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Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Berry, Carroll of Miami, Hays, Kirkpatrick, Osborn, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Tucker, and Wilson.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Carroll of Leavenworth, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Gillett, Harkness, Howard, Johnson, Kelley of Crawford, Kelly of McPherson, Kimball, King, Lockard, Long, McTaggart, Martin, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Wheeler, and Wright.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Buchan and Woodward.

The motion was lost.


Senator Bentley called up the message from the House requesting the return of Senate bill No. 154, An act making appropriation for the payment of the mileage and per diem of the members and for the current expenses of the Legislature, etc.

Senator Kimball moved that the request of the House be granted asking the return of Senate bill 154, which motion prevailed, and it was so ordered.

Senator Kelly, of McPherson, then moved to adjourn.
The yeas and nays were called for.

The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 21, nays 9. Senators voting in favor of the motion to adjourn were: Messrs. Bentley, Berry, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Hays, Kelly of McPherson, King, Lockard, Long, Mechem, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Wheeler, and Wilson.

Senators voting in the negative were: Messrs. Emery, Forney, Harkness, Kimball, Kirkpatrick, McTaggart, Roe, Tucker, and Wilson.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Buchan, Elliston, Gillett, Howard, Johnson, Martin, Mohler, Richter, and Wright. The motion prevailed, and the Senate adjourned.




TOPEKA, KANSAS, Tuesday, January 27, 1891.

10 o'clock A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the President in

the chair.

The roll was called. All the Senators present.

Prayer by the chaplain.

Senator Harkness moved that the approval of the journal be postponed and made the first order of business in the afternoon session. The motion prevailed.

Senator Rush asked unanimous consent to call up House message in reference to House bill No. 366. Consent being granted, the message was read.

Senator Rush moved that the rules be suspended, an emergency declared, and House bill No. 366, An act making an appropriation for the Kansas State Soldiers' Home at Dodge City, for deficiency for the year ending June 30, 1891, be placed on its second and third reading now.

The roll was called, with the following result: Yeas 35, nays 1. Senators voting in favor of the motion were: Messrs. Bentley, Berry, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Gillett, Harkness, Hays, Kelley of Crawford, Kelly of McPherson, Kimball, King, Kirkpatrick, Lockard, Long, McTaggart, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Tucker, Wheeler, Woodward, and Wright.

Senator Martin voted in the negative.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Buchan, Howard, Johnson, and Wilson.

the bill was read the second and third times.

The motion prevailed, and an emergency was declared, and


House bill No. 366, An act making appropriation for the Kansas State Soldiers' Home at Dodge City, for deficiency for the year ending June 30th, 1891, was read the third time, and the question being, Shall the bill pass? the roll was called, with the rollowing result: Yeas 38, nays 0.

Senators voting in favor of the passage of the bill were: Messrs. Bentley, Berry, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Gillett, Harkness, Hays, Howard, Kelley of Crawford, Kelly of McPherson, Kimball, King, Kirkpatrick, Lockard, Long, McTaggart, Martin, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Smith, Tucker, Wheeler, Wilson, Woodward, and Wright.

Senators absent or not voting were: Messrs. Buchan and Johnson.

A constitutional majority having voted in favor of the passage of the bill, the bill passed, and the title was agreed to.


The following petitions were presented, and referred to the committees indicated:

By Senator Lockard: Senate petition No. 127, petition of 20 old soldiers of Kirwin, Kas., praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the U. S. Senate.

By Senator Emery: Senate petition No. 128, petition of old soldiers of Pottawatomie county, Kas., asking for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the U. S. Senate.

By Senator Wright: Senate petition No. 129, petition of citizens of Wabaunsee county, asking for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the U. S. Senate.

Also, Senate petition No. 130, to Senator Wright and Representative John Raihey, from Mathew McKelney and 26 others, ex-soldiers of Woodson county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the U. S. Senate.

By Senator Woodward: Senate petition No. 131, petition of E. H. White and 65 other ex-Union soldiers of Woodson county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the United States Senate.

By Senator Richter: Senate petition No. 132, petition of S.

W. Cole and 61 other citizens and ex-soldiers of Clements, Chase county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls. Also, Senate petition No. 133, petition of J. S. Early wine and 26 others, ex-soldiers of Morris county, praying for the reelection of John J. Ingalls.

By Kelley of Crawford: Senate petition No. 134, petition of W. E. Snerste and 26 others, praying for the passage of the law for the suppression of crime.

Referred to Committee on Judiciary.

By Senator Carroll: Senate petition No. 135, petition of David Reynols and 82 old soldiers of Johnson county, Kansas, praying for the re-election of Hon. John J. Ingalls.

By Senator Wilson: Senate petition No. 136, petition of four soldiers of the Union army, residents of Wallace county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the United States


Also, Senate petition No. 137, petition of ex-soldiers of the Union army and navy, residents of Ellis county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the United States Senate. By Senator Rush: Senate petition No. 138, petition of Judge Strong, Vandervirt, Grinstead, Sterrey, and fifty others, respectfully asking Senator Rush to vote for John J. Ingalls for United

States Senator.

By Senator Schilling: Senate petition No. 139, petition of old soldiers of Doniphan county, praying for the re-election of John

J. Ingalls.

old soldiers of Norton township, in Sedgwick county, praying By Senator Bentley: Senate petition No. 140, petition from for the re-election of Senator John J. Ingalls.

By Senator Schilling: Senate petition No. 141, petition of the undersigned citizens and soldiers of Brown county, requesting the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the United States senate. Robert W. Hill and others.

By Senator Bentley: Senate petition No. 142, petition from old soldiers of Mulvane, Kansas, praying for the re-election of Hon. John J. Ingalls to the United States Senate.

198, Sons of Veterans, Cheney, Sedgwick county, Kansas, Also, Senate petition No. 143, petition from Shannon Camp, No. asking for the re-election of Senator John J. Ingalls.

By Senator Murdock: Senate petition No. 144, petition of

old ex-Union soldiers of Butler county, praying for the re-election of John J. Ingalls to the United States Senate.

By Carroll of Leavenworth: Senate petition No. 145, petition of J. T. Taylor and other ex-soldiers of Leavenworth county, praying for the election of John J. Ingalls to the United States Senate.


The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Senator Kimball: Senate bill No. 195, An act in relation to the issue of funding and other bonds by counties, townships, cities, boards of education, and school districts.

By Senator Murdock: Senate bill No. 196, An act to amend section 5 of chapter 189 of session laws of 1885, being an act entitled "An act authorizing the appointment of stenographers, and providing for their compensation."

By Senator Rush: Senate bill No. 197, An act to indemnify . J. F. De Moss for damages sustained in proceedings had under chapter 105, laws of Kansas.

Also, Senate bill No. 198, An act entitled "An act relating to insurance and insurance companies."

Also, Senate bill No. 199, An act entitled "An act relating to insurance and insurance companies."

By Senator Tucker: Senate bill No. 200, An act to prohibit the issuing of teachers' certificates to any person addicted to profanity, or to the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, or the use of tobacco in any form.

By Senator Wilson: Senate bill No. 201, An act repealing chapter 110 of the session laws of the year 1883, relating to salary of certain officers of Rush county.

By Senator Carroll, of Leavenworth: Senate bill No. 202, An act to amend section 5592, general statutes of 1889, and section 1, article 4, chapter 122, laws of 1876.


MR. PRESIDENT: I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has refused to recede from its amendments to Senate bill No. 154, relating to appropriations of money for the salaries of the members of the Senate and House, the officers and employés thereof, and asks for a committee of conference to adjust the difference between the Senate and House. The following members were appointed on the part of the House: Rogers of Washington, Rice of Bourbon, Doty, Whittington, Jackson.

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