Imagens das páginas

should also avoid all irritating topics. He avowed that he should always | he heard these insinuations of churches without flocks, he thought he saw support the question under whatever circumstances it might be claimed, the progress of the attack, hair by hair, upon the Church of Ireland! but was of opinion that the present time was not the most favourable for (Hear!) bringing it on. (Hear!) He gave it however his most cordial and con- Mr. PLUNKETT observed, that he had long since made up his mind on scientious support; (loud cheering) for though he had lent his aid to this question. With deep and intense feelings for the maintenance of the suppress the irregular zeal of some of the Catholic body, his opinions and best rights of the empire, his decided conviction was, that this measure feelings regarding the merits of the question were not only unaltered, but could not be too speedily carried-that no time was too early for its adop. unalterable. (Hear!) He could indeed hardly imagine how the principletion; and none could arrive, when it should not have his most zealous of the proposition could be opposed. He could easily understand, why support. (Cheers.) He supported the question, because of its perfect persons voting in its favour might demand that many modifications should reconcileableness with the stability of the Protestant Church; and he be made in it, many concessions qualified, many difficulties solved, many supported it further, because he thought the passing of this bill would be inconveniences provided for, and many dangers-some of them imaginary found a measure eminently qualified to support that Church. (Hear') and others real-guarded against; but he could not by any process of He contended that the principles of the Constitution were very far from reasoning understand why all the subjects of the same kingdom, inhabi- being opposed to the claims of the Catholics. It was assumed that politi tants of the same soil-who mingled in the daily offices of life, and pro-cal rights must be withheld, unless the doctrines of the Established fessed a common Christianity, should be excluded from the common Church were subscribed to; but every day's experience disproved this benefits of the Constitution of their country. (Cheers.) His Hon. Friend assumption. Dissenters were allowed to sit in Parliament; a Lord Chanhad set out by saying, that nothing was so dangerous to the peace of cellor of England (Lord Rosslyn) had been a Dissenter; the Test Laws society as the alliance between politics and religion; and how did he had been repealed in Ireland for 50 years, and the dissenting interest had conclude his speech? By a laboured eulogium on the alliance between actually been on the decline ever since, while the Catholics had increased, Church and State. "Hear, hear!" and a laugh.) There was an incon- for they were fostered and cherished, as it were, by severity. (Loud sistency in this which he could not reconcile, His Hon. Friend had told cheers). Even at present, political power was allowed to them, for they them, that never at any time was the feeling of religious zeal so paramount elected Members of Parliament, served as Jurors, and acted as Magisover the political ambition of the governments of the Continent, He trates. It was asked, what had they to complain of, for they were only believed that to be the case; but what was the inference he drew from it? excluded from Parliament, the Bench, and high Offices of State!-that is, Why, mankind were divided into two classes, by two lines of demarcation. from making and administering the laws, and from posts of honour and There was one line between the Protestant and Catholic churches, and another dignity! mere bagatelles of course, not worth contending for; but if so, between British and Foreign influence. He would say, "Efface the line scarcely worth refusing. Yet would the Hon. Gent., who used such arguof separation which divides the inhabitants of the British islands into two ment, like to be excluded from his chance of such trifles? No; they were classes, and strengthen the line of demarcation which separates British the very things for which Englishmen would cheerfully lay down their from foreign influence." (Cheers.) These were the principles on which lives. (Cheers). It was clear, that if the Catholics were shut out from he had always advocated this question. It was unnecessary for him to say Parliament, they would go and array themselves elsewhere, and perhaps to his Hon. Friend, that with regard to the dangers which he and other assist in destroying public liberty. Looking at what might be the views Hon. Members anticipated to the Protestant Establishment, he had lately of France with regard to Ireland, there was great danger. He would given a pledge, which he was now ready to repeat, that he would go as remove such danger, by redressing the grievances of that country; he far as any man to retain it in full dignity and security. (Hear, hear) He would make a respectable provision for the Catholic Clergy, which he would go even further he would declare, that if his reason could be con- knew they would receive with gratitude; and, whatever might be urged, vinced, that they must either stand where they then were, or by proceed- he was satisfied that the Catholic Laity would never allow their own ing risk that Establishment which was interwoven with their happy Con- Clergy to resume their former power and tithes. (Cheers, and murmurs of stitution, he would stand where they then were at all hazards, and would doubt.). If an enemy were now to land in Ireland, there would be great give his strenuous opposition to the motion of the Hon. Baronet. (Hear) danger: they should act therefore as if an enemy had lauded, while they It was because his reason could not be convinced of this fact, but was could do it with safety. By granting the Catholics an equal share in the convinced of the contrary, that he was now determined to support it. blessings of the Constitution, we should not only secure their loyalty, but (Hear, hear!) It was because he was convinced that it would increase obtain their cordial affections and unrestrained confidence. (Loud Cheers. the strength of the empire at home and its respectability abroad, that he Mr. PEEL complimented the Hon. Baronet for the gracious and candid was for opening wide the vest of the Constitution, and receiving in its bosom all those who lived in its allegiance, and were ready to support its he felt himself bound to oppose. In regard to the alleged breach of the manner in which he had brought forward the question, which, however, Government. Hear, hear!) On these grounds he should give his vote Treaty of Limeric, he denied that the Catholics had ever contemplated for the Hon. Baronet's proposition, remarking that in so doing, he by no that treaty as guaranteeing a restoration to political power. It had been means considered himself pledged to support the details of the measure maintained by the highest authorities, that every Government could which the Hon. Baronet might hereafter introduce, but that he did consider restrain and regulate the entering into offices of trust, and there was a himself pledged not to sacrifice to the object of the measure any thing clear distinction between penalties and qualifications for office,-between which in bis conscience be thought, or in his judgment he might be per- punishments and disabilities. By the Act of Union with Scotland, Roman suaded to believe, to be beneficial to the Protestant Establishment. (Loud Catholics were permanently excluded from office in that country. Earl cheering.)-Mr. C. shortly afterwards left the house.

The SOLICITOR GENERAL declared himself hostile to any farther concessions to the Catholics, and contended that if any gentleman had, upon former occasions, made up his mind to yield them, he ought now, from their recent conduct, to alter his resolution. Claims which had been denied to reason, argumentation, and quiet solicitation, ought never to be yielded to menace, terror, or intimidation. (Hear) He would also refuse them, because he could never find out what the Catholics proposed as their ultimatum. (Hear, hear!) There were only three things now withheld from them-the Bench, the Parliament, and the bigh Offices of State. (Hear, and a loud laugh.) If these were granted to the Catholics, he had no doubt but they would ask for the Church also. (Hear, and a laugh.) Being clearly of opinion that the pretence of conciliation did not follow, but seeing that the overthrow of the Church Establishment must, he should oppose the Hon. Baronet's motion.

Mr. STUART WORTLEY said, that no substantial peace would be esta blished in the country until this question was conceded, and the Catholic and Protestant population of the empire incorporated in one feeling of sivil concord. (Hear!)

Mr. BANKES (of Cambridge) opposed the motion. He could not assent to the opinion that the Catholics looked no further than to the enjoyment of civil privileges. They had themselves most distinctly said they did look further. (A cry of No.) He would repeat, that Mr. O'Connell had recently declared, that if the Catholics would be content with having a fow seats in Parliament, they might have that privilege at once, but they would make no such compromise; and then, that gentleman went on to say, that they aimed at the tithes and church property. (A loud cry of Read.) The words were, "or if we are called upon to continue contributing to the building of churches in parishes where there are no Protestant inhabitants." (Hear, hear!) He believed he had read the wrong part! (a laugh); but at all events the tendency of the argument was shortly and simply this (the cry of Read was here loudly repeated): he would read the following passage:-"It was a mockery to make people pay rates where no church existed." (Loud laughter reiterated.) When

Chatham and Lord Camden maintained that the Oath of Supremacy was the great charter of the Established Religion, as obligatory as Magna Charta itself. Mr. Pitt supported the Test Laws; and it was a common principle in private life, that no man would place another in a situation to superintend his affairs, whom he could not entirely trust. The same prin ciple prevailed as to eligibility for office, and upon it was founded the partial exclusion of the Protestant subject from the exercise of the elective franchise. The theory of the Constitution was this-that no man was bound by laws to which he did not assent; but practically speaking, this was not true. No man could sit in that House unless he possessed a certain amount of property-300 a year; but if the doctrine maintained was true, why might not the man of 2001. a-year sit there? and still more, why was the inhabitant of a town not possessing the elective franchise deprived of all right of voting? The reason was, that they were afraid of parties in such situations, without sufficient means as a security for the due discharge of their functions. Upon similar principles, the state had a right of exclusion where it apprehended danger. (Hear, hear!) He opposed the abstract right; and Mr. Burke bad declared the question to be one of a moral and virtuous discretion. He admitted, that the exclusion from office by law was a grievous evil-(hear!)-but it was one of a much less serious and general nature than those which would follow upon its removal. He doubted too that the removal of these disabilities would have the effect of tranquillizing Ireland; for though various concessions had been made, they had not at all allayed the religious animosities in that country. The temporalities enjoyed by the State Religion of Ireland were once possessed by the Catholic majority, and as long as that was the case, it was absurd to suppose that the Catholics would be content with the removal of civil disabilities only. (Hear, hear!) Mr. Peel here spoke of the tone and spirit of the Catholic Religion, its pretensions, of the miracles of Prince Hohenlohe, and of the number of cures he had performed at Wurtzburgh and Bamberg! By his intercessions, the Princess Matilda Von Schwartzenburgh, lame from her 8th to her 17th year, had been cured; so had Councillor Jacob, who, though he had not stirred from his chamber for many years, suddenly accompanied his Doctor from the third

story to the street door;-a beneficed Clergyman had also been cured of
the gout in the street, without getting out of his carriage; and an uphol-
sterer, a saddler, and a stone mason, had all been operated on by similar
miracles! (Much laughing). Gentlemen might laugh at so much cre-
dulity; but in no part of the world were the wonder-workings of Prince
Hohenlohe talked of with more profound respect and faith than in Ireland.
(Hear, hear!) For these reasons, he decidedly opposed the claims of the
Catholics, and he was convinced that the concession proposed would not
allay their animosity or satisfy their demands. Dr. Doyle already talked
of" ulterior measures," so true it was that

"Still to new heights their restless wishes soar,
"Claim leads to claim, as power advances more."

At the same time he wished that penal laws should be abolished, together
with offensive processions, and all other local causes of discontent and
heart-burning. (Cheers);

refuse them. It was said that the Catholics would not accept such con cessions as could be granted. He would say, "Legislate and do not negotiate;" he would pledge himself that the Catholics would be satisfied, What would happen if these claims should be now rejected, he would not say, but he hoped the laws would be obeyed.

Sir F. BURDETT rose to reply, contending that the inconveniences likely to arise from carrying the question were merely speculative, whilst the present evils were permanent, practical, and substantial.

After a few words from Mr. PEEL, the gallery was cleared for a division, when there appeared-For the motion, 247; Against it, 234; Majority, 13-The annunciation of the numbers was received with cheers.

The House then went into a Committee, and Mr. PEEL declared, that to introduce, would suffer it to be read a first time, and make their stand the opposers of the bill which the Hon. Member for Westminster intended against it on the second reading.—Several resolutions were then agreed to. The House resumed; the report was agreed to, and leave was given to bring in a bill founded on the resolutions-Mr. PEEL asked when it was the intention of the Hon. Baronet to move the second reading of the bill.. Sir F. BURDETT replied, not till after Easter.-The House then adjourned at half-past three o'clock. Wednesday, March 2.


The second reading of this Bill was opposed by Mr. GREEN and Mr. PHILLIPS, on the ground chiefly, that the landowners would be injured by the intended line of road, that the rail way was not wanted in that quarter, and that the property embarked in the canals ought to be profected. It was supported by Sir JoHN NEWPORT, and Messrs. HUSKISSON, W. PEEL, and DOHERTY, who maintained, that for the public advantage the plan should be tried, as the projectors of the rail way asserted that it would carry goods cheaper and with greater expedition; that the landowners would be benefitted rather than injured by the measure; and that the benefit which might arise to the trade both of England and Ireland made the support of the bill a duty. Mr. BROUGHAM hoped that, in the proposed Committee, Members would redeem their credit, and not job the matter, as was so often and so improperly done on private bills, but vote according to the merits of the question.-The bill, was then read a second time, and ordered to be committed.

Thursday, March 3.

A Bill was brought in, and forwarded through two stages, on the motion of Sir THOMAS LETHBRIDGE, for making a Ship Canal to connect the English and Bristol Channels. The Hon. Bart. explained that great benefits were likely to arise from this undertaking, and stated that out of 1,000 owners of the land through which the Canal would pass, 918 had been applied to, and only 50 opposed the project,


Many petitions were presented, praying for a repeal of the Assessed Taxes; and Mr. BROUGHAM took occasion to remark, that the reason why Government objected to relieve the public from the direct taxes was, that it would thereby suffer a diminution of patronage. It was time that people should be relieved from the visits of the Taxgatherer. It was of no use reducing the duty on any article, when the vender immediately increased the price proportionately. When the Minister formerly took off 164. per hogshead from French wine, the wine-merchants raised the price 101. per hogshead.

Mr. BROUGHAM contended that the treaty of Limeric had been notoriously violated. One of its stipulations was, that the Catholics should enjoy the same privileges they possessed in the reign of Charles II. Now in that reign, they sate in Parliament, and had access to all the offices of state, excepting Corporations. To say that any man who was otherwise eligible to serve the state, should not be allowed to serve it because he conscientiously believed in the worship of the mass and in the doctrine of transubstantiation, was most unjustifiably to deprive him of his political and civil rights. It was folly, at this time of day, to tell us that it was only from political rights the Catholics were excluded, an exclusion which they might endure without repining. Were they to be told this, whilst every thing splendid, dignified, and honourable is not their lot but ours-whilst the portals to power, privilege, and dignity are shut against them whilst in the laws they are to obey, in the taxes they pay, they are to have no share, because they dare to be honest, and worship God ac cording to their own consciences! From all that distinguishes man-his high nature-his more exalted endowments-the ambition to serve his country—to bear a share in making the laws which he is to obey-they are to be debarred, unless they agree to abandon the religion of their ancestors, and become apostates. This was the inconsistent argument, and the concessions already given to the Catholics made it ten thousand times more inconsistent. They were allowed to vote for Members of Parliament, but not to sit in the House. How would the Tories like to be told by the Whigs, if the latter should chance to get into power, "We are now in power, but we know that it leads to anarchy, treason, and spoil. We will allow you to elect Members of Parliament, but we cannot allow you to choose those of your class-you cannot choose Tories." Would the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford suffer it to be told them, "You may elect whom you please to represent your opinions in Parliament, but you cannot have any person of your own body," (Hear, hear!) for they are blind to the instruction of history-they are the most pedantic meu in the world, to whom knowledge is pedantry, and caution is dotage! (4 laugh.) It was said that there was no safety in Ireland while there were so many Catholics against the Protestants. Who denied that? Was it safe to leave things as they now were? This was his argument: but the Right Hon. Gentleman said that they were surrounded with perils and dangers, that they were to shut their eyes and grope and shriek, but do nothing to remove the danger! He (Mr. B.) admitted the danger, but he would remove it. His firm belief was, that if they had forty or fifty Catholics in that House, not one injurious proposition would proceed from Mr. MABERLY made his promised motion for the entire repeal of the one of them. There were many Dissenters in this country, yet the most in Assessed Taxes, which he grounded both on the inquisitorial nature and that House were not above five or six; and did any one hear from those, one costly collection of those duties, and on the general anxiety of the people proposition to trench on the rights of the Church? The Right Hon. Gen- for their removal. He approved of the principle upon which the Minister tleman dwelt on the reported miracles of Prince Hohenlohe with ridicule; acted in reducing anti-commercial duties, but he thought a better selecbut were such arguments to be addressed to the wise, well educated, and tion of items might have been made. Coffee and wine were the luxdiscreet Members of that Honse? He assured the Right Hon. Gentle-uries of the rich-the duties on tea and tobacco ought to have been man, that if he selected the most seductive Popish legends, he would pick lowered in preference. The repeal of the Assessed Taxes would be a ost three of the weakest men on either side-on the opposite side if he relief to all classes, particularly to the struggling shopkeeper, who pleased (A laugh), and let those three add to themselves six more,-greatly needed it. The people were as much annoyed with the vexation be would assure the Right Hon. Gentleman, that if those nine weak men of these taxes, as oppressed by the amount. Do away the mischievous were to pore over those legends for a month, they would not be converted, Sinking Fund, and the whole of the Assessed Taxes might be saved, an but would be more confirmed in their own religion. Though there were army of taxgatherers disbanded, and upwards of 300,000l. a year, now fre Dissenters in that House-and not more Catholics could enter at best spent in collection, saved. for one year-though Dissenters were admissible to offices by means of the indemnity bill-though there were Chancellors and Prime Ministers of that persuasion-though they had a dissenting Chancellor distributing the patronage of the Crown and advising the King, yet had any mortal man ever believed the Church to be in danger? He readily admitted that the Catholics would have power if they were in Parliament. But had they as power now? They had a great deal, and the danger was as great as if they were eligible to the House of Commons. Abler men, or of more nice discretion, he never knew than the Catholic Gentlemen that he met, men of greater talents, of more extensive information, of keener discernment. These gentlemen, so richly endowed by nature, so able to do mischief if they wished, backed as they would be by five or six millionsthis was a power for the most insatiable ambition to grasp at. This power the house dreaded-because they made new laws to curb it. His remedy was simple—it was to take away those dangerous elements, and to curb them, and then they would work the machine well, and the House would no more have to dread them The Catholics asked now what was rea sonable, but the legislature feared that this concession would be followed by a demand of what was unreasonable. He would say, grant what is reasonable, and wait till they make an unreasonable demand before you

Mr. LESTER Seconded the motion, and dwelt on the political benefit that would result from getting rid of that pernicious band of Government retainers, the taxgatherers.

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER defended his financial plan. It was impossible to repeal the Assessed Taxes without giving up the Sinking Fund, upon the maintenance of which public credit was founded. The Assessed Taxes had already been reduced one-half-3,500,000l.; and it was now wiser to lower those duties which pressed more on the industry of the people. He should be very glad to reduce the duty on tea, but he could not do all at once that duty yielded 3,000,000. So with the duty on tobacco no reduction of less than half would be of any use; and even supposing the consequent loss of revenue to be only one-fourth, that would be more than the revenue could spare.


Some further conversation followed, in the course of which Mr. HusKISSON spoke angrily respecting a great advance in the price of wine, wifch he understood the wine-merchants had just made, and intimated that the duty, under these circumstances, ought not to be allowed on their stock-in hand, as the money might as well go into the Treasury, if the public did not reap the benefit. He was reminded, that competition always settled the price for the public, and that the rise was only a tem

[blocks in formation]


Lord PALMERSTON brought forward the Army Estimates, proposing an augmentation of the army to the extent of 10,000 men and 229,000l. expense. This increase is independently of 5,000 men stated to be wanted for India. The 10,000 men are to be raised by adding two companies to regiments. The entire estimate for 1825 was for 86,436 men, at an expense of 3,063,000l. After recapitulating various minor arrangements and reductions, his Lordship said, that the augmentation of the force was required for purposes merely colonial; and he particularly desired it to be understood as not proceeding from any apprehension in regard to Ireland, or of an interruption of the friendly relations that now existed between Great Britain and other countries.

Some conversation arose. Mr. HOBHOUSE objected to the increase, unless information wes afforded as to its necessity; and Mr. H. HUTCHINSON also opposed it; Sir R. WILSON, Col. DAVIES, Mr. CALCRAFT, and others, gave it their support, on the ground of security in the present state of affairs.-All the Resolutions were then agreed to.


Sir H. HARDINGE then brought forward these estimates, which amounted to 962,000l. being 14,7767. less than they were last year. The Resolutions were agreed to without opposition.


The House resolved itself into a Committee on the Assessed Taxes. The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER moved the Resolutions pro formâ, with a view to printing the bill. He had one thing to mention which he had forgotten on a former evening-he had introduced a clause to give relief with respect to the internal lights of houses-a subject of considerable grievance.

The report was ordered to be taken into further consideration on Monday.

Tuesday, March 1.


T. France, James-street, Haymarket, timber-merchant.
D. Russell, Long-acre, linen-draper.

[blocks in formation]

Saturday, March 5.


C. Taylor, Salisbury, innholder. Solicitor, Mr. Yatman, Arundel-street. J. Meyrick, Blackman-street, Southwark, grocer. Solicitors, Messrs. Winter and Williams, Bedford-row.

J. Levy, Hemmings-row, Leicester-square, glass-dealer. Solicitor, Mr.
Norton, White-cross-street.

T. Wren, London-wall, silkman. Solicitor, Mr. James, Bucklersbury.
I. Howell, Cheltenham, plumber. Solicitsr, Mr. King, Serjeant's-inn,
G. Dickson, Liverpool, provision-dealer. Solicitors, Messrs. Adlington,


and Co. Bedford-row.

J. Stead, Wakefield, Yorkshire, architect. Solicitors, Messrs. Evans and Shearman, Hatton-garden.

E. Caton, Preston, Lancashire, milliner. Solicitor, Mr. Norris, Johnstreet, Bedford-row.

W. Hippon, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, woollen-manufacturer. Solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple.

G. Smith, Watling-street, Manchester-warehouseman. Solicitor, Mr. Gunner, Great James-street, Bedford-row.

W. A. Canburn, Bayswater, brewer. Solicitor, Mr. Loveland, Symond'sinn, Chancery-lane.

J. Bath, Devonport, grocer. Solicitor, Mr. Church, Great James-street, Bedford-row.

J. Hart, Gloucester, woollen-draper, Solicitors, Messrs. Jenkins and Abbott, New-inn.

THE FUNDS.-Consols, which had risen to 94 in the course of the week, have been slightly affected by an absurd report of a secret treaty be tween Spain and Russia, for reconquering the South American provinces; but the silly panic is subsiding, and the price, of course, is following. Owing to the same cause, the spring given to the South American Securities, by the good news of the week, has also been slightly checked, although the maintained advance in Peruvian Stock is considerable. There has been but little fluctuation in the Mining Shares, and the most Popular of them firmly keep up their heavy premiums. A new British Mining Company is announced, as also one to promote a regular steam intercourse with Gibraltar and Italy. Latest quotations:Consols, 93 New 4 per Cents, 1063 Consols for Account, 931

Reduced, shut

3 per Cents. Reduced, shut

Ditto Acc. 1014

PRICES OF FOREIGN STOCKS YESTERDAY. Austrian Bonds for Acc. 98 Peruvian Bonds, 88 89 Brazilian Bonds, 883 Portuguese Bonds, 90g Ditto Scrip, 1825, 3 pr. Prussian Bonds, 101 Buenos Ayres Bonds, 921 Chilian Bonds, 90 Colombian Bonds, 92 Ditto, 1824, 91 92 Ditto Acc. 9192 Greek Bonds, 561 1 Ditto Scrip, pr. par Mexican Bonds, 814 Ditto Acc. 4 pr.

Ditto Bonds, 1822, 100
Russian Bonds, 1822, 95}}
Ditto Acc. 95

Spanish Consols, 24
Ditto Acc. 24

Ditto Consols, 1923, 19
French Rentes, 105 100
Ditto Exchange, 25f. 10c.

J. B.'s request cannot be complied with; for the matter he wishes the insertion of would not be acceptable to the majority of our readers.


LONDON, MARCH 6, 1825.

THE public have to rejoice, both in a national and social point view, in the receipt, by the Lion cutter, from Jamaica, of offici accounts from Carthagena, announcing the decided and final ove throw of the Royalist force in Peru, an event which may be said terminate the leaden and torpid sway of Spain in South Americ The battle which led to this grand event was fought on the 9th D cember, in the plains of Guamanguilla; General SUCRE commandin Royalists. LA SERNA, CANTERAC, VALDEZ, CARATELLA, and inde the liberating army, and the Viceroy LA SERNA the force of t the whole of their army, baggage, arms, and accoutrements, were ca tured; and according to a capitulation between CANTERAC (who he the command at the close, in consequence of LA SERNA bei wounded) and General SUCRE, the fortress of Callao is to be giv up to the liberating force. In consequence of the assassination by party of the enemy, of the officer bearing the official details, the accounts lack all the particulars of the battle itself, but the catastrop the Colombian authorities that no further reinforcements will is undoubted; and in consequence, General BOLIVAR has inform required for Peru.

This important and very satisfactory event will most likely rapi lead to a consummation of the patriotic labours of the illustri WASHINGTON of South America, whose measured, deliberate, assured valour and policy, have led to such eminent results. suspect that a federative defensive system against Spain and the p sible politics of the Holy Alliance will soon be adopted by the N Governments, aided by which, and by the countenance of G brave the wretched impotence of the mother country, but the co Britain and the commercial nations, they will not only be able aims of France, which, evidently looking to the ultimate or vir possession of the Spanish Peninsula, naturally seeks to preven cramp the independence of colonies, which would add so muc the value of the prey.

The Parliamentary Debates of the week are extremely interest and one result is very gratifying to the enemies of bigotry. allude, of course, to the majority in favour of the Catholic Cla We do not lose sight of the great probability of the Bill just bro

B. Porter, Hackney-road, baker. Solicitors, Messrs. Henrich and Stafford, Buckingham-street, Strand. W. Hay, Rosemary-lane, victualler. Solicitor, Mr. Templer, Johan-in being lost in the other House; but still we are pleased with

street, America-square.

J. Foulkes, Cheltenham, haberdasher. Solicitors, Messrs. Hurd and Johnson, Temple.

M. Bertram, Philpot-lane, Fenchurch-street, soap-maker. Solicitor, Mr. Leigh, Charlotte-row, Mansion-house..

present triumph. Every success of this kind makes progress; the discussion which accompanies it, and which is carried by the E into every corner of the country, is of lasting importance. Tuesd debate was certainly edifying, in regard to the contrast it affo between the intellectual power of the two parties. With the excep

of Mr. PEEL, there was not a single speaker of talent against the Catholics; and that Minister was singularly unfortunate in his illustrations, and had nothing to urge but the usual vague suggestions of possible danger. Sir FRANCIS BURDETT,-whose opening speech was marked by an admirable union of manly sentiment and judicious conciliation, -answered all that the Right Honourable Gentleman had said, by a single remark, which in fact embraces the whole question under present circumstances; namely, that the benefits to be derived from doing justice to the Catholics are certain and immense, while the apprehended dangers are only conjectural. The introduction of this Bill will doubtless tend to calm the irritation that the arbitrary and impolitic suppression of the Association creates ; but how much wiser to have suppressed that body by conceding, in a generous and confiding spirit, the object for which alone they are associated!

The Army Estimates have been discussed. Lord PALMERSTON contends that the augmentation of the military force is only 8000 men, but it appears that we are at any rate to pay for 15,000. These additional troops are neither for England nor Ireland, it seems, but only to aid the convenience of the military arrangements; in other words, to provide for those friends and relatives of the boroughdealers, who find it pleasant to be styled Captain or Colonel, and to draw pretty little sums quarterly from his Majesty's Treasury.

A DIVINE DOCTOR.-The Reverend Doctor Willson, Rector of Saint

Mary, Aldermary, last week ordered a poor widow named Tootel, with two little children, to be proceeded against for the non-payment of 28s. due for Tithes. When the Lord Mayor was applied to for the warrant of the parish had relieved her from the payment of the poor-rates, he benedistress, knowing the poverty of the Widow, which was so extreme that volently offered to pay half the demand for her, and recommended that the Reverend Teacher of Charity should give up the other portion.-The Reverend Teacher of Charity declined this recommendation and offer, and said that the Lord Mayor had no right to "dictate" to him, and commanded his agent to proceed and levy! Upon this the Lord Mayor, rather than aid in such a barbarous proceeding, paid the entire demand. Doctor Willson, we presume, is one of those pious Theologians who deny the efficacy of "good works."-We dare say that he is a zealous opponent of the "persecuting" Catholics!

It is confidently stated, that an action has been commenced by the father of a female Singer against a Noble Lord for the seduction of his daughter.

Mr. Stockdale, the publisher of "Harriette Wilson" is under the treatment of Dr. Eady-he is very bad indeed.-Medical Adviser.


Considerable sensation was produced in the City yesterday morning by accounts from Boulogne, stating that on Wednesday the Authorities at Boulogne and Calais received an order from the French Government to open the dispatches of all commercial couriers from England; and that, in consequence, several expresses, were detained three or four hours. One of them had in the bag forty letters, all of which were opened and read. The number of Courts Martial that have been lately held in Jamaica, induce the belief that a very general misunderstanding exists among the military in that station. What used to be of rare occurrence, during the period that General Conran commanded the forces there, is now so frequent under his successor, that it induces a comparison not at all favour-ourselves heard excellent men pique themselves on returning good for able to the character and conduct of the latter. General Conran bought golden opinions of all sorts of men, not more by his urbanity of manners, than his constitutional and uncorrupt administration of the government. The sense of the colonists was unequivocally expressed by the presentation to the General of a superb piece of plate, on his leaving the island. His successor, Sir John Keane, it appears, is the least popular man in the island, and his principle of action seems to be in direct opposition to his excellent predecessor's.

HATE. It is by no means surprising that the mere mention of" hating thing, or at least the name, has been out of fashion for centuries, and the enemies," has caused a considerable hubbub in a certain quarter. The surably behind the civilized world. Mr. O'Connell, indeed, can find no Irish, by adhering to so antiquated a custom, show themselves immeaprecedent for the practice later than the Psalmist. All good people love their enemies, because it is amiable to love them, and more especially because loving them does them more harm than hating them. Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, used to say, that he always forgave his enemies like a good Christian, as he had an opinion that God would punish them so much the more heavily in the other world, by reason of his great charity towards them: it was, in fact, laying up their sins to interest; and on this principle he was particularly obliging to those who injured him. We have evil; "for," said they," it is heaping live coals on the heads of our enemies." Hatred would not have been so powerful a cautery. So excellent and approved is the doctrine of loving indeed, and so efficient is it found in practice, that old Isaac Walton exhorts his young angler, in impaling a frog, to treat him as though he were his friend. And the Scotch understand the principle so well, that they dine with their foes out of sheer malice, and literally eat them up with kindness, while the sufferer roars to the favourite tune of "O this love! this love! this love!" We are requested to state, that the Court of Enquiry held at Nassau, dren are early taught to hate nothing, and to love everything; and New Providence, Bahamas, in September last, was for the purpose of in- accordingly, they love their kittens and pets of various kinds, with an vestigating charges preferred by Lieutenant Rowland, of the Royal affection extremely painful, if not actually mortal, to the miserable obArtillery, against W. Hield, Esq. of the Ordnance. Lieutenant Cookson, jects of it. This is a timely lesson in worldly wisdom. Shakespeare who commanded the detachment of that station, and who has been mis-says-" This sorrow's heavenly, it strikes where it doth love," meaning, represented as the party accused, attended the Court only as evidence on doubtless, to show how severe a thing love is. The writer of this parabehalf of Mr. Hield. We are not acquainted with the nature of the graph once travelled in the same coach with a madman, who, on being charges, but it has come to our ears, that the latter gentleman is highly asked by a compassionate fellow passenger, whether he had no friends, respected by all classes in that country, of which he has been a resident became exceedingly furious, and replied with great heat," Friends! I five-and-thirty years. hate friends; it's they that trouble me; I should do well enough if I had no friends to care about me." This shewed some sense in the poor de mented creature, and a just notion de amicitia. But, in a word, hatred has long been out of fashion (good people have even left off hating the Devil and all his works); love answers all the purpose, and sounds and does much better. How England has loved Ireland, for example! how we have petted it, and dandled it, and made much of it, and fondled it, and nursed it as a child does a kitten, and poked its eyes out, and squeezed its belly as flat as a pancake, and oh! after all these endearments, this lesson of love, to find the ungracious varlets hating each other, and avowing it like Psalmists-Out upon it!-Chronicle.

Several very long and warm debates have recently taken place at the India-House in regard to the conduct of the Marquis of HASTINGS, who had sanctioned a loan by the House of Palmer and Co. of Hyderabad, to the Nizam;—a proceeding which is considered by some as extremely improper. The question is to be decided by ballot. A full report of these debates are given in the last Oriental Herald, to which publication we refer our readers for all matters relating to India, as the opinions of its honest and enlightened conductor, from his intimate acquaintance with oriental affairs merit, and must command particular attention. The pernicious Quarantine Laws-thanks to the manly, zealous, and enlightened exertions of Dr. MACLEAN-are at last to be repealed. Mr. O'Connell's appearance below the Bar of the House of Lords cited a good deal of attention amongst their Lordships. In the course of the evening, Lord Liverpool went round to the Duke of Leinster, apparently for the purpose of having Mr. O'Connell pointed out to him. His Grace took a very conspicuous mode of acceding to the request, which caused no trifling sensation, for shortly after he walked down the Bar, and shook the Learned Gentleman by the hand in the most cordial and affectionate manner.-Dublin Weekly Register.


BEER. A gentleman of Rye, in Sussex, has produced (says a country, ex-paper) by chemical process, an essence of malt and hops, which gives beer of any strength and flavour by the addition of water only.

The Catholic advocates, we perceive, are anxious to propitiate the Established clergy, by an assurance that the Catholic priests have no design against the rich temporalities of the Irish Church. Perhaps not. Bat they who enjoy these temporalities-so disproportionate to the numbers of the flock and the services of the pastors-are wise in their generation, and will be apt to identify their possession of them with the continuance of "Protestant Ascendancy;" which forms, indeed, the cay pretence for the existence of so enormous an abuse. Place both faths on a level in point of civil immunity; and, with the processes that are now going forward in morals and in politics, the oppressive tithes and huge estates in Ireland miscalled Church property" would vanish in a few years. These are at present the appropriated spoil of a few leading families; and this, in one word, we regard as the grand

ཙའག-- ཐོབ བག བ naa in Catholio Emancipation Edinburgh Times.

SMOKING.-There are beef-steak clubs, and drinking clubs, and glee clubs, and debating clubs, and places of resort for all classes of connoisseurs in the good things of this life. The smokers of cigars are determined not to be behindhand in maintaining the dignity and luxury of their favourite indulgence. Our friend GLIDDON, of Indicator renown, has opened a "Cigar Divan," at his establishment in Covent-Garden, where one may smoke a cigar in a comfortable room, well supplied with newspapers, magazines, &c. and season the herb with coffee in winter, or with orgeat, lemonade, &c. in summer. The prospectus launches out into the praise of the American plant in a style of amusing magnificence. The practice of smoking is by turns termed "rational, gentlemanly, social, salubrious, and pleasing;" it is vindicated with becoming warmth from the objections of the " affectedly squeamish and the ignorantly untasteful;" and the public are ingeniously reminded, that " he who first introduced the use of Tobacco in this country was one of the most finished gentlemen of that or any age"-Sir Walter Raleigh. Charles Lamb's admirable Ode to Tobacco would have made an excellent finish to this eulogy; or in default of that, La Bella Tabacconista (see Examiner) should get her friend HARRY BROWN to indite a new copy of verses in behalf of the

Juxurious Divan.

CANINE SMUGGLING.-Contraband goods are extensively introduced from the Netherlands into France, by the means of dogs trained for the purpose, who convey small parcels through the least frequented paths. The revenue officers have discovered the fraud, and are in the habit of shooting at all strange dogs.

SUPERSTITION. A report being lately circulated that a cottage in Old Malton was haunted, a large party of fanatics from New Malton, headed by a late Churchwarden of Doncaster, actually went to exorcise the dwelling by fasting and prayer.-A Churchwarden fasting!! The rail-roads now projected, if carried into effect, would consume iron to the value of 28 millions sterling! The 111 miles of road planned between Birmingham and Liverpool will require 60,000 tons of iron for the rails alone, at the cost of 840,0001.-Leeds Mercury.


COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Thursday, March 3.



DEATH OF THE HON. F. ASHLEY COOPER (son of the Earl of Shaftes bury) in a pugilistic combat with Mr. Wood, a son of Colonel Wood, of Littleton, Bucks, and nephew of the Marquis of Londonderry-On Sunday, two young Collegians of Eton, the Hon. F. A. Cooper and Mr. Wood, were in the play-ground, when some words arose, and they pushed each other. Who gave the first assault is differently stated; but they proceeded to blows, and had fought for several minutes, when the Captain separated them. It was subsequently determined by the belligerents, that they should meet on the following afternoon and terminate their differences by a pugilistic contest, a custom prevalent among the scholars of Eton, and indeed of all other Public Schools. In this instance the majority of the scholars were present to witness the battle, and the combatants stripped at four o'clock on Monday afternoon, and commenced fighting. Mr. Cooper was smaller in stature than his opponent, his age was under 15 years, and his opponent, who was half a head taller, was near 17. Mr. Wood had the advantage in point of strength, but the quickness and precision of Mr. Cooper were remarkable for one so young, and he declared that he would never give in. In the 8th, 9th, and 10th rounds, he became exhausted, and it was then evident that he was not a match for Mr. Wood, and he ought to have been taken away. and the second of Mr. Cooper, in the 11th round, poured a considerable Some of the "backers" had brought a quantity of brandy into the field, quantity down Mr. Cooper's throat, and he recovered his wind and when they were in a state of exhaustion, they were plied with brandy. strength. The young men continued fighting for more than an hour, and It is stated that Mr. Cooper drank above half a pint. They fought about

It appeared from the proceedings in this case, that Mr. Erskine, a composer of music, had been engaged by Mr. Morris, the Proprietor of the little theatre in the Haymarket, to compose music for a drama intended to be played, in which the Rein-deer and Laplanders were to be introduced. Mr. Dibdin had written the piece, and everything was ready, when the principal performer, the Rein-deer, died, which caused the performance to be given up. Mr. Erskine, having in vain applied to Mr. Morris for payment for his musical compositions, was compelled to bring his action. The CHIEF JUSTICE, in summing up, hoped that the practice of intro-sixty rounds, and at the end of the last, Mr. Cooper. fell very heavily ducing brute animals on the stage would be given up, as it was one more fitted for Bartholomew Fair than for a regular theatre. Verdict for the Plaintiff-Damages, 801.



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On Monday, Alfred Briar, a young man of gentlemanly appearance, the son of respectable parents in the city, was charged with having stolen two gold watches from the shop of Mr. Dulin, the jeweller, in Cornhill. Mr. Dulin stated, that on Monday morning, about 10, the prisoner came and asked to look at some gold watches. Several were shown to him, and he selected one. He then requested to look at some gold snuffboxes; Mr. Dulin turned round and reached them, when the prisoner appeared to fix upon one, the price of which was 35 guineas, but said he had not sufficient money to make the purchase then, and he would call again. Mr. Dulin at that moment missed the watch which the prisoner had selected, and told him that he must not go out of the shop, for a watch had disappeared from the tray. The prisoner appeared indignant at the accusation, said he was a gentleman, and that he would scorn to do such a thing. Mr. Dulin replied that the watch was gone, and that the prisoner must have stolen it. The prisoner then said he would go and fetch an officer, and cause himself to be searched. Mr. Dulin replied that that was unnecessary, and rang for one of his shopmen, who came down. He perceived one of the prisoner's pockets sticking out, and on examining it, he found two gold watches, his property He allowed them to remain there until Brown, the officer, was fetched. The latter deposed, that he found the two watches upon the prisoner. The prisoner declined saying anything in his defence. He was fully committed to take his trial. His sang froid astonished every one. He has been five years in the office of a very eminent solicitor as an articled clerk, and is said to have conducted himself with uniform propriety.


ASSAULT BY THE HARROW SCHOLARS.—Martin Jones, a smith, living at Harrow, on Wednesday claimed the protection of the Magistrates for himself and family, against the violence of the Harrow School boys. He said, that the "young gentlemen" had frequently broken the tiles of his house with stones, and when he remonstrated with them, they threatened to beat him and his son. They came in a body of 40 or 50, armed with sticks, on Friday, and demanded to see his son. His wife was alarmed, and informed Dr. Butler of what had occurred. A boy named Clark was in consequence punished. This so excited their anger, that on Tuesday, 150 of the "young gentlemen" armed with sticks, assembled, threatened "to knock his bloody old brains out," and called upon the publican, in whose house he had taken refuge, to "turn him out, that they might put an end to him at once." Dr. Butler and other Masters now arriving, they dispersed; but soon after, about 30 of them returned swore they would have his son and him out, tore the bars out of the window, broke the glass, and compelled him to fly, as he deemed his life in peril; and he had not been since able to return to his business, which was completely at a stand.-Mr. MINSHULL assured the complainant that he should be protected, and immediately dispatched Ellis, an officer, to Harrow, to inquire into the matter. Ellis returned on Thursday noon, saying that the matter was settled.-Sir RICHARD BIRNIE having expressed his surprise at this, the Officer said, that on his reaching Harrow, the Masters of the School sent for Jones, who, after an interview, informed him that he need not give himself any further trouble, as he (Jones) had been perfectly satisfied."-Sir RICHARD observed, that he was much dissatisfied; that it was a very strange proceeding; and that he matter ought not to be habe


upon his head, and never spoke afterwards. He was carried to his lodg ings, at the house of the Rev. Mr. Knapp, by his brothers, who were present at the fight. He was put to bed; but no medical assistance was sent for till four hours afterwards, a short time before he expired. As soon as his death was known, expresses were sent off to the Earl of Shaftesbury, and other relations of the deceased, to inform them of the catastrophe. On Tuesday morning, the Secretary of the Noble Earl arrived at Eton, and took away the deceased's two brothers. About one e'clock, Colonel Wood arrived at Eton, and evinced much sorrow at the event. The Coroner arrived at Eton at two o'clock, and a Jury held an inquest. It appears from the evidence adduced, that there were no "foul blows" struck ;-that before the last round, Wood said he wanted to go to his tutor to attend his studies, and would make it up afterwards;-that the deceased's party exclaimed, "we will have another round-we are in no hurry!"-that another round was fought, when the deceased fell from a severe blow, and Wood fell heavily upon him;-that Wood then said, he must go, and would make it up; but directly the proposition was made, the deceased fell back senseless; and that (according to the opinion of the surgeon) death was caused, not by any blow received, but by a violent fall, which caused the rupture of some artery, and covered the whole left hemisphere of the brain with blood. After a charge from the Coroner, the Jury retired for a very considerable time; at a late hour they returned a verdict of Manslaughter against Mr. Wood, the princi pal, and Mr. Alex. Wellesley Leith, his second. The result of the inquiry produced an extraordinary sensation in the College. The Coroner issued his warrant against the parties, and placed it in the bands of the Constable to execute, who now holds Mr. Wood in custody at the School. Mr. Leith has left Harrow.

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-Cambridge, Feb. 27.-On Friday night, Mr. C. of Leicester, arrived at the Sun Hotel, in this town. When alighting from his gig, he requested his luggage to be carried into the Commercial-room. A boy assisted the Boots to unload. In giving the cushions out, something fell on the foot-board, which the boy discovered to be a pistol; while in the act of carrying it to the Boots it went off, and, shocking to relate, the bar maid, Mary Drane, an amiable young woman, in her 21st year, received the contents, which entered her right hip and passed through her body. The wound was mortal. She died about halfpast twelve last night. A Coroner's inquest was held on the body this morning, when a verdict of "Accidental Death was recorded. Mr. C. received an admonition from the Jury, who lamented the carelessness of Mr. C. in leaving a loaded pistol in such a manner.


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On Monday, at Cholmondeley-house, Piccadilly, the Right Hon. Lord H. daughter of the Right Hon. Charles Arbuthnot. Cholmondeley, second son of the Marquis Cholmondeley, to Maria, youngest On the 24th ult. at Colchester, the Rev. J. Whiting, to Susan, daughter of the late Mr. Charles White, of Colchester.


On Monday, at Billingbear, Berks, in his 75th year, the Right Hon. Richard Aldworth Griffin Lord Braybrooke, Lord-Lieutenant of the County of Essex. On the 1st inst. Charles Yarnold, Esq. surgeon, Great St. Helen's, aged 45. On the 26th ult. at North-end, Fulham, Elizabeth, the wife of John Croomes, Esq. of the War-Office.

On the 26th ult. at Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, Charles Jemmett, Esq aged 72. On the 26th ult. at Hadley, Captain Dury, Royal Artillery.

On the 24th ult. at Rhyddings, near Swansea, Thomas Bowdler, Esq. F.R.S. and S.A. in the 71st year of his age.

On the 3d inst. in Dover-street, Piccadilly, Lieutenant-General Sir James Erskine, Bart. of Torrie, Fifeshire.

On the 22d Oct. at Batavia, Benjamin Goldsmid Elliot, Esq. in his 25th year. On the 3d inst. in her 4th year, Georgiana, youngest daughter of G. Carroll, Esq. of Cornhill.

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