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Similar changes disseminated through adenoid tissues of other

organs-Is the infecting influence specific poison like that of Con-

tagious diseases?-Facts tend to associate it rather with common

noxious or septic influences, capable of blighting or injuring the

sarcophytes, as heat does-The most potent infecting matters were

those in a state of common corruption-Few animals, except guinea-

pigs and rabbits, susceptible of artificial tuberculisation-Spon-

taneous Miliary Tubercle in Man described-Occasionally pro-

duced by Bronchial Inflammation or Exanthematous Irritation; but

more commonly the result of Dissemination through the Lymphatic

system, as in Artificial Tuberculisation. Clinical experience finds

Tubercles succeed to unhealthy local suppurations; to Caseation

occurring in Lymphatic Glands, or in other parts; to grey Consolida-

tions, and other Phthinoplasms previously existing-It has yet to

prove that they may be produced by common wounds in the integu-

ments, as in the experiments of Drs. Sanderson and Fox-But in

these cases of natural production of tubercle, as in the experiments,

some predisposition, or co-operating cause, is necessary-This may

be either defective vitality of the sarcophytes, or some additional

corrupting influence in the body or in the air-Parallel cases of

Pyæmia and Acute Tuberculosis-The latter promoted by Heat,

Damp, and Foul Air; Inflammatory and Chronic Phthisis more by

Cold. Other causes of constitutional weakness favour the develop-

ment of Tubercles, and when in excess may suffice to originate them

in their acute form, exhibiting characters almost malignant-Grey

Tubercles then soft, plump, and without fibre or stroma to circum-

scribe them-Influence of Climate and Altitude on different forms

of Consumptive Disease


Signs of Phthisis originating in Bronchitis-Of Breath-sounds and
Crepitation-Signs of partial Consolidation affecting Percussion;
Tubular Sounds; Expiration and Voice-Situation of Signs-Signs
of Softening and Excavation replace Signs of Constriction-Signs
of Pneumonia passing into Phthisis-Explanation of Loud Tubular
Sounds of Hepatisation-Give place to Gurgling and Cavernous
Sounds-Signs of Abscess -Signs of Phthinoplasms after Pneumonia
-Signs of Contraction and Dwindling, with those of Emphysema
Signs of Congestion passing into Phthisis, or into Emphysema-
Signs of Miliary Tubercles, scattered and clustered-True explana-
tion of Wavy Respiration, and its value as a sign of Phthisis-


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