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3680 H4 B58


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ingham Tablet.

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urpose to the uplifting of the lives nen? Assuredly, the spirit of the x of Father Bingham, and of his panions who gave their lives as he was in the inspiration of that e of yesterday. The missionaries ered much in the devotion which

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em to come from their homes on leak shores of New England to enlightenment and salvation to lusky children of these tropic ismuch in the hardships of the life they chose, much in the conly that was heaped upon them by

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yes and misrepresented their acts he purposes of evil.

an was busy in that early time, e has been busy since, and he his most powerful instruments, od did, from among the children e dominant race. The missionaries hed on, gloriously triumphant to work that it came to them to do

their children have kept in the ront of all that great work of ress and enlightenment that good perform for the regeneration of kind. It is not, when all is said, he missionaries nor to the sons

Suissionaries that the powers of evil on Sun for the darkening of human inence. They spread the light.

in the work that he founded at hou, in the humble home upon e site his memorial now stands, er Bingham kindled on his own hstone a fire whose

rays shall as far as the age will run. It light that will grow stronger and

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Auction Sa

Thursday, April 20

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SPLAY AT-Saturday, April 22, 1
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Unveiling of the Bingham Tablet.

(By Sol. N. Sheridan.)

Raise ye the song of triumph!
Sing as ye battle for right;
Follow the steps of the fathers-

They win, who sing while they fight.

Raise ye the song of triumph!
Sing through the darkness of night;

So won the fathers their battles,

Singing while God lent his might.

ernooise ye the song of triumph! the Bin is now the tide for the right; w the steps of the fathers, will below-and God will send light. is some

'Not for a day, but for all time." Union if Father Bingham could have looked blokai, on the scene under the grand old es of Punahou when his memorial es, Ki is unveiled yesterday afternoon; if could have seen the gaily clad omen and brave men, the fair and

ir haired boys and girls who gatherTR there where once had stood his

tion mble home; if he could have marked Thurem still treading, as their fathers Bostnd mothers trod, the path that leads an o high and noble living in the sight of the children of the darker races who bravely hold the road beside them; surely he would have felt that the work of his hands had not been for a day but for all time.

And who is to say that the kindly shade was not permitted look for a moment upon the fruition of the labors of a life given with noble singleness

of purpose to the uplifting of the lives of men? Assuredly, the spirit of the work of Father Bingham, and of his companions who gave their lives as he of that scene of yesterday. The missionaries suffered much in the devotion which led them to come from their homes on

did, was in the inspiration

the bleak shores of New England to bring enlightenment and salvation to the dusky children of these tropic islands, much in the hardships of the life that they chose, much in the contumely that was heaped upon them by men who purposely misconstrued their motives and misrepresented their acts for the purposes of evil.

Satan was busy in that early time, as he has been busy since. and he chose his most powerful instruments, as God did, from among the children of the dominant race. The missionaries marched on, gloriously triumphant to the work that it came to them to do -and their children have kept in the forefront of all that great work of progress and enlightenment that good men perform for the regeneration of mankind. It is not, when all is said, to the missionaries nor to the sons of missionaries that the powers of evil look for the darkening of human intelligence. They spread the light.

And in the work that he founded at Punahou, in the humble home upon whose site his memorial now stands, Father Bingham kindled on his own hearthstone a fire whose

rays shall reach as far as the age will run. It is a light that will grow stronger and

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