Imagens das páginas

JACKSON, April 4, 1866.

DEAR FRIEND-My mother and father were very glad to see me. They did not know me when they saw me coming. The little ones said, "Mother there comes a man. He looks just like a man-a man that I know." Then they all came to where he is, almost in front of the house.

Then says my mother, "That is Frank. No, it is not. It is not possible that he has grown so." When I came into the house, almost a foot, "Hallo," says one, "Hallo," says another. So many said these words, they seemed only one word repeated. But for my part, I was glad to get home, it seemed so funny. I am working with father till I get a place.

F. M.

LOUISVILLE KY., May 1, 1866.

DEAR FRIEND-I write for the first time since I left Lansing. I left home to go and see my brother, but I never found him, for he died in Andersonville prison. When I started back, I got out of money, and so enlisted in the 2d U. S. Reg. Infantry; have been in the Army eight months now. I like it pretty well. When I am here a year I will try to get a furlough, and come out to see you.

I have got to go to work to clean my kit. I send my best respects to Mrs. H., and Miss N., and all the rest of the officers and boys.

I remain, your pupil and friend,

J. K.

May 27, 1866.

MR. R.-Dear Sir:-You told me, the morning that I left to write to you and let you know how I am getting along. I am working on the Railroad and getting ten shillings a day. I went to work the twenty-fourth, and have been at work since.

Mr. R., remember me as a friend to all the boys and the officers. M. C.

DETROIT, July 8, 1866.

DEAR FRIEND, R-I was sorry to disappoint you in not going to see you before I left Lansing. I had to wait for some letters, and by the time they were ready, I was not too early for the train. I sincerely thank you for all the kindness you showed me, and the welcome from all the folks there. I can say that I came here with a changed heart, with the advice and encouragement I received from you and Mr. A. I cannot find words to express my thanks for the welcome you gave me. I shall try to do the best I can here among the boys to get all the money I can, to help pay for the organ. I think I can raise five or ten dollars. I send my respects and love to all, and hope you will receive it from me as one of your reformed school-boys, graduated in the Army. I should very much like to have you come and see me at work in the shop.

E. W. D.

JACKSON, July 8, 1866.

MR. R.-Dear Sir:-I have given up the tailoring busines, and am now learning to be a barber, though I would rather be back in my old place, and at my old trade. I would like to know how many boys Mr. J. has with him now. Tell the boys to take warning by my fate; tell them to be good boys and shun all evil company. When they get from that they may become useful men, and not like me, degraded outcasts. I find some seven or eight of the school-boys here.

D. M.

JULY 26, 1866.

Mr. R.--Respected Sir:-Last Monday I left Lansing for home. At Jackson I had some time to spare before the train left, so I thought I would go through the prison. As I was passing from shop to shop I saw many things that drew my attention. As I got next to the last shop, I saw a young man who just looked up and saw me, and by his looks I think he

felt very bad; and who do you think it was? It was C. F. I went on, thinking what a difference between the Prison and the Reform School, though some people say there is not much difference.

At Detroit I had plenty of time, and so I went to the House of Correction. I saw some that were once with us at the school; one or two that were in the army. I felt sorry for them. J. H.

JULY 27, 1866.

MR. R.--Dear Sir:--I wrote you one letter since reaching home, telling you my father was very sick. He died the 25th. His sickness is my excuse for not writing before. Ma thinks I could help her a good deal now if I can stay with her, and she will write to you as soon as she feels able. I have three little brothers here younger than me, and one sister a little older. Will you please write to me and tell me what I am to do. Your friend and pupil,

J. E. C.

DETROIT, Nov. 12, 1866.

MR. R.-Dear Sir:-It is with much pleasure that I report the conduct of my son, G. H., since his return from the school. He has been at home and finds ample though not very remunerative employment, caning chairs for H's chair factory in this city, which he does at home under my own eyes, and his conduct is irreproachable.

With very much respect,

Yours truly,

M. A. H.



HON. O. HOSFORD, Supt. Public Instruction:

DEAR SIR: I respectfully submit the following special report of the Detroit Public Schools, for the year 1866, to date, (November 1st, 1866.)


The schools occupy twenty-one buildings, and seventy-eight in number, classed as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The Schools are thoroughly graded, and the school work for each year carefully prescribed. (See course of study in Annual Report.) The course of study is adapted to the average ability of pupils between the ages of six and eighteen years.The Primary grade embraces two years; the second grade two years; the Junior grade two years; the Senior grade three years, and the High School grade three years. The High School includes both an English and a Classical course; these courses are optional; the study of the modern languages is also optional. Pupils are advanced from the lower to the higher grades upon a thorough examination. Examinations, except for admission to the High School, take place twice a year. There is a uniformity in text books, in school drill, in keeping registers, and rendering reports. The school registers show

the names of pupils, their number, ward and age, the names of their parents, the streets and numbers of their residences. The register is a complete statistical history of the school for which it is kept.


There are 99 teachers in the employ of the Board of Education. Twenty-one of this number are assistants in Senior and Junior Schools, and 78 are in charge of school-rooms. The High School has one Principal, and three assistants; the Senior Schools four Principals, and thirteen Assistants; the Junior Schools sixteen Principals and four Assistants. The corps of teachers includes ten men and 89 women. The average salary paid to men is $990; the average salary paid to women is $393. The highest salary paid to a man is $1,400, the lowest $400. The highest salary paid to a woman is $600, the lowest $375. There are three half-day assistants who each receive but $200 a year. A majority of the teachers receive $400 per year. For the first year of service teachers receive $375. The following table exhibits the whole matter of salaries.

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