Imagens das páginas

"I beg your pardon," said the youth; and, without another word, he disappeared into the offices of Richard Babson Vandergrift.

In the elevator, Prudence tried to control herself. With a daub of her handkerchief to her reddened eyes, she stepped into the marblelined lobby. In one corner, in an alcove, was the telegraph office. There she paused to send a telegram to Lanning Lanning, Boston: It read Corot pronounced spurious when uncle's estate was settled just sold in New York for fifty thousand. Have we been deceived?

Then Prudence Parker boarded a jammed subway-train and, while gripping a strap, attempted to scan the help-wanted advertisements for another place. But the long column offered nothing inviting.

In the tiny place which served as her apartment, Prudence spied a dainty envelope bearing the postmark of the Boston Back Bay station. For weeks she had made it a practice to throw all of her forwarded mail into the wastebasket, unopened. She detested the curious, prying tone of the earlier letters she had received, and felt that she wished to divorce herself from the life she had led prior to the decease of her impoverished uncle. But, under the circumstances, this sealed voice from the past intrigued her curiosity. She opened the letter. As she read, her face brightened. Here was the first really human document that had come to her since the collapse of Enoch Tomlinson's fortune and her own decision to go out and earn her own living.

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the tiny hall-room to share her confidences.

"I have written you before," wrote Aline, "but I have had no answer. Your sudden disappearance and your strange silence have disturbed me, as it has all of us who really love you. Surely you must have received my letters, since they have not been returned to me, and I very carefully wrote my home address on each envelope."

Then there had been other understanding letters! Prudence realized now that she had destroyed them in her desire to break with the past, and that was why Aline Bradford had written this final appeal. How different was the tone of this missive from the supercilious ones of other women, who, through idle curi

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familiar writing, a genuine longing to be helpful and friendly which made Prudence picture the lovely Aline and wish she were in

osity or social cruelty, had elected to rebuke her for having left the little inner New England circle so silently and abruptly!

"I know something of the circumstances surrounding your uncle's death, Prue, and something of the position in which you found yourself," Aline continued. "It has caused unpleasant gossip; but what is gossip between true friends? I often feel that half the mistakes and injustices of the world result from careless, senseless gossip.

"You and I have been good friends, and friendship is too precious a thing to let lightly slip into oblivion. If you are in trouble, I want to help you. If it is money-don't be purse proud. If it is merely the sympathy and, perhaps, the advice of one who cares, don't hesitate

to let me know. In any event, please give in to me and come to spend two weeks at the old place up here, just as soon as you receive this letter. Wire me when to expect you."


Prudence let the letter fall into her lap. world was not so cruel after all. Twice within a few hours she had found real sympathy. She recalled the remarks of the young man just outside the Vandergrift offices. Now she held this comforting message from Aline. Tears came to her eyes as she looked at this penciled postscript beneath "Lovingly, Aline:" "Just between us, Prue, if, for any reason, you're short of funds and haven't money enough to come on, wire at once and you'll get what you need through the Vandergrift Banking House."

RUE stared at the last three words and then her tears changed to nervous laughter. How screamingly funny if she should present herself at the office from which she had just been discharged to obtain money for a visit to Aline Bradford!

"It's the funny little twists of life that make troubles fade away, if we only have a sense of humor!" Prudence told herself. Then she consulted her check book. There was not a great deal left, but more than sufficient to finance the visit to Aline. Prudence told herself that her acceptance of the genuinely sympathetic invitation would prove a good investment. So she resolved to go. With Aline, she would be frankly truthful. She would explain her new situation. But if Back Bay society was to prove coldly appraising, Prudence resolved that it should not read the innermost secrets of her heart. She meant to learn the truth about the genuineness of her uncle's paintings, and, while the guest of Aline, she figured that she could run into Boston and interview Mr. Lanning. The housemaid knocked


The skull-capped, skeletonlike person shrewdly tried to analyze the methods and motives of his fair visit c. His canny brain made hm suspicious.

"You buy old masters?" she asked.

at her door and announced, “A gentleman to see Miss Parker." "Theodore Vandergrift" was the name on the proffered card. Prue's heart beat faster. Of course it was the young man she had met outside the office door that afternoon and, he must be Richard Vandergrift's son. She calculated that he had secured her name and address from the records of the firm that had employed and discharged her all in one short afternoon. And for some unknown reason, he had made it his business to call. Unknown reason? Prue glanced into her mirror and discovered the reason-smiling back at her with impudent delight. "Tell him I'll be down in a few minutes," said Prue.


OUT even Prue Parker was not prepared for the look of surprise that came over Teddy Vandergrift's features when she greeted him in the old-fashioned parlor with its faded furniture. Instead of the prim, businesslike girl he had seen outside his father's office, he was facing the most ravishingly beautiful and stylishly gowned young woman he had seen in a long while. Disappointment mingled with suspicion crossed his features. This was the girl his sister and Taranoff-and even his father had accused of trying to practice deception in connection with a valuable painting. He had been all sympathy for the girl as he had listened to their statements; but now, in view of the change in her appearance and manner, he wondered if after all she might be

a crook.

Prudence sensed the hesitancy and saw the doubt in his eyes. She wanted to laugh, but she was enjoying the situation too intensely. "Haven't you come to arrest me?" she asked teasingly.

"No," he said slowly. "I came up here to say that I thought you'd been unfairly treated -and to try to make amends. I hope it isn't a guilty conscience that made you ask me that question."

"Mr. Vandergrift." Prue explained, “I cannot blame you for distrusting me, and now I can see that your father was right from his standpoint. But there is quite a little story behind what has happened. Some day, perhaps, I will be able to tell you about it-if you care to hear the truth. I am preparing to go away. While I appreciate the spirit of your visit, I must ask you to excuse me."

"You may think me presumptuous and you may doubt my motive," said Teddy Vandergrift, "but it isn't merely idle curiosity to know what this is all about. I am not going to excuse you, and I want you to come to dinner

with me. It will be a case of no questions asked, and no confidences exchanged-except by mutual consent. Do say you'll come!" Prue hesitated. Then she refused. Young Mr. Vandergrift was insistent-so insistent that Miss Parker finally consented. In the lobby of the hotel where they decided to dine, Prudence filed her telegram to Aline, promising to leave on the morning train.

Mr. Vandergrift proved a most considerate and charming host. Learning that Prudence was interested in business affairs, he confided to her his own ambitions. "I don't think that just because dad has a few millions, I am justified in being a pampered son," he said. "Sis rather has that idea and goes in for all sorts of queer fads and acquaintances. Personally, I want to carve out something for myself."

Prudence looked at him in astonishment. In the circle in which she had been reared, such ambition on the part of a rich man's son was distinctly refreshing if not amazing. And his ideas blended perfectly with her own. But Prudence was not ready to reveal her true self and her status to Teddy Vandergrift, and when he parted from her on the brownstone steps of her boarding house, that night, he still looked upon her as a well educated and very charming young secretary who had incurred his father's displeasure. She had told him that she would be out of town for several weeks and he promised to call immediately after her return.


EITHER Prudence nor Teddy realized that they had been observed at dinner. At another table, behind a bank of palms, Margaret Vandergrift and Taranoff were seated. Both observed in amazement the tete-a-tete across the room. Totally unable to understand the companionship of Prudence and Teddy, they were frankly puzzled. A worried expression frequently passed over the art dealer's brow.

"Father would be furious-and I don't blame him!" Margaret said. "I think I see it all now. Teddy doesn't like you and he has some ridiculous ideas about spending father's money. To him, the purchase of paintings and such things is the rankest extravagance. He'd rather give it to the Boy Scouts and the poor. I believe he planted this girl in father's office to-"

Taranoff raised his hand. "Do not speak unguardedly," he advised. "We may suspect what we like, but we cannot, must not make accusations. How different is the present aspect of the young lady! The office girl has

changed her spots, and is now a well-dressed woman of the world."

Two days later, Prudence Parker entered the living room of the Bradford homestead, to find some newly arrived guests who had just been motored up from the railroad station. On the threshold she paused and flushed, and an inarticulate exclamation burst from the aston

ished lips of a young man. It was Teddy Vandergrift.

They went through their introduction mechanically, each hesitating to confess to previous acquaintance. Prudence gladly sought the refuge of the tea-table, where Aline was acting as hostess, yet her glance wandered covertly in Vandergrift's direction. She was aware that he was observing her curiously. Suddenly a tea cup slipped from her hand. She started with nervous fright as she heard Buckley Leamon telling the party of a bit of news.

"I heard the story as I was leaving the Courts Building," he said. "Lanning Lanning committed suicide this morning. Shot himself in a fit of despondency. It seems that some estate he had recently settled, went wrong in some way."

Aline looked curiously at Prudence, who felt as if she were going to faint. There could be no doubt about it-the act had been committed on her account and it was probably her telegram that had awakened Lanning to the fact that he had been duped. Not for a moment did Prudence believe that the lawyer's failure was the result of carelessness or culpability on her part. She felt like a murderess as she listened to the comments on his death.

"It seems," Leamon went on, "that there was some mix-up regarding the sale of some paintings. I don't know the details, but it is believed that Lanning was cheated by a clever band of art thieves.'


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RUDENCE did not hear further. She was too bewildered. She hung her head, aware that Teddy Vandergrift was staring at her horrified. Aline, who knew a little of Prudence's story, slipped her arm through her guest's sympathetically. "Come up to my room, dear," she said. "Don't let this upset you. It will all straighten out somehow."

Prudence let Aline lead her from the room, her excuse being a sick headache.

When the two were alone, Prudence completed her confidence to Aline, telling her, for the first time, of her employment by Vandergrift and the dinner with Teddy. "I know he suspects that I'm dishonest," Prudence said chokingly. "I simply can't face him again

until I know the truth about the whole miserable affair."

"Don't be foolish, dear," soothed Aline. "I am sure no such thought has ever entered his head. Anyway we are going to get to the bottom of the affair, and I am sure the best man in all the world to help us is Teddy Vandergrift himself. I want you to let me tell him all that you've told me, so he can begin an investigation at once and find out just what has happened as well as the events that led up to it."

"Oh, you mustn't!" Prudence begged; but Aline was insistent.

"Leave it to me," she suggested. "Just lie down and rest a little while and you'll feel much better by dinner time.


FTER Aline had gone down to join her guests, Prudence pondered over the position in which she found herself. She could not rid her mind of the picture of Lanning Lanning, dead by his own hand and because of her. Now she knew why he had never answered her telegram, and she was sure that there was something crooked about the offering of the Corot to Vandergrift senior. Gradually she dismissed her fears and overcame her hesitancy. It was her duty to sift the matter to the bottom, not only to square herself but to prevent the possible practice of similar deception of others in a similar manner.

The thought of material reward, of regaining her lost fortune, never entered her head. She knew that she would never touch the money Lanning had evidently willed to her and of which his family probably stood in need. To her, the thought of accepting the dead man's fortune was horrible-it only strengthened her determination to make her own way in the business world.

Meanwhile, Aline had sought Teddy Vandergrift and taken him from the other guests into the quiet of her father's library. "Teddy," she said when she had related the whole story to him, "we simply must do something to help Prudence. Your father evidently thinks she tried to trick him. In any event, she imagines he does. But most of all, there is her own peace of mind to consider. I do wish would run into Boston in the morning and see just what you can find out. She is determined not to touch Lanning's money and to go back to business; but I feel that we must do all we can to try to get her money for her-if it is true that she has been swindled out of it."


"She's splendid!" Vandergrift said with enthusiasm, "and you can bet I'll do everything (Continued on page 123)

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You're Married
Is the Worst

According to


Who has written a remarkable play about that phase of a young couple's existence

Reviewed by Robert Mackay

Photographs by Ira Schwartz

(Publication of dialogue excerpts permitted by the author, Frank Craven. Copyrighted, 1920, by Frank Craven.)

John Golden, an American producer of clean wholesome plays, is responsible for the production.

The play is called "The First Year." It is a slice of what is popularly known as small-town life. It is a story simply and directly told. The hero wins the girl of his heart in the first act, quarrels with her in the second, and a reconciliation is effected in the third; but the story that runs through these three acts is so natural and unforced, so full of genuine fun and the tragedies that break the youthful heart that one feels as if the action might have been taken from a chapter in his own life.

'N one of his inimitable satires, Voltaire remarks most casually that if a young married couple manages to get through the first year of wedded existence, there is no telling how long husband and wife can live in peace after that. All the petty differences that beset married happiness come into being somehow during the first twelvemonth, and the lute is so full of rifts that even the semblance of a tune is impossible. That is the Voltairian philosophy. On this, Frank Craven, the American author-actor, has written what he calls a comic-tragedy; Winchell Smith, also American and a veritable wizard of stage craftsmanship, has directed the action, and


Frank Craven, as "Tommy Tucker," and Roberta Arnold, as "Grace Livingston," find that a young married couple may disagree even over carving a roast chicken

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