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we owe;

But we're odd kind of beings, and ftrange pranks have play'd,

Some we've delighted, and fome made afraid.

If two of us meet fir, nay if we be three, [fently; All things topfy-turvy we turn preBut then if our number increafes to four, We fet all things to right, fir, as they were before.

Nor hands ever had we, or colour e'er faw,

Nor ever us'd crayon or pencil to draw, Yet we paint with fuch delicate colour and fhade, [are made, And in fuch true proportion our fingers That we challenge Vandyke and the fam'd Angelo, [fhew. Such excellent pieces as ours are, to R. BEAUMONT. FOREIGN


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Parlermo, Jan. 20. DURING the courfe of laft year 656 merchantmen entered this port, of which 118 were French, 85 Spanish, 117 Neapoltian, 40 Sicilian, 36 English, 12 Danish, to Venetian, 23 Dutch, 4 Sardinian, 187 Genoefe, 17 Ragufan, and 5 with the Jerufalem flag. The Feluccas, fchifazzi, and fperonares of the Two Sicilies, and the katakis of Malta, are not included in this number. in

has within thefe few days affembled very often, whichi fhews that their deliberations are very important, and we this day learn that they have refolved to continue the war. This determination, founded on the new alliances which the Porte has entered into, and the affiftance they expect to receive from the different diverfions which are made in their favour, has been received by the people with great pleasure.

Namur, Feb. 3. His excellency general Vander Merich arrived here the day before yefterday, amidit the ringing of bells, and the difcharge of the cannons both from the caftle and ramparts. All the garrifon were under arms, and the acclamations of the people evidently thewed their joy for his return.

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midable resistance in cafe of an'attack, or to blow up the fortifications; is a doubt.

From the Bannat we learn, that general Van Wartenfleben marched on the 15th to open the fiege of Orfowa, having received the neceffary orders for that purpofe from field - marshal Laudon. Gunboats have been built on the Danube, each of which carries two 18 pounders. Thefe will attack the place by water, whilft our troops attack it by land, and it is not very probable that it will hold out long, as the garrifon is in want of every thing, and by defertion and ficknefs reduced from 1000 to 400 men.

Leghorn, Feb. 10. The English fquadron, commanded by rear admiral Pey ton, is failed for Gibraltar.

A number of citizens and officers of the national guard of the island of Corfica are arrived here from Baftia, to compliment and carry back to their country Mr. Clement Paoli, brother to the general of that name, together with Mr. Bargaglio, and all the other Corficans who took refuge formerly in Tufcany.

Madrid, Feb. 23. Don Peter Lerevia, the minifter of the finances, has lately delivered to his majefty an exact stateA body of Patriotic troops is on the ment of our trade in the Indies, during march to reinforce that which is at the course of the year 1788; according Beauraing. Our army augments con- to which the importations and the exfiderably large detachments of volun-portations exceed thofe in 1787, the forteers arrive from the different provinces almoft daily; 1500 arrived from Tournay and Hainault, and 1200 are expect ed from Brabant.

Semlin, Feb. 8. The day before yefterday notice was given by beat of drum, that all abfentees fhould rejoin their regiments by the 25th of this month on pain of fevere punishment.

We have accounts from Belgrade, that the repairs of the fortifications are refumed again, and a vaft number of workmen have been fent off to that place lately. In that part where the fortrefs moft acceffible, and where our troops in the laft fiege began the ftorm, a large battery is erecting. The miners are bulily employed under ground; but whether this is in order to make a forVOL. XXI.

mer by 23,859,625 reals, and the latter by 117,139,085 reals. The cargoes, both in national effects for our colonies and merchandize exceeded those of 1787 by 12,539,131, whilft thofe which confifted of foreign merchandize were 32,419,529 lefs; in the whole, the amount of the year 1788 exceeded the former year by 138,231,850 reals.

Hague, March 1. The king of Pruffia has written another letter to the

prince bishop of Liege, with the former offer of conciliation; but has affured him, that, unless he acquiefces by the 31ft of this inftant, the Pruffian troops will on that day evacuate the territory of Liege, and the prince muft therefore be anfwerable for the confequences that may arife therefrom.



Florence, March 1. This morning his royal highness the grand-duke of Tufcany, now king of Hungary and Bohemia, fet off for Vienna, accompanied by general F. Manfredini, and other perfons belonging to his fuite. The council of regency, eftablished by an ordinance of the 16th of February, and prefided by the fenator Antonio Serrefnori, will regulate all the affairs of the duchy during the abfence of the grand-duke.

Hamburgh, March 2. According to authentic accounts received from Copenhagen, the king's army amounts to 52 fquadrons of cavalry, and 80 battalions of infantry, making in all 85,077 men. Of thefe troops 11,658 infantry and 526 horfe are deftined for the fervice of the garrifons; the reft are complete, and ready to march.

Grefheim, in the Principality of Darmfadt, March 8. On the night of the 5th and 6th inft. three ftrong fhocks of an earthquake were felt here. The laft was the most violent; but neither of them did any confiderable damage.

Rome, March 10. The different decrees iffued, relative to ecclefiaftical affairs, by the national affembly of France, are regarded here as an infraction on the rights and liberties of the court of Rome, and the holy father has fent a brief to his moft Chriftian majefty, and all the bishops of France, in which he reproaches them for adhering, without his acquiefence, to the deliberations of that affembly, efpecially in the fuppreffion of the religious orders. This brief was fent on Wednesday laft to the Apoftolica! Nuncio at Paris, having previously been delivered to the cardinal de Bernis, the French minifter here.

Genca, March 13. Confiderable magazines have been for fome time forming in the eftates of his Sardinian majelly; the fortifications are repairing, and the troops augmenting; every diftrict, how fmall foever it may be, is to furnish 11 men, and the towns double that number, belides which a corps of 15,000 men are affembling to ferve wherever occafion may require.

Frankfort, March 15. They write from Pleis, that the merchants and moft part of the inhabitants, on account of the preparations for war making there, are determined to retire with whatever they can take of their property and ef

fects farther from the frontier.

Milan, March 16. We are prep ing requests to obtain the redress of o grievances and the acknowledgement our rights, fo long unknown or forgot and we hope our complaints will b heard as favourably as thofe of Hun gary were, and those of Auftria will be

Vienna, March 17. The coronatio of Leopold will be celebrated in the month of May, with great magni ficence. In the mean time his majet employs his whole time in fatigues d bufinefs. He is hardly ever feen abroad The evening of his arrival in this cap tal, he did not go to reft till three o'clock in the morning, and gave or ders to be called at eight. The repo tories of the late emperor remain un opened. Count Wallace is appointe prefident of the council of war, an general Brown will have the command of a body of eighteen battalions troops, to be early affembled in Be hemia.

The following copy of a letter is c culated, faid to be written by his mag fty to general Laudohn:

"My dear Laudohn,

"I commit to your care all that cor cerns my armies. I give you thanks, which you fo much merit, your important fervices done to my l brother. I know nothing of the feier of tactics, nor warlike operations; the more therefore congratulate myself i having you, as my light and my gui in this important moment, fo critical the ftate."

Vienna, March 18. His Hungarian majefty admitted to an audience the de puties from the ftates of Auftria a Gallicia. He feemed extremely affecie! at the recital of the hardships the peop of thefe countries labour under, front the heavy taxes, and the arbitrary man ner in which they are collected. He promiled to redrels their grievances and even to abolish fuch taxes as wer oppreffive. His majefty already ga upon the affections of every body by! extreme affability to all ranks. Whe the deputies took their leave of him, E told them that they might depend up free accefs to him at all times, and the he viewed them as his best friends. Th burgeffes of the city fignified a wish the his majefty would allow them to appe under arms the first time he went to mais: his majefly, however, politely waved that honour, but informed them,

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that on the arrival of the queen he would | ftanding the defection of his country allow them to do him that pleasure. (the Netherlands), remains attached to the houfe of Auftria, is preparing to fet out for Semlin, where he is to have the command of a fmall ariny.

Ghent, March 18. The day before yefterday was performed with great ceremony the prefentation of two bronze fix pounders, prefented to the country by the ladies of this city, who opened a fubfcription for that purpose. Each

Our court is endeavouring to counteract the views of Pruffia in Poland, by holding out an offer of a commercial cannon was drawn by fix horfes, pre-treaty in terms much more advantageceded by our troops, with the mufic playing, and followed by a detachment of volunteers, were conducted to the town-houfe, where they were prefented in form to the flates of Flanders.

ous to the Poles than thofe which Pruffia has offered. The court of Peterburgh join in the offer; and, in order to conciliate the good-will of the diet, these two courts have actually offered to guaranty the indivifibility of the Polish dominions.

In the mean time, our court is making the moft vigorous preparations for war, though it is thought by many that a war is by no means inevitable.

The abbey of Baupre, near Grammont, has prefented to the patriotic bank 1000 florins; the chapter of St. Bavan, at Ghent, 2250; the abbey of Baudelon, at Ghent, 7000; the abbey of Swywieck, at Termonde, 1500 florins; the Chapter of St. Bavan has fub- Vienna, March 20. The laft letters fcribed for the fupport of 50 men a day; from Belgrade mention, that field-marthat of Harlebeque for 24; and another thal count Wallis, commandant of that houfe has engaged to fupport 100 men fortrefs, had employed between 5000 a day; an anonymous lady has fent 490 and 6000 men to work upon an intrenchforins; and a Mr. Van Huliem, a citi-ment, in order to cover the place from

zen of Ghent, has prefented to the ftates 119 ounces of wrought filver.

a furprize by the Turks, who, if they fhould attempt it, muft firft carry that work before they can enter the fuburbs,

by thefe it never had been intended to replace the poor cultivator in a fituation that was a difgrace to humanity. This anfwer of the king's has been much approved of by all good citizens.

Brufels, March 19. The aristocratic party finding that the patriotic volun- Deputies from fome of the diftricts of teers were not to be intimidated by de- Hungary have reprefented to the king, crees, nor orders of council, from per- that it was the wifh of the nobles that fifting in the cause of liberty, have, it is the peasants were reduced to their forfaid, employed a very dangerous engine mer condition of fervitude. His mato effectuate their purposes. They have jefty anfwered, that he could grant noby means of money, and other artifices, thing further than a confirmation of all contrived to fpirit up infurrections and their privileges, according to the conriots among the loweft dregs of the peo-ceffions of the late emperor; and that ple, to balance the increasing power of the patriots.Thefe riots having no immediate caufe, are faid to owe their rife to this infernal project of the ftates of Brabant. The houfes of the patriots only have been attacked by this banditti. The dukes D'Urfel and D'Aremberg, and viscount Walkiers, who were the men that facrificed moft in the caufe of liberty, have within the fe few days been the principal objects of the vengeance of The latter, in particular, having facrificed 120,000 florins out of his private purse, in the maintenance of the patriotic army.

this mob.

It has been decided, that there fhall be no cabinet on foot like that established by his late majefly; and that all the papers in his bureau fhall be transported to their feveral departments.

Drefden, March 28. Yesterday count de Hartzfeld had a public audience of the elector in the character of anibaffador extraordinary from the elector of Mentz, as arch-chancellor of the emVienna, March 20. Yefterday was pire, to notify the vacancy of the imheld a great military council in the pre-perial throne, and formally to invite his fence of his majefty. All the field-mar-electoral higlinefs to appear at Frankfort, hals and generals in and about Vienna in perfon or by proxy, on the ft July were fummoned to attend. next, in order to procee to the elecThe prince de Ligne, who, notwith- tion of a new emperor.

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York, March 15.

N Wednesday laft, at intervals, the inhabitants of Sheffield were vifited in a very unusual manner by three of the elements. During the greateft part of the forenoon there fell immenfe quantities of hail and fnow, intermixed with rain; thefe fhowers were fucceeded by a very high wind; and the elemental warfare was clofed by a vivid flash of lightning, accompanied with a clap of thunder remarkably loud and aweful.

17. Accounts have been received from India, that the French have evacuated Pondicherry. They have difmounted their guns, and finally retired. With their ufual gallantry, they made one unsuccessful attempt to prevail on Tippoo Saib to release the English prifoners in his hands.

19. By a letter from South Wales, we are informed of a very capital dif covery made in that country, which, when joined to the public fpirit of the gentlemen around, promifes the beft confequences to the improvement of that country. The mountains on the borders of Glamorgan and Breconfhire, are faid to contain inexhauftible mines, both of iron and coal.-A meeting of the gentlemen of thefe counties, held on the 6th inft. have come to the refolution of forming a canal from Cardiff to Merthir.-A fubfcription was immediately opened for the execution of this pfeful work.

23. The following intelligence of the Vanfittart Eaft Indiaman has been received. On the 23d of Auguft laft the ftruck on a fhoal of coral rock, was brought-to, waiting for her boats, which were founding, fuddenly healed water from 17 to 10 fathom, anchored, and fwung round into three fathom and a half, got off, and found nine feet ten inches in her hold, ran on shore on an ifland, lat. 2. 09. S. about seven miles from Coaft Banca; Sept. 14, the crew failed for China in two country fhips, with 40 chefts of treafure faved by the affiance of those ships.

Dublin, March 24. It appeared from authentic documents, that in the laft year the quantity of refined fugar ma

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nufactured in Ireland was greater than that of the preceding year by upwards of 12,000 quintals, there being 16,973 cwt. imported in 1789, and but 4772 cwt. in 1788. The total quantity of mufcovade (brown refined) fugar imported into this country from Great Britain and the Weft Indies, in the year ending March 25, 1789, was 188,516 cwt. of which quantity we find 40,000 cwt. was imported directly from the Weft India Islands.

25. In the year 1760 our exports to Auftrian Flanders amounted to four hundred thousand pounds, the balance of which in our favour was nearly three hundred thousand pounds. But in 1780, the exports was a million, and the balance of trade in favour of England 2mounted to feven hundred and fifty thoufand pounds. This moft valuable and increafing trade is, perhaps, the moft lucrative branch of our commerce, and deferves peculiar attention in our future arrangements with the Belgic provinces, whatever their form of government may be. Before the earthquake at Lifbon, 1755, the trade of Portugal exceeded twelve hundred thousand pounds, and gave a balance of feven hundred thousands pounds in our favour; but in 1780 it fell to fix hundred thousand pounds, and left only a balance of two hundred thousand pounds in our favour; and from this comparative ftate, as laid down in authentic documents, the im menfe importance of the trade to Flanders may be eftimated.

26. Mr. Jonathan Hartop, now liv ing at the village of Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, has attained to the amazing age of 137 years, having been born in 1653. His father and mother both died of the plague at their houfe in the Minories, in 1666, and he perfectly remembers the great fire of London. He is thort in ftature, has been married five times, and has now alive feven children, 26 grand-children, 74 great-grand children, and 140 greatgreat-grand-children. He can read without fpectacles, and plays at cribbage with perfect recollection. Laft Chrift mas day, he walked nine miles to dine

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