Imagens das páginas

playing his usual part of Marplot, much to the satisfaction of the Courier.
He will however, we suspect, not readily forget the dressing he received
It will be seen that Mr. H. HUNT was at the Westminster Meeting,
from Sir F. BURDETT and Mr. HOBHOUSE, nor the consequences which
followed upon their exposure.

Proctor or so, or some green-gracer or baker in the vicinity of a College
The only Petitioners against the Catholics are the Clergy of the Esta
or a Cathedral; but it is acknowledged on all hands that the Laity turn
blishment. They pick up a straggling lay-man here and there, a Tithe
Mr. HALE the denouncer of the anti-christian practice of war, has
again, it will be seen, subjected himself to the lash of the law. He reso-
a deaf ear now to the cry of "No Popery."
Fourth as "our most religious and gracious Soyereign!"-This is what
is called" a delicate investigation;" but if Mr. Hale is determined to bawl
lutely insists, that it is false and blasphemous to pray for George the
Heaven preserve his lungs!
out against all the falsehood he may happen to hear in the Churches,

train just ready to be lighted-all owing to the imbecility and oppression producers. The Herald contains abundant proof that, with due care in of the present government. Sickness and desertion, Mr. Hume added, manufacturing, the sugar of Hindostan may be made as good as that of Prevailed in the army, and the innocent and the guilty (alluding to the the West Indies, and at a price so low as to enable the grower to under. fate mutiny), had been equally dismissed and disgraced.-Mr. BUCK- sell his slave-driving rivals of the West, though with 10s. a out, more INGHAM observed, that had a free press been permitted in India, the late duty than the latter. It is, therefore, earnestly to be hoped that thes mutiny would not have occurred, for the discontent of the troops, would Companies will prosecute their plans with vigour. But they have two have been made known through that channel, and inquiry would have formidable obstacles in their way.first, the absurd system of the East checked the spirit of insubordination. Through such channel, too, in- India Company, which leads them to preevnt the improvement of Hin formation would have been offered respecting Rangoon, which would dostan, and of their own revenues, by prohibiting the free entrance of have saved the lives of many brave men lost to their country in conse- Englishmen into their dominious; and secondly, the enormous power quence of the ignorance which prevailed respecting its climate. Mr. B. given to the British-Indian government, of banishing any person from said, that the 13th and 38th regiments, from living on salt fish, wading up the country without trial, and even without cause assigned. Every to their middles in water, and wanting the necessary provisions for sus- principle of despotism in government, and abusive monopoly in trade, tenance, had fallen such victims of disease, that out of the two regiments, which the increase of monopoly has chased out of England, appears to 800 strong each, only 60 men of one, and 80 of the other, had returned to Bengal. Mr. TRANT approved of the treatment of the Indian mutineers, ment and fostering care of British ministers and merchants.—Leids but admitted that Lord Amherst had shown himself quite incapable of Mercury. have taken refuge in India, and to recive there the special encourageconducting the affairs of India, which called for the government of a man of great experience and talents.-Sir C. FORBES was of opinion that Lord Amherst should be immediately recalled. The CHAIRMAN thought the notion unnecessary, and said he did not credit the assertion respecting the deaths in the 13th and 38th regiments.-Mr. EDMISTON thought that a free prsss in India tended to produce insubordination. Mr. WAsborough said that there were regulations for fettering the press in this country as well as India.-Mr. MILLS was of opinion, that the remarks made would only serve to prevent any Noblemen of talent going out to India.-Gen. THORNTON, on the contrary, thought that they should speak out, and then men not having talents would only be prevented from going Mr. Hume's notion was negatived without a division; and so likewise was another he made for papers respecting the late Meeting. SOUTH AMERICAN AGRICULTURE.-We are pleased to observe, that all the "surplus capital" under which the City Gentry are supposed to be groaning, is not to be embarked in mining schemes. Some more rational projectors have turned their attention to the advantages which the cultivation of land in the new Republics of South America offers. With a fine soil and climate, the inhabitants, partly from ignorance, and and Measures at the Barracks in the Regent's-park, the 'scales of the partly from the hitherto distracted state in which they have lived, do not Meat Contractor were condemned, being so constructed. that in weighing FALSE SCALES.-At a recent examination by the Inspectors of Weights even raise enough produce for their own consumption, but actually im-three-quarters of a pound of meat, the allowance for each soldier.→ port flour from the United States. There can be little doubt, therefore, there was a deficiency of two ounces! If a thousand poor fellows were that the application of British capital and skill will effect a great revolu- thus defrauded weekly, for any time, the gain must have been prodigition in regard to tillage, and will render the new States-what Nature certainly designed them to be-abundant producers of "corn, wine, and pressed. his high indignation at this fraud; a fine of 40s. was levied on oil." These observations apply more particularly to Colombia and to ous. Lord HILL, who happened to enter during the examination, exBuenos Ayres, both of which enjoy ehtened governments and considerable commerce. Their law-max have adopted the sound policy of tyranny of the Trinitarian marriage-service seems likely to past Mr. Lintot, of Leadenhall-market, and the scales were destroyed. encouraging foreigners to settle among em, by important privileges and House of Lords this UNITARIAN MARRIAGES.The bill to relieve Unitarians from immunities: the best encourageme is, however, the security to persons to throw out a simmar measure last year. The reason of the difference aud property, which a free cstitution guarantees; and the want of is, that the present bill contains a sop for Cerberus: the FEES of the although ecclesiastical selfishness contrived which security is so fatal a bar to the prosperity of British India. Two Established Church are to be preserved The Unitarians are to pay for companies, we believe, are formed for carrying on agricultural operations the ceremonies they do not go through! We gather the spirit which in South America-one for Colombia, the other for the Rio de la Plata actuates the orthodox Clergy, very completely from the following canProvinces. Already some bodies of English cultivators have gone out; did avowal by the pious Doctor of the New Times:"Let the Dissenter and if the undertakings prosper, thousands of our half-starved labourers be exempted solely from the religious ceremony which hurts his conmay find employment and abundance in the New World. The good science; but let him in every other respest conform to all the regula results to the new Republics are at all events certain: indeed even the tions, and pay all the dues whinh the Churchman does. Let his banns mining speculations have at least that recommendation:however much be published in the Church, or, if he be married by licence, let the the shareholders may be disappointed, the rising communities of South licence be given by the Ecclesiastical authority: let his marriage be America and Mexico must be benefited by the influx of foreign capital, registered by the Minister of the parish in the Parish Register, and let science, and industry. does for marrying: in short, let him gain no pecuniary profit by marrying him pay to the Clergyman the same fee for registering, which he nów of contracting marriage in a manner agreeable to his own conscience." at his Meeting-house, nor any other benefit whatever, except the liberty may receive, as a great favour, the exemption from an odious tyranny, but then he must pay for it; and this payment is merely in order that he may gain no profit" by his liberty of conscience!


JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES.-We are sorry to see Mr. Alderman Waithman declaiming so vehemently, on every possible occasion, against JointStock Companies, for the supply of articles of food, &c. He talks about monopoly and combination, and at the same time would prevent (if be-Pray admire the generosity of this orthodox advocate: the Dissenter could) an important free competition. The public, however, caunot fail to see, that their interest is at all events promoted by the new undertakings. We have heard it remarked, for instance, by persons living in various parts of the metropolis, that the milkmen have supplied a much better article since the establishment of the Milk Companies. We heartily eaten in London by families at breakfast, and some families still retain the wish a similar improvement could be brought about in regard to Bread usage. The "hot-cross-bun is the most popular symbol of the Roman GOOD FRIDAY.(April 1.) Formerly "hot-cross-buns" were commonly and Beer-much more important articles than Milk. If the new Compa- Catholic Religion in England that the Reformation has left. Of the use nies sell better commodities than the individual traders, they will succeed; but a prompt and inevitable consequence of their success will be, readers are aware; for it has been insisted on by Roman Catholic writers, of the cross, as a mark or sign in Papal worship and devotion, mest that the other dealers will reform their adulterating practices, and that from the days of Constantine to Alban Butler himself, who giving examwill stop the further progress of the Companies. Is this a trifling advan-ple of its great virtue on Good Friday, says, " to add one more instance, tage to the public? The idea that various trades will be completely out of many, St. Teresa assures us, in her own life, that one day the devil overrun by Companies, is ridiculous: retail business can in most cases beby a phantom, appeared to sit on the letters of her book, to disturb her carried on more profitably by individuals than by extensive partnerships; at her devotioos: but she drove him away thrice by the sign of the cross and we much doubt if a single Milk, Bread, or Beer Company would and at last sprinkled the book with holy water; after which he prosper, unless it attracted a large custom by selling unadulterated returned no more." In the houses of some ignorant people, a Good articles of food, before the established dealers thought fit to abandon their Friday bun is still kept" for luck," and sometimes there hangs from vile mixings and brewing, Friday, to remain there till displaced on the next Good Friday by one of similar make; and of this the Editor of the Every-Day Book the cieling a hard biscuit-like cake of open cross-work, baked on a Good has heard affirmed, that it preserves the house from fire; no fire ever happened in a house that had one." This undoubtedly is a relic of the old superstition; as is also a vulgar notion in the west of England, that the straight stripe down the shoulders of the ass, intersected by the lon Christ, and that before Christ rode upon the ass, that animal was not distinguished.-Hone's Every Day Book. one from the neck to the tail, is a cross of honour conferred upon him b

FREE SUGAR COMPANIES-The Oriental Herald contains the prospectuses of two liew Companies, one called the "Free Sugar Company," with a capital of four ons, and the other the "Bengal Sugar Company," with a capital or million which have for their objects to proniore the growth of sugar in Hindostan, and by bringing it into the English market, to compete with ant discourage the slave-raised sugar of the West odies. At present, the East India sugar is mmch inferior in quality fathe West India but this is owing to the extreme rudeness of the mods in which it is manufactured, and the want of capital in the

CORN LAWS." As the corn-bill is likely to come under consideration, I will offer a few words on it. It seems to me that the preamble should run, Whereas it is expedient to preserve his majesty's subjects from trade and manufactures, therefore be it enacted,' &c.-It is the agriculturist's own case, that he cannot grow corn so cheaply as they can in the corn countries. It is not denied by him that we can, by skill and machinery, excel the natives of those countries, by one, two, three times, in facility of producing clothing and hardware. Yet the landed interest, as it is called, will tell you, that they are guarding the interests of the country, when they require to be paid for all they produce at the rate of their outlay; that is, although the capital and labour they employ to produce a quarter of wheat, would procure two quarters, if employed in manufacturing! The country-gentlemen cannot yet understand the philosophy of trade and manufactures, or they would not persist that it is better for the country to produce in the ratio of one, than procure in the ratio of two."-See The Philosophy of Trade and Manufactures, a little tract just published, which we would recommend to the attention of Sir Thos. Lethbridge, and other such political economists. did we not suspect that their horror of anything like "Philosophy" would render such recommendation useless.


• TO THE EDITOR OF THE EXAMINER. SIR-In your Paper of last Sunday, I observe, under the head of Guildhall Police, an article referring to a charge, as having been made against me by a Mrs. Long, and her Solicitor, Mr. Whiting; and in which my character is most seriously attacked. I therefore call upon you, as an act of justice, to insert in your next publication my unqualified declaration, that the article alluded to is a base and malignant libel; and that having succeeded, by great exertions, in discovering the Author, I pledge myself, that neither pains or expense shall be spared in bringing him to speedy and condign punishment, I am, Sir, your obedient Servant, T. H. NICHOLLS.

11, Great Winchester-street, 25th March, 1825.


The Diorama has been re-opened with a new view of the Ruins of Holyrood Chapel by Moonlight, which is added to the view of the Cathe dral of Chartres. The Ruins of Holyrood Chapel have afforded the artist (M. Daguerre) a favourable opportunity of displaying his powers, and the general effect of the picture is beautiful, owing to the admirable distribution of the lights and shadows.

Mr. Hayne is said to have betted one thousand, guineas to fifty, with Mr. Fawcett, that Miss Foote will not perform in any public Theatre after Saturday (yesterday) evening.

Mr. Judge, of the Cheltenham Journal, has announced his intention of proceeding at law against Colonel Berkeley.

ANATOMY." I hold it impossible, (says Mr. Elcum, surgeon, in a letter published in the Mechanics' Magazine) to learn anatomy without dissecting at least six subjects, and just as impossible to become an adroit surgical operator, without cutting up ten or twenty more.-T. M. B. asks, if no other plan can be adopted by our schools of medicine, whereby they may be supplied, than the present shameful custom which prevails? 1 suggest one, which would partially (I believe soon entirely) do away with the British prejudice," that it is better to be dissected by crawling worms than by the disciples of Esculapius." I believe, that if hospitals were established on such liberal principles, that the patients could be supplied, not only with the common necessaries of life, but also with those little articles of want which are denied them elsewhere, such as tea, sugar, tobacco, snuff, &c. (when disease does not forbid the use of them) we should find plenty of the lower order to fill those hospitals where it was a known rule that the bodies of those who died should be at the surgeon's disposal. There are thousands of our poor who have that philosophy which I have witnessed for years on the Continent (and where I have bought subjects at 2s. 6d. and 3s. 4d. each, as often as I pleased, whilst our professors in England were paying twenty guineas), that leads them to say, If you take every care of me during my life, you may do what you please with me after my death.'-That we have not hospitals enough to receive half of those who are afflicted with the most dreadful maladies. I had but too frequent proofs during my dresserships to Sir Astley Cooper and Mr. Thompson Forster, at Guy's Hospital. It was a most heart-rending scene, every Wednesday, to see the number of wufferers who could not be admitted, but were

• Cast abandon'd on the world's wide stage,'


NAPOLEON AND the ANTS.-The ants had appeared in greater numbers in his bed-room, since he occupied it less, and had climbed upon h table, on which there was usually some sugar. Allared by the bait, they had immediately established a chain of communication, and taken possession of the sugar-basin. Napoleon was anxious that they should not be disturbed in their plans; he only now and then moved the sugar, following their manœuvres, and admiring the activity and industry they displayed until they found it again. This is not instinct," said he it is much more-it is sagacity, intelligence, the ideal of civil associa tion. But these little beings have not our passions, our cupidity; they assist, but do not destroy each other. I have vainly endeavoured to defeat their purpose; I have removed the sugar to every part of the room; they have been one, two, or sometimes three days, looking for it, but have always succeeded at last. The idea strikes me to surround the table with water, and see whether that will stop them, Doctor, send for some." But water did not stop them: the sugar was still pillaged. The Emperor then substituted vinegar, and, the ants no longer ventured to approach." You see it is not instinct alone that guides them; they are prompted by something else; but what, I know not. However, be the principle which directs them what it may, they offer to man an ex ample worthy of observation and reflexion. It is only by perseverance and tenaciousness that any object can be attained."-Last Days of Napoleon.

MR. JEFFREY.-He is a person of strict integrity himself, without pretence or affectation; and knows how to respect this quality in others without prudery or intolerance. He can censure a friend or a stranger, and serve him effectually at the same time. He expresses his disapprobation, but not as an excuse for closing up the avenues of his liberality. He is a Scotchman, without one particle of hypocrisy, of cant, of servinity, or selfishness in his composition. He has not been spoiled by fortune--has not been tempted by power-is firm without violence-friendly without weakness a critic and even-tempered-a casuist and an honest man; and amidst the tribe of his profession, and the distractions of the world, retains the gaiety, the unpretending carelessness and simplicity of youth. Mr. Jeffrey in his personis slight, with a countenance of much expression, and a voice of great flexibility and acuteness of tone.-The Spirit of the Age.

HOW TO CHOOSE A RELIGION, Karamsin, in his History of Russia, relates that when the inhabitants of Livonia were first converted from Paganism to Christianity, they hesitated whether they should adopt the faith of the German or of the Russian church; at length, in their extreme perplexity, they determined to decide their doubts in a most compendious and summary manner, by casting lots, when chance prevailed in favor of the former. There are many cases in which this example might be followed very advantageously, thereby saving a great deal of time and vexation to the parties. It might, for instance, be very beneficially introduced into the Court of Chancery; for then, let the decision fall out as it might, the suitors would resign themselves to it as to the decree of fate as they must do even now, after waiting half their lives. If the adage of Bis dat qui cito dat be true, it is no less certain that he who denies at once, at least gives us something for he gives us time.-British Magazine.

CAPTAIN ROMEO'S REPLY TO CAPTAIN SEELEY.-We have the pleasure to state, that the Letters to the Marquis of Hastings on the subject of the Indian press, were written by Captain Romeo, an officer in the Sicilian army, to whose character and services Lord William Bentinck bore such ample testimony in Parliament a few years since. He has since published entitled" A Voice from Common Sense," which contains such an exan answer to Captain Seeley's" Voice from India," in a small pamphlet posure of the ignorance and folly of the writer whose work he examines as must make him heartily ashamed of his performance. We can safely recommend it to the attention of our readers, as a complete refutation of the sophisms put forth as argument by the gallant Indian officer; and are disposed to hope that all who have read Captain Seeley's book will read Captain Romeo's reply to it. The result cannot but be beneficial. Oriental Herald, March, 1825.

A piece of ground attached to the residence of Count San Antonio, at Brighton, was lately knocked down for 8,500l.; it had a. frontage of eighty feet, and altogether one single acre of land. The cost of the ground 25 years ago was 5121.

PUBLIC WORKS.-The presentation of the Miscellaneous Estimates gave occasion in Parliament to some remarks by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the manner in which Westminster Abbey is kept, and suffered to be viewed. The Right Hon. Gentleman expressed surprise, considering the magnitude of the grants for the repair and beautifying of that building, that the public had not freer access to the contempla tion of its venerable monuments. The discussion of the evil may lead to

not only writhing under the lash of extreme poverty, but also that of tor-its removal in this instance: but we shall never cease to regret that the senting disease; doomed to drink the cup of baleful grief, and eat the bitter bread of misery.-He who says that medical men are not suscep

tible of sympathy, and

free, gratuitous, and unrestrained manner in which the French suffer Every motive that leads to the preservation of works of art or the remains the curiosities of their country to be viewed is not practised in England.

of antiquity, should lead also to their exposition, so far as is consistent with their safety.-Times.


⚫ Never muse on sorrow but their own,' should know the liberal subscriptions of English medical students to alleviate the temporary sufferings of their fellow-creatures on these occasions. I have frequently been shocked in the hospitals of England, at the bypocrisy and inhumanity of those who called themselves the friends ON DR. Marsh, Bishop OF PETERBOROUGH, PROHIBITING THE CHURCH of a deceased patient, I have known a poor wretch to be left for weeks without seeing or hearing of these said friends, who might have done much to soothe bis biting misery, but who, on being informed of his death, would not hear of his being buried by that charitable institution which found him unpitied and unheard, without a friend, without a home."


[From the Morning Chronicle.]

By the Bishop's Decree (be it known through the Nation), For DISSENTERS in future there's no-TOLL-cration. March 21, 1825. EXONIENSIS.

[ocr errors]

The Ex-Gaoler of a late Imperial Exile, who perished on a barren rock all the world should not induce me to marry. (Great laughter.)" "I will in the middle of the ocean, has been rewarded for the severity of his not attempt to apologize for my conduct, for I am aware none can be made : vigilance by the appointment of Governor to one of onr West India but I trust you will still believe me your very sincere though unhappy Islands. This Honourable person, however, murmurs at this appointment, friend, "R. B. ORTON." which he considers inadequate to his eminent services. He has written, When Miss Capper (said Mr, TAUNTON) received from her father the printed, and dispersed amongst his private friends and his Majesty's strange intelligence of her lover's insconstancy, she felt deeply the wound Ministers, a Memorial addressed to the Lords of the Treasury on this sub-inflicted by his hand. For 18 months he had hidden his disgrace is s ject, wherein a long list of grievances are enumerated. Amongst other foreign land; which was the reason the case had not been previously arbgrounds of complaint, he states, that a spy was set over him by the Admi-mitted to the jury. They were now to give reparation—such poor and ralty from the commencement of his Imperial Gaglership.-Morning imperfect reparation as money could bestow-for her feelings tortured, her Chronicle. dignity wounded, her disappointment published through two counties; and this reparation they would deal out with no reluctant hand, resolved to make no compromise with injustice, but at once to manifest bonest indignation against the defendant, and to offer some consolation to his innocent and meritorious victim.

Miss M, a young heiress of considerable personal attractions, chanced to be seated, the other evening, at a dinner party, next to a gentleman remarkable in the fashionable circles for the brilliancy of his wit, who had long made one in the train of her admirers. The conversation turning on the uncertainty of life," I mean to insure mine," said the young lady archly, "in the Hope."-" In the hope of what?" said her admirer; "a single life is hardly worth insuring; I propose that we should insure our lives together, and, if you have no objection, I should prefer the Alliance." -Hereford Independent.

The Duke of York's residence in the Stable-yard is to be rebuilt. His Royal Highness, in the mean time, will reside in South Audley-street, in the house lately occupied by the Dowager Lady Ellenborough, and previons to that by Queen Caroline. The Orangemen of Ireland, on Friday week, in Grand Lodge assembled, came to an unanimous resolution to dissolve their body. We hope and trust that the individuals of that body will exert themselves to promote harmony, and that they will never again render it necessary for us to revert to ancient enmities.-Dublin Evening Post. Upwards of 20,000t, have been subscribed here and on the Continent, for the sufferers by the inundations in Hanover. EXERCISE AND EMPLOYMENT.-The celebrated Dr. Sydenham had a patient, whom he had long prescribed for, on account of one of these complaints. But his prescriptions were inefficient; and, at last, Sydenham acknowledged that his skill was exhausted that he could not pretend to advise him any farther; but," said he, there is a Dr. Robinson, who lives at Inverness, who is much more skilled in complaints of this kind than I am; you had better consult him. I will provide you with a letter of introduction, and l'hope you will retorn much better." The patient was a man of fortune, and soon took the road; but travelling was a very different undertaking then, from what it is now, and a journey from London to Inverness was not a trifling one. He arrived, however, at the place of destination; but no Dr. Robinson was to be found, nor had any

the Jury for the Defendant. He said, that the object of the present action This case having been proved by witnesses, Mr. CAMPBELL addressed was not to vindicate the character of the young lady, which had not been sullied, but to put money into her pocket. The fact was, it bad occurred to the Cappers, that Mr. Orton would be a very ereditable connexion, and that it would be a desirable opportunity to establish Margaret in the world. was made; they were sober that day, and sober enjoyments would not Accordingly, he was invited to a Sunday dinner; but still no impression effect the purpose. On Monday, therefore, a jovial party was tried-and now the good ale worked purely for under its inspiration, or the excitement of wine, or more probably both, he seizes the father by the hand, and says, "My good fellow, will you allow me to address your daughter? Will you become my papa? (A laugh.) This was beyond Mr. Capper's hopes he thought it would have taken six dinners at least to animate so phlegmatic a swain; but the work was accomplished in two. (A laugh.) The father, then, was to consult his daughter. In one of Miss Austin's novels," Sense and Sensibility," the heroine, being about Miss Capper's age, expressed absolute indignation that a man of thirty-only thirtyshould dare propose to marry her. "What!" said she, “an old man of thirty insult me by an offer?" (A laugh) So, probably, Mise Capper exclaimed," La Pu! you are quizzing me!—what old Mr. Capper-why he is five and thirty-come, come, don't tease me with such a tale." (Im wense laughter, excited chiefly by the acting with which the Learned Counsel accompanied the scene.) But Mr. Capper orges; and Miss Capper reluctantly yields. But where, in the meau time, was the enamoured wain? Was he eager to know the event of a proposal which was to colont the whole tenour of his days? No ; he does not call on Mr. Capper till Does he hasten to his love, panting for a reply? No: he goes t

one of that name ever been in the town. This, of course, enraged the the afternoon, and then-whole (a laugh)—he assists in soaping the

gentleman very much; and he took the road back to London, raging, and vowing vengeance on the doctor. On his arrival, he vented all his rage on the latter, and abused him for sending him a journey of so many miles, for nothing. When his fury was a little abated-"Well, now," said Sydenham," after all, is your health any better?" Better!" said he; "Yes, Sir, it is better. I am, Sir, as well as I ever was in my life; but no thanks to you for that."-" Well," said Sydenham," you have still reason to thank Dr. Robinson. I wanted to send you a journey, with an object in view. I knew it would do you good; in going, you had Dr. Robinson in contemplation; and, in returning, you were equally busy in thinking of scolding me."-Belfast Magazine.



SHREWSBURY, MARCH 18.-BREACH OF PROMISE OF MARRIAGE. Capper v. ORTON.-Robert Buckley Orton, the Defendant in this case, is a man of fortune, worth between 20,000%. and 30,000l. The father of Miss Margaret Elizabeth Capper, the Plaintiff, is also a gentleman of good property, living at Hanley and Gwaynynog (in Chester and Denbighshire.) | Mr. Orton, then, in his 35th year, struck with the beauty and accomplishments of Miss Capper, who was in her 18th, proposed to marry her, which offer was accepted by the young lady and her family; he pressed for an early day; that day was fixed; the bridemaid was engaged, the wedding ring purchased, the wedding-dresses supplied; when, daring all | these visible signs of good faith and affection, Mr. Orton astounded the whole family of the Cappers by sending the following communication to the Head of it :DEAR SIR,-My spirits for the last few days have been worked up to | such a pitch, from an idea of the fear of being miserable when I am married, that I have been forced (even against my inclination) to quit Gwaynynog in a shameful manner; for it never would do for me to go to church loaded as I am with the blue devils (a laugh); therefore I have resolved to leave the country; but in justice to myself, and more so to Miss Capper, I must say that no fickleness on my part is the cause of this sudden determination, for I think, as I always have done, that Miss C. is one of the most amiable of women, and every way calculated to make an excellent wife. But what can I do? I have tried every way to conjure away my fears, but the more I think of them the stronger they become. I know that I am bound to fulfil my promise or pay for it, but however that may be, I am determined to make any sacrifice rather than make myself miserable, which must also entail misery opon my wife. I have sent a note partly to this effect to Mr Meredith, desiring him to endeavour to convince you how far it is from my wish to do anything dishonourable, and that I shall be perfectly agree able to anything; but at present, troubled as I am with wicked thoughts,

tail; and when the elegant sport is concluded, he bethinks himself to ask if he is accepted! Now, did not all the circumstances prove that M Orton, in a moment of intoxication, committed himself to that which be felt to be absurd when sober, but from which he apprehended he could not retreat with honour? He found himself unequal to the task, and chose rather to give a few days' pain than run the risk of making a virtuous woman wretched for the remainder of her days. Surely his conduct, though foolish, though weak, though culpable, was not base; nor was the loss of Mr. Capper such as to call for any extravagant compensation in damages. With a younger and a more enamoured lover—one more sensible to her merits, and more adapted to her tastes, she might be far happier than with Mr. Orton, who had chosen wisely for both—a verdict, of course, he could not resist, but he trusted to the good sense of the Jury as to the amount of the damages.

The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff-damages 1,0902.

LANCASTER, MARCH 18.-MURDER.-Joseph Wilkins was indicted for the murder of his wife, Alison Wilkins. It appeared that the woman was in the habit of getting drunk, and that, ou the fatal night of the catastrophe, Wilkins came home rather in liquor himself, and found her in bed much intoxicated. He pulled her out, and beat her very severely-so severely, that she was found dead in the morning, and her body presented a shocking spectacle. The right eye was swollen and black; there was a wound from one eye to the other; the face appeared very much swollen ; under the left ear there was a cut, but it looked more as if it had been torn than cut. These injuries (the surgeon said) most have been done by throwing the jug at her. Her chin was cut also in the hellow part, quite through the gum. There was a bruise in the neck under the left ear, and the external jugular vein was cut. The part uuder the right breast was very black indeed. There were bruises also ou different parts of her legs, supposed to have been caused by kicks.— Several of her ribs were also broken. The Prisoner, in his defence, said, that when he came home on the night in question, he found several pawnbrokers' tickets of things which she had pawned again, and he could not deny that he was very much irritated at this. He was in the hands of the Jury, and he trusted that if they felt any doubt, they would give him the benefit of it.[The prisoner appeared about 40 years of age, and couducted himself with marked propriety during the trial.]-Mr. Justice BAYLEY told the Jury, that if they found that she died of blows, but that the Prisoner did not strike hier with intention of producing her death, then they could only convict him of manslaughter. His conduct after the death did not appear to be that of a guilty man. There was no evidence that he had used any weapon except his bands.-The Jury consulted for about two minutes, when they found the prisoner Guilty of Manslaughter

only. The learned Jungs then sentenced the prisoner to be transported for life.

EXETER, MARCH 19Wm. Dunn was indicted for an assault of a very serious character on Elizabeth Avent, a decent servant-girl. The prosecutrix described the circumstances of the assault; but thought she saw her mother the same night, she did not mention the ill-usage she had received. She told her cousin, who slept with her, but did not go before the magistrate to relate the matter for nearly six weeks after.Mr. Justice BURROUGH said, that the conduct of the feinales in these cases, immediately after the offence had been committed, was one very material circumstance to be taken into consideration. Here this young woman, though she saw her mother very soon after she had been so grossly offended, never named it, and did not go before the magistrate for six weeks; and as the charge was one that affected the life of the prisoner, he would advise an acquittal. The Jury acquitted the prisoner.

Thomas Wills was charged with a similar assault on Sarali Pope, a young girl 15 years of age, the servant of a farmer of Thurlstone The prosecutrix, a mild, country girl, stated that early in the morning of the 24th of September, she was taking her master's cows to field, and was accosted by the prisoner. She desired him to leave her alone, as she did not wish for his company. He insisted on walking with her, but she at last got from him, and took her cows to the field, On learing the field, she saw the prisoner waiting for her, be caught her round the waist, and behaved very improperly, but she got from him, and ran along the road; he again overtook her, and carried her from the road. She resisted till her strength failed, and was then compelled to submit to his violence. She got home as fast as she could, and told her grandmother and several other persons of what had happened to her. She also the following day, and had the prisoner inmediately is before a magistrale into custodyThe girl's mother and grandmother confirmed her testimony. Mr. Justice BURROUGH desired the Jury to look at the evidence of the girl with great caution. There were many great discrepancies in the statement that required much deliberation, and the Jury would not draw an unfavourable conclusion, unless they were quite satisfied the accusation was well founded. The Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty. Thomas Olse was indicted for an assault of the same nature on Anna Prcraft. The Prosecutrix, in a forward manner, detailed the facts charged in the indictment. When cross-examined, she said she did not say as much as she knew when before the Magistrate. When asked not tell all she knew then? she said, I have told my story, who have nothing more to say.—Mr. Justice Burrough: You must answer the questions that are put to you. Did you say a word to the Magistrate about your seeing the prisoner near the ditch-Witness: I shall say no more.The COURT: You must answer the questions, woman. When you were on the road with the prisoner, did you meet persons you knew?—Yes. And was not the place where you say the prisoner offended you within their hearing?-Witness: I shan't answer any more questions. The woman was pressed to reply for some minutes, but she obstinately persisted in keeping silent.]-Mr. Justice BURROUGH Gentlemen (to the Jury), if she refuses to answer, you must acquit the prisoner. Do you (to the woman) persist in your determination to say no more?-Witness: No, I'll say no more Mr. Justice BURROUGH then directed the prisoner to be acquitted, which the Jury did.

DERBY, MARCH 19-RAPE-George Batty, aged 36, was indicted for assaulting Miss Martha Hawkesley, aged 16 (the daughter of a farmer) and Francis Ellis was also indicted for aiding in the assault. It appeared from the evidence, that the young lady (a very fine girl) was returning home on Friday week, with her sister, aged 14, when they were stopped is a retired spot by the prisoners, Batty putting his arms round her neck. She cried out "Murder," and her sister ran away. The ruffian threw her upon a hedge, and accomplished his brutal purpose, though she resisted for nearly 20 minutes, and, during the struggle, bit his finger and scratebed bis face. Ellis merely prevented her going through the stile when Batly first stopped her.-Ellis was acquitted, and Batty found Guilty.

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Mr. Baron HULLOCK: What do you think, Mr. Serjeant Vaughan, of the proposal that was this morning made? I don't see what you can do with such a case as this.-After some consultation, the parties agreed to withdraw a juror.

THETFORD, MARCH 21.-CLERICAL ASSAULT.-The Reverend Mr. Maxwell was indicted for assaulting Mary, the wife of Chamberlain, Esq.-It appeared from the evidence, that there was some dispute about Tithes, that everlasting disturber! Mr. Maxwell went with his Bailiff to sec that his tithes had been set out according to notice. He knocked the latch off the gate while Mrs. Chaniberlain stood by it, and ordered his Bailiff to drive on. This the Bailiff declined, saying, "No, Sir, I shall not, or I shall burt Mrs. Chamberlain." To this the Reverend Gentleman replied, "Ob, never fear! she will get out of the way." Mrs. Chamberlain said, If he drove on, he should pass over her." Upon this, he caught hold of her shoulder, and drove her from the gate; and he pushed away her servant also, when she came to her mistress's aid. Mrs. C regained her place at the gate, when the Reverend Defendant again pushed her away. He afterwards offered her his hand an offer which she declined.-Verdict, Guilty. Judgment next Term.

MARCH 22 SHOOTING A GAMEKEEPER —John Fisher was found Guilty, on the sole evidence of an informer, of shooting at the Gamekeeper of Sir E. Stracey, Bart. in Dec. 1823. The Gamekeepers themselves could not say that Fisher was among the poachers who fired at them; and the informer, when he first saw Fisher in custody, said he was not the man. Mr. Justice GAZELEE passed sentence of death upon him, giving him no hope of mercy.-At the last Assizes, another man was hanged for the same offence.

MARCH 23.-A NARROW ESCAPE:-Richard Gower, a youth of 16, was indicted for criminally assaulting Mary Anne Vincent, aged 17. The lad overtook the girl on the road, whom he knew, and entered into conversawith her. He at length offered to kiss her, which she refused. He then threw her down upon the bank. She screamed, and be threatened to murder her if she made a noise.➡The Girl here stopped with her story, though the Judge repeatedly told her to proceed. A female friend was theu introduced and placed by her side, and the Judge again called upon her to go on with her evidence. She then said that the Prisoner had committed the assault charged in the indictment. The Judge said, he could not take it in that way; she must state what the Prisoner did to her. (No answer.] After again and again calling upon her without effect, the Junge told the Jury they must acquit the Prisoner for want of evidence. He said, he thought the young woman was deeply and unaffectedly emburrassed, sud hoped he was not mistaken in attributing her silence to that reluctance so natural to a female mind in such a condition.-The Jory then acquitted the Prisoner the Judge told him he had had a fortunate escape, and admonished him as to his future conduct. He left the bar apparently duty impressed by his Lordship's observations.

A man named Gill, was found Guilty of shooting at and wounding the Gamekeeper of the Duke of Norfolk. Sentence of Death was pronounced upon him; but the Duke having interfered for him, he was told his life would be spared, but he must be sent out of the country.

KINGSTON, MARCH 22.Mr. Roffey, late Surveyor of the Highways of St. Mary's, Newington, was indicted for exhibiting false accounts, for negligence, wasteful expenditure in his office, &c.--After a trial which lasted from nine in the morning till twelve at night, the Jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty-at the same time observing, that Mr. R. had been culpably negligent in the manner of keeping his accounts.



On Monday, Francis Watkins, a young man of respectable connections, a clerk in the banking-house of Sir John Lubbock and Co, was charged with having stolen 138/., the property of his employers. He was remanded for further examination.

AFFLICTING CASE-On Wednesday, Edward Palmer, a son of the late excellent comedian John Palmer, was charged with having attempted to MARCH 21.-CRIM. CON.-WILSON v. BAGSHAW-The Plaintiff cut his own throat.-The accused is a person of tall stature and genteel and Defendant were small freeholders, living upon their property near appearance, but his countenance is deeply marked with suffering. It ap Tideswell. Mrs Wilson was 40-her husband was 60--and the Defend peared in evidence, that his wife had been taken, from motives of charity, ast was upwards of 60. (Laughter.) The lady had borne the Plaintiff into the service of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, but the repeated visits of eight children, but he could not say how many were his own. The De- Palmer had given dissatisfaction, and he was desired not to do so. He feudant, it was given in evidence, had been seen at various times taking however called upon her again on Tuesday evening, when, after lamenting liberties with Mrs. Wilson ; and on one occasion, while in a public-honse, his misfortunes and saying he could no longer endure them, he pulled down the red-haired seducer boldly told the company, “ that his stock was his neckcloth, and drew a knife across his throat! He was taken to the better than Wilson's, and that they might be easily known, for they had compter wounded, but not dangerously. A poor woman with whom Palmer red-hair! (Much laughter) "Yes; (exclaimed Mr. Serjeant VAUGHAN) lodges, said that he was in the most deplorable state of indigence. He had the wretch has audacity enough to claim two of the children as his own looked every where for the means of supporting himself and his wife, and it is said, that a more correct fac-simile of the rascal could not be but was, notwithstanding his exertions, unable to get any situation. He had produced.—(Immense laughter.) Yes, true it is, that two of these 'most | for some time lived at the sole expense of the witness, or rather, she said, unhappy offspring have the unspeakable misfortune to carry the burning | starved with her, for seldom- any thing entered his lips, and she found it shame upon their heads."-(Continued laughter.) The Brother-in-law necessary to tell him, that as she had a family to support, she must disconof the Plaintiff said, that Mr. and Mrs. Wilson lived very happily toge-tinue even the little she had been doing for him.-The LORD MAYOR asked ther; that he noticed the suspicious proceedings between Mrs. W. and the prisoner what motive he could have had for endeavouring to force Mr. Bagshaw, but did not tell the Plaintiff of them, as he thought it might | himself into the presence of God ?—Palmer said, he had met with a shipbreed a partition between them-Wm. Shephardson.was examined; he mate, and drank something which affected his head, as his stomach was mid be had heard the affair talked of for years; but he wandered from the quite empty. He regretted that he had been driven to such an extremity question in a very droll way, and the Court could get nothing from him as despair, but he had failed in all his attempts to get employment, and he unless he was allowed to talk about his daughter Suke and Bob Bagshaw. could see no alternative at the moment he raised his hand against himself.

He hoped bis wife would not be, a sufferer by his madness-that she would not be removed from the place which kept her from the parish. He added,

there is no employment, however servile, to which I am not ready to devote myself; but I have been disappointed every where. I have been long at sea, but am now unequal to the severity of the toil."-The LORD MAYOR said, he was convinced that the professional cotemporaries of Mr. Palmer would afford some relief to his unfortunate son; that the two gentlemen at the head of the great theatres would be contributors; and that honour would be reflected upon those two prosperous establishments, by giving so humane a testimony of their recollection of an old servant and favourite. His Lordship then put some money into the hands of Mr. Palmer, and desired him to leave his address with Mr. Hobler.


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** THE GREEK NAVY... Greek navy, whose exploits, real and imaginary, have filled Let me now attempt to give some account of the celebrated us all with so much admiration for the last two or three years. I have the more pleasure in touching on this subject, because the fleet forms by far the most respectable portion of the insurgent force, and because it has hitherto had no share in those transactions which have most deeply disgraced the Revolution. Every one is acquainted with the causes to which this fleet is indebted for its existence; nor is it less Extraordinary Proceeding! On Monday, Mr. Hale, who has made generally known that the vessels are without exception the himself conspicuous by his denouncement of war as an Auti-Christian private property of the different merchants of the three islands; practice, was charged with obstructing divine worship in the church of there is not, in fact, in the whole Archipelago, one governSt. Clement Daues, It seems that Mr. Hale had sent to the Overseers, ment ship. I have beheld too much of the real nature of this &c. copies of a hand-bill, purporting to be printed by George Hale, of singular contest to retain much disposition to enthusiasm; but Cheyne-row, Kennington, and headed, in large letters To all men who love TRUTH!" Following this, is this passage from John-" God is when I recollect the floating masses which I have lately left Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in at Constantinople, and in the Dardanelles-when I recollect "Consider, therefore," the handbill proceeds," the following the magnitude and resources of the Turkish empire, its ports, prayer," and then follows the passage from the prayer, read in churches its forests, and its opulence-and when I behold a few indifor the High Court of Parliament, ending with so especially for the viduals, the inhabitants of three naked rocks, whose several High Court of Parliament, under our most religious and gracious King, at this time assembled," &c. This passage the author without ceremony de-cities do not nearly equal the area of the mere seraglio of the an abominable lie!" On Sunday morning, when Dr. Gur-Sultan, animated by a variety of feelings, of which some at ney came to the passage in the prayer quoted above, and had uttered the least are honourable, in support of a cause whose purity is denounced words," most religions and gracious King," Mr. Hale, who was seated in a new near the reading-desk, started up, and with great unassailable-when I see these daring islanders successfully wehemence exclaimed, "It is false, and you ought to be ashamed to utter bid defiance to their gigantic enemy, and even defeat in open that which you know to be an abominable lie. I challenge you to discuss sea his unwieldy force, I will not attempt to qualify the adthe matter with me."-This extraordinary conduct stopped the service, miration which is extorted from me by so singular a combinabut the beadle soon put an end to the confusion which ensued, tion of genius and audacity. The Greek vessels are almost by taking the Defendant by the collar, and conveying him to a place of confinement, The Defendant said, he was quite prepared exclusively brigs, mounting from eight to twenty guns; not to prove himself to be right. He would maintain, that the passage above two or three corvettes are usually to be found in their quoted in the band bill, of which he was proud to avow himself largest fleets, and those are little more formidable than their the author, was false, and wicked, and consequently blasphemous, when used as a prayer to God in the Holy Church. This prayer had companions. Every expedition is attended by a certain served, and was yet to be used for many generations; and in it every number of fire-ships, in which the entire hope of every offenKing was declared to be ❝ most religious" whereas it was an indisputa sive operation appears to be placed. The largest number that ble fact, that Kings had reigned, and it was probable that others would ever has been mustered was from a hundred and twelve to a reign hereafter, who could have no claim to such a designation-Sir R. hundred and sixteen sail, in the first year of the insurrection. BIRNIE observed, that whatever might be the defendant's opinions, he' was wrong to interrupt the Rev. Gentleman in the discharge of his sacred The Hydriotes usually compose about two-fifths of the united duties: and he must know that the prayer which seemed so obnoxions to fleet, the Psarians and Spezziotes forming the remainder, in hins formed part of the Liturgy, and that the clergyman was only doing his the proportion, perhaps, of three to two; and such is nearly simple duty in reading it. The Defendant made no reply, but smiled and the proportion of the population of the three islands. The bowed.-Sir R. BIRSIB said, he supposed the parish, meant to prosecute; and the Church warden answering in the affirmative, he told the Defendant admiral, or commanding captain (for as the Greek navy is be should require him to find sureties for bis appearance at the Sessions. entirely a private establishment, there is no distinction of titles, nor any permanent rank, nor any authority, derived even from seniority) is a Hydriote, nominated, probably, by the primates of that island, who consult in their election the wishes of the people. The officer who had the honour of commanding the first Grecian fleet which presented itself for the liberation of the Egean Sea, and whose successes prepared the way for the triumphs which have followed, was Jacomaki Tomhazi, a person of high distinction and zealous patriotism. He was succeeded, in 1822, by Andrea Meouli, who still retains the command. For the singular popularity which he enjoys among his compatriots, Capitan Andrea (so his sailors always familiarly call him) is perhaps not more indebted to his great natural talents than to his mild and unaffected manners and demeanour, and his reputation of inviolable integrity. Brave, modest, and disposed to silence, yet frank and unsuspicious in communication, he possesses nothing of the Greek, either in appearance or character; and his want of which are at this moment of infinitely more service to his parade and brilliancy is amply compensated by qualities country. Of genius, there is abundance in every cottage of Greece; but there is a dearth of sound common sense, of cool dispassionate judgment, of thought and foresight, which has occasioned, and will still continue to occasion, many disasters. Acuteness, vivacity, ingenuity, intrude themselves upon you at every step; but I know not where to search for wisdom."-Waddington's Visit to Greece.

James Ottaway, Esq. one of the Coroners for Kent, was found about 12' o'clock on Saturday se'nnight, lifeless, in the turnpike-road, between Stilebridge and Staplehurst, with bis chaise and horse standing by the body. Mr. Ottoway had been to Rochester, and passed through Stilebridge turnpike gate, between teu and eleven at night, on his return home. From the appearance of the gig, one of the shafts of which was broken, it is supposed that the horse must have swerved from the road, and the carriage coming in contact with some impediment, the unfortunate gentleman was thrown out by the shock.


At Windlesham, near Bagshot, the wife of a humble shoemaker, named Rolls, was delivered, a few days back, of four children; one was still-born, the other three are living and healthy.

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On the 22d inst. at Oxford, Charles Willis, jun. Esq. of Cranbrook, Kent, to
Mary, youngest daughter of the late William Macbean, Esq. of Roaring River
Estate, Jamaica.
On the 17th inst, Mr. Thomas Hunter, surgeon, Cooper's-row, to Miss Watts,
On Tuesday, James Wittit Lyon, Esq. of Albemarle-street, to Emma Dalton,
daughter of Mrs. Edwards, of Regent-street, and of Rheola, Glamorganshire.

of Mansell-street, Goodman's-fields.


On the 15th inst. aged 20, Henry Augustus, son of Christopher Sundius, Feq

of Palatine-house, Stoke Newington.

On the 18th inst. Captain James Bullock, R.N. at Prittlewell, Essex.

On the 21st inst. in his 72d year, Sir James Graham, Bart. M.P. for the City

of Carlisle.

Governor of Prince Edward's Island.

On the 19th inst. at Brighton, Mrs. Ready, wife of Lieutenant Colonel Rendy, On the 4th inst. at his seat at Rauston, in the county of Dorset, Sir Edward Baker Baker, Bart. after a few days' illness.

At Hampstead, on Saturday week, in his 78th year, Sir Ralph Noel, Bart, who is succeeded in his title by his nephew, now Sir John Milbanke, Bart.

On the 19th inst. Sarab, wife of Mr. John Joseph Tilley, of the Hampstead road.
On the 21st inst. in Great Cumberland-street, Nicholas Pearse, of Loughton,

in Essex, Esq.

On Tuesday, at the house of his son, in Red Lion-square, aged 87, Mr. William Weightman, formerly an eminent solicitor.

At Kingstanley, on the 21st ult. Thomas Etheridge, aged 96 years, leaving a ridow aged 99 years. They had been married and lived together 73 years.


Major Laing's Travels, just published, afford much curious

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