Imagens das páginas


We cannot at all understand the conduct of the Court on the trial of Samuel Hillier, who was indicted at the Northampton Assizes for wounding Susannah Curman, a child. We do not say that the case made out against the prisoner was by any means complete, but we will contend that men have been hung within the year on much slighter evidence; and the point to which we would draw attention is, the interference on the part of the Court preventing the production of evidence which might have been important. Some child, or children, who might have thrown light on the affair, did not appear as witnesses on the trialMr. Justice Park thus explained in his address to the Jury: -a circumstance which -" It might occasion considerable surprise to the Jury, that none of the children had been called in evidence, but it was himself who had prevented their appearance. examined them before coming into Court. The unfortunate He had privately child who had been so cruelly used, was too young to give evidence in a Court of Justice. As to the other child that might have been produced, he was sorry to say, that, upon his examining her, he had found her in a state of incredible ignorance. She had never received the slightest particle of moral, religious, or intellectual instruction. She had never been within any church, and was ignorant of prayers, and of everything which could give any validity to an oath. He had, therefore, prevented her appearance before the Grand Jury, and had forbidden her evidence being taken before the Petit Jury." This may be all very true, but the same disco. very of incompetence of the witness might have been made open Court; and we object to the Judge's entering into any private examination of a witness before trial-the possible mischiefs of such a practice, and the evil tendency of it are so obvious, that it were a waste of time to comment on them. On the trial of Thurtell, Justice Park contended most vehemently that a Judge ought to know no more of a case than he can learn from the depositions, and from the proceedings in open Court; the less, therefore, he confers with a witness in private, before trial, the better. Such a proceeding is at least likely to give rise to remarks, and possibly idle suspicions, that it is wisdom to avoid. Every one knows, usque ad nauseam, the trite simile of Justice and Cæsar's wife. With regard to the objection which Sir James Park took to the competence of the witness in this particular case, it must be observed that he is very apt (from an excess of zeal, no doubt) to carry the strictness of a Sunday School examination into Court; and on the Church Catechism, we are credibly informed that few, very few children are a match for Mr. Justice Park. Some time ago, finding a child of tender years, not so ready in its answers as became it, he remanded the prisoner, affected by its evidence, till the next Assizes, directing that the child should meanwhile be better instructed in the catechism, and that object having been attained, the testimony was considered as cured of its imperfection, and received accordingly.


The verdict of the Jury who tried Hillier, seems to us about as extraordinary as the proceedings of the Judge; they found him guilty of stabbing the child, and acquitted him of the intention, which is commonly supposed to be indicated by stabbing, namely, to murder, or to do some bodily harm. We could scarcely have supposed such fatuity possible. Chronicle.

Since writing the above (adds the Chronicle), we have received the following feeling and sensible letter on the subject. We may add that we are informed, from various quarters, that the report everywhere excited a feeling which we dare not characterize.

On a future day we shall enter on the consideration of the interesting question of competency of witnesses.

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Samuel Hillier, at Northampton, for stabbing a child; SIR-I have read with horror and disgust the trial of although, from what we had before read and seen of Mr. Justice Park, I confess I was not surprised. It is surely abominable that bigotry or fanaticism should be allowed thus to The Morning Chronicle, which is constantly affording the to interfere with the sacred administration of justice. I look public the most valuable information on judicial subjects, for an investigation of this case; being anxious to know whether a Judge be warranted in privately examining witnesses (young children) before they come into Court,' and 'preventCatechism and prayers- forbidding their examination, ing their appearance,' .because they had not learnt his either by the Grand or Petit Jury. Let us know, Sir, il, when our children are stabbed by any wandering ruthan, he not allow their artless tale to be heard, unless he deems them is to escape with impunity, because a fanatical Judge wil duly schooled in the dogmas of his Church. "Your constant reader,

"St. Andrew's, Holborn, July 15."


"R. T.

Houses within the Bills of Mortality, and County of Middlesex, A Return to an Order of the House of Commons, of Lunatic and of the number of Lunatics contained therein, from 1813 to 1824, has just been distributed.-In 1813, the number of Lunatics contained in 33 houses was 1,385. In 1824, the number contained in 47 houses, was 1,761.

this country has increased in a much greater ratio than that It is very generally believed, that the number of lunatics in of the increase of the population. This we are much inclined to doubt, as excesses in drinking, one great cause of insanity, throws little light on the subject; for, in the first place, it is are less frequent than formerly. The above Return, however, only from one district; and, in the next place, the Commissioners under the Act for regulating mad-houses, who make the Return," have no authority to call for returns from hospitals, from parish work or poor-houses, or gaols, in Great Britain, or any part thereof." houses may be considered too as belonging exclusively to the higher and middle ranks, though of course a great proportion The persons confined in madof the person's in the mad-houses of the metropolis must be from all parts of the kingdom.

a few years ago, of the Lunatics in that country. The number, A Return was made by the Parochial Clergy of Scotland lions of people is greatly below the English population; but we remember, was somewhat above 700. This for two milthe Scotch are very charitable in their notions respecting sanity, and allow many persons to be at large who would instantly be confined in England. In the case of the succession of Frank, of Boughtrig, it was decided by the Court of Session that he was compos mentis, his landlady swore that he answered his door, in his shirt, with a pistol in his hand, and would in spitting against the wall. And a Mr. Boswell, a very rich remain silent for three days in his room, occupied all the time land holder, who died lately, used to lock up his servants and dogs in a well-barricadoed room, in order to try which would be longest patient under hunger. If, therefore, the Scotch and English could agree upon a common definition, we suppose the proportion would be pretty much the same. To show how founded on actual investigation, we may notice the statement little reliance is to be placed in opinions on this subject, not of the late Dr. Walker, Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, in his "Natural History of the Highlanders," that insanity was unknown among them, while portionally just as many insane Highlanders as Lowlanders. it appears, from the Parochial Reports, that there were proIn an article on the Evangelical Sects, in The Quarterly


arrival of the army of Redchid Pacha, which is in Levadia
and Etolia.-The Greeks are extremely active. They are
concentrating their forces to make head against the storm.
We expect that we shall hear very important news.
TRIESTE, JULY .-Accounts from Corfu of the 21st June,
say, that several vessels had arrived there from Calamata,
Napoli, and Missolonghi, with news to the 18th June.
touny united with Miaules before Suda, and is stated to have
made an attack on the Captain Pacha's fleet, which had
taken refuge there, and burnt five more of his largest ships.
Miaules, in his report to the Government, expresses a hope
that in two months no Turkish ships will be able to oppose
the Greeks. The reports sent from General Goura from
Salona are still more important. It is known that the Pliassa
Pacha had occupied Salona with 6,000 men. Goura, who
had cut off all his supplies, had obliged him, after a general
defeat on the 8th of June, to surrender.

Review, for 1810, it is more than insinuated that Methodism sions into the interior of the Morea. He seems to wait the has caused an increase of madness in this country. "What a doctrine is this (says the writer) that none can be saved unless they feel an assurance of salvation! Jonathan Reeves indeed, and the other vilest of sinners' who like' him have not only a saving faith but a saving opinion of themselves at the bottom of their lip humility, may be lucky enough to feel this assurance; but what is to become of those whose understanding is too strong, or whose imagination is too weak, to render them capable of this assurance, and who are yet persuaded that without it their souls must perish everlastingly? It is not without good cause then, that John and Jane Beal beg leave to inform the public in general, and the lovers of religion in particular, that they have opened a commodious house for the reception of insane persons whose friends think they have had sufficient trial of medicines, and who will be allowed every religious privilege consistent with their safety.' That the increase of religious madness is occasioned by, and commensurate with, the increase of Methodism, is a fact which may be verified at Bedlam. Indeed, the yearly covenant with God, which Wesley borrowed from the old Calvinists, is peculiarly fit to produce the dreadful effect." Fanaticism is no doubt a great evil in a country; but we do not wish to charge it with more than what in fairness ought to be placed to its account. We do not believe that Methodism has led to an increase of madness; we are inclined to believe on the contrary, that as drunkenness is perhaps the chief cause of insanity, and as Methodisin, though it may have interdicted its votaries from many innocent enjoyments, has undoubtedly led every where to carefulness and sobriety, it must also have had a tendency to diminish insanity. This, however, is mere opinion, unsupported by any positive data. We know well enough, that there are numbers of people in this country religiously mad, but we question if religiou be the cause of the madness, though as religion is an agitating subject, it is natural that a number of insane persons should be occupied with it. We know, however, that this opinion will appear paradoxical to many, and it must be owned that appearances are often against it. For instance, in a late report of a Coroner's Inquest, of a melancholy case of suicide, the father of the deceased stated, that "his derangement was attributed to a religious mania that was prevalent at the time in Hereford, and which affected the heads of several others, so as to produce insanity."-Morning Chronicle.



We received last night Brussels and German Papers, from which the following are extracts:--CORFU, JUNE 21.-The Captain Pacha, after meeting with many difficulties, has succeeded in joining the Egyptian squadron of Hassein Bey, and, in consequence of the authority given him by the Sultan, has assumed the chief command of the two fleets. The Turkish squadron has entered three different ports of the Isle of Candia. None of the ships are at Suda, which is reserved for the Egyptian vessels only The Captain Pacha has, however, been to Juda, to confer with Hassein Bey on their further operations

A new expedition to the coast of the Morea is spoken of, but as most of the Turkish ships are in great want of repair, the expedition will probably be delayed. Miaules has raised the blockade of Suda, which excites surprise, as he has received reinforcements from Hydra, and Sactouny's squadron has joined his.

Since the capitulation of Navarino, Ibraham Pacha has been rather inactive, only his cavalry makes occasional incur

Goura revoked the capitulation made with him, because the Turks, contrary to their promise, had massacred the Greeks taken prisoners on their entering Solona. It seems that Goura, when he was certain that this was the case, gave full scope to his vengeance, and caused all the Turks taken prisoners at Salona to be put to the sword. These accounts are considered at Napoli to be authentic; many add that the army of Redchid, before Missolonghi, suffers dreadfully for want of provisions, and will probably be now obliged to retreat, especially as Goura, after taking Salona, advanced towards Heromero, and was in their rear. Ibrahim Pacha had advanced into Arabia; but, according to the latest accounts, he is at Nissi, entirely surrounded by the Greeks. The Greek Chronicle of Missolonghi, No. 44, confirms the above news from Salona; six ships of war, and five fire-ships had arrived off Missolonghi to prevent any supplies reaching Redschid Pacha by sea.-Allgemeine Zeitung, July 10. BRUSSELS, JULY 15.-Yesterday concluded the fetes given by the city on occasion of the marriage of Prince Frederick.

The East India Company's ship Layton arrived off the Wight the 14th inst. She left Bencoolen the 27th March, and St. Helena the 25th May. The General Hewitt arrived at St. Helena the 24th May, and was expected to sail for England on the 28th May. The Boyne had also arrived at St. Helena, and was expected to sail for England in company with the General Hewitt.

We have received a file of New York and Boston Papers to the 19th ult. Their contents have little political interest. A Boston paper of the 16th of June notices the arrival of Mr. received with great attention. The abolition of all titles of Poinsett, the American Minister, at Vera Cruz, where he was Nobility, Knighthood, &c. by the Sovereign Congress of Mexico, is also mentioned in the Boston Papers.

yard, his Majesty's ship Bellerophon (lately called the During the recent stay of the Navy Board at this DockWaterloo) was subjected to a most minute and rigorous examination, in order to ascertain beyond all possible doubt, whether or not there were any reasonable grounds for the alarm which had been excited, by representations made in Parliament, and in some of the public journals, as to her materials being in a state of decay. Probably no ship ever before underwent so thorough and trying a scrutiny-in the progress of which not any part of the vast fabric was left unexplored; and we have the satisfaction to state that, after the use of every means by which decay, if it existed, must have been detected, not a single vestige, or even symptom of deterioration, was discovered throughout the ship. We may safely leave our readers to draw their own inference as to the credit to be given to the evil reports so industriously circulated

with regard to the state of our Navy; which we know to be

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in a condition, both of order and effective preservation, that THE JEWS' CATECHISM. Dedicated to the Rev. Solomon was never surpassed. There were present at the survey of the Bellerophon, besides the members of the Navy Board and Dock-yard Officers,-Admiral Sir George Martin, Sir James A. Gordon, Capt. Chas. Inglis, and a considerable number of other distinguished officers.-The Navy Board also inspected into the state of the experiments made on the copper of the Manly brig, by the ingenious and scientific Sir Humphry Davy; and attended an experiment, as to whether oak or teak tree nails are of the greater strength, when the latter proved the strongest, by as two to three.-The Navy Board returned to London on Thursday afternoon.-Hampshire Telegraph.

NEW COTTON-A particular species of cotton has been recently imported into Savannah, North America, from the environs of Bogota, where it is gathered from trees of a considerable height. It is short, and of a brownish colour, but extremely soft, shining, and silky. It grows around the grain, and is easily saparated when gathered. It has been already employed in making shawls, and a great quantity has been sent to France, in order to ascertain if it can be used instead of silk. An inhabitant of Scriven, in Georgia, has already planted some of the seeds of this new cotton-tree.- French paper.

[blocks in formation]


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