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Sodus."1st. There is a good degree of order observed in most of the schools.

"2d. Morals and behavior are generally good.

"3d. Most of the scholars make rapid progress in scholarship, "4th. There is in general a regular attendance."

Watervliet." Our six schools have been visited, some of them twice; and three were found to be good in all respects, and three entirely the reverse."


Branch county reports a slight increase in attendance at, and length of, schools. $14,291 09 was paid to teachers; an increase of $1,065 26. The reported resources for payment of teachers, including receipts from non-resident pupils, were $1,026 75 less than the amount paid. Nothing is reported received from fines. If men have been fined for breaches of the laws, the men to whom the fines were paid have also violated the law in their disposal. The total resources for school pur poses, were $23,584 48.

Balavia. No two mill tax is reported by the Inspectors; nor any visitation to the schools.

Bronson.-The Inspectors say they cannot get their library money from the county treasury.

Butler."I find the general condition of the schools good in most respects; and part lacking in nearly every respect; owing, I think, more to parents than to teachers."

The Inspectors say: "We have spent a good deal of time to get the district reports corrected, and at last we meet to mako up our report from a botched up and bungling mess; from which we have done the best we could, considering our pa tience."

We sympathise with the Inspectors, but can assure them that their directors are not sinners above all others. We have hundreds of reports with which theirs, with all their imperfection, will compare favorably. Many thousand dollars are reported "raised by district tax to pay teachers' wages," which

we know, from other items in the reports, were not raised and we have rejected all such amounts in our abstracts.

Coldwater City.-The Visitor reports the order in the flourishing Union School, fair; the morals and behavior good, as also the progress of the pupils; but the attendance not as regular and uniform as the preceding year. The district raised $5,000 for building purposes, and had ten months school, with 752 pupils in attendance.

Matteson." General good order has been observed, though we have been called to regret the lack of higher attainments in our teachers. In respect to morals and behavior, we are glad to state an improve nent, slow in progress, but surely marked. The progress in scholarship is as rapid as can be expected, while the attendance of the pupils is so irregular; and we regret the lack of interest manifested by parents in this respect."


Calhoun county shows a slight decrease in the number of pupils in school, though the average length of the schools was the same as in the previous year-7.3 months; $22,258 40 was paid to teachers-an increase of $450 00. Not a town voted anything for libraries. The County Treasurer apportioned $205 60 cents fine money, $189 26 of which is reported as received. Total resources for school purposes, $39,399 81,

Battle Creek City.-This union district reports 1,050 resident children, and 1,150 attending school, and $374 86 received from non-resident pupils. Value of schoolhouse property, $18,000. Such are the results of enterprise in educational affairs.

Burlington. The visitor examined all the schools, and reports district No. 1 the most forward in the town, gives a favorable account of No. 2, and thinks Nos. 5 and 11 commendable in most respects, but backward. Two new schoolhouses are reported.

Emmett." The general condition of the schools is encouraging. Within the last three years they have advanced in

good order and scholarship fully thirty per cent. There is however, in several of our ten districts, a wide margin for in provement; especially in good order and attendance. Toe many of the patrons manifest great indifference to the welfare of the scholars, which is greatly to be regretted."

Marshall township.-Thirteen visits were made to the schools, and their order is represented as good, with me lium moral good progress and medium attendance.

Marshall City." Good order was maintained in all the de partments. The morals and behavior of the pupils were ge erally good. Attendance was not as regular as could desired, but I have no statistics showing the average."

This is a Union School with 659 in attendance, and 1,245 the district, ten months free school, $135 67 received from t2 resident pupils, $2,992 37 paid to ten teachers. The distri taxes for building purposes were $7,600; for all purpad $9,700. Value of schoolhouses, $15,000.

Sheridan.-The Visitor reports the order very good; mor about average; attendance, tolerably good, and progress go in all the schools but two.


The reports from Cass show an increased number in schoo of 406, and the average length of schools, 6.4 monthssame as last year. $12,106 72 was paid to teachersminution of $305 41 Three towns fail to report the fine mtej but the remainder report $414 07, which is $114 07 more th the county treasurer says he apportioned. Perhaps some the Inspectors report the amount on hand, instead of amount received, as required by the blanks.

No two mill tax is reported from Howard and Pukag None has been reported from Howard for two years.

Milton."As to good order, it is not the prevailing c plaint. Morals and good behavior are frequently found wa ing-progress in scholarship is very good, considering the o and attendance, which are not good."

Penn.-All the schools were visited, and the Visitor repor


their general condition good except in the attendance, which is irregular.

Volinia. "I visited five schools during the summer, and found that good order prevailed in all. The morals and behavior were generally good, as far as could be ascertained, and progress in scholarship and attendance good."

Wayne. "There is room for improvement in order, and a little more discipline needed, while the morals, progress and attendance are middling."


This county shows a slight falling off in attendance and in length of schools, but not in the amount paid teachers-showing an increase of wages.

Inverness--"We find the children in our township regular in their attendance at school, and very orderly. They are well behaved, and are progressing remarkably well, all things considered."

Duncan. This town has but one feeble district, and the vistor reports the morals and attendance at school bad.


In this county, only Saut Ste. Marie reports one district, of 192 children and 104 attending school. The public money mounts to $382 70, of which but $175 was paid to teachers.

"I have to say that very good order has been maintained in he school by the teachers. The morals and behavior of the hildren, for the most part, is good; but there are a few excepions-perhaps four or five children--with whom the teachers have had some trouble. Still the general progress has been uch as may well satisfy the Inspectors. The regularity of atendance has not generally been good, owing, in a great meas. re, to a class of people who compose the community, many aving the Indian ideas of education."


Four-fifths of the children have attended school, but the inrease from last year is only 85; but the amount paid teachers

is $8,265 15-an increase of $331 30. The total resources were $11,397 88.

Bengal.-"Good order, with a few exceptions. The morals and behavior, progress, and attendance of the scholars are also good.

Lebanon.-"Some of the schools had excellent order-none very bad. The morals and behavior were good, and the progress of those in attendance was good. As to attendance, about one third was very regular, one third came about half the time, an the other third came once in a while, but not twice.”

Ovid." Good order in about half of the schools; the balance noisy in the extreme. Morals and behavior out of school, good except in No. 9. Progress in scholarship good in 1, 6, 8, and 9-slow in 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Good attendance in all but No. 9." The Inspectors say-" Reports in all cases but one, are more or less inacurate. In many cases the reports conflict."

Watertown. The Visitor gives a good account of the several schools except in No. 3; of which he says: "In district No. 3, the order was rather below an average, and morals and behavior not as good as desirable. Progress in scholarship does not compare favorably with other districts. Attendance good for the past year.


The reports from Eaton county show about the same state in the schools as last year. Benton and Chester fail to report. any two mill tax for the past year, while Eaton Rapids has reported none for two successive years. Three towns report ie ceipts from fines, &c. Total resources for school purposes, $13,050 68.

Benton. "I found good order and discipline in some of the schools. The morals are good. As to the progress, I cannot speak positively, as it is the first year I have visited the schools; but I should think it good. The attendance is very irregular generally."

Carmel." In consequence of ill health the schools were not all visited, but from what were visited, we are able to report a

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