Quarrel, memoers must declare they will not prosecute.. question of privilege arising from, has precedence.. Questions, general rule for putting.. the priority of certain, considered removed from before House by adjournment. may be debated between the count of affirmative and negative 84 manner of putting. 86 must not speak, or move about when putting 91 must be decided promptly, if difficulty arise 91 one House cannot question the other. 102 in references to committees equivalent, what is considered............. determined by ayes and noes......... privileged, what shall be....... in filling blanks.................................. in amending amendment, and agree or disagree.... of order, (incidental.) how far it shall supersede any other.... what are divisible...... when divided, each point open to debate and amend. (co-existing) what suspends, and what removes from the House to be resumed in statu quo, when suspended by the want of a previous-See Previous Question. Curum, only shall do business what number shall be a............. how the attendance of, may be compelled.... 26 26 26 any member may desire a count, for the purpose of ascertaining 26-46 not present suspends the question Randall and Whitney, reference to case, breach of privilege Reading of papers, right to require.. a report of one House, not of right in the other House. Recede, question discussed.... effect of a vote to........ Recommitment, effect of... Reconsideration, of bills, orders, instructions, &c..... of questions requiring two-thirds oy whom they may be Remonstrance and Petition, distinction Report of Committee, how to proceed in House....... of one House, not to be read in the other................................................*** Representatives, apportionment of, since 1789.................................................................... qualifications of ............................................................................ Rules and orders of each House, to what cases they shall apply Sections numbered by clerk Senate, of whom composed, and how classed.......................................................................... the Vice-President to be the President shall choose their officers, &c. power of, in relation to rules, and the conduct of members..... 23 28 28 37 not to speak unless to order... reads sitting, rises to put question violates order by not putting question..... Clerk puts question, before election of..................................................................... cannot refuse an amendment, inconsistent .................................................... Special orders.-See Orders. Speech, cannot be read of right... Strike out, paragraph may be perfected before question to....... ...... ime, longest, first put............. Title, to be on back.... when to be made or amended.. Transposing of sections, rule respecting.. Treason, mode of proceeding on charge of..................... Treaties may be made by the President and Senate................................ shall be kept secret until injunction removed........................................ are legislative acts...... extent of the power to make....... may be rescinded by an act of the Legislatute papers to be communicated with........ ratified by nominal call 28 29 40 39 75 91 Treaties read for information, the day received reconsideration of votes upon, may be moved by one of the warm words, or quarrel, adjustment of......... Whitney and Randall, bribery case, reference to ................................................................ Witnesses, how summoned, examined, &c... Feas and Nays, may be required by one-fifth........ to be taken alphabetically... all present shall vote unless excused 17 90 72 33 86-90 87-90 87-90 when called and decision announced no member al lowed to vote........ $7-90 INDEX TO THE RULES OF THE SENATE. The first column of figures refers to the number of the rule, the second to the page on which the rule will be found.] Absence, from the Senate, not allowed without leave 8 122 without leave, in cases of, the sergeant-at-arms may be sent.. 8 122 Address to the President, how to be presented (joint rule) 11 167 15 167 Adjournment, motion for, has precedence.... Admission, on the floor, the persons entitled to....... 47 130 majority 43 130 to bills on which the two Houses disagree, conference upon 1 165 shall receive three readings on different days 26 125 on second reading, considered as in Committee of the Whole ..... 28 125 proceedings on, at different stages....... 29 126 titles of, only, and parts affected by amendments, inserted on the 31 126 engrossed, how examined, reported, and entered 33 128 on their passage to be on paper (joint rule) .. 5 165 to be enrolled on parchment after passing the two Houses (joint 6 166 See Engrossed Bills. passed one House and lost in the other, notice to be given of (joint 12 167 passed one House and lost in the other, how they may be renewed 13 167 not to be presented to the President on the last day of a session when sent from one House to the other, to be accompanied by the 19 167 ............ 3 121 Capitol, no spirits to be brought within or about (joint rule). on enrolled bills, (joint rule). how appointed.. reports from standing, when received. reports of, to lie one day rule). Communications, confidential, to be kept secret.......... Conference on disagreeing votes of the two Houses, rule respecting (joint Jensen als may be read three times in a day, by unanimous 38 129 1 165 26 125 Nominations may be considered on the day received, by unani mous 26 128 Constitution, what majority requisite to amend a resolution proposing amendments to the... 43 130 Conversation among the members, not allowed during the debate, or while papers are reading . ............. ....... 2 121 Debate, no inember to speak more than twice, in the same, in one day, not allowed in taking yeas and nays......................... Documents, to be printed only by special order 16 123 .... 25 125 .......... Enroiled Bills, to be examined by the committee, (joint rule).......... provision for the appointment of the committee on (joint rule) 7 166 to be signed by the presiding officers of the two Houses, (joint rule)... 7 166 8 166 how to be presented to the President, and the time to be noted 9 166 not to be presented to the President on last day of session (joint 17 167 Executive record, extracts from, prohibited.... 42 129 Executive proceedings, to be kept in separate books.... the persons entitled to admission on ................................... Galleries, when they shall be cleared 47 130 18 123 Journal, to be read on a quorum assembling 1 121 to contain the titles, only, of bills, and the parts affected by a brief statement of every memorial, petition, and paper, to be entered on 32 126 to be as concise as possible, when acting as in Committee of 32 126 engrossed bills to be entered on 12 129 |