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TOPEKA, KANSAS, Tuesday, January 13, 1891.

12 o'clock M.

In accordance with the provisions of the constitution, the Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock M., by LieutenantGovernor A. J. Felt, who by virtue of his office is president of the Senate.

Upon motion of Senator Buchan, Senator Mohler was elected temporary secretary.

The roll of the Senate was called, and the following Senators were present and answered to their names: Messrs. Bentley, Berry, Buchan, Carroll of Leavenworth, Carroll of Miami, Elliston, Emery, Forney, Gillett, Harkness, Hays, Howard, Johnson, Kelley of Crawford, Kelly of McPherson, Kimball, King, Kirkpatrick, Lockard, McTaggart, Martin, Mechem, Mohler, Moody, Murdock, Norton, Osborn, Rankin, Richter, Roe, Rush, Schilling, Senior, Tucker, Wilson, Woodward, and Wright-being a quorum of the Senate.

Prayer by Rev. J. A. Bright, of Dickinson county.

The president of the Senate presented the certificates of election of Senators-elect S. C. Wheeler, Thirty-second district; S. J. Smith, Thirty-sixth district; Chester I. Long, Thirty-eighth


Senator Buchan moved that Senators-elect Long, Smith and Wheeler be sworn in as senators, which motion prevailed. The oath of office was administered by Associate Justice W. A. Johnston, of the supreme court, and subscribed to by the sen


Upon motion of Senator Elliston, the Senate adjourned until

7 o'clock P. M.



TOPEKA, KANSAS, Tuesday, January 13, 1891.
7 o'clock P. M.

The Senate was called to order at 7 P. M.; the President of the Senate in the chair.

The roll was called. Senator Carroll, of Leavenworth, was absent.

Senator Emery moved that the following persons be elected officers of the Senate for the present session, viz.:

President pro tem-F. P. Harkness.

Chaplain―J. A. Bright.

Secretary-A. G. Stacey; assistant secretary, G. G. Wheat. Sergeant-at-Arms-L. C. Smith; assistant sergeant-at-arms, I. N. Cooper.

Journal Clerk-T. J. Jackson; assistant journal clerk, C. L. Harper; second assistant journal clerk, W. G. Kelly; third assistant journal clerk, W. F. Gregg.

Doorkeeper-W. A. Bitts; assistant doorkeepers, Washington Marks, C. Mieisenhiemer, A. C. Hilligoss, Jesse Hamner, G. L. Hankin, Daniel Maher, C. Heath, A. B. Akeroyd.

Document Clerk-J. L. Eldridge; assistant document clerk, B. M. Best.

Docket Clerk-Omar Gillette; assistant docket clerk, J. R. Curry.

Postmaster-A. W. McDowell; assistant postmaster, Clyde


Messenger-Arthur L. Phillips.

Chief Enrolling Clerk-Miss N. G. McLaughlin.

Pages-Harvey Hubbell, Harold Baum, Wirt Adams, Herbert Kirkpatrick, Blaine Smith, Howard Speck, Willie Juneau. The motion prevailed.

Senator Moody offered senate resolution No. 1:

Resolved, That the chairman of each standing committee be authorized to appoint a clerk for such committee, the lieutenant governor to also appoint a clerk and messenger.


Senator Hays offered Senate resolution No. 2:

Resolved, That the president of the Senate be empowered to appoint

a suitable person to attend to the proper ventilation of the Senate chamber, during the present session.

Amended by naming C. M. Heath.


A. G. Stacey, as secretary of the Senate, and G. C. Lofland, clerk of the president of the Senate, were sworn in.

On motion, the Senate adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, January 14, 1891.




TOPEKA, KANSAS, Wednesday, January 14, 1891.

10 o'clock A. M.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment; the president in the chair.

The roll was called. All senators were present.
Prayer by Rev. Dr. Porach, of Topeka, Kansas.
The journal of the 13th was read and adopted.


The following bills were introduced, and read the first time: By Revision Committee: Senate bill No. 1, An act in relation to state officers and departments, and the administration of state affairs.

Also, Senate bill No. 2, An act to establish the salaries of state officers, their assistants and clerks, judges, and officers of the legislature.

Also, Senate bill No. 3, An act providing for a board of public works, defining its duties, providing penalties for violations of the act, and repealing certain acts.

Also, Senate bill No. 4, An act to provide for the regulation. and maintenance of the state library.

Also, Senate bill No. 5, An act to provide for the government and maintenance of the State Normal School.

Also, Senate bill No. 6, An act to provide for the government and maintenance of the State Agricultural College.

Also, Senate bill No. 7, An act to provide for free text-books for the common schools of the state..

Also, Senate bill No. 8, An act relating to the state charitable institutions and the State Reform School, providing for their control and management, prescribing the procedure for admission thereto, and repealing certain acts.

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