Imagens das páginas


"advised, aware, cautious, circumspect, considerate." Under this article has been omitted" mad or well-advis'd (in possession of reflection and reason), ii. 21."

❝aleven, eleven, ii. 363: see note 23, ii. 419.” Add

"(The Lorde hath suffered vs full longe,

And spared hath his rodde,

What peace hath bene vs now among

Aleuen yeares, praysed be God!'

A new Ballad, intituled, Agaynst Rebellious and false rumours,—
Seventy-nine Black-letter Ballads, &c. 1867, p. 242).”

brain, to comprehend, to understand: such stuff as madmen Tongue, and brain not, vii. 719.

"brooch in this all-hating world—A strange." When I remarked, under this article, that brooch "was not unfrequently used metaphorically for ornament," I ought to have cited from our author's Hamlet as the first instance of that usage, he is the brooch, indeed, And gem of all the nation, vii. 189.

bulk, a kind of stall, board, or ledge outside a house, on which articles were set for sale ("Balcone. ...a bulke or stall of a shop." Florio's Ital. and Engl. Dict.; "A Bulk (before a Shop), Appendix." Coles's Lat. and Engl. Dict.): stand behind this bulk, vii. 454; stalls, bulks, windows, vi. 164.

Caliban, i. 186, &c. : "The metathesis in Caliban from Cannibal is evident" (FARMER).

congreeted, "saluted reciprocally" (Johnson's Dict.), iv. 499. hard, unpleasant: Fearing some hard news from the warlike band,

viii. 294.

pinked, worked in eyelet-holes, v. 568.

"point-Already at a." Under this article I might have quoted "Let vs be at a poynt what is best to be done. Constituamus quid factu sit optimum." Hormanni Vulgaria, sig. [second] m ij, ed. 1530.

[blocks in formation]

precedence, what has preceded: Some obscure precedence, ii. 184; The good precedence, vii. 526.

preceptial," consisting of precepts" (Johnson's Dict.), ii. 129.

sauce, to treat insolently, to abuse: I'll sauce her with bitter words, iii. 52.

sauce (in vulgar language), to serve out: I'll sauce them (twice), i. 401.

sieve-Unrespective: see second unrespective.

sugar mixed with wine: see wine and sugar—Such. thou❜rt, thou wert: be quick, thou'rt best, i. 188.




a, frequently omitted in exclamations: What fool is she, that knows, &c.! i. 268; What dish o' poison has she dressed him! iii. 357; Cassius, what night is this! vi. 627; what thing is it that I never Did see man die! vii, 709.

abate, to lower, to depress, to cast down in spirit: as most Abated captives, vi. 199 (see note 160, vi. 262).

abate, to contract, to cut short: Abate thy hours, ii. 303.

abate, to blunt (equivalent to rebate): Abate the edge of traitors, v. 454 (see note 127, v. 478; to which note add, from Browne's Britannia's Pastorals,

"With plaints which might abate a Tyrants knife."
Book 1, Song 4, p. 87, ed. 1625;

and from Milton's Paradise Regained,

"To slacken virtue, and abate her edge."

Book ii, 455);

Which once in him abated, iv. 318.

abate, to take away, to except: Abate throw at novum (“Except or put the chance of the dice out of the question," MALONE; and see novum), ii. 226.

Abcee-book-An, an A-B-C-book, a primer, which sometimes included a catechism, iv. 10.

("To learne the Horne-booke and the Abcee through."

Wither's Abuses Stript and Whipt,-Inconstancy, sig. P 2, ed. 1613.) abhominable, ii. 208: The old mode of spelling abominable: it appears to have been going out of use in the time of Shakespeare, who here ridicules it.

abhor, yea, from my soul Refuse you for my judge-I utterly, v. 520: “These are not mere words of passion, but technical terms in the canon law. Detestor and Recuso. The former, in the language of



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canonists, signifies no more than-I protest against" (BLACKSTONE): "The words are Holinshed's; '-and therefore openly protested that she did utterly abhor, refuse, and forsake such a judge'" (MaLONE).

abide, to sojourn, to tarry awhile: and yet it will no more but abide, iii. 465; abide within, vii. 35.

abide, to answer for, to be accountable for, to stand the consequences of let no man abide this deed, But we the doers, vi. 649; some will dear abide it, vi. 658.

abjects-The queen's, "Means 'the most servile of her subjects' " (MASON), v. 354.

able, "to qualify or uphold" (WARBURTON), “to warrant or answer for" (Nares's Gloss.): I'll able 'em, vii. 326.

abode, to forebode, to portend: aboded, v. 487; aboding, v. 317. abodements, forebodements, omens, v. 301.

abortive pride, "pride that has had birth too soon, pride issuing before its time" (JOHNSON), v. 166.

abridgment have you for this evening?—What, ii. 313; look, where my abridgment comes, vii. 142: In the first of these passages abridgment means a dramatic performance, and in the second it is applied to the players, as being, I presume, the persons who represent an abridgment: "By abridgment our author may mean a dramatic performance, which crowds the events of years into a few hours.

... It may be worth while, however, to observe, that in the North the word abatement had the same meaning as diversion or amusement. So, in the Prologue to the 5th Book of G. Douglas's version of the Eneid,

'Ful mony mery abaitmentis followis here'" (STEEVENS). abrook, to brook, to endure, v. 139.

absent time-To take advantage of the, To take advantage of the time of the king's absence, iv. 137.

absolute, highly accomplished, perfect: contends in skill With absolute Marina, viii. 45.

absolute, determined: Be absolute for death, i. 477.

absolute, positive, certain: I'm absolute 'twas very Cloten, vii. 698. abuse, deception: This is a strange abuse, i. 512; My strange and self-abuse, vii. 42.

abuse, to deceive, to impose upon: I'm mightily abus'd (“I am strangely imposed on by appearances, I am in a strange mist of uncertainty," JOHNSON), vii. 331; The Moor's abus'd by some most villanous knave, vii. 448; You are a great deal abused in too bold a persuasion, vii. 646; Abuses me to damn me, vii. 147.

aby, the same as to abide (see its second sense), ii. 296, 300.

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