SECOND READING AND REFERENCE OF BILLS. The following bills were read the second time, and referred to the committees indicated: Education: Senate bill No. 138, An act to provide for the furnishing of text-books for use in all the common schools of the state of Kansas, and repealing all laws in conflict therewith. Senate bill No. 140, An act amendatory of and supplemental to section 1, chapter 220, session laws of 1889, being paragraph of the general statutes of 1889. Cities of the Third Class: Senate bill No. 139, An act defining and extending the duties of county superintendents of public instruction. Judiciary: Senate bill No. 141, An act relating to the appraisement of lands, the waiver thereof, and judgments and sales, and amendatory of and supplemental to the code of civil procedure. Senate bill No. 143, An act regulating the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes in such counties as shall adopt the provisions of this act, being supplemental to article 17 of chapter 34 of the laws of 1876. Senate bill No. 144, An act to legalize the official acts of F. W. Blatner as justice of the peace. Senate bill No. 145, An act amendetory of section 4495 of the general statutes of Kansas of 1889, being an act concerning the foreclosure of mortgages, and other liens upon real estate. Senate bill No. 149, An act relating to the redemption of real property sold under foreclosure or forced sale. Senate bill No. 150, An act to amend section 253 of chapter 2 of the general statutes of 1889, the same being section 1 of chapter 199 of session laws of 1889. Educational Institutions: Senate bill No. 142, An act to establish an experimental station at the state university of Kansas, to promote and conduct experiments for the destruction of chinch-bugs by contagion or infection, and make an appropriation therefor. Corporations: Senate bill No. 146, An act requiring all public, private, and municipal corporations existing under the laws of this state to pay their employés their salaries and wages weekly in lawful money, and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act. Fees and Salaries: Senate bill No. 147, An act to regulate and establish the salaries of county commissioners of Montgomery county, Kansas. Ways and Means: Senate bill No. 148, An act to establish, locate and endow a state normal school. Industrial Pursuits: Senate bill No. 151, An act constituting eight hours a day's work for all laborers, workmen, mechanics, and other persons employed by or on behalf of the state of Kansas, or any county, city, township, or other municipality in said state, or by contractors or others doing work, etc. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Senator Martin, chairman of the Committee on State Library, reported Senate bill No. 4, An act to provide for the regulation and maintenance of the state library, and recommended that it be passed. Senator Tucker, chairman of the Committee on Claims, reported Senate bill No. 113, A.. act for the relief of Rawlins county, and recommended that it be indefinitely postponed. Senator Emery, chairman of the Committee on County Seats and County Lines, reported Senate bill No. 111, An act in relation to county seats, and recommended that it be indefinitely postponed. Senator Johnson, chairman of the Committee on Cities of the Third Class, reported Senate bill No. 129, An act to vacate a part of the original town-site of Brainerd, Butler county, Kansas, and recommended that it be passed. Senator Wilson, chairman of the Committee on Insurance, reported Senate bill No. 56, An act to amend section 3404 of the revised statutes of 1889, being an act to establish an insurance department in the state of Kansas, and to regulate the com panies doing business therein, and recommended that it be passed as amended. Also, Senate bill No. 124, An act relating to fire, lightning, wind, hailstorm, and tornado insurance, and fire, lightning, wind, hailstorm, and tornado insurance companies, and to amend sections 3335 and 3342, revised statutes of 1889, and recommended that it be passed. Senator Forney, chairman of the Committee on Engrossed Bills, reported Senate bill No. 27, An act to prevent the adulteration of vinegar, and to regulate the manufacture and sale of cider vinegar, back to the Senate correctly engrossed. Also, Senate bill No. 42, An act to amend sections 1697 and 1698 of chapter 25, general statutes of Kansas, 1889, being an act relating to counties and county officers, and reported the same back to the Senate correctly engrossed. REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES. Senator Mohler, chairman of the Joint Committee on Joint Rules, submitted the following report: JOINT RULES OF THE SENATE AND HOUSE. RULE 1. Each house shall, as soon as organized, report that fact to the other house; and the two houses shall, by joint committee, inform the governor that they are ready to receive any communication he may have to make. RULE 2. Messages from one house to the other shall be carried by their clerks, respectively, unless the house transmitting the message shall specially direct otherwise. RULE 3. In joint convention of the two houses, the president of the Senate shall preside. RULE 4. Each house shall transmit to the other all papers on which any bill or resolution may be founded. RULE 5. It shall be in the power of either house to amend any amend ment made by the other to any bill or resolution. RULE 6. When a bill or resolution which shall have passed in one house is rejected in the other, notice thereof shall be given to the house in which the same was passed. RULE 7. In case of difference between the two houses, upon any subject of legislation, either house may request a conference and appoint a committee for that purpose, and the other house shall appoint a similar committee. The committee shall meet at the time and place appointed by the chairman of the committee on the part of the house requesting such conference. The committees shall confer upon the cause of difference, with a view to arrive at such modifications and amendments as would secure the agreement of both houses. The report of the committee shall be in writing, and shall be sent to the house assenting to the conference. When such house shall have acted thereon, it shall transmit the same, with the papers relating thereto, to the other, with a message certifying its action thereon. RULE 8. It shall be in order for either house to recede from any subject-matter of difference between the two houses at any time previous to the conference, whether the papers on which such difference arose are before the house reformally ceding, or informally. RULE 9. If the two houses adhere to their disagreement, or if as many as two committees of conference have been appointed, and cannot agree, the bill which is the subject of difference shall be deemed lost, and shall not be revived in either house during the session. RULE 10. All joint committees, and committees of conference, shall consist of three members of the Senate and five members of the House unless otherwise specially ordered by concurrent resolution. RULE 11. When a joint bill or concurrent resolution shall have passed one house, it shall be transmitted to the other, without entering an order on the journal. RULE 12. After a bill or joint resolution shall have passed both houses, it shall be delivered by the secretary of the Senate or chief clerk of the House for enrollment, to the chairman of the Committee on Enrolled Bills of the house in which it originated, who shall immediately cause said bill to be enrolled. RULE 13. After a bill is duly enrolled, it shall be examined by the Committee on Enrolled Bills of the house in which it originated, who shall carefully compare the enrolled bill with the engrossed bill, as it passed the two houses, and correct any error that may be discovered in the enrolled bill. After which the Committee on Enrolled Bills of the two houses, or sub-committee thereof, acting jointly, shall compare the enrolled bill with the engrossed bill, correct any error that may be discovered, and return the engrossed bill to the house where the same originated. Such joint committee shall then present the bill to the presiding officer and secretary or clerk of the house in which it originated, for their signatures, and then to the presiding officer and secretary or clerk of the other branch of the legislature for their signatures. Immediately after a bill is properly signed, the committee shall present it to the governor for his approval, and shall then report in writing to the house in which the bill originated, the day of the week and day of the month on which such bill was presented, which report shall be entered on the journal. RULE 14. All joint orders, memorials, and resolutions, which are to be presented to the governor for his approval, shall be treated in the same manner as bills. RULE 15. Appropriation bills shall be classified as follows: 1. One bill making appropriations for the Asylum for the Blind. 2. One bill making appropriations for the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. 3. One bill making appropriations for the State Asylum for the Insane at Osawatomie. 4. One bill making appropriations for the State Asylum for the Insane at Topeka. 5. One bill making appropriations for the State Reform School. 6. One bill making appropriations for the Asylum for Idiotic and Imbecile Youth. 7. One bill making appropriations for the State Penitentiary. 8. One bill making appropriations for the State University. 9. One bill making appropriations for the State Agricultural College. 10. One bill making appropriations for the State Normal School. 11. One bill making an appropriation for the Industrial Reformatory at Hutchinson. 12. One bill making an appropriation for the Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Atchison. 13. One bill making appropriations for the state capitol. 14. One bill making appropriations for salaries and expenses of the executive, state, and judiciary departments. 15. One bill making appropriations for the legislative department. 16. One bill making appropriations to sheriffs, for conveying prisoners to the penitentiary. 17. One bill making appropriations to the public printer, for printing and binding. 18. One bill making appropriations for miscellaneous expenses. Other sary or appropriation bills may be introduced when deemed necesexpedient, but it shall not be competent for any member or committee to introduce any bill which shall include appropriations for any two or more objects or purposes hereinbefore designated as subjects of different bills. RULE 16. Appropriation bills as mentioned in Rule 15, from 1 to 13 inclusive, shall be introduced in either house on or before the twentieth day of the legislative session, and sent to the other house at least ten days before the close of the session. All other appropriation bills shall be introduced in either house at least ten days before the day fixed for final adjournment, and sent to the other house at least five days before the close of the session. RULE 17. All bills appropriating public money shall be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means before being placed upon the calendar under "General Orders." RULE 18. The Committee on Ways and Means of the Senate, and the like committee of the House of Representatives, may, for the purpose of considering the appropriation bills, constitute a joint committee. RULE 19. Bills and joint resolutions shall be printed as required by rule or order of either house; and when wanted, three hundred shall be |