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printed for the use of both houses. No extra number of any bill, resolution or document snall be printed, except it be ordered by concurrent resolution.

RULE 20. Orders to print, unexecuted, expire at the close of the session, and no document shall be printed or delivered after the final adjournment, unless under some law or resolution of the two houses.

RULE. 21 There shall be appointed at the commencement of each session of the Legislature a joint standing committee on printing, consisting of two members upon the part of the Senate and three members upon the part of the House, to have a general supervision of the printing done by order of the Legislature, and the printing of the journals, and to determine what matter shall appear in the journals, and to see that reports, messages and other documents are not published in duplicate in the journals of the two houses.

RULE 22. Whenever there shall be an election of officers by the joint action of the two houses, the result shall be certified by the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House, and shall be reported by each to their respective houses, which report shall be entered on the journal of each, and shall be communicated to the governor by the clerks of the two houses jointly.

RULE 23. When amendments are made in one house to a bill or joint resolution originating in the other, or where amendments are made in one house to amendments made in the other, it shall require a vote of a majority of all the members elected to either house, on the call of the yeas and nays, to adopt said amendment on its final passage.

RULE 24. In joint convention of the two houses, the previous question shall be in the usual form, and when sustained by a majority of the members present, it shall cut off all debate or amendment, and bring the convention to a direct vote; but the vote shall be taken on all pending amendments, in their order, until the main question is reached.

RULE 25. When a bill proposes to amend any section, chapter, or act, the title shall read as follows: "An act relating to ——, and amendatory of section of chapter of the -," filling the blanks with the proper subject, section and chapter of the session laws, designating the same; or section general statutes of Kansas, 1889.

RULE 26. When a bill proposes to repeal any section, chapter, or act, and has no other object, the title shall be as follows: "An act to repeal section of the , relating to -," filling the blanks with the proper subject, section, or chapter of the session laws, designating the same; or section general statutes of Kansas, 1889.

-, chapter

RULE 27. The chief clerk of the House and secretary of the Senate shall indorse on every bill and joint or concurrent resolution, respectively, a brief history of such bill or resolution, introduced or coming into their respective houses, showing when and by whom the bill or resolution was introduced, or when received, its several readings and references, when reported, and the recommendation, the fact of amend

ment (if amended), its engrossment, final reading and disposition thereof, stating the number of yeas and the number of nays thereon. The chief clerk and secretary shall respectively sign such history of the bill or resolution in his house, before he transmits the same to the other house.

RULE 28. These rules may be changed or suspended by concurrent resolution on a vote of two-thirds of the members present in each house. Senator Osborn moved the adoption of the report, which motion prevailed, and the report was adopted.


Senate bill No. 153, An act making appropriations for current expenses and water-supply for the Industrial School for Girls, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1891, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Elliston then offered the following amendment, which was agreed to:

"SECTION 3. The expenditure of the amount hereby appropriated for the purpose of providing water-supply, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be made under contract, let to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall give bond to the satisfaction of the state board of charities for the faithful performance of his contract."

The bill was then read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 33, nays, 0.

Senators voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Bentley, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Harkness, Hays, Howard, Johnson, Kelley of Crawford, Kelly of McPherson, Kimball, King, Lockard, McTaggart, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Tucker, Wheeler, Wilson, Woodward, and Wright.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Berry, Buchan, Gillett, Kirkpatrick, Long, Martin, and Murdock.

A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to. Senate bill No. 42, An act to amend sections 67 and 68, article 4 of chapter 25 of general statutes of 1868, being an act relating to counties and county officers, and repealing said sections 67 and 68, was read the third time, and the question being,

Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 36, nays 0.

Senators voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Berry, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Gillett, Hays, Howard, Johnson, Kelley of Crawford, Kelley of McPherson, Kimball, King, Lockard, Long, McTaggart, Martin, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Tucker, Wheeler, Wilson, Woodward, and Wright.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Bentley, Buchan, Harkness, and Kirkpatrick.

A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to.


Senator Murdock offered Senate concurrent resolution No. 12, Instructing the secretary of state to secure suitable rooms for the use of the enrolling clerks, and moved its adoption, which motion prevailed.

Senator Forney moved that Simeon Donaldson, of Sumner county, be elected assistant sergeant-at-arms, in place of I. N. Cooper, resigned. The motion prevailed.

Senator Forney offered Senate resolution No. 23:

Resolved, That the chairman of each standing committee of this Senate be instructed to give notice when and where his committee will meet. Also, that he be requested to notify the author of bills of such meeting, in order that full and fair consideration may be had of each proposed measure.

Mr. Forney moved that the rules be suspended, and the resolution be adopted now, which motion prevailed, and the resolution was adopted.

Senator Martin offered Senate concurrent resolution No. 13, Ordering 250 copies of the joint rules printed, and moved its adoption now, which motion prevailed.

Senator Rush offered Senate concurrent resolution No. 14, Instructing our members of congress to work for the abolishment of the national banking act. Laid over under the rules.

Senator Mechem moved that the Senate do now adjourn, which motion prevailed.

The Senate adjourned.



TOPEKA, KANSAS, Wednesday, January 21, 1891.

2 o'clock P. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the President in the chair.

The roll was called. All the senators present.

Senator Kelley, of Crawford, moved the adoption of concurrent Senate resolution No. 2, in reference to bill files, and moved its adoption, which motion prevailed, and the resolution was adopted.

Senator Emery moved that the Senate go into committee of the whole, to consider bills under the head of general orders. A vote being had, the motion prevailed.


The Senate went into committee of the whole, with Senator Kelley, of Crawford, in the chair.

After some time spent therein the committee arose, and through their chairman submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: The committee of the whole Senate have had under consideration bills on the calendar under the head of general orders, and I am directed to report as follows:

Recommend that Senate bill No. 31, An act to fix the time for holding the term of district court of the sixth judicial district, and to repeal al acts inconsistent with this act, be passed as amended.

That Senate bill No. 50 be passed over, and retain its place on the calendar.

That Senate bill No. 59, An act to amend section 458 of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of civil procedure," being chapter 80 of the general statutes of year 1868, approved February 25, 1868, be passed over, and retain its place on the calendar.

That Senate bill No. 67, An act relating to sale of real property sold under foreclosure of mortgage, be passed over, and retain its place on the calendar.

That Senate bill No. 94, An act to amend sections 9 and 16 of article 2 of an act entitled "An act to establish a code of criminal procedure," being chapter 82 of the general statutes of the state of Kansas of 1889, be passed over, and retain its place on the calendar.

That Senate bill No. 14, An act authorizing the appointment of a fish commissioner, and for the protection of fish in the waters of the state, be passed over, and retain its place on the calendar.

M. C. KELLEY, Chairman.

Senator Buchan called up message from the House, which was as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has concurred in Senate concurrent resolution No. 12. Also Senate concurrent resolution No. 2. The resolutions are herewith transmitted. BEN C. RICH, Chief Clerk.

Senator Elliston moved that the Senate do now adjourn,

which motion prevailed.

Senate adjourned.

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