Imagens das páginas

Julius Cæsar. Glossary.

Contriver, plotter, ii. 1, 157. Controversy, hearts of spirits of resistance, i. 2, 108. Corporal, of his body, iv. 1, 33. Couchings, bowings, iii. 1, 36. Countenance, authority, patronage, i. 3, 159.

Counters, mere valueless pieces used for reckoning; a term of contempt for money, iv. 3, 78. Covert, secret, iv. 1, 46. Cross blue lightning, forked lightning, i. 3, 50.

Cynic, a follower of Diogenes, an uncivil man, iv. 3, 129.

Dearer, more bitterly, iii. 1, 196; more costly, iv. 3, 99. Deep, depth, iv. 3, 221. Degrees, steps, ii. 1, 26. Deliver (you the cause), relate to you, iii. 1, 181.

Directly, straightforwardly, to the
point, i. 1, 12; iii. 3, 9;
straight, iv. 1, 32.
Discomfort (vb. trans.), discourage,
v. 3, 106.

Discover, show, i. 2, 68.
Distract [distracted], iv. 3, 150.
Drachma, a Greek coin, iii. 2, 244.

Earns, grieves [a form due to confusion between 66 erme to grieve" and "yearn ”], ii. 2, 129.

Element, sky, i. 3, 128.
Elements, the four elements-

earth, air, fire, and water— were supposed to be constituents of everything in nature though mingled in varying proportions, v. 5, 71. Emulation, jealousy, envy, ii. 3, 13.

Enforced, exaggerated, iii. 2, 40; struck hard, iv. 3, 109. Enlarge, give vent to, iv. 2, 43. Enrolled, registered, recorded, iii. 2, 38.

Ensign, standard, v. 1, 78; bearer of the standard, v. 3, 3. Entertain, take into service, v. 5,

59. Envious, malignant, ii. 1, 177. Envy, hatred, ii. 1, 163. Epicurus, I held-strong, and his opinion, i.e., I had no belief in omens, v. I, 75.

Erebus, the region of outer darkness surrounding Hades, ii. 1,

84. Eternal (used with a bad meaning), i. 2, 159.

Exhalations, meteors, ii. 1, 44. Exigent, exigency, v. 1, 19. Exorcist, one who raises spirits, ii. I, 322.

Extenuated, made to appear of little value, iii. 2, 39. Extremities, extremes, ii. I, 31.

Face, outward appearance, ii. I, 113; boldness, v. I, 10. Factious, active, i. 3, 118.

Fall, happen, iii. 1, 243; let fall,
iv. 2, 26.
Falling-sickness, epilepsy, i. 2,

Famed with, made famous by, i.
2, 152.

Familiar instances, marks of
familiarity, iv. 2, 16.
Fashion, begin his; begin to be a
fashion for him, iv. 1, 39. See
Arts: 11. 36 ("one that feeds")
to 39 are equivalent to saying,
"he is a man of no originality
-of no independence of

Favour, countenance, outward
appearance, i. 2, 90; i. 3, 129;
ii. 1, 76.

Fear, cause of fear, ii. 1, 189.
Fearful, terrible, v. 1, 10.
Fell, fierce, iii. 1, 269.
Figures, ideas, imaginations, ii. I,

First, made at first, iii. 1, 38.
Fleering, smiling flatteringly, i. 3,

Fond, foolish, iii. 1, 39.
For, as for, ii. 1, 180.
Formal, dignified, ii. 1, 226.
Former, foremost, v. 1, 78.
Forth of doors, out of doors, iii. 3,

Forth, shall; shall go forth, ii. 2,

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General, for the (cause); for the
public (cause), ii. 1, 12.
General (adj.), public, iii. 2, 90;
"general honest thought," ie.,
honest thought for the public,
v. 5, 69.

Genius, the spirit that directs the
actions of man, ii. 1, 66.
Glasses: bears [may be betrayed]

with glasses an allusion to an
old tradition according to
which bears are supposed to
be blinded by mirrors and so
more easily taken, ii. 1, 204.
Glazed, stared glassily, i. 3, 21.
Grace (vb.), show honour to, iii.
2, 58.

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Grace (sb.), do grace to, iii. 2, 58.
Greek: "it was Greek to me,'
i.e., it was unintelligible, i. 2,

Griefs, grievances, i. 3, 118; iii.
2, 214; iv. 2, 39, 43.
Growing on, encroaching on, ii.
1, 106.

Julius Cæsar. Glossary.

Hana, hot at; fierce to the rein,

iv. 2, 23. Hands, handwritings, i. 2, 314. Havoc; "cry "Havoc ; ,"merci

less slaughter, iii. 1, 273. Hazard, chance, v. 1, 67. Head, make, i.e., collect armed force, iv. I, 42. Health, safety, iv. 3, 35. Heavy, sad, ii. I, 275. Hie, hasten, i. 3, 150. High-sighted, arrogant, ii. I, 117. Hilts, handle of a sword (applied to a single weapon), v. 3, 42; v. 5, 27.

His [its], i. 2, 123; v. 3, 25; "his comment," comment upon it, iv. 3, 8.

Holes" elephants with holes," reference to the custom of digging pits and covering the mouth over with branches in order to take elephants, ii. I, 204.

Honourable [honourably], v. 1, 59.
Hot, ardent, iv. 2, 19.
However, although, i. 2, 297.
Humours, moisture, ii. 1, 262.
Hurtled, clashed, ii. 2, 22.
Hybla, a town in Sicily famous

for its honey, v. I, 34.

Ides of March, i.e. fifteenth of
March, i. 2, 18 etc.
Ill-tempered, ill mingled, iv. 3,

Images, statues, i. 1, 67.

Incertain [uncertain], v. 1, 94. Incorporate to, embodied with, i. 3, 135.

Indirection, unfair or dishonest means, iv. 3, 73. Instruments, mortal; the lower, mere bodily, power over which man's genius has control, ii. I, 66. Insuppressive, insuppressible, ii. I, 133.

Intermit, delay, i. I, 57. Issue, that which results from men's action, iii. 1, 294. Itching palm, a craving for the touch of money; hence to have an itching palm = to be avaricious, iv. 3, 10, 12.

Jade, a worthless horse, iv. 2, 26. Jealous, mistrustful, i. 2, 161. Jealous on, suspicious of, i. 2, 70. Jigging, rhyming uncouthly, iv. 3, 133.

Just 'tis; 'tis just so, i. 2, 53.

Kerchief, a head covering, ii. 1, 315.

Kind, nature, i. 3, 64; ii. 1, 33. Knave, boy, lad, (used to a servant), iv. 3, 236.

Labouring day, working day, i. 1,4. Lane, narrow or restricted ideas, iii. I, 39.

Laugher, jester, i. 2, 71.
Left, left off, iv. 3, 269.

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Lover, friend, iii. 2, 13, 45; v. I, 93.

Lupercal, a feast of fertilization

mettle," quick spirit, i. 2, 294; Julius spirit, ii. 1, 133. Cæsar. Mischiefs, mischievous plans, iv. Glossary. 1, 51.

Mistook, mistaken, i. 2, 47.
Mock (sb.), scoff, jeering com-
ment, ii. 2, 96.

Modesty, moderation, iii. 1, 213.
Moe [more], ii. I, 72; v. 3,


Monstrous state; abnormal condition of affairs, i. 3, 71. Mortified, rendered numb, ii. 1, 324.

held annually on Feb. 15 at Napkins, handkerchiefs, iii. 2,

the foot of Mount Aventine; on that day men of noble rank and position ran naked through the city, striking with goat skin thongs those whom they met, i. 1, 70; iii. 2, 96. Lusty, vigorous, stout, i. 2, 107; gallant, ii. 2, 78.

Main, strong, firm, ii. 1, 195. Makes to, goes towards, iii. 1, 18. Mart (vb. trans.), traffic, iv. 3, 11. Me; (ethic dative), i. 2, 263. Mean, means, iii. 1, 161. Mechanical, belonging to the oc

cupation of a mechanic, i. 1, 3. Mere, entire, absolute, i. 2, 234. Methinks, it seems to me, iv. 3,

179. Mettle, temper, i. 1, 64 (with play on "metal"); "quick 'quick

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Julius Cæsar. Glossary.

O'erwatched, worn out with watching, iv. 3, 236.

Of, by, ii. 1, 155; in, ii. 1, 156. Offence, malady, ii. 1, 267; harm, injury, iv. 3, 196. Once, some time, iv. 3, 186. Ope [open], i. 2, 263. Opinion, reputation, ii. 1, 144. Orchard, garden, ii. I, stage direction; (pl.) iii. 2, 250. Order, process, i. 2, 26; iii. 1, 231.

Out, out of temper (with the

meaning "out of repair" in mind), i. 1, 18, 19. Over, all over; one after the other, ii. I, III.

Palter, shift, equivocate, ii. 1, 125.

Passions of some difference, con

flicting emotions, i. 2, 39. Path (vb. intrans.), walk, 90; abroad, ii. 1, 83.

Peevish, foolish, trifling, v. 1. 60. Phantasma, vision, day-dream, ii. 1, 65.

Phantasy, imagination, iii. 3, 2. Physical, healthful, wholesome, ii. 1, 260.

Pitch, height; a technical term for the height to which a falcon rises, and the metaphor is drawn from this, i. 1, 76. Pitiful, full of pity, iii. 1, 169. Pleasures, pleasure grounds, iii. 2, 252.


Plutus, god of riches, iv. 3, 99. Pompey's porch, the portico of Pompey's theatre, in the Campus Martius, i. 3, 126. Poor; none so poor to do him reverence" has two-fold meaning: (1) None are so poor as to be lower than he now lies; (2) The poorest do not now feel that he is worthy of their reverence, iii. 2, 121. Posture, position, direction, v. I, 33.

Power, army, iv. 3, 164; (pl.) iv. 1, 42; iv. 3, 298. Prefer, present, proffer, iii. 1, 28; direct, v. 5, 61.

Present, immediate, ii. 2, 5. Present (sb.), present time, i. 2, 164.

Presently, immediately, iii. 1, 28,
142; iv. 1, 45; iv. 3, 192.
Press, throng, i. 2, 15.
Prevent, anticipate, ii. 1, 159;
V. I, 103.

Prevention, frustration, ii. 1, 85.
Prick, incite, ii. 1, 123.
Pricked, marked, have the name
pricked, iv. 1, 16.

Proceeding, course of conduct, ii.

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