Imagens das páginas


THE Second reading of the Catholic Bill was carried by a majority of 27. We did expect a more decisive vote; but the progress of the bill has been attended by circumstances of good augury, which amply indemnify the Catholics for the want of a stronger majority. Among these we may place the open conversion of Mr. Brownlow, Lord Valletort, Marquis Camden, and what is not less encouraging after the recent heats the temperate style in which the opposition was conducted. Mr. Peel, their only formidable opponent, spoke with a degree of moderation and good faith, which almost redeemed the narrow and bigoted principles to which he lent his support. Altogether, things never bore so favourable an appearance for the Catholics-and let us add, for the Protestants too, as at this moment. Both parties are equally interested in the fate of the question, for til it is settled, the empire cannot enjoy security.

Mr. Canning accused some of the petitioners against the bill, of ignorance, and we believe justly. Our principles do not lead us, generally speaking, to question the competence of any portion of the people to decide on public matters; but we observe that the most inveterate opposition to the bill proceeds in this country from close corporations, and church courts, bodies which do not hold a very high rank either for knowledge, liberality, or honesty. It is plain from the traditionary and historical crimes mustered up both in speeches and petitions, against the Catholics, that the antiquity of their faith, of which they feel so proud, is one great obstacle to their success. Their enemies declare them unworthy of civil rights, because they profess the same faith with men who were guilty of many enormities, one, two, or four centuries ago. The old association, which had fast hold of our countrymen a century back, and which identifies a papist with a treacherous, blood-thirsty persecutor, is not yet dissolved in many minds. But what sect or party will escape condemnation if this rule is universally applied? Is there one which has not had its name assumed by hypocrites and villains? Some part of the ancient guilt of the Catholics may be fairly charged to the rudeness and ignorance of the times. Another and still greater part may be attributed to that unholy alliance of religion with secular power, which has so often converted Christianity into the tool of every base worldly passion. We sincerely believe that no small share of the crimes connected with the history of Popery, arose from the circumstance that it was "part and parcel of the law of the land." Priests were converted into tyrants and persecutors by having the sword put into their hands; and profligate statesmen borrowed the name of religion to cover their wickedness. But will any honest observer venture to say, that there is a single sect (the Quakers perhaps excepted) which, if placed in the same circumstances, would have made a better use of its power, or have had fewer crimes to answer for?

Two things have certainly done some injury to the cause of the Catholics-their fierce and bigoted opposition to the Bible Societies, and their alliance with Cobbett. It was silly to expect any service from that veteran turncoat. His abilities cannot compensate for one-tenth of the odium which his name brings on any party that voluntarily connects itself with him. The blame attaches to the Catholics and not to him; for we can account for Mr. Cobbett's becoming the champion of popery without any bribe, or any miraculous conversion. If we wished to decry and undermine religion, we would select that particular modification of it, which was most disfigured by impostures and stained by crimes, and which revolted reason most by its dogmas; we would hold this up as genuine and primitive Christianity, and all other forms as corruptions. It is evidently no bad stroke of policy in an infidel, to identify religion with the extravagant and mystical opinions of the tenth and twelfth centuries, and to fasten upon it all the frauds and crimes which popes and cardinals, and consecrated emperors, have perpetrated in dark ages, An honest unbeliever

would distinguish between religion and the abuses which have usurped its character; and an honest Catholic might acknowledge that his own church had been improved by the reformation; but it suits Cobbett's purpose better to describe that great change which purged religion of so many corruptions, as a foul conspiracy hatched between avarice and ambition, and to hold up the reformers as a band of plunderers, whose sole object was to rob monasteries of their lands, and rifle churches of their plate. We are unwilling to say one word at present to swell the tide of prejudice against the Catholics; but when they employ such foul-mouthed writers as Cobbett to assail their neighbours, they may reckon upon disgusting many who would otherwise be their friends. We are not disposed to dwell on the opposition given to the distribution of the Bible. Much allowance is to be made for men smarting under many real grievances. The Catholics have too many reasons to suspect the intentions of persons belonging to rival sects who come among them. At the same time we must say, we consider that the most execrable of all tyrannies which puts shackles on the exercise of private judgment, and prescribes a system of faith under terror of perdition, while it will not allow its foundations to be examined. He who claims a right to regulate another man's belief, to controul him in the use of his reason, and to keep his conscience, is the most dangerous and the most insolent of all oppressors. It is by the assumption of such powers that the Bramins of India have erected the most degrading system of tyranny ever known in the annals of mankind.

We never felt so much disposed as some of our cotemporaries to condemn the Association. We think it grew naturally out of the circumstances of the Catholics; and the result has shewn that it has greatly aided their cause. Not that any wonders are to be worked by the twelve or fifteen thousand pounds collected. On the contrary, we believe the money might have been quite as useful at this moment in the pockets of the contributors. But the zeal with which the scheme was gone into by men of all classes, afforded a conspicuous proof of a fact little known previously in England-that one common sense of their wrongs pervaded the whole Catholic body, that they were united, ardent, and determined, and too formidable by their numbers and union to be kept longer with safety in a state of discontent and alienation. But for the project of the rent, this important truth would not have been known at all in England, and only very imperfectly by themselves. The Association lived long enough to teach their countrymen the secret of their strength. After this was done they had really little more to do, and might have been safely left to the decay which would inevitably have overtaken them from the want of positive duties, and their inability to produce any sensible effect on the mass of the national grievances. The very funds which were supposed to constitute their strength would have embarrassed, rather than served them. Ministers, therefore, did wrong in putting the Association down, but their conduct since has redeemed their error. At this moment it would be easy to repress the discontents of the Catholics with a high hand. The rashness of some members of the Association furnished a ready pretext for those strong measures which many of the partizans of ministers were eager to put in force. We have heard again and again, that England must not be bullied. How easy would it have been to listen to the counsels of pride and bigotry, and cover our acts with the names of wisdom and vigour. That Ministers, under such circumstances, chose the course of conciliation, is infinitely to their honour. The prudence and temper with which they have proceeded is really a rebuke to the violence of some of their supporters.

The more sagacious Protestants begin to discover, that to relieve the Catholics from all disabilities, is the first step to give the reformed religion a fair chance for a hearing among them. Religion, in fact, has never been found to thrive under the protection of penal statutes." At the meeting of the

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Auxiliary Hibernian Society here on Thursday," says the Leeds Mercury," the Hon. Baptiste Noel, who, with Captain Gordon, traversed a large part of Ireland last year, endeavouring to establish auxiliaries to the society in that country, and who met with the most determined opposition from lawyers, priests, and the populace, declared, that he found the denial of civil privileges to the Catholics one of the greatest obstructions to the success of the society. It irritated them against the Protestants, and made them suspect every thing coming from that quarter; insomuch, that one intelligent individual residing in the country said to him- You might as well hope to do good by sending tax-gatherers as by sending preachers, so long as this system continues.' Now, Mr. Noel, gave no opinion about Catholic emancipation; he especially declared that he should pronounce no opinion on the subject; but these facts he could not conceal; they stared him in the face wherever he went; and he feels bound to declare to the society in England what he felt to be the greatest practical impediment to his benevolent exertions. Mr. Noel, we repeat, is a most unexceptionable witness; for the treatment he received in Ireland would tend to impress him, not in favour of the Catholics, but against them; if his superior intellect had not penetrated to the causes of things, and found that it was the English system, and not the Irish character, that was to blame."-Scotsman.



Look at this picture, and then on that.' If, as Englishmen, we blush at the comparison in one respect, we feel a glow of exultation in another, at the thought of the superior wisdom and truer greatness of that country; which owes at any rate, its birth to ours. America is the child of England, and is perhaps destined to perpetuate the memory of its parent, who should feel nothing like envy or jealousy at the endowments of its illustrious offspring, and still less exhibit anything like derision at the imperfections of her incipient constitution and policy, whilst here we are submitting to such things as the Six Acts, the Tithe System, a Standing Army, and an Enormous Taxation; and our neighbours, the Irish, to Military Law and Religious Persecution. We even ought to beg of the Americans to forgive our haughty airs of superiority, to forget, while they contemplate with just pride their well-organized navy, that Mr. Canning ever talked of their few fir frigates and bits of striped bunting: he has more occasion than they to regret this piece of flippancy; it was one of those unlucky jokes of his which so often fly back into his face, till he has been ready, we dare say, a hundred times, almost to bite off his tongue for having uttered it. It is high time for that right honourable gentleman to lay aside his ancient situation of Jester, and think more of cultivating the statesman-like qualities which he certainly possesses in no ordinary degree.— Stamford News..

The alarm which has existed for several days in the money-market received a material increase on Saturday, in consequence of the very large sales made in every description of investment. Independently of the fear expressed THE Paris papers of Thursday and Friday, together with the respecting the tranquillity of Ireland, caused by the doubt Etoile dated Saturday, have reached town. They are chiefly on the subject of the bill for the emancipation of the Cafilled with the debates of the two Chambers. The discussions tholics, another cause of apprehension has presented itself, on the expenditure of the Spanish war are conducted with in the notion that the Bank is within the danger of another great animation, and with much party hostility, in the Cham-suspension of cash payments, owing to the exportation of ber of Deputies. In that of the Peers, the law of the rentes gold, and the state of the foreign exchanges. It is said, that was adopted on Thursday, by a majority of 134 to 92. On this alarm has even made an impression on the Bank Direcone of the amendments proposed to the project, the numbers tors themselves, who are reported to have made representawere so near as 123 to 103. M. de Villele has thus suc- tions to Ministers of the dangerous situation in which the ceeded in carrying his two great measures, after a protracted Bank was placed, unless means could be found to prevent struggle, and amid great popular odium. The indemnity pro- the exportation of gold by restoring the equilibrium of trade. ject, which had passed both Chambers, appears in the Moni- This fear on the part of the Directors is more creditable to teur of Thursday with the Royal sanction. The Journal des their prudence than their sagacity; and, as far as our obserDebats announces the termination of the discussion on the law vation goes of the operations of trade, we are inclined to the of the rentes in the following ominous manner:-"The law opinion that it is almost wholly unfounded. We can state, relative to the rentes passed in the Chamber of Peers this at least, on the authority of some of the leading merchants, evening, after a memorable debate. This law was opposed that the exchanges have shown symptoms of improvement for by Messrs. Roy, Mollien, Chateaubriand, Kergolay, de Bro- the last two or three posts, and that large orders from the glie, and Pasquier, whose talents and capacity for business north of Europe for gold have been countermanded, on the nobody disputes: it was defended by Messrs. de Chastellux, ground that no profit can now be made by its importation. and Chaptal, and de Narbonne. This vote is not an ordinary The effect of the sales above-mentioned will be learned genevote; it is an event-a very great event. We enter on a rally from the list of prices: Consols fell to 911, and nearly new road; we abandon the ground on which we have pro- every other description in a still greater degree.-Times. ceeded since the beginning of the restoration. Let us await the future."

CATHOLIC QUESTION.-If there be any persons who do not take the trouble to form an opinion on this subject for themselves, but are content to take one on the authority of A CONTRAST.-John Quincey Adams, President of the others, we do not know of any document that can be more United States, is the son of the second president that ever conclusive than the lists of the late majority and minority. ruled over America, the well-known and peaceful successor The majority in favour of the Catholic Relief Bill contains, of Washington-the Numa of the United States; and if we with very few exceptions, every Member distinguished for may judge from the principles which he has taken the first any sort of talent on either side of the House, and of every occasion of testifying, he is well worthy of the honour which description of Members. The leading Members of the Opposuch an elevation confers. The manly plainness and sim-sition, without any exception, are comprehended in it. Of plicity of the form of his inauguration, deserves notice. Think of the childish ceremonies, the idle pageantry, the ridiculous mummeries, the holy oil, the feathers, furs, and frippery of a coronation in Europe, as contrasted with this dignified scene! At Washington, in the capitol, Mr. Adams, in a plain suit of black, ascends the Speaker's chair, pronounces his address to his fellow-citizens, walks to the table of the judges, and on a volume of the laws of the United States, reads his oath of office and the the magistrate of a mighty state is installed.

the Ministers we find in it Mr. Canning, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Huskisson, Mr. Wynn, Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Croker, Mr. Wilmot Horton, and almost every man, indeed, whose name is ever heard of, or counted, except on a division. The only persons of the least note in the minority, representing what Mr. Canning called the inert feeling of the country, are Mr. Peel, Mr. Goulburn, and the Attorney and Solicitor-General. There are, no doubt, very respectable and honest men in the minority, but we venture to assert that there never was a list

of between two and three hundred Members, in which there workmen in the employ of Messrs. Lingford had been parwas such a striking deficiency of persons of acknowledged taking of some liquor, in one of the workshops on the pretalent of persons eminent in any pursuit of persons whose mises in Parliament-street, on account of footing a new comer, opinions are looked to with confidence by any class of men. when some words arose between two of them, named Richard We are not among those who are disposed to settle questions Cadwallader, a man upwards of 50 years of age, and a young by the authority of mere names, but we cannot help regard-man, named John Meek, both smiths. The dispute soon tering it as a circumstance not unimportant, that so great a pro- minated, and harmony appeared to be restored between them. portion of the men of active minds-so great a proportion of In a short time afterwards, Cadwallader went into one corner all those who habitually take pains to form and express of the shop and held some conversation with Meek, and imopinions, should be found in favour of the relief of the Catho-mediately on his returning to his anvil, the latter hurled a lics.-Globe and Traveller..

THE RIVER NIGER.-We believe we may state with perfect confidence, that the problem has been solved in regard to the hitherto mysterious course of the Niger, and solved too by a native of Dumfries-shire-Lieutenant Clapperton, of the Royal Navy. Our information on the subject is too scanty to admit of our giving any details; but one most important fact has been ascertained, namely that the Niger falls into sea, contrary to the hypothesis of more than one eminent geographer. At one point of his pilgrimage in the cause of science, the intrepid Traveller was within four days' journey of the spot where Mungo Park breathed his last. In a hurried note written to a relative in this country, not a word is said respecting Timbuctoo; but, from what was formerly stated in regard to his researches in the same direction, we think it more than probable that he has also visited the farfamed capital of central Africa. But upon this, and all other points connected with the expedition, we must patiently wait for those communications which will doubtless soon be made through the public offices. The last letters from Lieut. Clapperton were dated from Mourzouk, the capital of Fezzan, on the 25th November, 1824. He was then on his return to Tripoli, having happily accomplished the objects of his mission; and though his health has suffered from the rigour of the climate, and the terrible fatigues to which he was exposed, we hope shortly to hear of his safe arrival in England. Mr. Clapperton was born in the town of Annan, in this county, and is descended from a man eminent for his attainments in general science. Like our townsman Dr. Richardson, he is in the prime of life, possesses all the qualities of an accomplished traveller, and has served his country in various parts of the world. In stature he is about 5 feet 11 inches high, patient of fatigue, capable of enduring great privation-vigorous, handsome, athletic, and daring and intrepid in a high degree.-Dumfries Courier.


screw plate at him, the corner of which struck him on the neck, near the ear, and inflicted a mortal wound. The unfortunate man fell upon the anvil, and died instantaneously. There were two other men in the shop, who observed no symptoms of anger at the time on either side, and on perceiving what had happened, they caused the delinquent to be secured. The body was conveyed to the Dove and Rainbow publichouse, where a Coroner's Inquest was held upon it yesterday, when the Jury found a verdict of Wilful Murder against John Meek, who stands committed on the Coroner's warrant to take his trial for the offence at the next assizes. Meek was so alarmed at the horrid deed he had committed, that he made two or three ineffectual attempts to escape. The deceased, we are informed, has a wife and family residing at Derby.Nottingham Journal.

CITY, 11 O'CLOCK -Consols for Account are 91490 In the Foreign Market Austrian Bonds are 989.; Spanish, 24; Greek, 51; Mexican, 745; Russian, 95; Prussian, 101; Danish Scrip, 3 dis


CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, MAY 2. The arrivals of all sorts of Grain last week were only moderate; and this morning the fresh arrivals of Wheat, Barley, Beans, Peas, and Oats, from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, are but swall. Wheat of prime quality is in great demand, and being scarce has obtained 2s. and 3s. per quarter advance on the terms of last Monday. Barley and Malt are each advanced 1s. per quarter. Beans are also in demand, and are 2s per quarter higher than on last Monday. Peas sell with more freedom than of late, but the prices cannot be quoted any higher. Oats have at present a free sale, and the prices of this article bave advanced 2s. per quarter. There is a good trade for Flour at the present prices. Wheat, red Wheat, white Barley Rye Beans, small


Tick ditto


62s. 75s. Pease, Boilers
66s. 80s. Maple....
33s. 46s. Grey
Oats, Feed..


448 46s.

33s. 36s.



40s. 50s.

388 39s.

37s. 38s.

22s. 25s.

23s. 28.

238. 28s.

55s. 65s.

Pease, White..
42s 45s. Flour, per Sack.....
Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Maritime Districts of Eng-
land and Wales, by which Exportation and Bounty are to be regulated
in Great Britain.

Wheat per Quarter, 66s. 6d.-Barley, 36s. 5d.-Oats, 23s. 8d.-Rye,
37s. 4d.-Beans, 35s. 10d.-Pease, 36s. 4d.


The price of Meat has not altered materially this day, the best Oxen fetching 5s. and 5s. 2d. per stone; inferior, 4s. and 4s. 8d. Mutton is dull sale, at from 4s. 4d. to 5s. per stone; but in Veal there is no alteration worth noticing. Lamb, from being more plentiful, looks down, but Pork remains steady.

A most extraordinary system of robbery, called levelling, has been carried on in Dublin lately to a great extent. person whose character is not yet entirely lost takes a house, and after remaining in it a short time applies to the paving board for a paling or scaffolding licence, in order to have the front improved. As soon as he has made this preparation, he applies to a leveller to purchase the house. The leveller views the premises, values them at 501. or 601.; pays that sum to the new inhabitant, and in three days not a trace of the house is to be seen. The moment the purchase is made, a number of workmen are sent in, who pull the house to pieces, and a landlord has often been seen walking up and down a street in which his house stood the day before, scarcely thinking it possible that he is in the right neighbourhood. Mr. Ellis, the member for the city, we understand, missed two of his houses one morning as he was taking a walk before breakfast. A tradesman who was rather harshly importuned by his landlord, procured a paling licence, and Beasts whispered about that he was to have a visit from a leveller. Sheep So great was the terror excited by the name, that the landlord consented not only to give his tenant the indulgence required, but actually to lower the rent. The levelling system has been improved so much of late, that it is said a house can be now literally removed from one part of the town to another in a day or two at most.

In this town, on Wednesday evening last, several of the

[blocks in formation]



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It is intended to publish under this title a selection from the best productions

WINE warranted Genuine as Imported (Duties Reduced)-Old Port, of the French dramatic writers. The Andromache of Racine will be the first of

vintage 1820, full of fruit flavour and body, 27s. per dozen. Superior Sherry, shipped by the first houses in Spain, 273. per dozen.-64 dozen of either of the above Wines, packed in an excellent hogshead, calculated for various purposes, including bottles, &c. for a remittance of 101.; all other Spanish and Portugal Wines in proportion.-Champagne, first quality, now landing in favourite London Docks, shipped by that celebrated grower Aubriet, 72s. per dozen; Claret, 48s. per dozen; a quantity of fresh emptied pipes and hogsheads to be sold cheap. CHARLES WRIGHT, Wine-merchant, next to the King's Theatre, Opera Colonnade, Haymarket.-P.S. To be Let, nightly, a splendid Stage Box at Drury Lane Theatre, for Eight persons, for 2 guineas. Opera Boxes and Pit Tickets, 8s. 6d.

the series.

Each of the Plays will be elucidated,

1st. By appropriate arguments at the head of each scene, to unravel the plot, as well as develope the subject, characters, and various incidents throughout the piece. 2d. By an English translation of such words and idioms as may arrest the progress of the young student.

3d. By grammatical and critical observations, in which will be interspersed Occasional remarks upon the beauties of the style and conceptions.

The Drama, that exquisite and invaluable portion of French literature, cannot fail to present to the young learner many perplexities, far beyond the comprehension of his immature judgment. By the different illustrations that will be unregarded. unfold the beauties of the scene, which might otherwise lie unobserved or

FOR PRESERVING the TEETII & GUMS.-The VEGETABLE given, it will be the chief object to render his path easy and pleasant, and to

TOOTH POWDER has so long been in general use, that it is almost unne cessary to offer any further recommendation of it. Composed of Vegetables, without the admixture of any Mineral or pernicious ingredient whatever, it is free from the usual objection against the use of other Dentrifices. Its detersive power is just sufficient to annihilate those destructive particles which adhere to the Gums and the Interstices of the Teeth; healing injuries in the former, and promoting a new Enamel (where it has been injured or corroded) on the latter. It likewise imparts a firmness and healthy redness to the Gums; and if used regularly, will preserve the Teeth in a sound state to old age.--Sold in boxes, at 2s. 9d. by Butler, Chemist, 4, Cheapside, St. Paul's; Savory and Co. 136, New Bond-street, London; and by the principal Perfumers and Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom: of whom may be had, BUTLER'S uperior SILVER-WIRED TOOTH BRUSHES, 1s. each; and very fragrant LAVENDER WATER, in half-pints, at 3s. 6d.

Be careful to ask for Butler's Vegetable Tooth Powder, and to observe he name and address of "Butler, 4, Cheapside," are engraved on the stamp ttached to each box of this esteemed Dentrifice, to distinguish it from imitaions under similar titles.

The pronunciation may be greatly improved and facilitated by a recitation of well-chosen pieces; by this means the memory will be enriched with lessons of morality, and a correct judgment and taste will be inculcated.

As the selection will consist of such plays as are performed in the theatres of France, it is hoped that the work may prove a useful companion to English visitors of the French metropolis, or principal towns, whose imperfect acquaintance with the language might preclude them from participating in the enjoyment of scenic entertainments.

be taken to combine pleasure with utility, the arguments and notes will be
The selection will embrace the high and dignified character of Tragedy, as
well as the refined and spirited elegance of the Comic Muse. Great pains will
written in an easy style, and the dryness of observation avoided as much as

London: printed by JOHN HUNT, in Broad-street, Golden-square, and published
by him at the Examiner Office, 38, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden.-Price 70.

No. 901. MONDAY, MAY 9, 1825.

Party is the madness of many for the gain of a few.-Pors.


As might be expected, after the ministerial declarations the other day, Mr. WHITMORE's motion for a Committee to inquire into the Corn Law question, was defeated by a large majority. Even the Ministers themselves would find it no easy matter to carry a revision of the system, opposed as it is to the interests, real or imaginary, of the body who return a majority of the House of Commons; but when they throw the weight of office into the landlords' scale, any amendment is hopeless.

Mr. WHITMORE introduced some curious details into his speech, especially with reference to the exaggerated fears on the part of the landlords of enormous importation, if the trade were free; the loss occasioned to the foreign farmers by the cessation of our demand; their consequent conversion from growers of corn into growers of wool and the dangerous competition with both our wool-growers and our woollen manufacture, produced by the increased production and low price of the raw material on the Continent. Such are the mischiefs caused in all directions by the wicked system of artificially dear bread-such (happily perhaps) is the mode in which the evil that the promoters of the system inflict upon others, is sure to re-act, in some shape or other, upon themselves!


If there be one subject more than another on which we may be sure future historians will be unanimous, it is in agreeing, that Great Britain owes her present greatness to her commerce and manufactures. In agricultural production we shall be always behind the great continental countries: nature has not given us either soil or climate equal to those of our principal neighbours. In the science of agriculture we are not indeed below any, and much above most of them and therefore it is, that our farming needs none of that miscalled "protection" with which ignorant legislation has encumbered it. The lowest price of corn which a perfectly free trade in that commodity could produce, would not throw out of cultivation a single acre of good land, although it might turn into pasture many acres of inferior soil on which corn is now raised by a wasteful expenditure of capital and labour. Reats would no doubt be reduced by lowered prices; but then the reduction would be to a very considerable extent counterbalanced to the landlord by greater steadiness and certainty of payment, by the reduced prices of all manufactures, by reduced poor-rates, reduced tithes, reduced rate of wages, &c. Instead of injuring farming, the taking away of the pretended "protection" of the law would restore it to what it once was, and what it always ought to be,-the most steady and secure mode which civilization affords of employing capital and industry. In conceding that the landlords might lose something by a free trade in corn, we afford no argument against that freedom. It is a question whether their gains have not been on the whole much too large during the distresses of the other classes; but even if that were not so, their advantage is surely not to be put in competition with the comfort and prosperity of the rest of the community, and the incalculable benefit of removing very dangerous impediments to our manufacturing and commercial activity. We say again, rather than suffer the evils of the present system, let the landlords be paid out of the taxes for their estimated loss (whether just or not) by cheap corn. The farmers have every thing to gain and nothing to lose by low prices, though the majority of them appear to think otherwise; which is not very unnatural in men who are already much depressed, and too apt, in their alarm, to confine their view to the immediate fact of diminished receipts, without sufficiently adverting to the more than countervailing advantages they would find in reduced rents and diminished expenses of every kind.

Mr. HUSKISSON makes an excellent speech, as far as general principles are concerned, but a sad bungling excuse for delaying to apply them. The present system is very bad-there can hardly be a worse by his own account; yet we must wait a year before we interfere with This Minister is not ignorant, that in consequence of the altered value of the currency, the importation of foreign wheat at 65s. per quarter would be the same thing as its importation at 80s. per quarter war when the Corn Bill passed in 1815. Nay, Mr. Goocu, a great stickier for the exclusive system, now admits that 60s. would be a fair price for the British farmer; so that if a duty of 10s. were imposed on foreign wheat, that price at least would be secured, as those who make the lowest estimate, allow that the commodity could not be brought into

earance of



our markets at less than 50s. a quarter; while many able persons contend, that 60s. would be the lowes. average price, without any duty whatever. Mr. HUSKISSON speaks of accumulation in the con> tinental shipping ports, as a reason for waiting a year before we open ours to a probable glut; yet he admits presently after, that a certain price might be secured by a graduated scale of dut. es. Such are the principles with inconsistences of men who would reconcile enlarged narrow and exclusive practice! The intended release of the bonded corn, under the app for the a boon to the holders and the public, is in reality contrived benefit of the landlords. By letting into the market these 40 quarters, it is hoped to keep the price below the average of 80s. many times that quantity would certainly be brought in fro abroad. This expectation however may be defeated by the Minister's over-anxiety to please the boroughmongering landholders. The pro posed duty of 10s. on the warehoused wheat is really extravagant; when we consider that it has really cost the owners more than 80s.; and the effect will probably be that the latter, after waiting so many years, will prefer keeping it a few months longer, on a speculation that the average price of our own produce will rise to the point at which all foreign corn will be admitted.




It is in vain to rail against evils, however apparent, which are the unavoidable consequence of a state of things it is determined to retain. Our funding system, for instance, necessarily engenders the evils of jobbing, gambling, delusive speculation, and the frauds to which they give rise; and it is useless to affect wonder at the occasionally unpleasant consequences. For a week past, a species of partly natural, but in a far greater degree, artificial alarm, has been excited by the turn of the rate of exchange against this country; or rather by the necessary result of that fact-the profuse exportation of gold and silver. It appears that the value exported in these metals, at their standard value, during the last year, amounts to six millions and a half, of which by far the greater part has gone to France; drawn there, it is presumed by the Ministry of that country to fill up the void caused by the sales that will take place in consequence of the intended reduction of the Rentes. However assisted by this and another alleged drain-extensive remittances to the Continent for the purchase of those articles which are admitted to our markets by the new regulations-it is evident that some strong internal cause must have favoured both the turn in the exchange and its results. We need not go far to find it; indeed, by reflective persons, who have attended to the conduct of the Bank of England, it has for some time past been anticipated. It is the most difficult thing in the world for either bodies or individuals to recognise data, the admission of which is inimical to their interest, and consequently it is not wonderful, that the Bank Company should deny the operation of their paper issues on the course of exchanges, although apparent to almost everybody else. It is a doctrine with them, that if they limit their issues to the demands made upon them by substantial persons for paper, they can never go wrong; while to others, it is evident that they may thereby increase the currency, not only to the produc tion of an artificial rise in prices, ill-repaid by the temporary activity consequent on adventurous and delusive speculation, but so as necessarily to turn the exchanges against us, and make the exportation of gold a profitable concern. By lending money upon mortgage, by advances upon stock, and by a heavy loan to the East India Company, the issue of paper by the Bank of England has for some time past been very great, and the result, owing to the turn of exchange, has been the necessity of coining sometimes at the rate of 200,000 sovereigns a day in order to meet the demand through their own notes. In this manner, a contraction of the currency is rapidly taking place, and as the diminution is first felt, or at least, apprehended by Jobbers and Money-dealers, hence the recent and existing effect on the Stock Exchange. It has been rumoured, that in consequence of this operation, the Directors intend to request another suspension of cash payments; but whatever the degree of assurance and reliance on influence which may lead to such a request, a Ministry agreeing to it would be entitled to the block. It is quite enough to leave the currency of a great country open to the discretion, indiscretion, and avidity of a Trading Company, without stepping in from time to time to save it from the consequences of its own mistakes. Moreover, the drain, regarded merely as the consequence of the turn against Great Britain in the exchanges, will most likely soon

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