Appropriation bills, to be reported within thirty days. to have preference in order of day. Appropriations to be first discussed in Committee of the Whole 74 151 75 151 76 151 73 150 Ballot for committees.. in other cases........ Ballots, blank, not counted no person to look on when tellers are counting Bar, no member to vote unless within the rejected, if enacting words be stricken out ........... 34 142 37,38 143 4 140 26 141. 27 141 74 151 ........ making appropriations, to he reported within 30 days to have preference in order..................................... 75 151 to be first discussed in Committee of the if opposed on first reading, question to reject to be put, &c. ...... 110 158 111 158 not more than three to be committed to the same Committee of [in Committee of the Whole] how to be taken up; not to be in. on their passage to be on paper (joint rule). to be enrolled on parchment after passing the two Houses (joint (See Engrossed Bills) 119 159 5 165 ... 6 166 passed one House and lost in the other, notice to be given of (joint rule 12 167 passed one House and lost in the other, how they may be renewed ............... Bills, when sent from one House to the other, to be accompanied by the 14 107 16 157 not to be presented to the President on the last day of a session Business, unfinished at first to be resumed at second session of Congress 17 138 Business on the table, when to be taken up and disposed of. list to be made of.... 20, 22, 23, 24, 139-40 127 171 107 158 20 139 24 140 ... 135 162 private to have preference on Fridays and Saturdays. ......... 27 141 Calls on Departments for information, rule relating to rules relative to a ..... Capitol, unappropriated rooms in no spirits to be brought within or about, (joint rule) Chair, Speaker may substitute a member to take the 55 146 45, 57, 58, 144-47 138 162 19 167 6 136 56 146 Clerk to cause resolutions to be delivered to the President, &c. ........ to take an oath to act faithfully, and tenure of appointment, &c. 18 138 to retain certain books in the office library Committees, how to be appointed order in which they shall be called for reports 12 137 .... 133 161 a member may, in a certain case, be excused from serving on precedence of, in motions for reference Committees on Expenditures, appointment and duties of the six.. 99, 100 155-56 101 157 not to sit during session of House 102 157 140 162 Committee of the Whole on the Union, a standing order of the day. 117 159 118 159 how to proceed in cases of bills 119 159 Committee Clerks, House to order employment of ...... how to report amendments to original motions. 120 160 .... Commitment of motions and reports to be at the pleasure of the House 49 145 when different committees are proposed, their order Conference on disagreeing votes of the two Houses, rule respecting, (joint rule)... Confidential communications or proceedings, rules upon 42 144 1 169 106 157 Sergeant-at-arms sworn to secrecy... Doorkeeper sworn to secrecy Consideration, questions of... 67 148 69 149 5 13€ Conmersation, (private) not to be entertained while a member is speak ing 14 149 Debate, provisions for the preservation of order and decorum prohibited to speak more than once or twice prohibited on petitions and other papers on day of presenta Division of questions, when and how they may be allowed Division of the House, how made and decided 28, 29, 30 141-42 2 135 29 141 43 144 32 142 55 146 107 158 46 144 56 146 48 145 4 135 130 161 13 137 134 162 56 146 68 148 69 148 17 138 123, 124 160 Divine service, not to be performed in the Hall, unless by consent of the Documents, members to be furnished with an extra set Doorkeepers, to be appointed, and tenure of office..... to be sworn to secrecy required to execute rules strictly Duties or taxes, rules to be observed respecting the imposition or in- crease of Elections, how to be conducted. previous nomination necessary votes to be viva voce bill, &c... Enacting words, if stricken out, to be considered as a rejection of a Engrossment to be in a fair round hand while on their passage between the two Houses. (See Enrolled Bills, committee on, may report at any time to be signed by the presiding officers of the two Houses (joint rule) & 166 how to be presented to the President, and the time to be noted (joint rule).. 9 166 not to be presented to the President on last day of ses- 17 167 Executive Departments, rules to he observed in calling for information Excused from peeing on a committee, a member may be 59 147 not to be used in the performance of Divine service unless by con- Interested, members not to vote when Indefinitely, questions not to be resumed which are postponed. Jefferson's Manual to govern in certain cases . 129 161 Joint Resolutions, or propositions requiring the consent of the Senate, 54 146 to be printed and distributed within thirty days after the ad- Lie on the table, precedence of a motion to.......................................................................... 41 143 Lie on the table one day, all matters requiring the concurrence of the 43 144 rules to be observed on the presentation of. 129 161 35 142 to be furnished with extra set of documents ...................... 134 162 34 142 their names to be called alphabetically.. 58 147 to be paid by Sergeant-at-arms 65 149 |