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FOR could there be any Neceffity that we fhould die as a Sacrifice for Sin, if we might lead a Life of a contrary Nature? Or could we act more contrary to God, than by making that Life a State of Pleafure and Indulgence, which he has laid under the Curfe of Death? Ought we to indulge a Life which God confiders as too unholy to continue in Being?

LASTLY, If we confider that Repentance is the chief, the most conftant and perpetual Duty of a Chriftian, that our Holiness has hardly any other Existence; than what arifes from a perpetual Repentance, can it be doubted, that Mortification and Self-denial are effential, perpetual Parts of our Duty?

FOR to fuppofe a Repentance without the Pain of Mortification, and the Punishment of Self-denial, is as abfurd, as to fuppofe a Labour after Holiness, which takes not one Step towards it.

FOR if Repentance be not an Exercise of Mortification and Self-denial, it is no more a State of Repentance, than the lifting up our Hands, without our Hearts, is a State of Prayer and Devotion.

REPENTANCE is a hearty Sorrow for Sin, Sorrow is a Pain or Punishment, which we are obliged to raise to as high a


Degree as we can, that we may be fitter Objects of God's Pardon.

So that Self-denial and Mortification is only another Word, for a real Repentance.

IF Chriftians will ftill fo far forget the Nature and Defign of their Religion, as to imagine that our Saviour's Call to a daily Crofs and Self-denial was only a Call to his firft Difciples to expect Sufferings and Death from their Enemies, they are governed by as little Reason, as if they should think, Repent ye for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand, only obliged thofe to Repentance, who first entered into the Kingdom of God.

FOR there is nothing in the Nature of Repentance, that fhews it to be a more conftant Duty, or more effential to the Chriftian Life, than there is in this Mortification and Self-fuffering.

IT is also very abfurd to fuppofe, that a Command to deny themselves and take up their own Crofs daily, fhould mean only the enduring and expecting of Sufferings from others.

LET Us now fuppofe the contrary, that Christians are not called to this State of Mortification, or Denial of their Appetites. Let us fuppofe that Chriftian Churches are full of fine gay People, who spend their Day's

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Days in all the Pleafures and Indulgences which the Spirit of the World can invent.

CAN it in any Senfe be faid of fuch, that they live in a State of Repentance and Sorrow for Sin? May they not with as much Regard to Truth, be faid to live in Sackcloath and Afbes? Can their Hearts feel any Sorrow, or be mourning for the Weight and Mifery of Sin, who live only to the ftudied Enjoyments of Eafe and Pleasure? Can they be faid to grieve at Guilt, or be afraid of Sin, who pamper all their Appetites, and feek all the Enjoyments that lead to Temptation? Can they who live in the Gratifications of the Flesh, and Scenes of Pleafure, be faid to be working out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling? May they not as juftly be faid to be walking bare-foot to Jerufalem?

IF therefore we will not destroy the whole State of Religion, if we will but own it to be a State of Trial and Probation, we muft alfo allow, that Self-denial and Abftinence from Pleafures are daily essential Duties of it.

FOR a Life of Sorrow for Sin, and mourning for the Guilt of it, and a Life of Pleafure and Indulgence, are inconfiftent States, and as neceffarily deftroy one another, as Motion puts an End to Rest.


REPENTANCE will have no Place in Heaven, because that will be a State of Perfection, and for the fame Reafon it ought never to be laid afide on Earth, because there is no Time, when we are not under the Guilt, and fubject to the Danger of Sin.

THIS does not fuppofe, that we are always to be uttering Forms of Confeffion from our Mouths, but it fuppofes, that we are always to live with fo much Watchfulness, as becomes penitent Sinners, and never do any thing, but what highly fuits with a State of Repentance.

So that whenever we can abate our Selfdenials, without abating our Sorrow for Sin, when we can find Pleasures that neither foften the Mind, nor make it less fearful of Temptation, then, and so far only, may we feek our Eafe.

FOR Repentance whilft it is only a Lipwork at stated Times is nothing, it has not had its Effect, till it has entered into the State and Habit of our Lives, and rendered us as fearful of Sin in every Part of our Lives, as when we are making our Confeffions.

Now this State of Penitence, which alone is suited to a State of Corruption and Infirmity, can no more exift without conftant daily Self-denial, than we can daily govern

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govern our Appetites, without daily looking after them.

To proceed. Our Saviour faith, Bleffed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.

Now this is another direct Call to Self-denial and Abftinence from Pleasures, as must appear to every one, that knows Mourning to be different from Pleasure and Indulgence.

THE Вleffednefs that is here ascribed to Mourning, must be understood in relation to Mourning, as it is a State of Life, and not as to any tranfient Acts, or particular Times of Mourning.

FOR No Actions are valuable, or rewardable, but as they arife from a State or Temper of Mind that is conftant and habitual.

If it had been faid blessed are the Charitable, it must have meant, bleffed are they who live in a State and Habit of Charity. For the fame Reason, are we to underftand the Bleffednefs which is due to Mourning, to be only due to a State and Life of Mourning.

SECONDLY, Blessed are they that mourn, fhews us that this Mourning concerns all Men as fuch, without any Diftinction of Time or Perfons, fo that its Excellency and Fitness must be founded upon fomething


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