rolls the Wairoa at your world's far end? (d) And did you, when we entered, reached The votive frigate, soft aloft Riding on air this hundred years.

(e) He fixed thee mid this dance Of plastic circumstance.

8. Discuss the lesson of " Ixion."

9. How does Tennyson himself describe "The Princess"? With what degree of justice?

10. What do you regard as the special marks of the prose style of Matthew Arnold?

11. Comment on the following passages from Essays in Criticism:

(a) That return of Burke upon himself.

(b) A note of provinciality.

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(c) Respectability with its thousand gigs."

(d) With the German paste in our composition.

(e) The people in France was king with a vengeance.

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Professor Morris.

1. Translate into French

Half a century ago Gilbert was commissioned to illustrate a short story for a London weekly, and was handed the proofs to enable him to select the most telling situation. When he had finished, the editor remarked, "Why, Mr. Gilbert, the story says an escort of infantry soldiers, and here on the block you have given us mounted ones. "Dear me, so I have!" responded the artist; "but I haven't time to do another drawing now. Can't you make an alteration in the story to make it fit in?" The "copy" was handed to a subordinate to make the requisite alteration, but he forgot to delete the chapter describing how the soldiers had gained the summit of a steep mountain, parts of which they were obliged to scale with ladders. Afterwards shoals of letters came from subscribers asking how the cavalry got there.


2. Translate the following passages from Racine :-
(a) Je sais que de mes vœux on lui promit l'empire;

Je sais que pour régner elle vint dans l'Épire;
Le sort vous y voulut l'une et l'autre amener,
Vous, pour porter des fers, elle, pour en

Cependant ai-je pris quelque soin de lui plaire? (b) Je conçois vos douleurs; mais un devoir austère,

Quand mon père a parlé, m'ordonne de me



C'est lui qui de Pyrrhus fait agir le courroux.
S'il faut fléchir Pyrrhus, qui le peut mieux que

vous ?

Vos yeux assez longtemps ont régné sur son âme.

Faites-le prononcer: j'y souscrirai, madame.

Il est au comble de ses vœux,
Le plus fier des mortels, et le plus amoureux.
Je l'ai vu vers le temple, où son hymen

Mener en conquérant sa nouvelle conquête :
Et d'un œil où brilloit sa joie et son espoir,
S'enivrer en marchant du plaisir de la voir.

3 Briefly compare Corneille and Racine.

4. Translate and explain the followings words from Boileau:-Astragales, mascarades, solécisme, verve, turlupins, Grève, dameret, séné, libraire, brigues.

5. Translate, adding short notes, the following from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme:

(a) Je trouve cela bien troussé; et il y a là dedans de petits dictons assez jolis.

(b) Oh! battez-vous tant qu'il vous plaira: je n'y saurois que faire, et je n'irai pas gâter ma robe pour vous séparer. Je serois bien fou de m'aller fourrer parmi eux, pour recevoir quelque coup qui me feroit mal.

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(c) Madame Jourdain. Allez, Vous devriez envoyer promener tous ces gens-là, avec leurs fariboles.

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