1778. Treaty with Delaware Indians at Pittsburgh. Virginia grants Henderson and company the Green river land. 1779. Boundary between Pennsylvania and Virginia settled. Clark's miraculous re-capture of Vincennes, First settlement of Lexington, Kentucky. Maryland objects to land claims of Virginia. Brodhead's expedition against the Allegheny Indians. Bowman's expedition against Indians in Miami valley. Indians treat with Brodhead at Fort Pitt. Rogers and Benham attacked by Indians. Land Commissioners open their sessions in Kentucky. 1780. Hard winter.-Great suffering in the West. Great emigration to the South-West. Virginia grants lands in Kentucky for education. St. Louis attacked by British and Indians. Louisville established by law. Byrd with a large force invades Kentucky. Clark prepares to attack the Shawanese. Clark builds block house opposite the mouth of Licking. Marches thence to Upper Miami. Clark defeats the Shawanese and destroys their property. Battle of King's Mountain in N. Carolina. Scarcity of provisions-almost famine at Fort Pitt. South-Western boundary of Pennsylvania definitely established. 1781. Laws of Virginia prevent sale of provisions out of the State. Renewed efforts for an expedition against Detroit. Virginia makes her first act of cession. Spaniards from St. Louis take Fort St. Josephs, near Lake Michigan. New York cedes her Western lands. Brodhead attacks Delaware Indians on Muskingum. Gen. G. R. Clark solicits aid from Western Pennsylvania. Clark addresses Col. Lochry of Westmoreland. Lochry, Orr and others raise a force and descend the Ohio. Lochry killed-his troops taken prisoners. Mary Heckewelder born, first white child in Ohio. 1781. Chickasaws attack Fort Jefferson. Moravians carried to Sandusky by British and Indians. Williamson leads a party against Moravian Indians. Washington county, Pennsylvania, established. 1782. British establish a military post at Sandusky. Battle at the Blue Licks; Kentuckians defeated. Clark's second incursion through Miami valley. Catfish, (Washington,) Pennsylvania, first laid out as a town. 1783. Hostilities between United States and Great Britian cease. Congress calls on the States to cede lands. English propose to carry away slaves. Washington protests against course of English. Cassaty sent to Detroit. Virginia withdraws Clark's commission. Washington writes to Duane about Western lands. Virginia authorizes cession on terms proposed. British leave New York, (taking slaves.) Col. Daniel Brodhead opens first store in Kentucky, at Louisville. 1784. Col. James Wilkinson opens second store in Kentucky, at Lexington. Treaty of Peace ratified by the United States. Virginia gives deed of cession. Indian commissioners re-instructed. Pittsburgh re-surveyed; population increases. Treaty of Peace ratified by England. Virginia refuses to comply with treaty. 1784. England refuses to deliver up Western posts. Logan calls a meeting at Danville. 1785. Treaty with Delawares, &c., at Fort M'Intosh. Severe penalty against settling north of Ohio river. All previous settlers forced from their homes. Officers of United States enjoined to prevent families crossing Ohio. The aggressors are killed by Indians. Ordinance for the survey of Western lands passed. Second Kentucky Convention meets. Don Gardoqui comes from Spain. Third Kentucky Convention meets. A colony emigrates from Virginia to Illinois, Great confederacy of Northern Indians formed by Brant. Fort Harmar built at mouth of Muskingum. First survey of lands in the North-West Territory, (Congress land.) 1786. Brant visits England to learn purposes of ministers. Virginia agrees to independence of Kentucky. Putnam and Tupper call meeting to form Ohio Company. Ohio Company of associates formed. Governor of Virginia writes to Congress respecting Indian invasions. The negotiation about Mississippi before Congress. Resolution of Congress produces cession by Connecticut. Congress authorizes the invasion of North-Western Territory. Pittsburgh Gazette commenced; first printing in Ohio valley. Jay authorized to yield navigation of Mississippi at a definite term. Kentucky troops become mutinous, and return home without discharge. Connecticut makes a second act of cession. Americans seize Spanish property at Vincennes. Virginia protests against yielding navigation of Mississippi. Governor of Virginia informed of Clark's movements. Great Indian council in North-West-they address Congress. 1737. Fourth Kentucky convention meets. New England Ohio Land Company choose directors. Dr. Cutler negotiates with Congress for lands. 1787. Ordinance passed for government of North West Territory. Kentucky Gazette established at Lexington. First entries of Virginia reserve lands North of the Ohio. New England Ohio Land Company completes a contract. St. Clair appointed Governor of North-Western Territory. John Brown, first Western Representative, goes to Congress. 1788. Indians expected to make a treaty at Marietta. Denham purchases the site of Losantiville, (Cincinnati.) St. Clair reaches the North-Western Territory. First law of North-Western Territory published. Losantiville (Cincinnati) planned and surveyed. Symmes reaches his purchase; is overjoyed. Another Grand Indian council in the North-West. Seventh Kentucky convention meets. Columbia settled by Stites and others. Doctor Connolly in Kentucky as a spy and British agent. The founder of Cincinnati leaves Maysville. Cincinnati reached according to McMillan. Virginia passes third act to make Kentucky independent. Colonel George Morgan, of New Jersey, at New Madrid. Almanacs first printed at Lexington, Kentucky. Great emigration West: about five thousand persons pass Fort Harmar. 1789. Treaty of Fort Harmar concluded. Wilkinson goes to New Orleans again. Daniel Story first clergyman and teacher at Marietta. Symmes' settlement threatened by Indians. The force sent to protect Symmes go to Losantiville. Major Doughty builds Fort Washington at Losantiville, (Cincinnati.) Eighth Kentucky convention meets. Governor Miro of New Orleans writes to Sebastian. Congress empowers President to call out Western militia. President authorizes Governor St. Clair to call out militia. 1784. England refuses to deliver up Western posts. Logan calls a meeting at Danville. 1785. Treaty with Delawares, &c., at Fort M'Intosh. Severe penalty against settling north of Ohio river. All previous settlers forced from their homes. Officers of United States enjoined to prevent families crossing Ohio. The aggressors are killed by Indians. Ordinance for the survey of Western lands passed. Second Kentucky Convention meets. Don Gardoqui comes from Spain. Third Kentucky Convention meets. A colony emigrates from Virginia to Illinois. Great confederacy of Northern Indians formed by Brant. Fort Harmar built at mouth of Muskingum. First survey of lands in the North-West Territory, (Congress land.) 1786. Brant visits England to learn purposes of ministers. Virginia agrees to independence of Kentucky. Putnam and Tupper call meeting to form Ohio Company. Ohio Company of associates formed. Governor of Virginia writes to Congress respecting Indian invasions. Resolution of Congress produces cession by Connecticut. Congress authorizes the invasion of North-Western Territory. Pittsburgh Gazette commenced; first printing in Ohio valley. Jay authorized to yield navigation of Mississippi at a definite term. Kentucky troops become mutinous, and return home without discharge. Connecticut makes a second act of cession. Americans seize Spanish property at Vincennes. Virginia protests against yielding navigation of Mississippi. Governor of Virginia informed of Clark's movements. Great Indian council in North-West-they address Congress. 1737. Fourth Kentucky convention meets. New England Ohio Land Company choose directors. Dr. Cutler negotiates with Congress for lands. |