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A Wonderful Bargain

You risk nothing. The set is sent on approval. Keep them ten days. If you decide to buy, send first payment of only

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560 Classics Boiled 20 Sparkling Volumes

Neither Time Nor Money now stands

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in the way of knowledge. The drudgery of obtaining a well rounded education in literature is eliminated by the achievement of two famous editors of two continentsLord Northcliffe of England and S. S. McClure of America. From 560 famous volumes which mirror the desires, struggles, motives, and history of all peoplesthey have condensed the vital, virile, breathing parts. Not "extracts," but the very essence of the World's Greatest Books. Nothing essential is missing. Not a tiresome paragraph remains.

$1,000 Worth of Books are rep


in this compressed library. It would be five years' task to read them in their original form. But as condensed, you will fairly race through the human passages from the literary masters of all time. Though entertaining every minute of the time, they give you a broad education in the world of letters. Reading them will put you on a par with those who have spent years gaining the knowledge these volumes contain.

Life's Pleasures are intensified by
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Typewriter Company

653 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, III.

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THE NEW SUCCESS is published monthly at the
St. James Building, 1133 Broadway, New York City, by
Orison Swett Marden, President; J. W. D. Grant,
Treasurer; Robert Mackay, Secretary; F. C. Lowrey,
Chairman, Board of Directors; H. R. Wardell, Member,
Board of Directors. Advertising Rates on Application.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.50 Per Year; Foreign,
$1 Extra; 25c Per Copy. Copyright 1920 by the
Lowrey-Marden Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Entered as Second-class Matter December 30, 1917,
at the Post Office at New York, New York, under the
Act of March 3, 1879. Entered at Stationer's Hall and
Copyright, 1920, in Great Britain.

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and negativeness. If you use the principle of failure consciously or unconsciously, you sure always to be a failure. Why seek success and supremacy through blindly seeking to find your path through the maze of difficulties? Why not open your "mental eyes" through the use of this subtle success principle, and thus deliberately and purposefully and consciously and successfully advance in the direction of supremacy and away from failure and adversity?


I fully realize that it is human nature to have less confidence in this Principle because I am putting it in the hands of thousands of individuals, but I cannot help the negative impression I thus possibly create. I must fulfill my duty to each member of humanity, just the same.

I do not urge any one to procure it because I offer it without any obligation whatsoever. I urge everyone to procure the Subtle Principle of Success because the results it holds in store for each individual are great-very great.

This Subtle Principle is so absolutely powerful and overmastering in its influence for good, profit, prosperity and success, that it would be a sin if I kept it to myself and used it solely for my personal benefit.

Special Notice

I discovered this subtle principle-this key to Success-through misery and necessity. need never be miserable to have the benefit of this subtle principle. You may use this success principle just as successful individuals of all time, of all countries, of all races, and of all religions have used it either consciously or unconsciously, and as I am using it consciously and purposefully. It requires no education, no preparation, no preliminary knowledge. Any one

can use it. Any one can harness, employ and capitalize it, and thus put it to work for success and supremacy. Regardless of what kind of success you desire, this subtle principle is the key that opens the avenue to what you want.

It was used by:


-Rockefeller-Herbert Spencer-Emerson-Darwin-J. P. Morgan-Harriman Woodrow Wilson Charles Schwab-Lloyd-George Clemenceau Charles E. Hughes-Abraham Lincoln -George Washington-Marshall Field -Sarah Bernhardt-Galli-Curci-Nordica -Melba — Cleopatra — Alexander the Great-Edison-Newton -Wanamaker-Phil Armour - Andrew Carnegie-Frick-Elbert Hubbard-Rich

ard Mansfield-Shakespeare-Richard Wagner-Mendelssohn-BeethovenVerdi-Copernicus — Confucius-Mohammed Cicero - Demosthenes Aristotle - Plutarch Christopher Columbus-Marcus Aurelius-Vanderbilt Pericles — Lycurgus — Benjamin Franklin

Every reader of this announcement is strongly urged to procure for self the benefit of the Subtle Principle of Success.

The Subtle Principle is a genuine and sensational power that guarantees prosperity, happiness and success.

The service rendered humanity by Swoboda has not been paralleled in centuries. Swoboda is doing more real good for humanity through his discoveries than philanthropists with their millions.

The Subtle Principle of Success is destined to revolutionize the human race by raising it from adversity to a new and higher plane or level of Happiness, Superiority, Prosperity, Supremacy, Freedom and Liberty.


No reader of this announcement can afford to neglect to take advantage of the Subtle Principle of Success.

Why take less_than_your_full share of Life, Pleasure, ProsWhy perity, Joy and Success? live an inferior life?

and thousands and thousands of others the names of successful men and women of all times and all countries and of all religions, and of all colors, make a record of the action of this Subtle Principle of Success. None of these individuals could have succeeded without it. No one can succeed without it -no one can fail with it.

We Owe Each Other

Everyone realizes that human beings owe a duty to each other. Only the very lowest type of human being is selfish to the degree of wishing to profit without helping someone else. This world does not contain very great numbers of the lowest and most selfish type of human beings. Almost everyone in discovering something of value, also wants his fellowman to profit through his discovery. This is precisely my attitude. I feel that I should be neglecting my most important duty towards my fellow human beings, if I did not make every effort —every decent and honest effort to induce everyone to also benefit to a maximum extent through the automatic use of this subtle principle.

So sure am I of the truth of my statements-so absolutely positive am I of the correctness of my assumption and so absolutely certain am I that this Principle in your hands, will work wonders for you that I am willing to place this Subtle Principle of Success in your hands, at my expense without any obligation whatsoever, on your part. You will recognize the tremendous value of this Principle within less than thirty minutes-in fact, almost immediately, as you become conscious of it, you will realize its practicability, its potency, its basic reality and thus its power and usability for your personal profit, pleasure, advancement, prosperity, success and supremacy.

Thousands of individuals claim that the Subtle Principle of Success is worth a thousand dollars of any one's money. Some have written that they would not take a million dollars for it. You will wonder that I do not charge a thousand dollars for the Subtle Principle of Success-for disclosing this Principle-after you get it into your possession and realize its tremendous power and influence for your success and supremacy.

I myself have derived such tremendous results-amazing results -from its power, that I want every man and woman to have this key to success, prosperity, wealth and supremacy. This is why I am willing to send it to any one-to any address, without any obligation whatsoeverthis Subtle Principle of Success is yours to keep, yours to use for the attainment of your success, happiness and supremacy.

You would never forgive me, and I would never forgive myself, nor could the Principle of the Universe forgive us, if I failed to bring you to the point of using this subtle principle of success. You would never forgive me if I failed to do for you that which you would do for me, if our positions were reversed.

Write your address on the form below, or write me a postal or a letter, asking me to send you the Subtle Principle of Success without any obligation of any kind whatsoever, on your part, and, you will receive by return mail, the Subtle Principle of Success-a Principle of supremacy-the key to your success-the equal of which you have never seen.

(Order Form)

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