Imagens das páginas




unexplored parts of the world and on geographical features generally; and Kieppert contributes an article on Flying Surveys. Von Richthoven, of Chinese celebrity, writes a memoir on Geology, throughout which the special turn of mind of an accomplished traveller is conspicuous; and the African explorer, Schweinfurth, gives one on the collection and preservation of plants; while Dr. Gün

Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Bedürfnisse der Kaiser-ther, of the British Museum, writes upon reptiles and fish. lichen Marine. Edited by Dr. G. Neumayer. (Berlin, Oppenheim; London, Trübner, 1875.)


N estimating the merits of a work like this German Manual, we must bear in mind that ordinary treatises are not what a traveller asks for. These are primarily written for the use of students, not for that of investigators, and the stand-points of the student and of the investigator are wholly different. The student takes a position in the very heart of the great continent of established knowledge, and his aim is to familiarise himself with what is already known, but the investigator places himself on the frontier of that continent, and is always directing his thoughts into the illimitable regions of the unknown. It is therefore obvious that the books needed by a traveller must be composed in a different spirit to those intended for students. They must summarise, so far as possible in the small space that is available, the most advanced knowledge of the several sciences; they must dwell at length upon what is not known, and they must explain how processes, commonly carried on at a table, with abundant appliances, may be undertaken in the open air, amid the manifold discomforts of a journey and in the isolation to which every traveller is necessarily obliged to submit. The satisfactory combination of these three requirements is hard to accomplish, while it is scarcely possible for anyone who has not himself been a traveller to do justice to the last of them.

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Dr. Neumayer informs us that the present work, of which he is the editor and to which he has himself contributed an important and well-illustrated memoir on Hydrography, took its origin in a meeting of scientific men at Berlin. They recognised the merits of the English Admiralty Manual of Scientific Inquiry," which appears to be much appreciated by German navigators, but they felt that a more elaborate work might advantageously be supplied, having special reference to German culture and needs. The result of the conference has been the production of this volume. It contains contributions from twenty-eight men, all experts in what they write about, many of them of the highest distinction, and many of them travellers. It is therefore impossible but that such a compendium should be of sterling worth. Unfortunately it is equally impossible for us, in a short review of so encyclopædic an undertaking, to give more than a partial idea of it.

The authors, as we might expect, have treated their subjects in very different ways, so that there is much individuality in their writings, and perhaps some disproportion in the spaces allotted to the several subjects. Again, some of the best memoirs are on topics where one would have least hoped to meet with interesting matter; thus, Dr. A. Meitzin has drawn up an exceedingly instructive memoir on Political Geography and Statistics, and Dr. Friedel one on Medical Science. There is a masterly and original treatise by Dr. Koner on the VOL. XI.-No. 278

In short, all the branches of zoology and botany are excellently represented. Dr. Steinthal has contributed a very instructive paper on linguistic inquiry, showing, among other things, the sort of conversation that a traveller should encourage in order to procure synonyms and nice distinctions of words; also to obtain correct ideas of construction. Thus he has pages of such words or phrases as these: "The sky; clouds; the sky is clear, is cloudy. Wind, the wind blows; storm; whirlwind. The sun is risen, is set, burns hotly. The moon, new moon; there is no moon; stars; comet; meteor," &c. This ought to afford an excellent guide to persons desirous of compiling vocabularies of hitherto unwritten languages. The only paper to which exception might be taken is that on fixing geographical positions; for, however sound it may be, it is written from the point of view of a University professor, and omits the matters connected with the carriage and manipulation of instruments under the difficulties inseparable from rough travel, which are precisely those about which the traveller most needs information.

The volume contains almost seven hundred pages, large octavo, in a rather small but readable type. Thanks to its being issued on paper that is neither thick nor heavy, it forms by no means an unwieldy book. There can be no doubt that it will become a standard work for all travellers who can read German. It wants an index, because, although it is divided into twenty-eight sections, it is by no means easy to hunt out a required passage, especially as the memoirs necessarily encroach upon the provinces of one another; if the book be translated into English, this want ought to be supplied. Again, it is only to some of the memoirs that a list of special works of reference is appended. These lists are extremely useful to persons preparing for a journey, and all the memoirs should have been furnished with them. If such lists should ever be compiled, and if the works to which they refer were freely added to the libraries in the capitals of the various colonies, they would be of the greatest assistance to travellers, temporarily resident, while completing their preparations for a start, or in putting their materials into order in the interval between two journeys.

In concluding these remarks, attention may serviceably be directed to a desideratum, not only of scientific travellers, but of all who, having been well grounded in science, occupy themselves occasionally in scientific research; namely, a book that shall contain the principal constants and formulæ of every branch of science, each accompanied by a short reminder, as it were, of the method by which it was obtained. Such a book, suitable to the state of knowledge at the bygone time when it was written, is actually in existence, namely, Carr's "Synopsis" (published by Weld). The condensation, elegance, and precison of its style are worthy of the highest commendation. It was a vade mecum of the late Mr. Babbage, to


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The Sandwich Islands lie upwards of 2,000 miles southwest of San Francisco, and consist of fifteen islands, of which only eight appear to be inhabited, viz., Hawaii, Mauai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Molokai, Oahu, Kaui, and Niihau. The total area is about 7,000 square miles, and the native population is under 50,000. There are besides upwards of 5,000 foreigners, the Chinese being more largely represented than any other nation, Americans and British coming next. There is, however, a large native white population, descendants of American missionaries and others who settled in the islands years ago; most of the Government offices for the Sandwich group has a Constitutional Monarchy-being filled by whites of this class. The islands have for many years been professedly Christian in religion. They extend from 18° 50' to 22° 20' N. lat., and from 154° 53' to 160° 15 W. long. Their official designation is the "Hawaiian Islands." "Their climate for salubrity and gen: ral equa

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bility is reputed the finest on earth. It is almost absolutely equable, and a man may take his choice between broiling all the year round on the sea level on the leeward side of the islands at a temperature of 80°, and enjoying the charms of a fireside at an altitude where there is frost every night of the year. There is no sickly season, and there are no diseases of locality. The trade winds blow for nine months of the year, and on the windward coasts there is an abundance of rain, and a perennial luxuriance of vegetation."

So says Miss Bird, whose delightful book we recommend to all who wish for a full and graphic account of the present condition of the Sandwich Islands and islanders. She spent seven months of the year 1873 on the islands for the sake of her health, rode and sailed

and climbed about fearlessly everywhere, using her eyes to the very best advantage. The result is, that in less than 500 pages she gives a panoramic picture of the various phases of nature and life in the Sandwich Islands, which leaves little to be desired.

The largest of the islands is Hawaii-its area is 4,000 square miles-but the capital, Honolulu, the headquarters of one of our Transit expeditions, is on Oahu. Hawaii Miss Bird calls a huge slag, and the same, we fancy, may be said of most of the other islands; everywhere there are unmistakable signs of the fiercest volcanic outbursts, and every now and again are the inhabitants reminded of the instability of the foundations of their lovely dwelling-place. Nevertheless, nobody in Hawaii troubles himself with the thought

of the terrible possibilities that may at any moment happen. Natives and foreign residents appear to resign themselves unreservedly to the perpetual "afternoon" influence of the land, where there seems to be little need of "taking thought for the morrow."

Miss Bird gives us many glimpses of the luxuriant vegetation which is to be found almost everywhere on the lower slopes of the islands; a mere list of the various trees to be met with would occupy more space than we can afford. Almost all the roots and fruits of the torrid and temperate zones can be grown on the islands, though the flora is far scantier than that of the South Sea groups. The indigenous fauna is small, consisting only of hogs, dogs, goats, and an anomalous bat that flies by day. There are few insects except such as have been imported, and there is no great variety of bird-life.

In Hawaii, as well as in others of the islands, the coast line is everywhere broken by deep "gulches" or ravines, often from 1,000 to 2,000 feet in depth, running for miles into the interior, clothed from top to bottom of their nearly perpendicular sides with almost impenetrable vegetation, and having the narrow valleys below raked by torrent-like rivers, which are often swollen to many hundred yards in breadth.

No doubt the principal attraction to the scientific reader in Miss Bird's narrative will be her account of the visits which she was brave and determined enough to make to the volcanoes, active and extinct, on Hawaii and Mauai. All the principal islands of the group, being of volcanic origin, are more or less mountainous, ranging in extreme height from 400 ft. in Kahoolawe to close on 14,000 in Hawaii, the loftiest island in Oceania. As our readers,

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no doubt, know, there are on the island of Hawaii two active and at least two extinct volcanoes; indeed, almost everywhere in the interior evidence of former volcanic action is to be met with. "To the south of the Waimea plains violent volcanic action is everywhere apparent, not only in tufa cones, but in tracts of ashes, scoriæ, and volcanic sand."

Mauna Loa, somewhat to the south of the centre of the island of Hawaii, is the highest active volcano in the world, rising to a height of 13,760 feet. The whole of the south side of Hawaii, down to and below the water's edge, is composed of its slopes, its base being 180 miles in circumference. "Its whole bulk above a height of 8,000 feet is one frightful desert," though vegetation, in the form of grey lichens, a little withered grass, and a hardy asplenium, extends 2,000 feet further up. During Miss Bird's visit to the summit, the thermometer regis

tered 11° of frost. The crater Mokuaweoweo, is six miles in circumference, 11,000 feet long, 8,000 feet wide, with precipitous sides 800 feet deep. The crater appears to be in a state of constant activity, and at times overflows, carrying destruction to the lowest levels of the island. Miss Bird tells us that since white men inhabited the islands there have been ten eruptions from Mauna Loa. Of the condition of the crater, the following description, by Miss Bird, of what she saw on her visit, accomplished amid hardships that few men would care to undergo, will give the reader a vivid idea :

"When the sun had set, and the brief red glow of the tropics had vanished, a new world came into being, and wonder after wonder flashed forth from the previously lifeless crater. Everywhere through its vast expanse appeared glints of fire-fires bright and steady, burning in rows like blast furnaces; fires lone and isolated, un

winking like planets, or twinkling like stars; rows of little fires marking the margin of the lowest level of the crater; fire molten in deep crevasses; fire in wavy lines; fire, calm, stationary, and restful: an incandescent lake two miles in length beneath a deceptive crust of darkness, and whose depth one dare not fathom even in thought. Broad in the glare, giving light enough to read by at a distance of three-quarters of a mile, making the moon look as blue as an ordinary English sky, its golden gleam changed to a vivid rose-colour, lighting up the whole of the vast precipices of that part of the crater with a rosy red, bringing out every detail here, throwing cliffs and heights into huge black masses there, rising, falling, never intermitting, leaping in lofty jets with glorious shapes like wheatsheafs, corruscating, reddening, the most glorious thing beneath the moon was the firefountain of Mokuaweoweo."

On the east flank of Mauna Loa, about 4,000 feet in height, is the crater of Kilauea, which, Miss Bird says, has the appearance of a great pit on a rolling plain.

"But such a pit! It is nine miles in circumference, and its lowest area, which not long ago fell about 300 feet, just as ice on a pond falls when the water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet in different years, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb."

We wish we had space to quote Miss Bird's fearfully vivid description of what she saw during the two visits she made to Kilauea, descriptions which, were they not evidently written on the spot with a truthful pen, would

almost deserve to be called sensational.

She also made the ascent of Mauna Kea, to the north

of Mauna Loa, the highest peak in Oceania, perpetually covered with snow, a dead volcano, whose top consists of deep soft ashes and sand.

On the west side of Hawaii is another extinct volcano, Hualulai, 10,000 feet high, which has only slept since 1801, when there was a tremendous eruption from it, which flooded several villages, destroyed many plantations and fish-ponds, filled up a deep bay twenty miles in extent, and formed the present coast.

The largest extinct volcano in the world, Haleakala, is in the centre of the island of Mauai, lying to the northwest of Hawaii. It is 10,200 feet in height; its terminal crater is nineteen miles in circumference, 2,000 feet deep, and contains numerous subsidiary cones, some of which are 800 feet high. Miss Bird of course visited it, and, as usual, her description is exceedingly graphic and full, and is considerably helped out by an excellent map of the crater. It seems that very few of the usual volcanic products are present in this extinct crater.*

Volcanic action in the Sandwich Islands would seem to have died out from west to east ; this is inferred from the state of the lava and the great depth of soil in some of the western islands, as in Oahu and Kauai, the latter the most westerly of the inhabited islands. Some very remarkable instances of the powerful effects of weathering in causing degradation are to be seen in this island. The Punchbowl, a crater behind Honolulu, was in 1786 observed to be composed of high peaks; but atmospheric influences have reduced it to the appearance of a single wasting tufa cone; and the cone of Diamond Hill, to the

According to Mr. Brigham, the products of the Hawaiian volcanoes are native sulphur, pyrites, salt, sal ammoniac, hydrochloric acid, hematite, sulphurous acid, sulphuric acid, quartz, crystals, palagonite, feldspar, chrysolite, Thompsonite, gypsum, solfatarite, copperas, nitre, arragonite, Labradorite, limonite.

south of the town, is also, from the same causes, rapidly diminishing.

The native population of the Sandwich Islands, which belongs to the Malay or Malyo-Polynesian division of Oceania, is fast dying out, at the fearful rate of something like 1,000 per year; so that unless some counteracting circumstances intervene, it must in a very few years become entirely extinct. Cook calculated the population of the islands in 1778 to be about 400,000; now the native population is under 50,000. That the decay is to a considerable extent owing to contact with whites there is no doubt.

But when every allowance is made for the effects of such contact upon the native population, it is questionable whether this will account completely for its rapid decrease. A similar decrease seems to be going on all over the Pacific islands, even in places where the whites have always been extremely few. From this point of view M. Leborgne has recently turned his attention to the small Gambier group, which consists of four islands. Magarévə, the most important island, had in 1840 a population of 1,130; it is now only 650. Dr. Hamy, in an article in La Nature, ascribes the prevalent diseases mainly to consanguineous marriages, a cause which is likely to obtain in many of the other isolated Pacific groups. This may have something to do with the diminution of the Hawaiian population, as also the fact that the careless, happy, and extremely sociable people seem to be almost devoid of anything like parental affection, taking little care of their

children, and readily parting with them to anyone willing die in infancy. Another point to be noted is that in 1872 to take them; the consequence is that a large proportion the males exceeded the females by 6,400 souls.

At all events there is no doubt that the populations of most of the Pacific islands are rapidly disappearing, and that ere very long the only tenant of their lovely homes will be the omnipresent white man, who has foisted on them an exotic civilisation which seems to have unmanned them, to have completely checked their natural development, and whose invariable concomitants have been disease and widespread destruction.

to the favourable notice of our readers. A small map We again recommend Miss Bird's most attractive book of the islands is prefixed, and the few illustrations are beautifully executed.

OUR BOOK SHELF Sun and Earth as Great Forces in Chemistry. By Thos. W. Hall, M.D. (London: Trübner and Co.) THE author of this work, professing himself the preacher of a new doctrine, theorises, to use his own words, "on the phenomena of chemistry... considering the whole of chemistry as but heat acting on matter." The sun is considered to exert some subtle chemical influence on matter, but, unfortunately for science, these effects, we are told, cannot be studied experimentally, "yet we can do so theoretically to a very useful extent." After carefully perusing the twelve chapters in which this eminently theoretical treatment is carried out, we are driven to ask ourselves whether Dr. Hall's views are not more of the nature of complication than of explanation. It may be safely affirmed that the phenomena of chemistry are far more easily explained by existing theories-imperfect though they be-than by the obscure reasoning based on perfectly gratuitous assumptions in which the present

volume abounds.



Neither is the work free from the grave charge of inaccuracy. The writer who speaks of the sun as an "everlasting, universal, equable heat source," cannot be acquainted with Sir Wm. Thomson's paper on the dissipation of energy. On page 37 the equivalent of iodine is stated to be 125; on page 46 we are told that potassium is negative to sulphur. It will be new to our readers to learn (p. 50) that "attraction in chemistry does not differ from that in physics," and that carbon disulphide is prepared (p. 52) by powdering, mixing, and heating carbon with sulphur. On page 108 we are informed that "latent heat is, by the study of galvanism, resolvable into electricity." We do not differ from Dr. Hall in considering the following idea of the cause of electro-magnetism as most rudimentary and rough." Speaking of a solenoid, the author states (p. 116), "Such a solenoid or its latent-heat current will avoid the latently hot parts of the earth-that is, her equator-and will place itself at right angles to the equator-that is, move away from the equator as far as it can; will, in fact, assume a position parallel to the magnetic meridian of the place, &c." The phraseology adopted by Dr. Hall must be characterised as eminently original; we select a few expressions to submit to the judgment of our readers: -"Proto-metalloidations," "nitridations," "hydro-solu," "tensified, unmorphigenic electroid," "disoccupied," very unnegative hydrogen," "hydrohalogenic acid," equo-terro-solar equilibrium," "protometalloidid," "disequilibrium." The description of the combustion of carbon is perhaps worth quoting entire :-" Carbon combines with oxygen, leaves its solid shape for a gaseous one, forming carbonic anhydrid gas, and this greatly because of carbon's own heat constitution; and, further, because of the intense nearness of the oxygen to carbon and our earth's comparative distance; this because also of the excellent heat capacity of oxygen itself: and thus carbon with oxygen leaps up into carbonic anhydrid gas, earth loosened into the highest sun forms, approaching that of oxygen itself, for the heat capacities of carbon are near those of oxygen: but the oxy-terric struggle for carbon is arduous; our earth has greatly in her favour her immensity, but then she is far off, and her forces decrease with distance; but even so, for freeing carbon from our earth's control, oxygen requires always, as we know, the further assistance of heat on carbon; we always, for oxycarbonic combination, have to set fire to carbon." On p. 34 we are gravely informed that potassium, even under naphtha, is acted upon by sun and earth forces, and becomes covered with an "allotropic crust." The author then goes on to remark that this behaviour arises from the fact that free potassium is "not a child of nature or of our sun, but of furnace heat, and its equilibrium taken with furnace heat must become slowly changed to that of our sun." In the new theory a metallic protoxide is thus formularised E,M,O, "in which E stands for our negative earth, and x for the part she takes in the action not quantitatively known"-we may venture to add, nor yet qualitatively. It would be as tedious as unnecessary to give further quotations in illustration of the manner in which Dr. Hall has handled his subject--the extracts given above will doubtless serve as a caution to readers intending to take up the book. The selections themselves will render further comment a work of supererogation.


[The Editor does not hold himself responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. Neither can he undertake to return, or to correspond with the writers cf, rejected manuscripts. No notice is taken of anonymous communications.]

On the Building up of the Tone in the "Gamba" Organpipe

Is considering the nature of this pipe, and in determining the relation of its air-reed and its air-column, one fact discovered in

these investigations should always be borne in mind, that the
pitch of the reed is dependent not on vibrating length, but on
vibrating divergence on the amplitude of the reed's motion.
The pitch of the air-column is not necessarily the same as the
pitch of the air-reed; they may be and often are at variance:
and this pipe will afford a happy means of demonstration of the
statement made in a previous letter, that the tone of every organ-
pipe is dual. As regards the reed, whatever the modifications
of length by height of mouth, of thickness by varied wind-way,
or of strength by amount of wind-pressure, the final result is
bound by this law of divergence. In the typical air-reed, any
deviation from the direct line of force taken by the stream of air
is the beginning of vibration; its highest possible rate of vibra-
tion begins existence on its least divergence from the direct line;
consequently, its highest pitch is its inceptive tone at this stage
or condition of untamed energy. The bass has always been
considered the basis and commencement of musical tone; every
relation of tones has been examined on that ground, and it has
undoubtedly been the source of many errors, one might almost
say in the nature of superstitions, so tenacious has been its hold,
so blinding its influence on the perceptions. Tone has its
beginnings in the highest activity, and descends to the lowest
and slowest; the development of its mechanical relations pro-
ceeds by definite degrees, and the issue depends on the affinity
existing between the pipe and the reed, both possessing definite
form, power, and character, and blending these by law. The
vibration of the aeroplastic reed is thus shown to be isotonic, not
isochronous; the laws of its vibrations are identical with those of
the things most like itself, of sound-waves, of light-waves.
It was my good fortune some time ago to have placed in my
hands a specimen of a variety of "Gamba" devised by the
famous organ-builder, Schulze, of Paulenzelle. The "Gambas"
form a class of pipes variously constructed in scale, and they are
so called from the quality of their tone imitating the old "Viol
da Gamba" and its modern representative the "violoncello."
The general characteristics of the class are-cylindrical pipe of
comparatively slender scale, low-cut mouth, full-winded at foot,
and slow in speaking; the slow speech is a necessity, and is
caused by the wind being, as it is technically termed, "much
thrown out;" that is, the line of force of the current of wind is
set more outward than ordinarily, for without such arrangement
the fundamental or ground tone of the pipe would not secure its
hold; some harmonic would usurp possession; for the air-reed,
being short in consequence of low mouth, and strong from excess
of wind, would keep to harmonics as the "flute harmonique
does; the latter has a low languid (or interior level within the
mouth), the "Gamba" has a higher languid in relation to the
under lip, thus directing the stream at a more oblique angle to
that level. The tone has decided introductory and transitive
harmonics. Of their sequence, although but momentary, the
ear conveys a clear impression to our consciousness. We call it
a "stringy quality," and it is a very interesting inquiry how this
The characteristic quality per-
peculiar pipe-tone is built up.
taining to all stringed instruments whose tone is elicited by the
bow, does, we may well suppose, arise through a process bearing
a close analogy to this.

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It is a disadvantage, this slow speech of the "Gamba," often felt to be excessively slow. Most skilful voicing is needful to give sufficient time for the appearance of the introductory harmonics without too greatly delaying the fundamental, for it is a nice point to strike the mean between having the wind so much thrown out that the pipe will not speak any tone, and risking, by giving quicker speech, the sudden "flying off to the octave,' with obstinate persistence not to descend.

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Take note of this. If you hold your hand or your finger near the mouth of any speaking organ-pipe, there is forthwith a sensible flattening of its pitch, deepening with the nearer approach of the hand; in tuning organs it is the ordinary custom to test pitch by this simple method, determining thereby whether the pipe will best bear flattening for its nearer approximation to a desired pitch or concord with others. Suppose yourself to be tuning a set of "Gamba " pipes: you would notice perchance that a restive pipe continually darting off to harmonics would be corrected and steadily held in check so long as your hand or finger was near or across its mouth. We can thus well understand how it might occur to Schulze that the temporary expedient could be made permanent. This is what Schulze did: he fixed a small bar across the mouth. The device proved successful. In pipes thus treated the tendency of the reed to settle at the octave is suppressed, speech is quickened, more wind may be given without danger, and the quality becomes in con

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