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dispersed. On Tuesday morning, at two o'clock, the tranquillity of New York remained undisturbed. It is said that during the riot twenty thousand dollars' worth of property was destroyed; seven churches were attacked and more or less injured, and twenty private houses were stripped.

THE mob has lately erected itself into an ecclesiastical tribunal: it has undertaken to settle points in theology, and prescribe a style of preaching; and the penalties it denounces against those who do not adhere to its decisions are rows, broken heads, and bloody noses. We take from a morning paper an account of a second attempt to stop the worship at Chatham-street chapel.

From the Journal of Commerce.

“RIOTING.-On Sunday evening, while Divine Service was being held in Chatham-street chapel, Assistant Alderman Erben was passing by it, and had his attention attracted by five or six disorderly persons who were endeavouring to force their way into the church, against the consent of the sexton. Mr. Erben remonstrated with them on the impropriety of their conduct, and endeavoured to persuade them to go away, but, finding persuasion ineffectual, he went to the watchhouse for assistance, and on his return with some of the watchmen he found that a mob of several hundred persons had in the interim collected outside the chapel, and had just deliberately passed a resolution to break in the doors of the chapel. Finding this to be the case, Mr. Erben lost no time in collecting a posse of watchmen and peace-officers sufficiently strong to awe the rioters and prevent them executing their designs, and he finally succeeded in dispersing them."

From the New York Evening Post.

THIS conduct of the mob, we take it, is all right and proper, according to the modern fashionable doctrines on this subject. Why not? If the mob have a right to prescribe what shall be a man's political faith, and to interdict by the terror of violence the expression of opposite opinions, what should prevent these same excellent judges of what other people ought to think from exercising the same wholesome jurisdiction over religious creeds? The heretic in politics endangers our temporal state; the heretic in religion endangers the soul. We should not wonder if, by and by, the mob should take a dislike to lawn sleeves; nor if, after holding an ecclesiastical council at a neighbouring grocery, a drunken rabble should rush into the church where the excellent bishop of the Episcopal church is officiating, and undertake to divest him of his surplice. We are going on a pace which will shortly bring us to this.

From the Boston Morning Post.

It is well known that for some days past a groundless rumour has prevailed in Charlestown and its vicinity, that a young lady, placed in the Catholic convent as a candidate for the veil, has been secreted or abducted

through the machinations of the controlling agents of the establishment, and was not to be found by her friends. In consequence of this rumour, a great excitement was created in Charlestown, and open threats of burning down the convent were uttered, but scarcely credited till 10 o'clock on Monday night, when a large mob collected round the institution, calling out "Give us the figure-head!" meaning, probably, the superior; and communicated to the inmates their design to carry their threats into execution, and gave them a certain time to retire. At this moment, the convent contained twelve nuns and fifty-seven female scholars, some of whom were of a very tender age. One of the latter informed us that at the first annunciation all, or nearly all, the nuns swooned, and were not aroused to a sense of their dangerous situation until the heralds of destruction returned and reiterated their mission, with threats of burning the nuns with the building.

The unfortunate ladies then retired to the garden, carrying with them such articles of value as were within reach. In order to accelerate their flight, tar-barrels were brought near to the walls and ignited; and as soon as the building was deserted the assailants entered with flaming torches, and, after flying through the apartments, which were fitfully illuminated by the transient but glaring blaze of the torches, they were simultaneously applied at twenty distinct points among the curtains and drapery of the rooms, and instantly the interior of the institution was enveloped in one general conflagration. The astounded refugees first gathered round the tomb at the bottom of the garden, but were soon driven from this sanctuary by the ruthless avengers of an imaginary wrong, and were compelled to fly to the adjoining fields and neighbouring houses for safety. A large number found a retreat in the house of Mr. Joseph Adams, at Winter Hill. The mob burst open the tomb and ransacked the coffins, but retired without offering any other outrage to the ashes of the dead. The torches were applied about eleven o'clock, and the Boston engines, responsive to the tocsin of alarm, immediately repaired to the spot, but were prevented from acting against the fire by the surrounding multitude, which, we are informed, were not less than four thousand in number. We understand that Mr. Runey attempted to read the Riot Act, but without effect, and the mobocrats did not cease from their exertions till the main building, together with the chapel, outhouses, and even the gardener's dwelling, were entirely destroyed. The few articles that the nuns and scholars succeeded in conveying to the garden were seized upon by the destroyers, and thrown back into the flames, and nothing was rescued from ruin except what was actually attached to their persons. When the nefarious undertaking was thoroughly accomplished, fragments of fire and combustibles were collected, and a bonfire lit up as a signal of triumph. A majority of the scholars were Protestants, some of whom have no relatives in this vicinity, and their distressing situation, being stripped of everything, is indescribably lamentable.


THE atrocious riot and burning at Charlestown, as we learn from the Boston papers, did not end with the proceedings of the mob on Monday night and Tuesday morning. The following is from the Boston Transcript of Wednesday evening :

"THE OUTRAGE RENEWED.-A mob occupied the convent-grounds from eleven o'clock last night until half-past two o'clock this morning, There was no force, civil or military, to oppose their violence, and they destroyed a great number of valuable fruit-trees, tore up the choicest vines of the grapery, pulled down the fence, and made a bonfire, and no one resisted them! The Charlestown Light Infantry were on duty at Mr. Cutter's house, but, having been specially posted there to guard his property, they did not feel authorised to leave their station to go to the protection of the convent. The Charlestown Phalanx were on duty at the Catholic church in that town.

"There does seem to us," says the N. Y. Transcript, "to have been a most culpable remissness on the part of the authorities of Charlestown from the very beginning. By timely preparations to guard against the violence, which was loudly threatened beforehand, the disaster might have been prevented. But nothing was done; and, even when the buildings were on fire, not a magistrate or a police-officer was to be seen; and though several fire-companies were on the ground, no efforts were made to extinguish the flames. The engineers of Charlestown, it is said by one of the papers, requested the firemen of Boston (who were under their control)not to play on the buildings!' This is absolute connivance, if nothing more, to look on and see the buildings burning, and not throw, nor permit others to throw, a drop of water to extinguish the flames. Nay, it is little less than being accessary to the atrocities of the mob. We hope, however, the firemen may clear their skirts, and the authorities of Charlestown theirs.

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"A valuable silver chalice, which was placed in its tabernacle, and deposited for safe-keeping in the convent tomb, which infamy has desecrated, was stolen by the violators of the grave.'

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"We passed the ruins of the Ursuline convent this morning. They were indeed a melancholy and mortifying sight. We hung our head in shame, whilst our spirit was indignant. We felt a sense of degradation, whilst we could have leapt into burning flames, to seize upon the atrocious villains who brought this disgrace-stamped (not indelibly, we thank God!) this foul blot-on the character and escutcheon of New England. The soul sickens-the heart grows faint-the whole man is unmanned, at the very thought of the abomination."

From the Boston Transcript.

THE whole party were disguised. All of them, so far as we can learn, had their faces painted-some after an Indian fashion, and others in other ways; and a part of the number employed devices and disguises of various other descriptions, adapted to conceal the individuals concerned in the outrage from recognition.

The nuns, and those of the pupils whose relatives do not reside in the neighbourhood, are now quartered with the Sisters of Charity in Hamilton-street. Mr. Cutter, we understand, gave an asylum to a large number of them during the night. We are told this afternoon, by one of the pupils, that the only one of their number who saved any clothing was a little girl of about twelve years of age, who had packed up some dresses

in a large handkerchief some time before the alarm was given, supposing there might be trouble sooner or later, and carried them away in safety.

From the Boston Commercial Gazette.

So great was the excitement among the Catholics yesterday, that Bishop Fenwick deemed it necessary to call them together in the afternoon, at the church in Franklin-street. At six o'clock several hundred were assembled, when the bishop came in and addressed them for about thirty minutes in a most eloquent and judicious manner. He deserves the warmest commendations from his Protestant fellow-citizens for the admirable style in which he managed this business. Previous to speaking the bishop read a part of the 5th chapter of Matthew, containing the following among other verses :

"You have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, not to resist evil: but if one strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him also the other.

"And if a man will contend with thee in judgment, and take away thy coat, let go thy cloak also unto him. And whosoever will force thee one mile, go with him the other two.

"You have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thy enemy, But I say to you, love your enemies, do good to them that hate you; and pray for them that persecute and calumniate you.”

Bishop Fenwick then proceeded to address his hearers, embracing several hundreds of both sexes. He spoke of the destruction of the Ursuline convent and the adjacent buildings. He spoke also of the beauty and utility of that institution, and alluded to its growing popularity among the intelligent classes, both in this vicinity and at a distance. Among the pupils of the institution were some from Louisiana and the West India Islands. After denouncing the conduct of the incendiaries in appropriate terms, he said, "What is to be done? Shall we say to our enemies, you have destroyed our buildings, and we will destroy yours? No, my brethren; this is not the religion of Jesus Christthis is not in accordance with the spirit of that blessed religion we all profess. Turn not a finger in your own defence, and there are those around you who will see that justice is done you."

From the Boston Transcript, Oct. 17.


Ar the Supreme Judicial Court, held yesterday at Cambridge, the following persons were arraigned on an indictment for destroying the Ursuline Convent, and severally pleaded Not Guilty:-John R. Buzzell, Prescott P. Pond, Wm. Mason, Marvin R. Marcy (aged seventeen), Sargent Blaisdell, Isaac Parker, and Albert Kelly. Five other persons, included in the same indictment, have not been arrested, viz. :Nathaniel Budd, jun., Benj. Wilbur, Aaron Hadly, Ephraim G. Holwell, and Thomas Dillon. The Court named the 1st day of December next for the trials to commence. The Attorney-General, Mr. Austin, on

rising to make a motion for a continuance until the April term, made the following remarks, as reported in the Post :

"It is known to me that there is an important witness, who, in consequence of indisposition, has never been examined before the grand jury, or any of the self-constituted bodies who have investigated the matter. Her health is now very feeble, and I have no belief that she will be able to testify this winter.

"Another reason is, all the parties indicted are not arrested, some of whom, from information in my possession, I have no hesitation in saying will unquestionably be arrested. And further, I feel at liberty to say, that intimations have been given to me that a change may take place among the prisoners themselves. I don't know what change may take place in their views, but I have reason to believe that some of them are able to give testimony of a very serious character. Again-it is obvious that this great crime has not yet been fastened on the parties most capable of committing it. We have, it is true, some of the instruments, and, perhaps, one or two of the instigators; but the most material parties are not now before the Court; and I do, on this account, honestly and truly believe that the trials ought not to take place until another meeting of the grand jury.

"There is still another reason--the state and condition of the public mind, especially if these trials are to take place in this particular location. It must be recollected that this crime, which continued for the space of four hours, was committed in the presence of several hundred persons, without any effort, on the part of the authorities, to check it; and since that period, although few have had the hardihood to approve of the act, yet many have thought that it was a good thing-that it was a case in which evil had been done, that good might come out of it. Obstacles have been thrown in the way of obtaining evidence through this feeling. Notices have been posted up, threatening even the lives of witnesses who might disclose anything. I have received," continued Mr. Austin, "numberless anonymous threatening letters, which I instantly committed to the flames. The officers who arrested the prisoners have been burnt in effigy. The opinion, too, has been expressed that Catholic testimony, upon, which the government must, in some degree, rely, is not worthy of belief. The detestable spirit which instigated the crime, and the cowardly spirit which prevented honest and worthy men from interfering to prevent it, has not yet subsided; and from the unwillingness of witnesses which I have experienced in relation to this case, I am led to augur unfavourably of the success of this trial at the present term. It is known that the gaol in which the prisoners have been confined has been surrounded by a large mob, and that the sheriff has felt it necessary to keep an armed force in readiness to protect the gaol; and this Court, if the trial take place in the present state of public feeling, may be overawed by a mob of the same description. I, therefore, also move your Honours that the trial, when the time is assigned, take place in a more distant part of the county."

From the Pennsylvanian.

THE mummery of trying the Convent rioters still proceeds with results similar to that of the case of Buzzell. It is unnecessary to follow up

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