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Problems of Life and Mind.

The Foundations of a Creed. By GEORGE HENRY LEWES, author of “The Story of Goethe's
Life," "Biographical History of Philosophy," etc. Vol. I. 8vo. $3.00.

This volume is the first part of a very important work, embodying the author's investigations and studies for many years, in various fields of speculative and philosophical inquiry. The work attempts the transformation of Metaphysics by reduction to the method of Science, to meet "the great desire of this age for a Doctrine which may serve to condense our knowledge, guide our researches, and shape our lives, so that Conduct may really be the consequence of Belief." It gives the results of a remarkably wide range of reading, of acute and sincere thinking, and evinces at once the author's great acquirements, and his earnest desire to aid an inquiring age in securing an immovable intellectual basis for faith.

Life of Mrs. Barbauld.

Memoir, Letters, and a Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of ANNA LETITIA Bar-
BAULD. By GRACE A. ELLIS. 2 vols. 12mo. With steel Portrait. $5.00.

This memorial of Mrs. Barbauld and revival of her most excellent works will be heartily welcomed by many. If her fame is less now than a generation ago, it is altogether fit that she should be recalled to the present generation of Americans; for she was one of the purest lights in English liter ature, and "her society was equally a benefit and a delight to all within her sphere." The Boston Transcript says:-"We have looked through the sheets of Mrs. Ellis' memoir, and have been pleased and surprised at the fullness and value of the material which she has gathered for exhibiting the admirable character and illustrating the life of Mrs. Barbauld. Part of this material the author obtained by personal efforts in England. As for the rest, she has diligently and with wonderful success culled out from contemporary literature and from the memoirs and letters of prominent persons of the time, many most interesting and striking evidences of the wide extent of Mrs. Barbauld's acquaintance and influence, and of the strength and depth of the attachment and respect with which she was cherished."


OR, HAPPY TALK TOWARDS the End of LIFE. BY WILLIAM MOUNTFORD, author of "Miracles Past and Present." New edition. I vol. 12mo. $2.00.

The object of this striking book is to realize somewhat the conditions, employments, and happi. ness of the future life, to lighten the burdens and griefs of the present by attempting vividly, yet reasonably, to anticipate the rest and satisfactions of the life to come.

"This is a book which will prove an incalculable treasure to those who are in sorrow and be reavement, and cannot be perused by any thoughtful mind without pleasure and improvement.”Christian Examiner.

Zelda's Fortune.

Vol. 37 in Osgood's Library of Novels. 8vo. Illustrated. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.25. "Quite out of the range of ordinary novels. It is distinguished by unusual descriptive ower, strong characterization, and a vigor of narration that enchains the reader's attention."

Sex in Education.

By DR. E. H. CLARKE. $1.25.


No book published within many year, has excite the kind and degree of interest which Dr. Clarke's work has elicited. It has been sharply criticised, but its most pronounced opponents admit that it must do immense good; while its advocates deem it a work of incalculable value, their unanimous opinion being that "Every Mother and Every Teacher should read it."


JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Publishers,


J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. Have Just Ready:




Or Two Little Wooden Shoes,





By EDWARD BULWER, LORD LYTTON, author of "The Caxtons," "Kenelm Chillingly," etc

[blocks in formation]

Small 12mo. With Frontispiece. Fine Cloth......

The Lord Lytton Edition.


"We know of no series so desirable in every respect as this one."-Philadelphia Evening Bulletin.

2mo. With Frontispiece. Extra Cloth, Black and Gilt ....



Eight volumes of the Lord Lytton Edition have already appeared; the remainder will follow rapid succession, completing the set in about 25 volumes.



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By the author of "Idalia," Strathmore," "Under Two Flags," etc.


Or Two Little Wooden Shoes.

By "OUIDA," author of "Granville de Vigne," "Tricotrin,"

[blocks in formation]

Puck," "Chandos,'



The well attested popularity of “ Ouida's " writings will be fully sustained by this, her last work. It is a fascinating story, marked by that rare power which distinguishes her as one of the most graphic writers of the day, and absorbs the reader from the outset.

For sale by all Booksellers.





THE issue of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY for February 21 will, in addition to the usual features, contain a Supplementary List to the "Educational Catalogue," including any cmission, error, change of price, or later issue, reported on or before Feb. 16.

In addition to its regular circulation among Booksellers, Stationers, Publishers, and Librarians, copies of the EDUCATIONAL NUMBER will be sent, gratis and postpaid, to all the leading SCHOOLS and COLLEGES throughout the United States.

This number will therefore offer a more than usually efficient medium for advertisements of BOOKS, STATIONERY, Photographs, Music, EDUCATIONAL APPARATUS, the miscellaneous articles used in Educational Establishments, and all other articles usually kept on sale by Booksellers and Stationers.

Publishers of School Books are requested to notify the Editor of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, without delay, of all changes of prices made in their lists since August last, and of the new Educa. tional Books issued since that date. It is important that these corrections or additions should be forwarded without delay.

Advertisements are inserted in the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY at the following rates:

[blocks in formation]

Advertisements intended for insertion in the Educational Num

ber should be received at the Office, 37 PARK Row, NEW YORK, not later than WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18.

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and Amusement," a collection of mirthful games, parlor pastimes, shadow plays, magic conjuring, card tricks, fireworks, chemical surprises, etc., by Charles Gilbert, and a new edition of "The History, Object, and Proper Observance of the Season of Lent," by Rt. Rev. W. I. Repp, D.D.

PORTER & COATES have just ready the new edition of Lord Derby's translation of Homer's Iliad, with Flaxman's designs, first announced for last fall. This makes the fifth American edition, reprinted, with all the latest corrections, from the ninth English edition. This translation is considered one of the most successful in existence, and was a chief triumph in the late Earl of Derby's


"THE Life of Edwin Forrest," by James Rees, is about ready at T. B. Peterson & Brothers. Besides the features already spoken of, the volume will contain copies of Mr. Forrest's last will and the charter of the "Edwin Forrest Home," which Mr. Forrest endowed.

THE revised edition of "Upton's Tactics," with the tactics assimilated in the three branches of the service, is in advanced preparation at the Appletons. These, it will be remembered, are the authorized tactics of the U. S. Army, all others being prohibited by the Government. They have been very much improved, and are to be issued NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. in ingenious bindings to match the color of the Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will respective services, the Infantry blue, the Artilplease notice, on their printed address, the date indi-lery red, the Cavalry orange. Gen. J. E. John"" is also eating the expiration of their subscription, and notify ston's "Memoir of Military Operations us of any error made in printing. nearly ready as a large subscription volume and a new Science Primer, Prof. Geikie's, on Geology, "English and a reprint of an English work on Psychologists," by Ribot, are in press for early publication.

No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued.

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The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office.


ROBERTS BROS. are to have ready this month Mr. Alcott's" Records of a School," that very remarkable school which he himself taught in so

"THE Conservation of Energy," the new volume in the International Scientific Series, just ready at the Appletons, is one of the most important yet issued. The body of the work is by Prof. Balfour Stewart, and gives a very clear view of one of the greatest principles of modern science, while the applications of this doctrine to mental and vital forces are treated of in appendices to the American edition in essays by Profs. Bain and Le Conte.


remarkable a way, and also the uniform new edi- Publishers' Board of Trade,

tion of Margaret Fuller's works in six volumes,
both of which were panic-struck last fall. Miss
Frothingham's translation of Lessing's great trea-
tise on art, with "The Laocoon" for text, and the
new novel, "Thorpe Regis," by the author of
those charming stories,
Unawares" and "The
Rose Garden," whose name is now announced as
Miss Frances M. Peard, are to be added to the


EX-PRESIDENT WOOLSEY'S "Helpful Thoughts for Young Men," consisting mainly of his happy Farting addresses to the Yale graduating classes, may be soon expected from D. Lothrop & Co.

POTT, YOUNG & Co. will shortly have ready


25 Bond Street, New York.

New York, Jan. 30, 1874.

The next regular meeting of the Publishers Board of Trade will be held at the Grand Central

"The Art Teaching of the Primitive Church," Hotel, in New York, on Wedwith an index of subjects, historical and emblematic, by the Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M. A.,

nesday, February 11, at half-past

author of "Handbook of Picture Art," etc.; a
"History of the Jewish Nation, from the Earliest One o'clock.
Times to the Present Day," by E. H. Palmer,
M.A., author of "The Desert of the Exodus,'
etc, with numerous illustrations; " Endless Mirth

[ocr errors]

HENRY HOLT, Secretary.


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Agassiz.-On the Structure of Animal Life. Six Lectures |
delivered at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, in January
and February, 1863, by Louis Agassiz, Prof. of Zoology and
Geology in the Lawrence Scientific School. New and
cheaper ed. With 46 illustr. 8°. $1.50.Scribner, A. & Co.
Alabama.-Reports of Cases argued and determined in
the Supreme Court of Alabama at the January Term, 1872.
By Thomas G. Jones, State Reporter. Vol. 47. 8°, pp.
810. Shp. $6.50......
Almanacs.-The New York Herald Almanac, Commer-
cial, Financial, and Political Register for 1874. 12°, pap.
25 C.......
........tierald Off.
The Tribune Almanac for 1874. 12°. Pap. 20 c.
Tribune Off.

American Reports. See United States.
Barbauld, Mrs. See Ellis.

Barnes.-Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epis-
tle to the Hebrews. By Albert Barnes. Revised ed. 12°.

Bebee; or, Two Little Wooden Shoes. By "Quida," au-
thor of "Strathmore," etc. 12°. $1.50......Lippincott.
Bible.-Speaker's Commentary. Vol. 4. Section 3-The
Poetical Books, including Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesi-
astes, and the Song of Solomon. 8. $5.

Scribner, A. & Co. Braddon.-Publicans and Sinners; or, Lucius Davoren. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Braddon, author of "Aurora Floyd," etc. (Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 408.) 8, pp. 190. Pap. 75 c...............................................Harper. Bulwer, E. L. See Lytton.


Cloud (The) of Witnesses. By "Opal," author of Empty
Shells." 12, pp. 523. $2.50...
**Connecticut Reports. Being Reports of Cases argued
and determined in the Supreme Court of Errors of the State
of Connecticut. Vol. 39. By John Hooker. 8°. pp. 641.
Shp. $5.....
Delaware.-Reports of Cases decided in the Superior
Court, Court of Errors and Appeals, and the Criminal
Courts of the State of Delaware. By John W. Houston.
Vol. 3. 8, pp. 701. Shp. $10.............(Wilmington.)
Demosthenes on the Crown. Edited by Rev. Arthur
Holmes, A.M. Revised ed. by Prof. W. 8. Tyler, Am-
herst College. 16, pp. 304. $1.50..............Allyn.
Dickens.-Nicholas Nickleby. By Charles Dickens. (Be-
ing Vols. 5 and 6 of the Standard Illustrated Edition.)
Per vol. $3...

Douai.-The Rational Second Reader. For Phonetic, El-
ocutional, Etymological, and Grammatical Instruction. By
Dr. Ad. Douai. 12°, pp. 156. Bds. 50 c........Steiger.
Ellis.-Life of Mrs. Barbauld. Memoir, Letters, and a
Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of Anna Læ-
titia Barbauld. By Grace A. Ellis. With steel portrait.
2 vols. 12. $5.......

Fisher, Sam'1S. See United States.

Foote.-Science in Story; or, Sammy Tubbs, the Boy
Doctor, and Sponsie, the troublesome Monkey. By E. B.
Foote, M.D., author of "Medical Home Talk," etc.
(Murray Hill Series, Vol. 1.) With over 60 pen and ink
illustr. by H. L. Stephens. Sq. 16°, pp. 230. $1.50.
Murray Hill Pub. Co.
Gilbert.-Railway Law in Illinois. The Relations of
Railroads to the People. By Frank Gilbert. With an In-
troduction by Gov. J. M. Palmer. 8, pp. 337. Shp.
Goethe.-Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and
Soret. Transl. from the German. By John Oxenford.
13. $1.50.........

Great Britain.-Reports of Cases heard and decided in the
House of Lords on Appeals and Writs of Error during the
Sessions 1831 to 1846. By C. Clark and W. Finnelly,
Esqrs., Barristers-at-Law. Edited with Notes and Refer-
ences to American Law, and subsequent English Decisions,
by Hon. J. C. Perkins. (In 12 vols.) Vols. 6 and 7. 8°.
Per v. $6........
................................... Little, B. & Co.

- De Gex, Fisher, and Jones' Reports of Cases heard and de-
termined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Appeals
in Chancery (1859-1862). Edited with Notes and Refer-
ences to American Law, and subsequent English Decisions,
by Hon. J. C. Perkins. Vol. 4. 8°. $5. Little, B. & Co.
De Gex, Jones, and Smith's Reports of Cases heard and
determined by the Lord Chancellor and the Court of Ap-
peal in Chancery (1862-1865). Edited with Notes and Re-
ferences to American Cases, and subsequent English Deci-
sions, by Hon. J. C. Perkins. (In 4 vols.) Vol. 1.
..Little, B. & Co.


Great Britain and North Am.-Digest of Fire Insurance Decisions in the Courts of Great Britain and North America. By H. A. Littleton and J. S. Blatchley. With the additional Notes to the second ed. by Stephen G. Clarke. Third ed., rev. and enl. By Clement Bates, of the Cincinnati Bar. 8, pp. 795... Shp. $7.50....Baker, V. & Co. Holden.-The Sphygmograph: Its Physiological and Pathelogical Indications. The Essay to which was awarded the Stevens Triennial Prize by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, April, 1873. By Edgar Holden, A M., M.D. With 290 illustr. 8, pp. 169. $3.

Lindsay & B. **Illinois. Reports of Cases at Law and in chancery argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Illinois. By By Norman L. Freeman. Vol. 57, Containing the remaining Cases decided at the September Term, 1870, and a por tion of the Cases decided at the January Term, 1871. Vol. 58, Containing the remaining Cases decided at the January Term, 1871. 8. Per v. $5.................(Springfield.) **Indiana.-Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature of the State of Indiana, with Tables of the Cases reported and Cases cited, and an Index. By James B. Black, Official Reporter. Vol. 39. Containing the Cases decided at the May Term, 1872, not published in Vol. 38. 8°. Shp. $5.........(Indianapolis.) Jewell.-Among our Sailors. By J. Grey Jewell, M.D., late U. S. Consul, Singapore. With an Appendix containing Extracts from the Laws and Consular Regulations gov. erning the United States Merchant Service. 12, pp. 311. $1.50..... Harper. Lawyer's Diary for 1874. 12°. $1.50............................Watson. Lytton.-The Parisians. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. With illustr. by Sydney Hall. (Library Ed.) a vols. in 1. 12, pp. 350, 337. $1.75; same. 8°. Pap. $1....Harper. The Parisians. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. (Globe Ed.) Sin. 12. $1.50;-Same. (Lord LyttonsEd.) 12°. $1.50..... .Lippincott.

-What Will He Do with It? By Pisistratus Caxton. A
Novel. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lyt
ton Ed.) 2 vols. 12. Per vol. $1.50.......
Mackay-Lost Beauties and Perishing Graces of the Eng-
lish Language. An Appeal to Authors, Poets, Clergymen,
and Public Speakers. By Charles Mackay, LL.D. Large
12, pp. 288. $1.75...
Mahan.-Elements of Permanent Fortification. By Prof.
D. H. Mahan. New ed. Revised and Edited by Col. J.
B. Wheeler, Prof. of Civil Engineering, U. S. Acad., West
Point. With plates. 8°. $6.50.....
Maryland.-Maryland Reports. Vol. 37. By J. Shaaf
Stockett. 8. Shp. $6.....

Meigs and Pepper.-Practical Treatise on the Diseases of
Children. By J. Forsyth Meigs and Wm. Pepper. 5th
ed., rev. and enl. 8°. pp. 1068. $6; leather $7.

Lindsay & B. Michigan Reports.-Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of Michigan, from April 23, 1872, to October 16, 1872. Hoyt Post, State Reporter. Vol. 3. Being Vol. 25 of the series. 8°. Shp. $3.50..........(Lansing.) Minnesota.-Statutes at Large of the State of Minnesota in force January 1, 1874. By A. H. Bissell. 2 vols. Roy. 8. Shp. $15. .Callaghan. Missouri.-Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri. Vols. 51 and 52. By T. A. Post. 8. Shp. Per vol., $5.... ..Gilbert. Montana -Blake's Montana Territory Reports. Vol. 1. 8. Shp. $7.......... ........Cope. Mountford.-Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk towards the End of Life. By William Mountford, author of "Miracles Past and Present." New ed. 12. $2... ......Osgood. Nevada.-Reports of Cases determined in the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada during the year 1872. Re ported by Alfred Helm, Clerk of the Supreme Court, and Theo. H. Hittell, Esq. Vol. 8. 8°. Shp. $8. (San Francisco.) New Jersey.-Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature in the State of New Jersey. Vol. 1, from May Term, 1806, to February, 1808, Inclusive. Vol. 2, from May Term, 1808, to September, 1813. By Hon William Sandford Pennington. 3d ed. By Andrew Dutcher. 8°, pp. 419, 639. Shp. $15.....Diessy. New York (City).-Reports of Cases argued and deter mined in the Superior Court of the City of New York. By Samuel Jones and James C. Spencer, Reporters of the Court. New York Superior Court Reports, Vol. 34Jones and Spencer's Vol. a. 8°, pp. 609. Shp. $7.. Diossy

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