Messages between the two Houses, how to be announced and delivered Mileage, duty of committee on Motions, to be stated by the Speaker, or read by the clerk when to be considered as in possession of the House may be committed at pleasure when they may be withdrawn .......... 24 140 24 140 98 155 .......... 38 143 ............ 39 143 40 143 ....... 41, 42 143-44 49 145 40 133 ...... 10 137 29,30 141-42 Nominations, cases in which it shall be necessary. Order, proceedings in cases of calls to Speaker to decide questions of....... ................ 2 135 ............................... Clerk to note questions of............ questions of, arising after previous questions, no debate Order of business, of the session...... of the day 29 141 46 144 ... 19 132 Orders of the day, wher to be called............... may be moved pending consideration or discussion of reports and resolutions President, rules to be observed in calling for information from the ..... ..... . 17 107 56 146 70 148 47 145 .............. 41 143 127 161 41, 42 143-41 Printing of Journals to be completed within thirty days after an ad- .... Printing of bills, joint rule relating to .. Printing, motion for extra numbers to lie one day. Previous question, order of inotion for rules relating to the Private business, to have preference on Fridays and Saturdays ....... Privileged characters, to come within the hall, named rules respecting to be strictly executed Questions, manner of putting decorum to be observed during the putting of to be propounded in the order in which they are moved 132 161 .... 18 138 56 147 41 142 45, 46 144 26 141 27 141 14 137 17 138 4 135 34 142 48 145 128 161 Quorum, fifteen members may compel the attendance of a .............................. 57 147 Reading a paper, if objected to, rule respecting the of motions to be at the pleasure of the House Reporters, rules respecting Reports to be made to Congress, Clerk to make a list of cannot be amended by adding other resolutions 50 145 54 146 calling on Executive officers for information to tie one 56 146 orders, votes, &c., requiring the President's approbation, 10 166 passed one House, and lost in the other, notice to be given (joint rule). 12 167 not to be presented to the President on the last day of the Renate, all orders to be laid on the table one day, which require the as- Divine service not to be performed in the Hall, unless by con- sent of the.. .... 130 161 Speaker's table, mode of disposing of business on 24 140 Speaking, rules to be observed in the House ..... 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 141-42 ........ .......... ........... rules to be observed in Committee of the Whole further regulations for ..... 126 160 34 149 31 142 32 149 19 167 15 138 16 136 Taxes or duties, respecting the imposition of ........................... ............................. 123, 124 164 Vote, no member to vote when interested, or without the bar every member present shall vote, unless excused 11 137 .............. ........................ 4 135 if a member requests to vote, he is to be interrogated by Speaker 35 142 11 137 Viva voce, elections to be by Witnesses, how to be subpoenaed. rule for compensating Withdrawal of motions, rule respecting the Writs, subpenas, &c. to be signed by the Speaker, &c. Words excepted to, to be reduced to writing ses and Nay when calling, no one to go near the table............................. 34 14 58 14 32738 |