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tion on a subject highly important, and involving much detail. Having an acknowledged right to information on that occasion, I asked it from the honorable Senator, but did not receive it. Another member of the committee rose to give it; but, on the motion of the Senator from Maryland, the reading of the papers was dispensed with. I did not admire that course then, and I shall not imitate it now. Mr. B. said, he should vote in favor of taking up the motion, and should then oppose it on the grounds he had before mentioned.

The motion to print was then taken up by the following


YEAS-Messrs. Barton, Berrien, Bouligny, Burnet, Chambers, Chandler, Chase, Dickerson, Eaton, Foot, Hayne, Hendricks, Holmes, Iredell, Johnson, of Kentucky, Kane, King, Knight, McKinley, Marks, Noble, Ridgely, Robbins, Rowan, Ruggles, Sanford, Seymour, Smith, of Maryland, Smith, of S. C., Tazewell, Tyler, White, Willey, Williams, Woodbury--35.

NAYS-Messrs. Barnard, Benton, Branch, Dudley



to the object sought to be attained by the publication of these documents. The question naturally presents itself, why should the President send such a message at this time? Why has the Panama mission been dug up from the grave in which it has quietly reposed for two years past, and be now thrown into this House, to disturb our deliberations, by reviving feelings and recollections which have passed away? Why revive a subject which has been forgotten by the people, and in relation to which nothing new remains to be done, either by the Executive or the Legislature? The Congress of Panama, though sought for with all due diligence by the minister of the Executive, was never found. The return of non est inventus has been endorsed upon the records of the country. The expenses have been all paid, the accounts closed, and the whole affair consigned to "the tomb of the Capulets."


Under these circumstances, no gentleman will deny that we are at least entitled to know why it is, that the subject has now been brought before us? This is a question to which we have a right to a direct and explicit answer. The Senator from Maine (Mr. HOLMES) has attempted to Mr. HAYNE rose in reply to Mr. CHAMBERS and Mr. give us that answer; and what is it? Why, that the HOLMES, and said that, if the President desired to give to President, in sending us this message, is fulfilling a high the world his instructions to the ministers to the Congress constitutional obligation, which he is not at liberty to disof Panama, on his own responsibility, he, as a member of regard. The honorable gentleman tells us that the third the Senate, could have no objection to his doing so, be section of the second article of the constitution expressly the President influenced by what motives he may. But, declares that the President "shall," (not may) "from time when the attempt was made to convert this House into to time give to Congress information of the state of the the mere instrument for the accomplishment of such a Union, and recommend to their consideration such meapurpose, he felt disposed to pause and inquire into the ob- sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." ject intended to be accomplished by the proceeding. If exclaims the gentleman triumphantly, the President is comthe President desired to shift the responsibility of laying manded to give us this information-he has no discretion before the world documents which, by the practice of all whatever; and the true object of the message is merely to governments, are usually locked up in the archives of the comply with the high constitutional obligation thus imcountry, it was at least necessary that the Senate should posed upon him. But, will that gentleman be so kind as know precisely the character of the papers which they to inform us, how it has happened (if the President is unwere called upon to print, in order that they might judge der a constitutional obligation to send us these documents) how far it was proper for them to assume the responsibility that he has for so long a period neglected to perform his thus attempted to be thrown upon them. The usual and duty? If the President is bound to send us these papers proper mode of proceeding was, to do, what had been now, was he not equally bound to do so two years ago? done in this case-to refer the message and documents to With the command contained in the clause of the conthe Committee on Foreign Relations for examination; and stitution quoted by the gentleman, staring him in the if, after they shall have been examined, it should appear face, how could the President have dared so long to nethat they contain nothing which can compromit the cha-glect an important duty, which, according to the views of racter, or affect the future policy of this country, he, for the Senator, he was under the obligation even of an oath one, would have no objection to print, and circulate them to perform? as widely as the President or his friends could desire. Those Senators who had opposed the Panama mission from the beginning, could have no possible objection to the publication of every thing calculated to afford correct information concerning that wild and visionary project. But, at the same time, it is due [said Mr. H.] to ourselves and to the country, that we should clearly understand the true character of these documents, before we take upon ourselves the task of ushering them before the world on our responsibility. The President might have caused them to be printed and circulated without sending them here; but, as he is determined to send them out under the authority of the Senate, it is proper that we should resort to the usual means for obtaining authentic information as to the true character of the documents, in order to determine the course proper to be pursued in relation to them.

Sir, it is impossible that the President can escape from the dilemma in which the Senator from Maine has thus placed him. But the Senator has misconstrued the constitution. In omitting to make this communication sooner, the President has neglected no duty, and in making it now, he has performed an act altogether gratuitous. The information which the President is commanded by the constitution to give to Congress is that which shall concern" the state of the Union." He is to give information as to the condition of the country, and to recommend measures proper to be adopted by the Legislature. The message before us relates neither to one nor the other of these subjects, and it necessarily follows that, in sending it to us, the President must have some other object in view, than to fulfil the obligations imposed by the third section of the second article of the constitution.. I repeat the inquiry, therefore, what is that object? The Senator from Massachusetts, in the remarks on the reso

Having referred the message, therefore, to the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom the subject appro-lution submitted by him on the same subject two days ago, priately belonged, it would be entirely out of the usual course, and as it appears to me, highly improper to order them to be printed, or to adopt any other measure in relation to them, until we should have the result of the examination to which they would be subjected by that Committee.

But, there is another view of this subject, which I confess has excited in my mind no inconsiderable distrust as

gave the true answer to this inquiry. These documents are intended to vindicate the course of Mr. Adams and his friends in relation to the Panama mission. They are intended to show that the fears," felt or feigned," in respect to that measure, were unfounded. They are intended to revive the question on which great parties in the country have been divided, and to convince the people that the minority was right and the majority wrong.

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Now, sir, if the President and his friends can accomplish this, even at the expense of reviving those party feelings which were so strongly excited in relation to the Panama mission, they are certainly at liberty to do so. But, if they propose to do it with our assistance, we must at least require that the means, to which we are called upon to give our sanction, must be wholly unexceptionable. If we are to relinquish the victory and fight the battle over again, we must at least stipulate for the use only of lawful weapons. The object is to prove that the Panama mission, as projected by Mr. Adams at the commencement of his administration, and which we then denounced as dangerous to the peace and safety of this country, was a wise and prudent measure. And how is it proposed to prove this? By the message and documents submitted to the Senate at the time when we were called upon to give our advice and consent to the mission? No, sir, but by the instructions subsequently given to his ministers by the President, after he had probably been driven, by the discussions here, and the force of public opinion, to abandon his original plan entirely. In other words, it is proposed to show the true objects. of the mission, at its inception, not from the express declarations of the Executive, made to us at that time, but from the secret instructions prepared at a subsequent period, neither submitted to us nor to the world, and doubtless so modified as to remove most of the objections urged here against the measure. We are to be brought up for trial before the public under an ex post facto law, prepared expressly for the case, and this when all the circumstances are almost forgotten.

The instructions to the ministers at the Congress of Panama not only can afford no standard by which to determine the true character of the mission originally, but must necessarily mislead all who look to them for information on that subject. When the President first submitted the project of that mission to the Senate, it was expressly stated that one of its objects was to instruct the people of South America in the principles of religious freedom; another object, very distinctly indicated, was the formation, this side of the Atlantic, of "an alliance of free States," as a counterpoise to "the Holy Alliance" of Europe; and another was, the redemption of Mr. Monroe's celebrated pledge on that subject. A new code of national law was to be introduced, and, in short, matters deeply involving the neutral relations and future policy of this country were to be discussed and settled. But, sir, when the impolicy and danger of such a mission had been demonstrated by those with whom I had the honor to act on that memorable occasion, the President changed his ground entirely. Instead of introducing the principles of religious freedom, "the right of burial" was merely to be secured to American citizens, and, in short, the whole character of the mission was so completely changed, that, in its new dress, it could hardly be recognized by friends or foes. Three different metamorphoses did the Panama mission undergo, before it was suffered to appear before the public; dangerous, as it assuredly was, in its original design, it was finally reduced to a mere empty pageant before it received the sanction of Congress, and no one has ever doubted, that the instructions subsequently given must have been made to conform with the new character it had assumed These documents, it is naturally to be presumed, afford very sufficient evidence that the President, in preparing instructions for his plenipotentiaries, was not unmindful of those he had himself received from the Representatives of the people in this and the other branch of the National Legislature. It is hardly indeed to be supposed, that the American plenipotentiaries were authorized to enter into any arrangements that could compromit our neutrality after the House of Representatives had, by an express resolution, positively declared it was not their

[MARCH 3, 1829.

intention to sanction any such proceeding. If, sir, the object of the President be, as has been avowed, to give to the American people full and correct information as to the true character of the Panama mission, that object has already been fully accomplished.

The three sets of documents communicated to the Senate and House of Representatives have all been published, accompanied by the explanatory messages of the President, and the arguments of all those who took the different sides of the question. The public mind has been made up with all the lights that the facts of the case and the most elaborate arguments could afford. The instructions, if intended to bear at all on the question of the true character of the mission, as originally projected, can have none but a delusive effect, and therefore, the President has no claim that we should lend our aid to their publication. I think it proper, however, to add, that, if it shall appear on examination, that these documents contain nothing which the interests of the country require to be kept secret, I shall have no objection to their publication. The most that I should, in that event, require, would be, that these papers should be printed in connection with the others, so as to present, in one view, the original plan of the Panama mission, and the modifications it has subsequently undergone. Such a publication, in bringing the whole case before the public, would enable them to award the meed of praise or of censure to those who have taken part in this great controversy. But, until we shall have the report of the Committee of Foreign Relations upon these papers, we ought not to take another step in the business. This proceeding on the part of the President, in throwing these papers into the Senate, at the very close of his political life, appears to me so extraordinary, that I do not feel disposed to act without the utmost caution and deliberation; and, under all the circumstances of the case, I must acknowledge that I do not feel the force of the appeals made on this occasion to our justice and liberality.

Mr. CHAMBERS said he was unable to discover the force of the objection urged by the Senator from South Carolina. A pervading error ran through his whole argument. The Senator assumes the contents of the papers to be such as to render their publication improper. The obvious answer to this was, that the constitution had made the President the judge of that matter; it gave to him the power to divulge to Congress, and to the public, what, on his responsibility, he might think it safe and proper to communicate. It did not give to the Senate an appellate power over his judgment. The Senate was no more the constitutional guardian of the President than of the House of Representatives. But this doctrine, practically carried out, would make it the guardian of both. When the President sends a message to the House, we are first to examine whether it is discreet in him to send it; and this kindly office being performed to him, we are then to ascertain whether it is discreet to allow the House to receive his message. Sir, if such powers be assumed by the Senate, who is to assign limit to them? What becomes of the co-ordinate branches of your Government? What becomes of the constitution? The Senate will be your Government, and all other departments its dependents.

These documents do not belong to you alone. They are equally the property of the other House; and they are now made public; and, therefore, their contents are the property of the public. Has not any member, at this instant, the right to go to your file, transcribe any part, or the whole of their contents, and publish them in the newspaper, without violating any rule of the Senate, any rule of law, or any rule of propriety? Certainly he has. It was altogether unimportant what were the contents of the papers. They were already public, and on the responsibility of the President. The instrumentality

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of the Senate was not asked or required, and it was only the exercise of some power by the Senate which could now withhold their contents from the House of Representatives and the nation. He denied the existence of such a power in the Senate. Whence did they derive it? Or why should they possess it? The Senate is not responsible, if the President has acted indiscreetly, as the argument assumes, although the Senator admits he does not know the contents of the papers, and, of course, cannot know that their publication will do mischief.

Unless the Senate be prepared to assume the functions and responsibility which the constitution has vested in the Executive, and, indeed, those which belong to the House of Representatives also, it cannot arrest what is sent by the one to the other in the course of official duty. It is not only a direct violation of the right of the Executive to send, and of the House to receive, those papers, but it is a palpable infraction of the right of the people to know what occurs in the progress of Congressional proceedings. Was it ever heard of before, that, in relation to facts disclosed with all the forms of a public proceeding in an open session of Congress, either this or any other branch of the Government had interposed to lay its hands on the materials by which those facts were to be acquired, and shut them up in a committee room? and, this too, for the avowed purpose of concealing their existence ?

How, he asked, does this course compare with that of the Senate when the Panama mission was advised? The majority of that day did not hesitate to give to the people all the facts before them. No one resisted it. The mission had been determined on, and whether the documents were published or no, the ministers would be sent out. But the question had excited public interest, and the nation had a just claim to all the information which would enable them to judge whether the policy was wise. Did we meet the demand to publish, by asking if gentlemen intended to perpetuate acrimonious feeings? By adverting to the danger of exposing our notions of the course of policy to be pursued to these nations? By suggesting the necessity of employing the agency of a committee to send out an "antidote with the bane?" As if we feared to trust the honesty or the intelligence of the American public. No, sir, all the documents we had were published, and thousands of copies dispersed over the whole surface of this Union; and all the labored arguments of our opponents accompanied them. Now we ask the same justice, and our case is a much stronger one. What we have published is a part only, and we ask to publish the remaining part, which is necessary to a right understanding of the whole. What is published was the ground work against which was levelled all the predictions of excited apprehension. Now we ask you not to conceal from the public eye the finished and completed superstructure.

The people have not only a right to know, but a deep interest to know. They are the sovereign power of the nation, and we their servants. To their judgment of our political conduct we are amenable; and it is our duty to enlighten that judgment by giving them facts. They are competent, when the whole case is before them, to take a correct view; and it is an insult to their intelligence to withhold the facts from them, until you can issue your glossary, your commentary, from a Committee, to tell them how to estimate the facts. Your Committee can but givé opinions, and thus prejudge the case by the weight of their authority. Are gentlemen afraid the decision will be against them on the naked fact, and can they not confide in public opinion unless it be directed by a commentary from a Committee? Sir, this sort of doctrine does not seem to be of the genuine republican stamp, which is so much the prevailing fashion of the times.

Mr. C. yielded no credit to the notion that the tenor and spirit of the instructions were modified in conse


quence of arguments is opposition to the measure on this floor. Unless the Senator from South Carolina possessed information which had not been confided to him, he must be permitted to express his total dissent to that opinion. It was certainly not the usual practice in politics, nor in war, to adopt the advice of opponents; and he could not but smile, when it was intimated that the present Chief Magistrate had abandoned his own concerted views, and the advice of his friends, to adopt the suggestions of his political adversaries in this body. But allow all this to be so. Whence do gentlemen derive the evidence of mutation in the Executive will? They do not profess to have other knowledge than that the documents furnish. They insist that the "tone was lowered," between the period of the message to the Senate and the one subsequently made to the House, and have no doubt "the tone is still lower" in these instructions. If this be so, let it avail to the advantage of the gentlemen and their friends. Let the nation have the papers, and see this fact, and form a corresponding judgment. We do not ask shelter under the kind feelings of the gentleman to protect us against the consequent censure. No, we are willing to bear, as we ought to bear, the whole weight of our errors on our own shoulders. Certainly we do not expect this weight to be diminished by a report from the Committee.

If gentlemen can see in these papers the continued mutation of purpose which is a concession of original error, why not allow the public to examine them and deduce for themselves the same results? Will gentlemen assert that the people are ignorant, and unfit to know and understand? Why, they are our constitutional judges, and they will retain us in their service or dismiss us, according to their estimate of our political fidelity and correctness. And we cannot question their capacity to understand. Being on trial before them, we call for the evidence-the evidence of facts, not of the opinions of a Committee, who, however intelligent, (and their distinguished talents and intelligence is conceded) have no more claims to prejudge the case than any other three or four men in society, nor indeed so much, because, having been long since committed by opinions avowed to the world, they have ceased to be impartial.

Gentlemen on the other side have made allusions to the Panama mission in terms to cultivate their own opinions in regard to it. "Non est inventus" is returned— "it is dead." "Protestant missionaries," "counter Holy Alliance," and such like phrases, have been used. To what end are these hard names applied? This is neither the time, place, nor occasion, for a discussion of the merits of that measure. This discussion has been had, and we are content to abide the issue when presented to the sober judgment of the people upon the facts. What was speculation then is history now, and time, which discloses all things, has furnished, in these documents, a test by which to ascertain if the dangers then so feelingly predicted ever had existence. But gentlemen seem to shrink from this test, and to observe the prudent caution of taking off its influence by applying to it ugly names and harsh epithets. Sir, this will not prevent an intelligent community from a sober investigation of the truth, even through the mist of prejudice now

thrown around it.

The idea suggested on a former occasion, and then repelled, is again introduced, that these papers are to be published to prop a falling administration. The Senator from Georgia (Mr. BERRIEN) has kindly admonished us of the delicacy of our situation, of the inferences it will occasion, of the maxim post hoc ergo propter hoc. Sir, said Mr. C., when I make an assertion on this floor in relation to facts necessarily within my personal knowledge, I call no collateral testimony to verify it. I would disdain to go in search of collateral evidence; a


Adjournment.-Executive Proceedings.


conscious integrity tells me none is required. One ver exchanged a word of conversation with the President on the subject of publishing these instructions, nor did I know if he wished their publication, and I now add, that, until his message was delivered here this morning, I was uninformed of his purpose to send it. I do not understand the gentleman from Georgia to question the accuracy of that statement, or I should hold myself compelled to repel it indignantly.

[Mr. BERRIEN said, the gentleman was perfectly right. He had too much respect for himself, and for every member of the Senate, to call in question the veracity of any statement made on that floor.]

Mr. CHAMBERS resumed. The motion was to print the papers without commentary; the people were not so ignorant as to require a guide in this matter; and if an instructor was necessary, he could not think it altogether fit to employ on this duty a Committee prejudiced by a long course of avowed hostility to the measure, and inflamed by reports, speeches, and declamation, to present it in its worst form.

[JAN. 26, 1829.

Mr. Adams. Gentlemen ask, what is the object of the President in publishing the documents? The question can be answered in the President's own words. He has stated his object in his message. Mr. F. called for the reading of the message.

The message having been read

Mr. BENTON rose, he said, to make a single remark. The message and documents had been referred to the appropriate Committee, from which we should have a report concerning them; but if, in the mean time, the President should be eager to publish them, he can do it by virtue of the same authority by which he published the secret instructions given to Mr. Cook, the agent of the United States in Cuba.

The question being taken, the motion to print the message and documents was lost, by the following vote :

YEAS-Messrs. Barton, Bouligny, Burnet, Chambers, Chase, Foot, Hendricks, Holmes, Johnston, of Louisiana, Knight, Marks, Noble, Robbins, Sanford, Seymour, Sils bee, Webster, Willey-18.

NAYS-Messrs. Barnard, Benton, Berrien, Branch, Chandler, Dickerson, Dudley, Eaton, Hayne, Iredell, Johnson, of Kentucky, Kane, King, McKinley, Prince, Ridgely, Rowan, Smith, of Maryland, Smith, of South Carolina, Tazewell, Tyler, White, Williams, Woodbury,


Mr. TAZEWELL asked whether a motion to transfer the message and documents from the Legislative to the Executive Journal would be in order.

The VICE PRESIDENT said, he presumed it would be in order. There were no instances of transfers from the Legislative to the Executive Journal; but transfers from the Executive to the Legislative Journal were not unfrequent. The motion was made, and carried in the af


Before he concluded, he must ask indulgence to reply to one singular proposition asserted by the Senator from Georgia, (Mr. BERRIEN,) and repeated by the Senator from South Carolina, (Mr. HAYNE.) It is, that a refusal to print is not to arrest the papers, nor evincive of a disposition to keep them from the House of Representatives and the nation. What are the facts? An important paper is sent to the two Houses of Congress but a few hours before their adjournment. Instead of sending the original to the House, after making us acquainted with its contents, the course is to refuse to let the paper be read, to send the original to a Committee for the avowed purpose of examining whether they think it proper to be made pub-firmative, by a vote of 25 to 16. lic, and to refuse the usual motion to print, upon the ground that dangerous disclosures may be made thereby. And with all these facts before us, and knowing as we do that the House will adjourn in two or three hours, and perhaps sooner, we are told it is not intended to arrest these papers, and prohibit their seeing them. Why, sir, this appears to be adding mockery to positive injury; to take from the House its property, in the first place, and to laugh in its face, the second. We all know it is physically impossible for the Committee to examine and The Senate concurred, and appointed a committee on report upon this message before the present House of its part; and Mr. SMITH, of Maryland, from the ComRepresentatives, to whom it is as much addressed as to us, mittee, reported that they had discharged the duty intrustshall have adjourned-and adjourned never to meet again.ed to them, and that the President informed them he had Its constitutional term will expire, and another House nothing further to communicate; that he presented his will not meet till the largest part of a year has passed by best respects to both Houses of Congress, and wished them and that not the House to which the paper is addressed. In every view of the subject then, it was proper the Senate a safe return to their families and homes. should not interpose to withhold them-that they should go, and go now, to the House of Representatives and to

the nation.

Mr. FOOT said that some of the remarks of the gentleman from South Carolina probably referred to the message of Mr. Monroe, rather than to any communications of

from the House of Representatives, stating that they had During the above discussion, a message was received passed a resolution for the appointment of a Joint Committee to wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that unless he had any further business to communicate, the two Houses were ready to adjourn, and asking the concurrence of the Senate.

Another message was received from the House, stating that they had completed the legislative business before them, and were ready to adjourn.

Senate meet to-morrow at 11 o'clock A. M.
On motion of Mr. SMITH, of Md. it was ordered that the

The VICE PRESIDENT then adjourned the Senate.


NOMINATION OF MR. CRITTENDEN. The injunction of secrecy having been removed, we are enabled to give the proceedings which took place in the Senate upon the nomination of Mr. CRITTENDEN, by Mr. ADAMS, (the late President) to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.

The nomination was sent to the Senate by message from the President, on the 18th of December, 1828, and was on that day referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

No report was made by that Committee until the 26th day of January following, when the Journal of the Senate records the following proceedings:


Mr. BERRIEN, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the nomination of John J. Crittenden, contained in the message of the 18th December, reported the following resolutions, which were read.

FEB. 12, 2, 1829.]

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Executive Proceedings.

Resolved, That it is not expedient to act upon the nomination of John J. Crittenden, as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, during the present session of Congress.

"Resolved, That it is not expedient to act upon the nomination of John C. Crittenden, as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, until the Senate shall have finally acted on the report of the Judicial Committee, relative to the amendment of the Judicial system of the United States."

On Thursday, the 29th of January, the Senate took up these resolutions for consideration; when

Mr. CHAMBERS moved to strike out all of the first resolution, after " Resolved," and to insert the following:

"As the sense of the Senate, that the Constitution of the United States, by directing that the President shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and by vesting in him the authority to nominate, and, by and with the consent of the Senate, to appoint, all officers created by act of Congress, for whose appointment provision is not otherwise made, and the authority during the recess, to appoint all such officers, to hold their commissions until the end of the next session, intended to guard against the evils arising from vacancies in office: That such offices, having been created by act of Congress, must be deemed necessary for the public interest: That the power of the President to nominate and appoint, was intended to be exercised by him during the whole period for which he should be elected, for all such vacancies as should occur during that period; and that a neglect to exercise the power would be an omission of duty, on the part of the President: That the duty of the Senate to confirm or reject the nomination of the President, is as imperative as his duty to nominate: That the practice of the Executive, and of the Senate, heretofore, has accorded with the views above expressed, and that it is not now expedient or proper to alter the settled practice: And that, therefore, the Senate will, at the present session, act upon, and reject or confirm, all nominations which have been, or may be, received from the President, for offices established by acts of Congress, and which have become vacant by the death, resignation, or removal, of the late incumbents, or by the expiration of the term for which they were appointed, or which shall so become vacant, on or before the third day of March next."

On Friday, the 30th of January, the subject having been resumed,

Mr. BELL moved to amend the amendment, by striking out all after the words "United States," and in lieu thereof inserting, "has directed that the President shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and that he shall nominate, and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint, all officers created by an act of Congress, for whose appointment provision is not otherwise made; and that the constitution requires that the President shall exercise this power during the term for which he should be elected, for all such vacancies as should occur during that term; and that a neglect to exercise the power would be an omission of duty on the part of the President: That the duty of the Senate to confirm or reject the nomination of the President, is as imperative as his duty to nominate; that such has heretofore been the settled practice of the Government; and that it is not now expedient or proper to alter it."

The question being put, this amendment was rejected; and it then recurred on the amendment moved by Mr. CHAMBERS.

Mr. BERRIEN called for a division of the question. On motion of Mr. WEBSTER, it was agreed, that, when the question be taken, it be by yeas and nays. The debate on the amendment moved by Mr. CHAMVOL. V.-11


BERS occupied the Senate on the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 9th, and 12th days of February.

On the 12th the question was finally disposed of, as will be seen by the following extract from the Journal:


The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, relative to the nomination of John J. Crittenden, together with the amendment proposed thereto.

A division of the question having been called for, it was taken on striking out the first resolution, and determined in the negative-yeas 17, nays 24.

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted in the affirmative, are—

Messrs. Bell, Bouligny, Burnet, Chambers, Chase, Foot, Holmes, Johnston, of Louisiana, Knight, Marks, Noble, Robbins, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbee, Webster, Willey.

Those who voted in the negative, are

Messrs. Barnard, Benton, Berrien, Chandler, Dickerson, Dudley, Eaton, Hayne, Iredell, Johnson, of Kentucky, Kane, McKinley, McLane, Prince, Ridgely, Rowan, Sanford, Smith, of South Carolina, Tazewell, Thomas White, Williams, Woodbury.

On the question to agree to the first resolution eported, it was determined in the affirmative-yeas 23, na's 17. On motion of Mr. CHAMBERS, the yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Barnard, Berrien, Benton, Branch, Chandler, Dickerson, Dudley, Eaton, Hayne, Iredell, Kane McKinley, McLane, Prince, Ridgely, Rowan, Sanfor, Smith, of South Carolina, Tazewell, Thomas, White, Williams, Woodbury.

Those who voted in the negative, are

Messrs. Bell, Bouligny, Burnet, Chambrs, Chase, Foot, Holmes, Johnston, of Louisiana, Knight, Marks, Noble, Robbins, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbe, Webster, Willey.

So it was

Resolved, That it is not expedient to act upon the nomination of John J. Crittenden, as a Jusnce of the Supreme Court of the United States, during the present session of Congress.

On motion of Mr. BERRIEN, the second resolution was ordered to lie on the table.

FEBRUARY 2, 1829.

The two resolutions above stated to have been reported by Mr. BERRIEN being under consideration, together with the amendment proposed by Mr. CHAMBERS, Mr. C. addressed the Senate to the following effect:

The question now before the Senate presents to my mind the most alarming prospect which has ever been exhibited by any one of the departments of this Government. In any view which I have been able to give the subject, it resolves itself into the question, whether this body can control the constitutional powers and duties of the other branches of the Government, and defeat the avowed objects of its laws. When the suggestion was first made some days past, by the Chairman of one of the Committees to whom nominations had been referred, that a distinction was made by the Committee, growing out of the particular period at which the office became vacant, my first impression was, that it might be a contest between rival claimants to the power of nomination, and a matter more to be determined by a spirit of courtesy, to usage and precedent, and a fair, generous, and magnanimous deportment on the part of a successful political party, than by reference to the principles of constitutional law, or the in

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