Imagens das páginas
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Pickett, Joseph Desha, superintendent of pulle
instruction, Kentucky, laii, 163.

Pidal y Mon, Señor, Spanish minister of instrus-
tion, cexxxii.

Pillsbury, W. L., quoted, xxxix, xl.

Pio Nono College, 57.

Pittsburgh, Pa., schools of, 229, 230, 235.

Pittsfield, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 133, 134.
Plainfield, N. J., schools of, 186, 187.

Castanno facit Japanese minister of instruc- Population of legal school age, in 1862-83, x, i

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

in 1883-'84, xii, xii.
remarks on, xxix.
Port Huron, Mich., 145, 146.
Portland, Me., schools of. 113, 114.
Portland, Oreg., schools of, 223, 224.
Portsmouth, N. H., schools of, 179, 180.
Portsmouth, Ohio, schools of, 214, 216.

Organa istorms and homes, summary of statistics Portsmouth, Va., schools of, 272, 273.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

struction, Alabaina, 10.

Patentes, G. Servian minister of instruction,

Parker Francis W., exx, 89.

Paterson, N. J., schools of, 188, 187.
Patterson, Calvin, Brooklyn, lxxxviii.

Patterson, J. W., superintendent of public instruc-
tion. New Hampshire, quoted, xxxiv.
tion of office cf. 183.

Pan. Edward A., acting superintendent of schools,
District of Columbia, 294.

Pawtucket, R. I., schools of, 244.

Payne. W. H., of Michigan, course of pedagogics,
exr, exri, note: celxix.

Peabody, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 133., disbursements, to the Southern
States from. 1868-1884, lxiii, lxiv.
Peaslee, John B., Cincinnati, xe, xciii.
Pedago, professorships of, in universities, cxiii-

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Portugal, superior council of public instruction,


Poughkeepsie, N. Y., schools of, 193, 194, 196
Pottsville, Pa., schools of, 230, 233.
Preparatory schools, summary of statistics of
Powell, W. B., of the District of Columbia, 297.

cxxviii, cxxix.

talle of statistics of, 592-605.

Prince Edward Island, educational condition of,

Princeton College, clviii.

Prison and Reformatory Officers' Conference, 314
Providence, R. I., truancy law of, lxxxv, lxxxvi

schools of, 244, 245.

Prussia, education in, ccxi, cexii.

Publications, educational, talle of, 884-930.

Publications of the Bureau of Education, vi
Purdue University, 78.

Putnam, Mrs. Alice H., cxx.


Quebec, educational condition of, cel-celii.
Queen Margaret's College, Scotland, cxlv.
Quick. R. H., quoted, cxiii, cxV.

Quincy, Ill., schools of, 61, 63.

Quincy, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 134.


Raab, Henry, superintendent of public instruction,
Illinois, xxxix, 59, 70.

Racine, Wis., schools of, 282, 283.

Raney, George P., attorney general of Florida, 48.
Reading, how to teach, xcii.

Reading, Pa., schools of, 230, 233.

Recess, committee report upon, to National Coun-
cil of Education, xevi-xcviii.
Reform schools, summary of statistics respecting.
cxc, cxci.

tabulated statistics of, for 1883-'84, 756-769.
See, also, the heading Special Instruction, in
the abstract, under the respective States.
Religious denominations, activity of, in southern
school work, lxi.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 201.

Rhode Island, summary of educational condition
of, xlii.

abstract, 242-248.

Rhode Island School of Design, 246, 247.
Richmond, Ind., schools of, 73, 75.

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Sacramento, Cal., schools of, 19, 20.
Saginaw, Mich., schools of, 145, 146.
St. John's College, Arkansas., 14, 15.
St. Joseph, Mo., schools of, 164.
St. Louis, Mo., schools of, 164, 166.

St. Louis Manual Training School, xcv, xovi.

St. Paul, Minn., schools of, 152, 153.

Salem, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 134.

San Antonio, Tex., schools of, 262, 263.

Sandusky, Ohio, schools of, 214, 216.

San Francisco, Cal., Kindergarten societies and

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Schenectady, N. Y., schools of, 193, 194, 197.

School ages in the States and Territories, 1882-'83,

with diagram, xiv.

1883-'84, with diagram, xv.
changes in, xxix.

School architecture in rural districts, xl, xli.
School attendance, public, in 1882-'83, x, xi.
in 1883-'84, xii, xiii.

School furniture. See Furniture.

School inspection, remarks upon, xxxi-xxxiv.
School law decisions, pamphlet respecting, vi.
School of All Sciences, Boston, 137.

School population, legal. See Population.
School sittings, lack of, lxxxiv, 1sxxv.

School term, duration of, in the United States,

Science, number of persons engaged in 1880 in
pursuits demanding a knowledge of, clx.
summary of schools of, clxii.

remarks upon training in, clxv-clxvii.
tabulated statistics of schools of, 661-673.
See, also, the beading Scientific and Profes-
sional Instruction, under the respective
States, in the abstracts.

Science and Art Department, English, account of,


Scotland, educational condition of, cexix-ccxxi.
See, also, Great Britain and Ireland.

Scranton, Pa., schools of, 230, 233.

Seaver, Edwin P., Boston, lxxxvii, lxxxviii.

quoted, xcii, xciii.

Secondary instruction, summary of statistics of,
cxxvi, cxxvii.

remarks on, cxxxi, cxxxii.

comparison of, in America and in Germany,

discussion of, at London Conference, cxxxiii,

statistics of institutions for, 481-591.

See, also, the heading Secondary Instruction,
under the respective States and Territories,
in the abstracts.

Bedalia, Mo., schools of, 164

Sedalia University, 160.

Selma, Ala., schools of, 6.

Shamokin, Pa., schools of, 230, 234.

Shattuck, Joseph C., superintendent of public in-
struction, Colorado, 32.

Shaw, Mrs. Q. A., cxx.

Sheboygan, Wis., schools of, 282, 283.
Sheffield Scientific School, 40.

Shenandoah, Pa., schools of, 230, 234.

Shorthand, pamphlet respecting the teaching,
practice, and literature of, vi.

Short sight and spinal curvaturo curable by proper
school furniture, cexxxvi, cexxxvii.
Sidgwick, Mrs. Henry, quoted, cxliv.
Singer, E. A., xevi, note.

Slater fund. See John F. Slater fund.
Slaughter, John, superintendent of public instruc
tion, Wyoming, 309.

Smart, James H., of Indiana, cclxix.
Smith, Donald A., cxliii.

Smith, E. T., minister of education, South Aus-
tralia, cclxviii.

Smith. J. Argyle, superintendent of public instruc-
tion, Mississippi, 161.

Smith, Lyndon A., cclxx.

Smith College, Massachusetts, cxxxix.

Society for Ethical Cultu e, New York, cxx.

Somerville, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 134.

South Australia, educational condition of, cclxiii.

South Bend. Ind., schools of, 73, 75.

South Carolina, summary of educational condi-
tion of, xliv.
abstract, 249-254.

South Carolina College, 252, 253.

South Carolina College of Agriculture, 253.
Southern States, enrolment of white and colored
pupils in public schools in the, compared, liii.
expenditure for white and colored schools in,

population, white and colored, of school age,
in, liii.

normal schools, public and private, in the, cx,

See, also, Colored people, instruction of.
Southern University, 8, 9.

Southwest Baptist College, 166.

Spain, Institucion Libre de Enseñanza, ccxxxiii,

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Spelling Reform Association, session of 1884, 313.
Springfield, Ill., schools of, 61, 63.

Springfield, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 134.

Springfield, Ohio, schools of, 214, 216.

Spring Garden Institute, 239.

Spring Hill College, 8.

Stamford, Conn., schools of, 35, 36.

Stanford, Mrs. Leland, cxxi.

Stark, Joshua, Milwaukee, quoted, lxxxv, OXXIV.
State Agricultural College of Florida, 51.

State Agricultural College of Kansas, 94.

State College of Kentucky, 101.

States and Territories, statistical summary of
public schools in, for 1882-'83, x, xi, xiv, xvi,
xvii, xix, xx, xxiii, xxiv.

statistical summary of public schools in, for
1883-84, xii, xiii, xvi, xv, xvii, xviii, xxi,
xxii, xxv, xxvi.

educational progress of, in 1883-'84, described,

general school statistics of, 316-331.

See, also, the heading Statistical Summary,
under each State and Territory, in the ab


State University of Iowa, 86, 87.

Statistics, collective summary of, for all schools,
for ten years, viii-x.

decennial summary of, by topics, xxvii, xxviii.

Stearns, Eben S., Ixii.

Steubenville, Ohio, schools of, 214, 216, 217.
Stillwater, Minn., schools of, 152.

Stockholm, Sweden, public schools of, ccxxxiv.
Stockton. Cal., schools of, 19, 20.

Stockwell, Thomas B., commissioner of public
schools, Rhode Island, quoted, xxxi, xxxix.
term of office of, 248.

Storrs Agricultural School, 40.

Stoy, Dr., of the Jena University, quoted, cxv.

Subprimary School Society of Philadelphia, cxx
Superior instruction population requiring some
sort of, summarized. cxxx¡V.

summary of institutions for, cxlvii-cli.
remarks on, cli-clviii.

statistics of institutions for, 623-660.

See, also the beading Superior Instruction,
under the respective States and Territories,
in the abstracts.

Surgery, instruction in. See Medicine.
Swden superior instrution in, ccxxxiv.
Switzerland, cantonal reports, CCXXXIV. CCXXXV.
compulsory atten iance beneficial in, ccxxxvii.
Syracuse, N. Y., schools of, 193, 194, 197.

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Tenne se Agricultural College, 258, 259.
Terre Haute, Ind., schools of, 73, 75.

Texas, summary of educational condition of, xlvi.
abstract 261-265.

Theological instruction, summary of statistics re-
lating to cxx.

tabulated statistics of schools for, 674-693.
See also, the heading Scientisc and Profes-
sional Instruction, in the abstracts, under
the respective States.

Thompson. C. O., president of Rose Polytechnic
Institate, xcvi, 78.

Thompson, W. E. superintendent of public in- '
struction. Arkansas 16.

Tin. Ono, schools of 214, 216.
Titusville. Pa., schools of, 230, 234.
Toledo, Ohio, schools of, 214, 216.
Tolman, Mrs. James cir.

Topeka, Kans., schools of, 92.
Townshend, N. S.. clavii

Township system and union of school districts.

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University of Virginia elviti 274.

University of Wash.orton Territory, 308
University of Wisc insin. 2×3

Ciah, summary of educational condition of E
abstract, 305 306

Utica, N. Y., schools af, 193, 194, 197.

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Women, superior instruction of, summary of in-
stitutions for, for 1863-'84, cxxxvi, cxxxvii.
degrees conferred by mstitutions for, summa-
rized, cxxxviii.

recent provision for, in several colleges,

Bryn Mawr College for, to be open in 1885,

Methodist college for, proposed, cxxxix.
college for, in New York City, to be founded,

associations to promote the, cxl, cxli.

in other countries, cxliii-cxlvi.

table of statistics of institutions for, 606-622.
See, also, Superior instruction.

Woodward, C. M., quoted, xcvi.
Woonsocket, R. I., schools of, 244, 245.
Worcester, Mass., schools of, 129, 130, 134.
Worcester County Free Institute, 137.

World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposi
tion, preliminary circular upon, vi.

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FEB 26 1914

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