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his fellow lords, Claypole and Howard, so excellent a spirit of government over his wife and family, being also a member of* Thomas Goodwin's church, no question need be made of his merit of being every way fit to be a Lord, and to be taken out of the house, to have a negative voice in the other house over the people, for that he never, as he saith, fought against any such thing, as a negative voice.'

28. Colonel Goff, now Lord Goff that would be, some time Colonel Vaughan's brother's apprentice (a salter in London) whose time being near or newly out, betook himself to be a soldier, instead of setting up his trade; went out a quarter-master of foot, and continued in the wars till he forgot what he fought for; in time became a colonel, and, in the outward appearance, very zealous and frequent in praying, preaching, and pressing for righteousness and freedom, and highly esteemed in the army, on that account, when honesty was in fashion; yet, having, at the same time, like his general, an evil tincture of that spirit, that loved and fought after the favour and praise of man, more than that of God (as, by woeful experience in both of them, hath since appeared) he could not further believe, or persevere, upon that account, but by degrees fell off. And this was he, who, with Colonel White, brought musqueteers, and turned the honest membesr, left behind in the little parliament, out of the house. Complying thus kindly with the protector's designs and interest, he was made + major-general of Hampshire and Sussex; was of the late parliament; hath advanced his interest greatly, and is in so great esteem and favour at court, that he is judged the only fit man to have major-general Lambert's place and command, as major general of the army; and, having so far advanced, is in a fair way to the protectorship hereafter, if he be not served as Lambert was. He, being so very considerable a person, and of such great worth, there is no ques tion of his deserts and fitness to be taken out of the house to be a Lord, and to have a negative voice in the other house; the rather, for that he 6 never in all his life, as he saith, fought against any such thing, as a single person, or a negative voice, but only to put down Charles, and set up Oliver,' and hath his end.

29. Colonel Berry. His original was from the iron-works, as a clerk, or overseer; betook himself to the wars, on the parliament-side; profited greatly in his undertaking, and advanced his interest very far; who, though he wore not the jester's coat, yet, being so ready to act his part, and please his general, in time he became a colonel of horse in the army, afterwards a major general of divers counties, a command fit for a prince; wherein he might learn to lord it in an arbitrary way, beforehand, at his pleasure. That he is of complying principles with the court, his preferment sufficiently speaks out; neither ought any other to be believed of him, or any of his brethren without a real demonstration to the contrary; so that he may well pass for one to be a Lord, and to be taken out of the house to have a negative voice over the people, being so far advanced, and gotten out of the pit above them; and, if he did formerly fight against a negative voice and lording it over the people, it may be forgiven him.

Note that man for what you may read in the postscript.

+ His salary, eleven-hundred and forty-one pounds, three skillings, and three pence, besides major-generalchip.

30. Colonel Cooper, some time a shop-keeper, or salter in Southwark, a member of Thomas Goodwin's church, one formerly of very high principles for common justice and freedom, like his brother Tichborn. The army, then in Scotland, sending into England for faithful, praying men, to make officers of, the honest people in the Borough recommended him to the general, in order to have a command; who accordingly went down, but left his principles behind him, and espoused others; was made a colonel at the first dash, and, though he began late, yet hath so well improved his interest, that he hath already gotten as many hundreds per annum, as he had hundred pounds, when he left his trade. He hath a regiment of foot in Scotland, and another in Ireland, where he is major-general of the North, in Venables's room, and governor of Carrickfergus, so as he is in a very hopeful way to be a great man indeed. He was of the latter parliaments, and there is full proof, that he is every way thorough-paced and true to the new court-interest; so that, upon the whole, he also may be counted fit to be a Lord of the other house, and to have a negative voice over the good people in Southwark, if they please, and all the people of these lands besides, it being the protector's pleasure; the rather, he being the mirrour of the times for thorough change of principles, Alderman Tichborn and O. P. excepted.

31. Alderman Pack, then Sir Christopher, now Lord Pack; his rise formerly was by dealing in cloth; near the beginning of the Long Parliament, was made an alderman, was then very discreet, and meddled little, more like a neuter, or close malignant, than a zealot for the cause; was a commissioner of the customs, also sheriff and lord-mayor of London, next after Alderman Viner. The protector taking on him the government, the sunshine of the new court pleased him, and brought him in full compliance; he was one of the last parliament, and zealous to re-establish kingship in the person of the † protector, and judged the only meet nian to bring the petition into the house, praying him to accept of, and take it upon him; which, though he then refused, yet, as is reported, hath since repented his then refusal. However, the now Lord Pack deserves well at his hand for that good service, who being a true kingling, and of right principles to the court-interest, having also been a lord (to wit, mayor) once before, may, upon the whole, be counted very worthy to be again so called, and to have a negative voice, in the other house, over London, and all the people of these lands besides.

32. Alderman Tichborn, then Sir Robert, knight of the new stamp, now Lord Tichborn; at the beginning of the Long Parliament, when a great spirit was stirring for liberty and justice, many worthy petitions and complaints were made against patentees, the bishops, and the Earl of Strafford; he being the son of a citizen, and young, fell in, and espoused the good cause and principles then on foot, and thereby became very popular, and was greatly cried up by the good people of the city, &c. His rise was first in the military way, where he soon became a colonel; and, by the parliament, made lieutenant of the Tower of London;

Note him for the goodly speech he made to his new protector.

For which good service, upon his petition to the protector, he discharged him from an account of sixteen-thousand pounds, which he and others were liable to make good to the treasury of


and, though he was a colonel, yet never went out to fight, but became an alderman very timely, and then soon began to cool, and lose his former zeal and principles, and left off preaching, as his pastor, Mr. Lockyer did the church, to his brother George Cockain. He was afterwards sheriff, and Lord-Mayor in his turn; was also of the committees for the sale of state lands, whereby he advanced his interest and revenue considerably; out of zeal to the publick, he offered the parliament to serve them freely, as a commissioner of the customs, whereby he supplanted another, and planted himself in his room, and then, with the rest of his brethren, petitioned the committee of the navy for a salary, and had it; notwithstanding he was so well rewarded for his pains, after he had pretended to serve them for nothing, yet, with his brother, Colonel Harvy, and Captain Langham, came off bluely in the end. He was of the Little Parliament, and helped to dissolve it; one of the late parliament also. He hath, by degrees, sadly lost his principles, and forgotten the good old cause, and espoused and taken up another; being so very officious for the new court-interest, and such a stickler for them, he is become a great favourite; it is not hard to read his change, it being in so great letters. All things considered, he is, no question, fit to be called Lord Tichborn, being also so willing to receive and resolve to own that title, whoever maligns it, as also of the judgment, that whatever passes from him, in any other name, will be void in law; wherefore, to have a nega- ~ tive voice in the other house over London, and all the good people of these lands, is very suitable to him; and, what though he was so great an opponent to those things formerly, it is no matter, then was then, and now is now.

33. Sir William Roberts, a gentleman who, in the time of the bishops ruffling, went into Holland, and lived there for a season; the parliament ruling, and in war with the King, came over again, and, after the then mode, found favour,having, upon the fore-mentioned account,been out of the land, and was made a great committee-man, and in much employment, whereby he well advanced his interest, and is grown a great man. He was of the Little Parliament, and helped to break it, and then, according to Revel. xi. 10. rejoiced, and made merry with the rest of his brethren in Colonel Sydenham's chamber, &c. as the lawyers, and other wild persons, made bonfires, and drank sack at the Temple, and elsewhere. But, if ever a spirit of life, from God, which is not far off, comes in to raise up that honest spirit by which some of them were acted, will not he, his brethren, and the rest of that earthly rout, the false spirit of magistracy and ministry, be tormented and afraid? He was of the parliaments since, and, no doubt, of right principles to the court-interest, wherein his own is bound up; is one that helps on the bondage in divers great * committees where he sits, and is therefore, no question, the more fit to be called Lord Roberts, and to be taken out of the House to have a negative voice in the other house over the people, being so greatly experienced in that way already, having continued in the aforesaid committee so long.

34. Colonel John Jones, a gentleman of Wales, one of the Long parli. ament, was a commissioner in Ireland for governing that nation under

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His salary nine-hundred pounds per annum, though he hath a good estate


the parliament. One of good principles for common justice and freedom, had he kept them, and not fallen into temptation; he helped to change the government, and make those laws of treason against a single person's rule; hath a considerable revenue, and, it is likely, did not lose by his employment; he is governor of the Isle of Anglesey, and lately married the protector's sister, a widow; by which means he might have become a great man indeed, did not something stick which he cannot well get down. He is not thorough-paced for the court-proceedings, nor is his conscience fully hardened against the good old cause; but there is great hope, no question, that in time he may be towardly; however, for relation sake, he may be counted fit, with his name-sake and countryman Philip, to be called Lord Jones, and to be taken out of the house to have a negative voice in the other House over the people; and all his being against such things formerly may be forgiven, and not once remembered against him.

35. Mr. Edmund Thomas, a gentleman of Wales, of considerable means, a friend of Philip Jones's, and allied to Waiter Strickland, both of the council, and brought in upon their account; and of complying principles, no question, to say no more of him, not having been long in play, being none of the great zealots or high sectaries, so called, in Wales, may doubtless be counted wise and good enough to make a simple Lord of the other House, and to be called Lord Thomas, and to have a negative voice over all the good people of Wales, with his countrymen John and Philip, and over all the people of these lands besides.

36. Sir Francis Russel, knight baronet of the old stamp, a gentleman of Cambridgeshire, of a considerable revenue. In the beginning of the wars was first for the King, then for the parliament, and a colonel of foot under the Earl of Manchester; a man, like William Sedgwick,high flown, but not serious or substantial in his principles; he continued in his com mand till the new model,then took offence,and fell off,or laid aside by them; no great zealot for the cause, therefore not judged honest, serious, or wise enough to be of the little parliament, yet was of these latter parliaments: is also chamberlain of Chester, at about five-hundred pounds per annum. He married his eldest daughter to Henry Cromwell, second son of the Protector, then colonel of horse, now lord-deputy, so called, of Ireland; another to Colonel Reynolds, a new knight, and general of the English army in France, under Cardinal Mazarine, since, with * Colonel White and others, cast away coming from Mardike. There is no question but his principles are for Kingship and the new court, being so greatly concerned therein; wherefore it were great pity if he should not also be taken out of the house to be a Lord of the other house, his son in law being so great a Lord, and have a negative voice over Cambridgeshire, and all the people of these lands besides.

37. Sir William Strickland, knight of the old stamp, a gentleman of Yorkshire, and brother to Walter Strickland; was of the parliament a long time, but hath now, it seems, forgotten the cause of fighting with, and cutting off the late King's head, and suppressing the Lords, their house, and negative voice. He was of these latter parliaments, and of • White, who assisted Colonel Goff to turn the honest members, left behind out of the House, Let Goff look to it.

good compliance, no question, with the new court, and settling the Protector a-new in all those things for which the King was cut off; wherefore he is fit, no doubt, to be taken out of the house and made a Lord; the rather, for that his younger brother, Walter, is so great a Lord, and by whom, in all likelihood, he will be steered to use his negative voice in the other house over Yorkshire, and the people of these lands, to the interest of the court.

38. Sir Richard Onsloc, knight of the old stamp, a gentleman of Surrey, of good parts, and a considerable revenue; he was of the long parliament, and with much ado, through his policy, steered his course between the two rocks of King and parliament, and weathered some sore storms. Was not his man taken in his company, by the guard of Southwark, with commissions of array in his pocket from the King, and scurrilous songs against the roundheads? Yet, by his interest, rode it out till Colonel Pride came with his purge, then suffered loss, and came no more in play till about Worcester fight; when, by the help of some friends in parliament, he was impowered to raise, and lead as colonel, a regiment of Surrey men against the Scots and their King, but came too late to fight, it being over. Being popular in Surrey, he was of the latter parliaments, is fully for Kingship, and was never otherwise, and stickled much among the seventy Kinglings to that end; and, seeing he cannot have young Charles, old Oliver will serve his turn, so he have one; so that he is very fit to be Lord Onsloe, and to be taken out of the house, to have a negative voice in the other house over Surrey, if they please, and all the people of these lands besides, whether they please or not.

39. Mr. John Fiennes, son of the Lord Say, and brother to Commissioner Fiennes; brought in, it is likely, for one upon his score, is, in a kind, such a one as they call a sectary, but no great stickler; therefore, not being redeemed from the fear and favour of man, will, it is probable, follow his brother, who is, as it is thought, much steered by old subtlety, his father, that lies in his den, as Thurloe by his Mr. St. John, and will say No with the rest, when any thing opposes the interest of the new court, their power, and greatness; and may therefore pass for one to be a Lord, and to have a negative voice in the other house over all in Oxfordshire, the university-men only excepted, and over all the people of these lands besides.

40. Sir John Hubbard, knight baronet of the old stamp, a gentleman of Norfolk, of a considerable estate, part whereof came lately to him by the death of a kinsman; he was of these latter parliaments, but not of the former; had meddled very little, if at all, in throwing down Kingship,but hath stickled very much in helping to re-establish and build it up again; and a great stickler among the late kinglings, who petitioned the Protector to be King. His principles being so right for kingship and tyranny, he is in great favour at court, as well as Dick Ingoldsby, and, no question, deserves to be a Lord, and to be taken out of the house to exercise a negative voice in the other house over all the good men in Norfolk, and all the people of these lands besides, being become so very tame and gentle.

41. Sir Thomas Honywood, knight of the old stamp, a gentleman of Essex, of aconsiderable revenue; he was a committee-man in the time

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