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Fal. By the Lord, I knew ye as well as he that made ye. Why, hear ye, my masters: Was it for me, to kill the heir apparent? fhould I turn upon the true prince? Why, thou know'ft, I am as valiant as Hercules: but beware instinct; the lion will not touch the true prince. Instinct is a great matter; I was a coward on instinct. I fhall think the better of myself, and thee, during my life; I, for a valiant lion, and thou, for a true prince. But, lads, I am glad you have the money.Hostess, clap to the doors, watch to-night, pray to-morrow.-Gallants, lads, boys, hearts of gold, All the titles of good fellowship come to you! What, fhall we be merry? fhall we have a play extempore?

P. Henry, Content ;-and the argument fhall be, thy running away.

Fal. Ah! no more of that, Hal, an thou lov❜ft me.

Enter Hoftefs.

Hoft. My lord the prince,

P. Henry. How now, my lady the hostess? what fay'st thou to me?


Hoft. Marry, my lord, there is a nobleman of the court at door, would speak with you: he fays, he comes from father.


P. Henry. Give him as much as will make him a royal man, and fend him back again to my mother.

Fal. What manner of man is he?

Hoft. An old man.

Fal. What doth gravity out of his bed at midnight?—

Shall I give him his answer?


P. Henry. Pr'ythee, do, Jack.

Fal. Faith, and I'll fend him packing.


nobleman]-noble, a coin of the value of 6s. 8d. royal, or real, of

P. Henry

P. Henry. Now, firs, by'r-lady, you fought fair;-so did you, Peto;-fo did you, Bardolph: you are lions too, you ran away upon instinct, you will not touch the true prince; no,-fie!

Bard. 'Faith, I ran when I faw others run.

P. Henry. Tell me now in earneft, How came Falstaff's fword fo hack'd?

Peto. Why, he hack'd it with his dagger; and faid, he would fwear truth out of England, but he would make you believe it was done in fight; and perfuaded us to do

the like.

Bard. Yea, and to tickle our noses with spear-grass, to make them bleed; and then to beflubber our garments with it, and fwear it was the blood of true men. I did that I did not these seven year before, I blufh'd to hear his monstrous devices.

P. Henry. O villain, thou ftol'ft a cup of fack eighteen years ago, and wert taken with the manner, and ever fince thou haft blush'd extempore: Thou hadft fire and sword on thy fide, and yet thou ran'ft away; What inftinct hadst thou for it?


Bard. My lord, do you see these meteors? do you

behold these exhalations?

P. Henry. I do.

Bard. What think you they portend?

P. Henry. Hot livers, and cold purses.


Bard. Choler, my lord, if rightly taken.

P. Henry. No, if rightly taken, halter.

true men.]-as oppofed to thieves.

f with the manner,]-with the matter Rolen about him; in the fact. fire]-in thy face.

meteors ?]-flufhings.

Hot livers, and cold purfes.]-drunkenness and poverty.

* Choler,1-(pun) collar, and anger.


Sam. and Greg.


Re-enter Falstaff.

Here comes lean Jack, here comes bare-bone. How now, sweet creature of 'bombaft? How long is't ago, Jack, fince thou faw'ft thine own knee?


Fal. My own knee? when I was about thy years, Hal, I was not an eagle's talon in the waift; I could have crept into any alderman's thumb-ring: A plague of fighing and grief! it blows a man up like a bladder. There's villainous news abroad: here was fir John Braby from your father; you must to the court in the morning. That fame mad fellow of the north, Percy; and he of Wales, that gave " Amaimon the baftinado, and made Lucifer cuckold, and fwore the devil his true liegeman upon the cross of a Welsh hook,-What, a plague, call you him?


Poins. O, Glendower.

Fal. Owen, Owen; the fame; and his fon-in-law Mortimer; and old Northumberland; and that sprightly Scot of Scots, Douglas, that runs o' horseback up a hill perpendicular.

P. Henry. He that rides at high speed, and with his piftol kills a sparrow flying.

Fal. You have hit it.

P. Henry. So did he never the sparrow.

Fal. Well, that rafcal hath good mettle in him; he will

not run.

P. Henry. Why, what a rascal art thou then, to praise him fo for running?

Fal. O' horseback, ye cuckow! but, afoot, he will not budge a foot.

1 bombaft P-wadding.

m Amaimon]-an Eastern fiend, necromancer, or potentate.


book,]-a bill, or fword of a hooked form, with a cross at the head of it.

P. Henry.

P. Henry. Yes, Jack, upon instinct.

Fal. I grant ye, upon inftinct. Well, he is there too, and one Mordake, and a thousand blue-caps more: Worcester is stolen away by night; thy father's beard is P turn'd white with the news; you may buy land now as cheap as stinking mackerel.

P. Henry. Then, 'tis like, if there come a hot June, and this civil buffeting hold, we shall buy maidenheads as they buy hob-nails, by the hundreds.

Fal. By the mafs, lad, thou fay'ft true; it is like, we fhall have good trading that way.-But, tell me, Hal, art thou not horribly afeard? thou being heir apparent, could the world pick thee out three such enemies again, as that fiend Douglas, that spirit Percy, and that devil Glendower? Art thou not horribly afraid? doth not thy blood thrill at it?

P. Henry. Not a whit, i'faith; I lack fome of thy inftinct.

Fal. Well, thou wilt be horribly chid to-morrow, when thou comeft to thy father: if thou love me, practise an answer.

P. Henry. Do thou ftand for my father, and examine me upon the particulars of my life.

Fal. Shall I content :-This chair shall be my state, this dagger my scepter, and this cushion my crown.

P.Henry. Thy ftate is taken for a joint-ftool, thy golden scepter for a leaden dagger, and thy precious rich crown for a pitiful bald crown!

Fal. Well, an the fire of grace be not quite out of thee, now fhalt thou be moved.-Give me a cup of fack, to make mine eyes look red, that it may be thought I have

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blue-caps]-Scots with blue bonnets.

turn'd white]-through terror.

my flate,]-royal chair with a canopy over it.

Thy state is, &c.]-An apoftrophe of the prince to his abfent father.

wept ;

wept ; for I must speak in paffion, and I will do it in 'king Cambyfes' vein.

P. Henry. Well, here is my leg.

Fal. And here is my fpeech :-Stand aside, nobility. Hoft. This is excellent sport, i'faith.

Fal. Weep not, fweet queen, for trickling tears are


Hoft. O the father, how he holds his countenance ! Fal. For God's fake, lords, convey my tristful queen, For tears do stop the flood-gates of her eyes.

Hoft. O rare! he doth it as like one of thefe "harlotry players, as I ever see.

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Fal. Peace, good pint-pot; peace, good tickle-brain.

-Harry, I do not only marvel where thou spendeft thy time, but also how thou art accompanied: for though the camomile, the more it is trodden on, the fafter it grows, yet youth, the more it is wafted, the fooner it wears. That thou art my fon, I have partly thy mother's word, partly my own opinion; but chiefly, a villainous trick of thine eye, and a foolish hanging of thy nether lip, that doth warrant me. If then thou be fon to me, here lies the point;-Why, being fon to me, art thou fo pointed at? Shall the bleffed fun of heaven prove a micher, and eat black-berries? a question not to be ask'd. Shall the fon of England prove a thief, and take purses? a question to be afk'd. There is a thing, Harry, which thou haft often heard of, and it is known to many in our land by the name of pitch this pitch, as ancient writers do report, doth

• king Cambyfes' vein.]—a forry old play, wherein is the following marginal direction." At this tale toide, let the queen weep."

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my leg.]-obeisance. barlotry-vile, rafcally. tickle-brain.]-the name of a certain ftrong liquor. xa micher,]-a lurking thief; a truant, a hedge-creeper. "Marry, this is miching malicho; it means mifchief." HAMLET, A& III. S. 3. Ham. defile;

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