Imagens das páginas

STATE OF IRELAND. (From No. 6, of the Phrenological Journal, just published.) In August last we visited Belfast, Newry, Drogheda, Dublin, Kildare, Rosscrea, Limerick, Charleville, Buttevant, Mallow, Cork, Fermoy, Clonmel, Kilkenny, Carlow, and Dublin again, and returned by Slane and Ardee to Belfast. The stage-coaches are admirable, drawn by high mettled horses, which require to be held at the stages to prevent them running away; and while held, not unfrequently leap over the traces from impatience to get off. The drivers are welldressed, spirited, yet cautious men; the roads are, in general, as good as highways not Macadamized can be made; the country is uncommonly fertile, and extensively cultivated; the inns are in general good, and the charges moderate; so that altogether, travelling in Ireland is commodious, rapid, and highly interesting.

very numerous, is there any population of the middle rank to be found.

We travelled from Dublin to Limerick with a very intelligent merchant, who exports rags and feathers from that city. This trade brings him into close contact with the people. Last winter, he said, the fever hospitals, and all other places that could be commanded, were crowded with patients, and still the calls for succour were loud and incessant. He collected 91. in his own circle, and went among the poor to see how it could be best applied; he laid it all out in purchasing straw (which is there very cheap), and was not able to provide a bed of this material for all the cottagers who were sick of fever, and destitute of even straw to lay on. Some of his customers confessed openly, that they had been concerned in the conflagrations which then every night occurred; and one said, "Last week we buried two and twenty men shot in The accounts generally given of the misery of the Irish these attempts; and many a widow sits with a tear in her peasantry are below rather than above the truth. In Belfast, eye that must not be shed, and many a mother laments her and the neighbourhood, the people have the Scotch head, and son in grief that must not be expressed;-complaint would manifest the corresponding talents and dispositions; there, betray the living, and the dead are more fortunate than they." order, industry, and comfort, abound. After passing the About twenty miles east of Limerick we passed a group of Newry mountains, however, thirty miles south of Belfast, cottages. It rained fast and across the corner of one of wretchedness begins, and has no termination, except in the them, the walls of which were raised only about four feet towns, till it reaches the sea. The habitations of the lower high, and which had as yet no roof, we saw some branches of orders are cottages of mud or stone, without windows and trees stretched, and a rude kind of thatching with turf and chimneys; straw serves for a bed, and stones for seats; a rushes attempted over them. The space covered did not expot to boil potatoes, and a coarse brown jug to hold water, ceed a triangle of six feet in the sides. It contained a woman complete the articles of household furniture. Many individuals sick of fever, who was deposited there by the inmates of her are in perfect tatters; and those who are better clad can boast own cottage to avoid contagion; and this was a common only of a great-coat, with one or two necks, worn over a col-practice and a wise one. A collection was made for her lection of rags. Under the burning sun of August, thousands were seen loitering on the roads, or before the cottage-doors, with these heavy great-coats. At the plough they wear the great-coat; labourers mixing lime are burned with it, and, under the encumbrance, tuck up its skirts. At the Church and in the Market-place the people are clad in great-coats. In short, Ireland is the great-coated nation. On asking an explanation, we were told that the men have almost no employment, and no food except potatoes, and, in consequence of the want of excitement, feel cold at all seasons of the year, so that a great-coat is thus a prime necessary of life.

among the passengers in the coach.

In the town, the number of wretches flying in rags is appalling; and yet, in spite of all this external appearance of misery, the Irishman is a gay, light-hearted being.

This population is pretty generally instructed in letters. A gentleman, who had been employed by Government in investigations in the county of Tipperary, stated, that eighteen years ago, not one in ten of the lower orders could read or write his name, but that now the proportions are reversed. He discharged the same duties last year, and spoke from observation in both instances. We saw many schools held The cottages abound to a degree that to us was inconceiv- in huts such as already described; the children sitting in able till we had observed it. In many places, and particularly crowds on the floor, and employed with books and slates. between Limerick and Cork, one or more is to be met with Hedge-schools also were occasionally met with; children every five hundred yards along the road, and they are to be were collected on the road side, under the lea of a high wall, seen extending in dense profusion on every side, as far as the or, the shelter of a thick plantation, and there were taught to eye can reach. The fields are divided into patches of two or read. three acres, and two or three fields constitute a farm. The Idleness prevails in Ireland to an extent that is inconceivwretched cultivators plant one acre or more of their posses-able, not from want of will to labour, but of work to perform. sessions with potatoes, and sow the remainder with wheat Every little farm is overstocked with hands, and there is no and oats. The produce of the latter they deliver in kind to employment for those who wish to let their labour to hire. the Protestant clergyman and landlord's factor, and are well The millions of starving tenants with whom the soil groans contented to be permitted to reserve the potatoes as their own. have no capital; and hence there are no tradesmen. The We saw scarcely any corn in stack in the open country. The cartwright's shop and the blacksmith's forge, the shoemaker's advanced season of the year, just before harvest, might ac- and the tailor's shops, are not met with every two or three Count for this to a great extent; but we were informed, that miles, as in the sister kingdoms. The Irish drive sledges of wing to the system just described, comparatively few stacks the rudest fabric; dig potatoes with a spade nine inches are to be seen at any period. long, three inches broad, and five feet long in the handle, which is used without stooping, and rarely needs repair; and for raiment they import the cast rags of England, and go without shoes. An Irish town on a market-day presents a spectacle truly deplorable. The articles exposed for sale are tin-pots, and the coarsest crockery-ware; and the country population bring nothing to sell but yarn, and loiter about famished and wan, like ghosts on the Stygian shore.

Huts and palaces are almost the only habitations met with in the open country. In some districts, nearly all the houses which may have served proprietors with incomes under 1000l. -year, or tenants of 300 or 400 acres, have been burned down, and present to the traveller walls without roofs, while the winds of heaven are heard sweeping through the windows. The palaces belong to Bishops, or proprietors, whose revenues enable them to maintain a retinue fit to constitute a garrison. Every twenty or thirty miles a great fabric is seen rising, huge and massive, in the horizon. As you approach it, it turns out to be barracks as large as an extensive square in a great city, walled all round; and besides, every village has 112--s. · In the small towns alone, which are

Until we saw the condition of the peasantry, we could not understand the motives of their conflagrations; but then these became too evident. Every part of the soil is possessed and over-peopled; a tenant ejected cannot plant a foot on an inch of ground without dispossessing others as poor as himself, and cannot get employment as a servant for hire. Losing his farm.

therefore, is like an excommunication from existence. If a landlord turns out a tenant, and a neighbour take the ground, this is a mere shifting of possession; a farm is left vacant by the removal, and the community is nothing the worse; but if a stranger is introduced, the previous tenant is thrust abroad on a country in which there is no room for him to exist. He is sometimes induced to offer an exorbitant rent for another person's possession, and thus the misery is more widely diffused. The overwhelming calamity produced by the settlement of a stranger, especially if he possesses capital, takes extensive farms, and dispossesses twenty or thirty families, may be easily conceived. It is the experience of this evil that has generated the Rockite system. Notice is given to a new-comer to quit his possession, which, if not complied with, is followed up by his murder and the destruction of his property. To curb this system, soldiers are stationed in the villages; single houses even are hired in the country, and converted into military stations; an armed police patroles the highways during the night; and under the insurrection act it is a transportable offence to be abroad after eight o'clock in the evening. These causes co-operating produce a state of society which banishes the proprietors of the soil, renders property insecure, prevents the introduction of capital and manufactures, and seems to threaten perpetual misery and degradation to the country. In England and Scotland every corner of the land is teeming with new houses and nascent manufactories. The north of Ireland partakes in this demonstration of prosperity; but after passing the Newry mountains, in all the remainder of our tour we saw extremely few tenements, exclusive of mud-cottages, in the course of


CITY, 12 O'CLOCK.-Consols for Account, 93; Colombian are 91321 Mexican, 81; and Chili, 90 Spanish Bonds, 24; Greek, 55; Russian, 95; Austrian, 974; New 4 per Cents, 10611.



It appears that the French Government has ordered that all letters and papers carried by express from Paris to London, or from London to Paris, shall be opened by an officer appointed for that purpose, who is instructed to have copies taken of them, and forwarded to the Minister of the Interior at Paris. This order has been already acted upon both at Calais and Boulogne, in the case of mercantile expresses, and the consequence has been, owing to the unavoidable loss of time required in its execution, that of rendering the expresses wholly useless to the merchants who sent them. No exception whatever has been made with respect to the parties affected by this order; those merchants who, on all former occasions, have been treated with peculiar respect and forbearance by the French Government, having in this instance been equally subjected to scrutiny. It is said that some packets have been opened which were written in cipher or in some unintelligible language, and that these were allowed in the first instance to pass, but an intimation was conveyed to the parties to whom they were addressed, that none such would in future be sent on their destination. Various explanations are on foot to account for so unusual a proceeding on the part of the French Government, but none, of course, on which full reliance can be placed. Their jealousy is by some supposed to have taken the alarm at the astonishing number of expresses sent from England on account of the rise in colonial produce, and of the reduction of the duty on French wine announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Not being able to understand the extraordinary degree of commercial activity displayed by the merchants of London, the French Government is believed to have formed the suspicion that some deep intrigue of a political nature with respect to Spain was actually carrying on. Another interpretation is, that many facts have been stol of late in the private letters

conveyed by the expresses, both in relation to the Royal Family, and the general measures of the Government, which have afterwards appeared in the English papers, and given great cause of scandal in that shape to the good citizens of Paris; and that great anxiety is felt by the French Ministers to put a stop to a species of public information which may render the censorship on the French press wholly a useless stretch of arbitrary power. We are inclined to think the latter the more probable explanation of the two. The incon venience to merchants and others from this proceeding is very great. The delay which necessarily takes place does, in fact, render all the expense useless which they have incurred for increased expedition.

France, by means of its spy-system, its secret agency, or avowed interference, may now be regarded as hermetically sealed against all confidential or political communication between its citizens and foreigners. The stage-coaches which leave or enter the capital, are not allowed to carry a bill of lading without submitting it to inspection. The passengers in the mail have their luggage unlocked and examined-letters sent by post are opened and copied; and now, even the despatches of commercial couriers, for whose departure a permit has previously been obtained, are not allowed to reach their destination without stoppage and scrutiny. The Police Argus of a suspicious Government has its eyes and its hands every-where, expecting to detect sedition in a stock-list, conspiracy in a bill of exchange, and treason against the Bourbons in an advice of the sale or purchase of coffee, cotton-wool, or nutmegs. A Government which acts in this manner, must either be very weak or very arbitrary— very weak, to feel such continued alarms; or very arbitrary, to impose such restraints upon its subjects without feeling them.

An account of the Army Extraordinaries for 1824 has been printed, amounting in the whole, as it appears, to 855,850%Among the items is the sum of 34,8971., intrusted to our worthy friend Lord C. Somerset, of South Africa, "to provide the means of immediate relief for the settlers in that colony." We should like to know how that large sum of money was expended, and what portion of relief has been actually administered by that noble Lord to those who wanted it, or, indeed, to any sufferers in any quarter of the world, and at any period of his useful and exemplary life.-Another item presents itself of 3021. to "Major-General Sir Hudson Lowe, to provide a passage for himself and suite to Antigua, of which place he has been appointed Governor." Ay, but has the late keeper of Bonaparte gone to Antigua, and so earned said 3021., or will he ever go there? People say that there is a hitch in the transaction, Sir Hudson objecting to the government of Antigua as an inadequate remuneration for his late services, and scanty recompense for all the odium and abuse to which they have exposed him. Rumour speaks of a memorial which described to have been printed, though not published, and which on the part of Sir Hudson Lowe, makes out a strong case agains the Ministers, for having broken their engagements to him expressed and implied; and for having countenanced th practices of a medical intriguer, afterwards dismissed from the navy, but affirmed by Sir Hudson Lowe to have been i the first instance employed and encouraged as a spy over hi (Sir Hudson Lowe) by the Admiralty!-to have subsequent made himself a tool to Bonaparte, and to have persecuted S Hudson Lowe from that hour to this with the most atrociou calumnies, and the most vindictive malice. The writer of th memorial, we have been told, complains of this Governmen for appointing him to a West Indian island, from which a officer of inferior rank had been promoted to a higher gover ment to make room for him. It is but fair, therefore, that Sir Hudson Lowe should finally reject this offer of Antigu the 3021. charged against him should revert to the publ coffers. With regard to the increr of the army voted

Friday last, without opposition, we admit the force of the several explanations offered by Lord Palmerston, so far as they go; and we can farther sympathise with that feeling which led Members to strengthen the hands of Government against possible dangers from the evil spirit of despotism on the continent of Europe. Let us not, however, exaggerate such dangers, even if they should have anything real in them; for thus we should but entail upon the country the solid mischief of an overgrown army, continued beyond any adequate ground for its existence. To the mode of the augmentation, as now first described by Lord Palmerston, we do not object, unless it be made the pretext for maintaining at home, under the name of reserve, a larger force than may be generally necessary. The accommodation to officers and men, by the new process of interchanging the individuals of the same regiment on home and foreign service, must be approved of on principles of common humanity.-Times.

[ocr errors]

not carried into effect. As soon as the Provost had finished the funeral service, the boys, who seemed little affected by it, ran off with great celerity to attend to their usual avocations. THE LONDON MARKETS.

CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MARCH 7. Our arrivals of grain last week were not large; and this morning only a moderate quantity of Barley, Wheat, Beans, and Peas, from Kent, Essex, and Suffolk, and some north country ships, with Oats and Flour. Fine Wheat is in good demand at 2s. 6d. advance, and the inferior sorts are a shade higher. Barley is 1s. dearer than last week. There is no alteration in Beans and Peas. Oats fetch 1s. more, and Flour is steady.

Wheat, red (new)
Wheat, white (new)

Ditto old

Ditto old


Beans, small
Tick ditto


Pease, White....

42s. 45s.

54s. 72s.
54s. 71s.

50s. 54s,

58s. 77s.

39s. 41s.

60s. 78s.

37s. 38s.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

52s. 65s.



34s. 37s. Flour, per Sack.....
Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Maritime Districts of Eng-
land and Wales, by which Exportation and Bounty are to be regulated
in Great Britain.

Wheat per Quarter, 66s. Od.-Barley, 40s. 6d.-Oats, 23s. 3d.—Rye,
40s. 9d.-Beans, 38s. 8d.-Pease, 40s. 4d.
Beef is worth 2d. per stone more than on Friday; best Downa, young
maiden Ewes, &c. being 5s. 8d. to 6s. per stone.
Veal and Pork are
worth more money. Young Calves go off at 7s. to 7s. 2d. per stone; and
large Pork, 5s. 4d. to 5s. 6d.
To sink the Offal-per Stone of 8lbs.







4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. | Veal...................... 6s. Od to 7s. 28. 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork.......... 5s. 6d. to 6s. 6d


2,317 Pigs

14,580 Calves

PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW. £3 5 to £ 5 0 | Straw...... Clover £44 to £5 10

130 114

£2 2 to £2 10

The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the
Returns made in the Week ending March 2, 1825, is 378. 74d. per
Hundred Weight, exclusive of the Duties of Customs paid or payable
thereon on the Importation thereof into Great Britain.

AGRICULTURAL CASE.-A case of considerable importance to farmers, in which Mr. Dickson, a respectable farmer residing at Kidbrook, near Blackheath, was plaintiff, and Hope, a seedsman, was defendant, was decided in the Court of Common Pleas the week before last. The action was brought to recover a compensation in damages for a breach of warranty, in the sale of a quantity of tares. The plaintiff, on the 21st of July, 1823, ordered three quarters of spring tares from the defendant. The tares were brought home, and immediately prepared for being sown-an operation which took place at different times between the 22d and 30th July. On the morning of the 30th the plaintiff received a letter from the defendant, stating that, by mistake, winter tares had been sent him instead of spring tares. The plaintiff immediately ordered the small quantity of the defendant's tares which still remained not to be sown, and sowed the residue of the field with spring tares. On the latter part of the field he had a good crop, while that on the former never came to maturity. These were the chief facts of the case, which were supported by the testimony of the plaintiff's servants and neighbours. In summing up, the Lord Chief Justice said, that the bought note, and the letter of the defendant, clearly showed that a contract had been made for the sale of "spring" tares, and that a breach of the contract had also been committed by the deli-purpose in the English Language. It is a perpetual Guide to the Year, a very of "winter" tares instead. The questions for a Jury were,-first, whether the plaintiff had or had not rescinded the contract? and if he had not,-secondly, what were the damages he had sustained? As to the first point, his Lordship said, that he thought the evidence to prove the conversations which altered the contract very unsatisfactory. As to the point of damage, his Lordship said, that in making their estimate, it would be proper to consider the difference of the value of a partial crop at that period of the year, and a full crop at an earlier period; and when they had determined the value of the crop lost by the plaintiff, it would be proper to add thereto the sum paid by the plaintiff to the winter seed, and which he of course was entitled to. The Jury consulted a short time, and entered a verdict for the Plaintiff-Damages 201.

In Weekly Numbers, each consisting of a sheet of 32 columns with Engravings,
HONE'S EVERY-DAY BOOK, No. 10, of Saturday March the

price 3d. or in Monthly Parts, each containing four numbers, price 18.

5th, contains Articles on the Jews, and Miracles; with Anecdotes, a Sportsman's Calendar, Original Poetry, Botany, &c. The work contains a greater variety of entertainment and instruction than any other of similar compass and complete Dictionary of the Almanac, and a Register of Popular Amusements, Sports, Pastimes, and Events, with notices of the Seasons; enlivened by Anecrecreation. The 10 Nos., and Parts I. and 11. may be had of all Booksellers and dotes and Poetry: arranged under Every Day in the Year, for daily use and Newsmen, in Town and Country, and at the Office of the Every-Day Book, 45, Ludgate-hill, London. THE NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE and LITERARY JOURNAL for March 1, comprises-I. Continuation of Mr. Campbell's Lectures, containing a Sketch of the Manners of the Athenians.-II. The Thompson Papers, No. 1, a Series of Correspondence exhibiting various views of various persons, matters and things in February.-III. Court Day.-IV. Irish Portraits, No. 2, Sir Ignatius Slattery.-V. The Small Tour, or unsentimental Journey.-VI. Insurance and Assurance.-VII. Old Pages and Old Times.VIII. The Spanish Student, an adventure at Padua.-IX. Nouvel Almanac des Gourmands.-X. The Family Journal, No. 3, The Country.-XI. Further account of the Widow and Son of Theobald Wolf Tone.-XII. Provincial Ballads, No. 2. The Star of Pomeroy.-XIII. A parting address to London.-XIV. Speculations on Steam.-XV. Letters from the East, No. 13, Jerusalem.-XVI. Lines written at Midnight.-XVII. The Suliote Mother.-XVIII. Verses to an Elm Tree.XIX. The Mourner.-XX. The Horseman's Song, from Korner.-XXI. Adventure of a London Traveller.-XXII. The Passion Flower.-XXIII. Sonnet, The Vision.-XXIV. The Matrimonial Squabble.-XXV. Epigram.—XXVI. Review of New Publications, and the usual Varieties.

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Bradfute, Edinburgh; John Cumming, Dublin; also sold by all Booksellers and
Newsmen; and may be exported to Friends abroad, by application to the
General Post Office, or to any local Post-Master.

ETON, SUNDAY AFTERNOON.-The funeral of the Hon. F. A. Cooper, who was unfortunately killed on Monday last In a pugilistic contest with Mr. Wood, took place this after-FISTULAS and PILES.-The extraordinary cure of those painful on. The coffin containing his body was brought into the College Chapel before the commencement of the afternoon service, and remained there during its continuance. Instead of the usual lessons and psalms, lessons and psalms suited for the melancholy occasion were selected and read to the congregation. At the end of the service, the coffin was placed in a vault in the ante-chapel, at the foot of the organ-loft.An Evening paper asserted that it was the intention of the Provost to address the boys in the chapel, over the body of their deceased comrade, on the impropriety of their recent conduct • but if such intention was ever entertained. it was

complaints, obtained by me under Mr. VAN BUTCHELL, Surgeon, No. 48, South-street, Grosvenor-square, London, induces me to publish my case for the benefit of persons so afflicted, and as a grateful acknowledgment for the great blessing I have derived through the exercise of his superior skill. When my cure was begun, I had been suffering under both complaints for upwards of 21 years, and having been 12 months in hospitals (nine months in England and three months in Ireland) and obliged to keep my bed 13 weeks, and to undergo three operations (two in England and one in Ireland) under eminent surgeons of both countries, and having been again ordered for a fourth operation, but cure, but often thought within myself, surely there is some one to be found capable of curing those dreadful disorders, and being induced, from strong recommendations, to place myself under Mr. Van Butchell, I joyfully found those thoughts speedily realised, being cured in three months of my Fistulas, and in the same period of my Piles, and only hindered from my labour six days, and am now as sound as I ever was in my life. The truth of this statement

being afterwards told there was no cure for me, I nearly gave up all hopes of a

[blocks in formation]


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Major C. Hamilton Smith, F.R.S. &c.

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No. 893. MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1825.


Party is the madness of many for the gain of a few.-Pore.



education. That, however, is little to the purpose, either way; for learning may be acquired in spite of a vicious plan of education, just as a nation may flourish commercially, in spite of absurd restrictions and impolitic taxes. A strong natural aptitude for intellectual culture will overcome obstacles of all sorts; but even when that is the Ws are glad that no further painful consequences have arisen to the case, temper injured, or bad passions fostered, are a melancholy boy Wood, on account of the late fatal catastrophe at Eton. If he drawback on the success. That all violent practices are wholly unpossesses ordinary feeling, he must have suffered a good deal of men- necessary to the discipline of a school, or the draining off ill-blood tal anguish; and that is punishment enough for an act, in the between the boys-that in fact they produce unmixed evil, and aggratration of which he was as much a passive agent as two fighting-vate all the mischiefs they are by some alleged to remedy-would be cocks are, when pitted against each other in an arena. On these manifest to every rational enquirer, upon a comparison between the occasions the individuals are not to blame, but the system. There riotous, quarrelsome, profligate, mobs of Eton or Winchester, and we very few boys who would not fight with equal perseverance, if the orderly, sensible, willingly obedient, mutually kind, cheerful, and spirited on in the manner practised with the two Eton boys; but what healthy scholars under the care of Messrs. HILL, at Hazelwood. We shall we say of the system of instruction which sanctions such prac- require no better test of the effects of two opposite systems, than such tices? The fatal contest was, it seems, quite a "regular fight," a comparison; and we are sure, that if it were generally made, the esteemed a fair, honourable, and manly proceeding! It is perfectly public schools would ere long be deserted, and hundreds of private in unison with the Eton laws of combat, it appears, to supply the ones on the Hazelwood plan would spring up all over the country. boyish pugilists with ardent spirits; and the obstinate endurance of As it is, the late horrid event (a legitimate consequence of the odious pain, produced by the stimulus of brandy to the body, and of "glory system) and the withdrawal of his other sons from Eton by the Earl and shame to the mind, is considered a wholesome exercise of perso-affectionate and considerate parents. A certain infamous Journalist of SHAFTESBURY, cannot fail to make a strong impression upon, all nal courage! The mischief of this system is enormous. The artificial excitement administered by spirituous liquor and a "ring" of schoolfellows (the cowardly among whom chiefly delight in the scene) is neither a cause nor a test of true valour. Violence and injustice are however instilled into the minds of the youths. Right and wrong are less considered than strength or weakness; a good cause goes for nothing a strong arm and a quick eye give their possessor the superiority; and every quarrel is decided, not by equity, but by force. The barbarous notion is burnt into their minds, that daring and violence are the great means of success; and all who reflect on the dur able nature of boyish impressions, will easily imagine that this notion is carried from school into the world. Add to this the flogging and the fagging, prevalent at all our public schools; and then people may cease to wonder at the number of ready-made tyrants and courtiers (both in one) sent into the world from these nurseries of aristocracy. All the severity, too, between master and pupil, is not inconsistent with an extreme license out of school hours: the debaucheries of the scholars are as notorious as their corporal punishments.

Nothing can be more erroneous than the idea, that greater classical knowledge is acquired at public than at private schools; it is obvious to common sense, that a taste for learning is better fostered by gentleness than by stripes; but supposing it were not so-supposing that boys at Eton or Winchester did learn more Latin and Greek t'aan the pupils of private seminaries, would that acquirement be any equivalent for the injury they sustain in the other parts of their education, the degradation of mind, the habit of referring all matters in dispute to brute force, and the ruin of morals?

Few defenders of the fagging and flogging system can now, we should conceive, be found. There are writers, however, who excuse the pugilism, and who argue that it affords a wholesome vent for anger among large numbers of boys, and that it is better for them to settle their quarrels on the spot, by personal struggle, that to bear illwill towards each other. This appears to us to be a gross error: we are sure that embittered feeling is much more likely to be kept up by fighting, particularly on the part of the conquered, than if the dispute were referred to the judgment of the other boys (or of the master) and the matter discussed and decided by reason and justice. A boy may be convinced that he is wrong by the opinions and decision of his companions— never by a beating from a stronger boy.

It is common to talk of the number of great and learned men edueated at public schools. The larger number not so educated is never mentioned; yet in regard to the high names in literature and the arts, the comparison would be prodigiously against the brutal system of


hopes the Noble Earl will send his children back," after a decent interval! We cannot conceive a supposition more insulting to his Lordship, both as a father and as a public man.

The just published No. of the Edinburgh Review contains an excellent account of the Hazelwood system.




"What words have passed thy lips."--MILTON.


THE same vagabond of a boat, which contained the sacred bird, contained also two damsels, three dragoons, a wet-nurse, a monk, and two Gascons; pretty society for a young thing just out of a monastery! Ver-Vert thought himself in another world. It was no longer texts and orisons with which he was treated, but words which he never heard before, and none of the most Christian. The dragoons, a race not eminent for devotion, spoke no language but that of the ale-house. All their hymns to beguile the road were in honour of the God of Drinking: their only moveable feasts were those of the Tankard. The Gascons and the three new Graces kept up a concert in the taste of the allies. The boat-men cursed, and swore, and made horrible rhymes; taking care by a masculine articulation, that not a syllable should lose its vigour. Ver-Vert, melancholy and frightened, kept silent in a corner, and knew not what to say or to think.

In the course of the voyage, the company resolved to "fetch out" our hero. The task fell on Brother Lubin the monk, who in a tone very unlike his profession, put some questions to the handsome forlorn. The benign bird assumed his best manner, and heaving a formal sigh, replied in a pedantic tone, "Hail, sister!" At this Hail, you may guess if they shouted with laughter. Every tongue fell on poor Father Parrot.

Our novice bethought within himself, that he must have spoken amiss, and that if he would be well with the ladies present, he must adopt the style of the gentleman. Naturally of a daring temper, and having been hitherto well fumed with incense, his modesty was not proof against so much contempt. He lost his patience; and in losing his patience, alas! poor Ver-Vert lost his innocence. He even began, inwardly, to mutter ungracious curses against the good sisters his instructors, for not having taught him the true refinements of the French In a good school, the time a lad spends there is only the beginning language, its nerve and its delicacy. He accordingly set himself to of his education: he acquires in it a just sense of the beauty and value of learn them with all his might, not speaking much, it is true, but not knowledge, and leaves it with an eager desire to add to his stock. But the less inwardly studying for all that. In two days (such is the proa fagged and flogged scholar detests his teachers and his tasks; syntaxgress of evil in young minds) he forgot all that had been taught him; and prosody may be beaten into him by rote, and he may be screwed and in less than no time was as off-hand a swearer as any in the boat. up, by constant appeals to the baser parts of his nature, to go through a public examination: he yearns, however, for the moment of his deliver- He swore worse than an old devil at the bottom of a holy-water box. Mice from academic restrictions and sufferings; and from the period of It has been said, that nobody becomes abandoned at once. Ver-Vert puning his liberty (unless his occupations in life demand a frequent scorned the maxim. He had a contempt for any mere noviciates reise of his acquirements) he never terms to those studies which are and was a blackguard in the twinkling of an eye. In short, one o isparably associated in his mind with pain and humiliation. the boatmen

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