Imagens das páginas

Brick Buildings.—It is not generally known, that brick buildings expand and contract with the atmospherical changes of temperature. A series of experiments were carried on some years ago, to investigate this fact, and the building was found to alter its form as the sun advanced; even a slight shower of rain produced a sensible effect. As the different parts of buildings are seldom at the same temperature, this continual heaving and settling must materially accelerate their decay.

LIVING IN FRANCE.-Mr. Cobbett prints in his Register a letter from an English Lieutenant on half pay, who has recently gone from Guernsey to reside in France, to his agents in London, containing a very minute account of the prices of all the principal articles of food. He dates froin "St. Pol de Leon, Lower Brittany," and says," The only thing that induced me to come here was an excellent college for the two boys. There are above two thousand boys at college. Every class has its different rooms for study, and different masters to each class. The college TEMPORARY ESCAPES FROM MISERY-RICH AND POOR.“ Human is a very large place. The masters are priests. The girls also go to the life," says an article in the Edinburgh Review (July 1819)" is subject to nunnery to school, where they are taught all kinds of needlework, read-such manifold wretchedness, that all nations have invented a something ing, writing, arithmetic, &c. at a reasonable rate; and as provisions are liquid or solid, to produce a brief oblivion. Poppies, barley, grasses, remarkably cheap here, you will excuse my giving you a small detail of sugar, pepper, and a thousand other things, have been squeezed, pressed, it. Beef, 2 per lb. ; mutton or veal are not sold by the pound here; pounded, and purified, to produce this temporary happiness. Noblemen, you may have a fore or hind quarter of mutton, that will weigh from 9 to, and Members of Parliament, have large cellars full of sealed bottles, to 12 or 13 lbs. for from 15 to 35 sous; that is, from 1s. 3d. to 1s. 58,; enable them the better to endure the wretchedness of life. The poor man veal, from 9d. to 15d. a quarter; butter, from 3d. to 5d. per lb.; bread, seeks the same end by expending three, half-pence in gin:-but no a large loaf, weighing from 13 to 15 ib. for 10d.; milk remarkably cheap, moralist can endure the idea of gin." brought to the house every morning: a large pan for 2d. with cream "Rebellion of the Beasts. By a late Fellow of St. John's College, Camon an inch thick; new potatoes 6d. for a Winchester bushel, but you | bridge.”—This is evidently the production of a very clever and humourous may have any quantity; eggs, 2d. per dozen; fowls. from 5d. to 7d. a writer. The book may be considered as a sort of satirical fable, executed couple; ducks, from 6d. to 9d. a couple; a goose 10d.; a turkey three very much in the style of the satires of Dean Swift. The wit in many francs (half-a-crown); and all kinds of fish in abundance, every day; parts closely resembles that of the Dean; but it is also, we are sorry to vegetables in abundance, of every description; asparagus d. a bundle; say, sometimes accompanied by much of his grossness. The dedication, artichokes 1d. a dozen; fine cabbages d. a piece; and every other To any Lord Chancellor," is written in a very lively manner, and vegetable in abundance; fruit plenty and cheap; strawberries, Id. a makes sufficient promises of supple obsequiousness to that Lord Chanquart; cherries, 3 lbs. a penny; gooseberries, d. per lb. ; currants ditto, cellor who shall present the editor with a good fat living. The editor as that is the way they are sold. Spirits, 10d. and Is. a bottle; beer, 3d.; informs us, in his dedication, that the volume he is about to offer to the cyder, 2d.; wine from 4d. to 8d. a bottle; superior at all prices, up to world, was discovered among the papers of a Fellow of St. John's, to three francs. whom he has been appointed executor. We should think they cannot fail, if there be humour, or the love of it, among men, to produce a very goodly amount of assets to the editorial executor.-The Iris.

CASE OF DOUBT.-The woolsack on which the Chancellor sits is precisely what the name implies, a large bag of wool, covered with red cloth, without any kind of back to lean against; and such is the minute respect paid to ancient customs in the slightest things, that the present Chancellor, a man near eighty years of age, hesitated more than seven years on the question, whether he should allow a cushion to be brought him, when the sitting was too long and fatiguing.-Letters on England, by 4, De Staël Holstein.

LAW OF PRIMOGENITURE." Be it as it may (said Dr. Jolinson) the law of primogeniture has one great advantage: it makes but one fool in each family!"

MISSIONARY FRAUDS.-In several successive Reports of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, mention was made of a school upon the Madras system established in a certain settlement in Newfoundland, called Twillingate, by a Mr. Leigh, a magistrate there, to whom "an adequate supply of national school-books, slates, &c. was sent for the purpose." The progress of the school was spoken of; it was said to be "well attended," and to have produced a very beneficial alteration in the conduct and manners of the inhabitants. What is the fact? No such school ever existed at Twillingate. If Mr. Leigh furnished the materials to the Society for their Report, he must have dreamed of the school, or written his account under the influence of opium! The Newfoundland people are ungracious enough also to be dissatisfied with the religious teachers appointed them. In 1822, two persons were taken from humble stations in the navy, to be turned into Missionaries. One is Mr. Charles Blackman, who came first to the Colony in H. M.S. Sir Francis Drake, and who, while rated in the ship's books as an Able Seaman, was retained in the capacity of a school-master, by his Excellency Sir Charles Hamilton, the Governor of Newfoundland, to instruct his son, a boy of about the age of 11 or 12 years;-and who, in the early part of 1822, went to England, whence in about three months he returned, clothed in the clerical character. The other is a Mr. William Bullock, who for several years served as a Midshipman on the New-than one second and eleven hundredth parts of a second. This distinfoundland station, and who went to England in the winter of 1821, and returned to the Colony early in the summer of 1822, qualified by the appointment of the venerable Society. Two tremendous hops, from the Cock-pit to the Pulpit! We all know what large sums are obtained annually from the deluded People of England, to support this and other sanctified Societies; but if the publication in the Reports of statements such as we have above exposed be not " obtaining money under false pretences," what is?

We understand that Mr. Holmes, M.P. gained a 20,000l. prize in the lottery just concluded.-Morning Paper.

A private letter from Paris states, that the notorious Harriette Wilson is publishing a new work there, in English, entitled, “Loudon Tigers and Paris Lions,"

A GREAT CAUSE OF FEMALE SUFFERING. We quote the following from the Literary Gazette. It is surprising that our medical authors do not insist more upon the mischievousness of the detestable fashion in question-as ugly as it is unnatural and sickly. An excellent and popular book might be written on the influence of the various modern modes of dress upon health: "Another legacy of the absurdity of the past age are stays, which have recently been lengthened by the fashion of the present day. No rational person can reflect without concern upon the influence of this tyrant of the female form, encompassed by whose baneful pressure young girls reach womanhood. At least whilst they were of shorter proportions they pressed on the more resisting bony case of the chest; and though they impeded the action of the muscles around the ribs in respiration, they left the midriff free. But lengthened as they now are, they oppress the organs of digestion continually and by pushing the abdominal viscera against the diaphragm, render respiration still more imperfect, and favour that scourge of the fair sex in England,-Consumption. We will not dilate on the evil effects of their pressure on the married lady of fashion who figures in the quadrille, whence her future hopes should exclude her. Without this appendage, the form would still have the grace nature has imparted, and the chaste beauty of the Grecian model. But if it must be preserved, let it be shortened, and above all, let it not be rendered more destructive by bone and steel,"

THE BEST CHRONOMETER,-The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having advertised a premium of 300%. for the best chronometer, which should be kept at Greenwich for trial, for one year; thirty-six were sent thither, by the principal chronometer-makers in London, and were kept in 1823. It was announced, that if any chronometer varied six seconds, it could not obtain the prize. At the end of the year, the prize was decided to be gained by chronometer, No. 816, made by Mr. James Murray, of Cornhill, whose instrument, on no one month, varied more guished artist, who had the honour of producing the best instrument ever known, is a native of Moffat, in Dumfriesshire. The chronometer is now sent out with Captain Parry. The second best chronometer, of which the variation was about five seconds, was made by Mr. Cathro, a native of Dundee. Thus, both the prizes were gained by Scotchmen. Such perfection was never before attained, and it justly excited the astonishment of all astronomers, and of the Board of Admiralty.—Glasgon Mechanics' Magasine.

ANCIENT EXTRAVAGANCE.-Clodius Esopus, a Roman actor, contear porary with Cicero, was much addicted to luxury: according to Plisy the elder, a single dish at his table, composed of the rarest singing birds, cost him 8001. sterling; and Horace records, that he dissolved in vinegar a precious pearl, and swallowed it. Notwithstanding this ostentatious profusion, so well was he rewarded, that he left a fortune equal to 160,000l. sterling behind him.-Gen, Riog. Dict. (now publishing in weekly Nos.)

NECKCLOTHS,-A reform in dress which neither utility, reason, com> fort, nor good taste, has been able to effect, may perhaps be brought about by the heat of the weather. During the recent brojling days, several gentlemen have been noticed walking in the streets with their necks freed from the linen bandages with which they were wont to be swathed; and their dress in consequence appeared so much more cool. easy, and handsome, that we have strong hopes the community at large will resolve to reform the linen abomination. We are sure the ladies will patronize the change-we will not call it innovation, because in fam the neckcloth-fashion is itself really so, having been introduced, as all elderly gentlemen must recollect, to conceal the marks of disease in the neck of the originator! Modern dress has been, in other respects, cos siderably improved within the last 150 years; and it really would not be peculiarly frightful, if we abolished neckcloths and those extraordinary chimney-top masses of pasteboard and beaver, with which we heat and encumber our heads. Both fashions are ugly, painful, and unwhole some; but if we were called upon to choose between the two, we should say, considering the greater mischief of the former, and the disgusting idea attaching to their origin, “Let the neckcloths go first!"


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posed offence, &c. There were other counts, varying the charge in particulars not necessary to mention. The last count was for false imprisonment, Mr. GURNEY, stated the case for the prosecution. The defend. ant had long been in the commission of the peace. Formerly he had been a brewer; but, having retired from business, he became a Magistrate, and resided at Lewisham The prosecutor was a man in a humble situation of life, but bore an irreproachable character, carrying on business as a green grocer at Deptford He was a married wan, and had a family. On the 30th of July 1822, in passing through Greenwich Park on business, he had occasion to turn aside for a certain purpose. He was proceeding on his way when he was accosted by a little girl about nine or ten years of age, who was crying. He was inquiring into the cause of her grief, when a couple of idle fellows came up and accused him of having indecently exposed his person to the girl. In vain did Baker protest his innocence; his accusers charged bin in custody of the park-keeper. By the provisions of the Vagrant Act, then in force, a small reward was given to persons instrumental in the conviction of vagrants. Happily that Act was no longer in existence. The prosecutor was taken to Mr. Bicknell's office, when that gentleman's clerk, after taking the depositions, made out the commitment, and delivered it to the constable, who immediately carried it to the defendant for signature. Without examining any of the witnesses, inquiring into the nature of the charge, or even seeing any of the parties, the defendant forthwith signed the warrant of commitment, by which the unfortunate prosecutor was doomed to three months' imprisonment and hard labour. The constable not having immediate means of conveying his prisoner to Maidstone, locked him up for the night in the cage. There he remained incarcerated, without even the common necessaries, until morningpening however, that the Maidstone coach was full, and the constable having no mode of removing him to his destination, he was again returned to the eage to await his passage by the following day's coach, By this time a great stir was raised in the neighbourhood in consequence of this extraordinary proceeding, founded, as it was, upon a charge made by persons whom nobody knew. Four or five of the constables of Greenwich, who had known Baker to be a man of good character, and of perfectly moral habits, waited upon the defendant, and represented him to be a person in their opinion incapable of the alleged, indecencies with which he was charged, adding their conviction that it was a false charge, made by some idle vagabonds who had imposed upon him. The defendant, upon this representation, sent a messenger to the Magistrate's clerk, ordering him to discharge the prisoner. The clerk very naturally said, "I can't discharge him; he is committed in execution of his sentence, and I have no power to discharge him." In the result, the unfortunate man was sent to Maidstone jail, and the unhappy man actually underwent three months' imprisonment and hard labour in the House of Correction. It might be asked, Why he did not bring his action instead of preferring this indictment? The fact was, that he had brought an action, but in consequence of a defect in the notice of action, he was obliged to discontinue it, whereby he was compelled to pay treble costs, which amounted to 30%. It was then too late to bring a fresh action, and thus the prosecutor was defeated of justice. The charge against the defendant was, that he was guilty of gross negligence in the discharge of his duty, whereby a grievous injusLice was imposed upon an innocent man.

Evidence having been adduced,...,

though there were thousands of Magistrates daily administering justice,
from one end of the empire to the other, it seldom, very seldom happened,
scarcely once in ten years, that cases of this nature were brought forward.
The substance of the charge was, that the defendant, being a Magistrate,
had thought proper to commit a man for three months to hard labour, upon
a supposed conviction, drawn upon the oaths of two persons, whereas in
fact those persons had not given their evidence upon oath That allegation
appeared to him to be satisfactorily made out, for the defendant had no
authority to make the conviction, or issues his warrant upon it, except
satisfactory proof was given, in his own' presence, of the truth of the
charge which had been preferred. It was clear, upon the testimony in
this case, that the defendant had departed from his duty in signing de-
positions, the deponents to which he had never seen, and committing a
man to prison who had never been confronted with his accusers. His
Lordship adverted to the depositions and to the record of conviction, and
observed that in each it had been falsely asserted that the witnesses had
been examined on oath before the plaintiff. This was a gross falsehood.
It had been truly observed, that if the defendant had been so minded, he
might, upon the discovery of his error, have caused Baker to be released
immediately, for though he could not have done so upon his own anthority,
yet the Secretary of State, upon a proper application, would have ordered
his discharge forthwith..
The Jury immediately found the defendant Guilty.

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A Corn-factor was summoned by a Baker to appear before the Lord Mayor, to answer for having sold five sacks of some injurious compound as wheaten flour. When the baker applied for the suinmons, he stated that he believed the stuff he had purchased as household flour was a mixthat it was impossible he confd sell it to his customers. He had, he said, ture of plaster of Paris, beans, and a very small quantity of wheat; and and found that it was composed of materials which were very unfit for the sent a sample of it to a gentleman at Apothecaries' Hall, för analyzation, use of man-The Factor, attended by his Solicitor, appeared to answer the charge.

The LORD MAYOR having learned that Mr Clarke, the operator at Apothecaries' Hall, who had analyzed the article in question, was in attendance, asked that gentleman what sort of materials he had found it composed of.

Paris or bones, as was apprehended by the baker, in the article. He had, Mr. Clarke replied, that he had ascertained that there was no plaster of however, found that there was very little wheat, and that there was a great deal of beans and other things in it, which, although not destructive to health, were exceedingly stimulating, and unfit for use in bread. He regretted that the most injurious ingredients have frequently been used in making bread. Mr. Clarke mentioned that adulteration in flour is carried to a shameful height. He had been engaged incessantly, from the 4th of September till the 28th of February, by the direction of the Lords of the Admiralty, in analyzing 1,467 sacks of flour, which were lying in warecourse of his experience (he has been twenty two years in Apothecaries' houses at Hull, and such pernicious stuff he had never seen in the whole Hall.) He had taken a sample from each sack, and in some he had found that upwards of a third was plaster of Paris and ground bones, two of the most abominable ingredients, and which the stomach neither of man nor beast is capable of digesting. He had sent samples of this flour, which had, indeed, a very trifling portion of flour in it, to the Lords of the Adthing more frightful. It was, as a loaf, almost as black as jet, and to be cut in pieces would require a hatchet. It was, of course, condemned, and the person who owned it, and who was about to send it to Spain or Portugal, was fined in the penalty of 10,000. He said a mixture of flour was generally thrown in, but the ground-bones and plaster of Paris were exceedingly deceptions to the eye, although instantly detected by the. chemist, as they would immediately effervesce upon the application of vinegar, or other acid, and affect the nose most powerfully.

Mr. MARRVAT addressed the Jury for the defendant The indictment did not impute to the defendant any corrupt or malicious motive in this transaction, and therefore he was at a loss to conceive how this prosecution | could be sustained, it appearing in point of fact that there had been a con-miralty, baked, and in several of its processes, and never was seen any viction of the prosecutor. Whether it was an irregular or erroneous conviction was not the question. It was perfectly clear that there could be no intentional ill will on the part of the defendant towards the proSecutor, for neither had seen the other in the course of their lives, and consequently there was a complete absence of every thing like ill will or malicious motive. On the 22d June 1822, the New Vagrant Act had passed, and on the 30th July, in the same year, this commitment under that Act took place. The Act had so recently come into operation, that probably its provisions were not generally known. It was to be observed that there were a great number of papers which required the mere sig nature of a Magistrate, without his interference ministerially or judicially. A charitable view of the defendant's conduct might fairly justify the pre-cated. sumption that he thought, the papers which he was called upon to sign in this instance were papers of the description to which he (Mr. M.) | luded. Perhaps the defendant acted indiscreetly, and incorrectly in not haquiring, further into the nature of the papers. He (Mr. M.) had no dis ·| Inclination to make that admission. It was quite certain, however, that soon as the error was called to his attention, he manifested an anxious desire to set it right, by ordering the man to be liberated, if it could be done. But being informed by the Magistrate's clerk that it was too late, the warrant being a commitment in execution, he could do no more..

The LORD CHIEF JUSTICE, in charging the Jury, observed, that if all good nien must feel pain at seeing a person in the distinguished rank of a Magistrate placed in the situation of the present defendant, the sensation was happily counterbalanced by the consolation of recollecting, that

The LORD MAYOR was of opinion that the exposure of the abominable system of adulteration would produce much benefit to the public, and thanked Mr. Clarke for the very useful information he had communiMr. Clarke said he had to state to his Lordship what would no doubt surprise him much, and would be of no little interest, as his Lordship was large tea-dealer. He had lately analyzed some caper souchong tea, and found that there was 25 per cent, of lead ore in it!


[There are some inaccuracies in the above report, arising from the tone of voice in which the observations were made. As the subject is one of vital importance, we hasten to correct the errors, as well as to add some further information which Mr. Clarke has given.-The Hour-factor whose adulterated article was seized at Holl, had previously a quantity of wheat in bond, and was permitted to take it out, and grind it, on condition of returning 1961bs. of genuine wheaten flour for every five bushels of corn. Instead of substituting the pure article, however, he sent in a most abominable adulteration of beans, buck wheat, and flour of the very coarsest

right arm, with which he held his prisoner; a second and a third time he plunged the knife into the arm, until at length pain and loss of blood occasioned him to let go his hold, and he (complainant) in a very weak state, was then taken out to a surgeon's, Mr. Dymond's, ia Holborn, under whose care he had since been.-Mary Davis, servant to Mr. Waters, corroborated this account.-The Surgeon who is in attendance on Mr. Waters, has stated, that if the knife had entered on the inside of the arm, it must necessarily have severed the main artery, and of course the consequence would have been fatal. Two of the wounds were both long and deep, and a great portion of muscle was protruding.-The prisoner made no defence whatever, and seemed to treat the whole proceeding with the most perfect indifference as to the result. He was committed for



description. This compound was not under the King's locks two days, when it was suspected to be bad, and no time was lost in sending samples to the Commissioners of Customs of London. Mr. Clarke was then sent by the Lords of the Treasury to Hall to analyse the compound, and he found it to be made of the above-mentioned ingredients. He had, upon several former occasions, found in bakers' four an immense quantitiy of plaster of Paris, burnt bones, an earthy substance, technically called Derbyshire white, of the most destructive nature, but prepared for the sole use of bakers, confectioners, and pastry-cooks. The colour of all those dreadful ingredients is beautiful. It resembles that of the very finest flour; and the article is impossible to be detected in its unmade-up state, without a chemical process. But the compound he had examined at Hull, it was erroneous to say contained plaster of Paris or bones. The stuff was condemned, and the penalty of 10,000l. affixed; so that the loss sustained by the owner must have been from 13,000l. to 14,000/-The LORD MAYOR DEATH IN ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL-An important enquiry took place said, the public seemed to labour under a delusion iu supposing that alum was the ingredient to be much apprehended in bread.-Mr. CLARKE said, on Monday, at the Triumphant Chariot public house, Pembroke mews, alum was not at all injurious in the quantities in which it is used by the Grosvenor place, concerning the death of John Hammond, who died in St. bakers. They knew well that they mixed up other things more destruc- George's Hospital. The deceased was servant to Mr. Bailey, of Old tive, and those who considered it a high crime for a baker to have a pound Brentford; he was a fine healthy man, only twenty-one years of age. On of alum on his premises, overlooked the sacks of abomination, which the the 15th of June he fell upon some rubbish, and the side of his tight knee was cut with a broken glass bottle. He was conveyed to St. George's alum in fact was rather calculated to render less noxious. In the course of the conversation, it was stated that four merebants were in the habit, it Hospital, and then the wound was dressed by Mr. Pitman, the House Sarwas believed, of substituting the adulterated flour, in order to defraud geon, and a bandage was put round his knee. It is supposed that some Government, and of throwing it, when it was too bad for sale, into the sea. particles of broken glass were left in the wound. Mr. Pitman stated, that an artery was cut, and he took it up previous to his putting on the ban In most instances, it was, however, admitted, that they disposed of it on the Continent, where it was sure to generate destructive complaints. We dage, and that he applied leeches to the knee; but upon a strict examina have learned from Mr. Clarke, that confectioners use an enormous quantity tion, he admitted that he had made a mistake, for no leeches were applied. of Derbyshire white, burnt bones, and other calcareous matter, and with By other evidence, it appeared that on the day the young man entered the hospital, he complained of most excruciating pain in his knee, arising from complete impunity too, as they are a sort of ad libitum dealers, and can venture, by catching the eye with beautiful colours, and the palate with inflammation. The bandage was very tight, and the flesh on each side much swollen. Notwithstanding his complaint, the bandage was not sweet tastes, to adulterate infinitely more than the baker can. A poor woman who keeps a baker's shop in the Borough called upon Mr. Clarke, removed till the Sunday following, and then it was done at his very upon seeing the account of what took place at the Mansion House, with urgent request. The moment the bandage was removed, he stated that samples of flour, which she said she had bought at 68s. the sack, a price he experienced immediate relief. It was then found that though the exat which the best flour can be obtained. She complained that in the bak-ternal wound had healed, matter had formed underneath';" a suppuration ing it turned almost black, and that she had lost 22 customers by it. She took place, and, in a short time, the discharge was so great as to reduce his was refused redress, and was unable to pay for the flour on account of the system, and to make his case hopeless. It also appeared that there was a badness of it. Upon exmination, Mr.Clarke found that the article was horribly want of attention on the part of the nurses in the hospital, excepting a night nurse, who was very kind to the deceased; that his face was not adulterated, and he advised the poor woman not only not to pay a farthing washed, nor his linen or bed-clothes changed, for the six weeks that be for the stuff, bat to make a complaint before a Magistrate in the Borough, lay ill! It further appeared, that a short time before he died, an old mas who would no doubt redress her-Mr. Clarke says, the public ought to be had died in the next bed, and that as soon as the corpse was carried away, most particularly on their guard in the use of confectionary, as some conthe young man was removed to the same bed, or placed between the same fectioners use not only what we have stated above, but the following poi- sheets, in which he also expired. One of the witnesses said, that the sons, in great abundanes-chromate of lead, copper, verdigris, iron, rosedeceased complained of want of food: that he had nothing to eat on one pink, vermilion, and powder blue. He informs us, that the adulteration by particular day, from nine o'clock in the morning till four o'clock in the beans and peas may be detected by mixing a little of the article to be put afternoon; and owing to his not being cleaned, he was so offensive that to the test with water and a small quantity of ammonia. The beans will the witness could not remain in the place. turn brown and the peas yellow, while the flour mixed with these ingredients remains white. But ammonia will not detect adulteration by burnt bones, or plaster of Paris, or Derbyshire white, or calcareous substances. A small quantity of diluted sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) will dicover adulteration of all those kinds, with the exception of that by plaster of Paris. Alum, he says, is used by the bakers only when the yeast is very bad; and it is used in very small quantities, merely one pound to eight bushels of flour, and can do no harm. If the informer would seize the flour instead of the alum, he would do a real public service.-Daily Papers.]



DESPERATE CASE of Stabbing On Tuesday a young man, named William Sydney Smith, was charged with maliciously stabbing Charles Waters, of Brook street, Holborn, with intent to murder the said Charles Waters, or do him some grievous bodily harm —Mr. Waters stated, that he kept the Three Tuns public-house in Brook street, Holborn. On Saturday night, the 16th instant, the prisoner at the bar was in his taproom; some bricklayers were also there, but not in his company. The prisoner was observed to go across from his own box to the table where the bricklayers were sitting, one of whom afterwards complained of having had a handkerchief stolen out of his hat, and pointed out the prisoner as the person who took it. Complainant being unwilling that such a circumstance should occur in his house, where a great number of working people were in the habit of coming on a Saturday night to be paid, called upon Smith, if he had taken the handkerchief, to give it up immediately. Smith at first denied having seen any handkerchief, but subsequently in effect admitted the fact, by an expression he let fall, which was, "I'll be dd if you shall have it." Complainant then endeavoured to pull him out of the box, and in the struggle Smith threw himself on his back on the floor, and while he (Waters) was leaning over him, be found that Smith was striking at him, as he conceived, with his clenched band, but ultimately he discovered that he was stabbing him with a knife, which he drew out of his waistcoat-pocket. The first plunge was made at his right side, and cut quite through his coat, waistcoat, and shirt, but without wounding the flesh; however, the next was more certain, the blade being buried to the handle in the fleshy part of the

Mr. Jeffreys, Surgeon, whose duty it was to attend the deceased, said he saw the young man on the Thursday, the day after he entered the hospital. His knee was then bandaged; witness did not examine the wound; he saw it was properly bandaged; he saw the knee on the Sun, day following.

Juror-The bandage was on the knee from the time the deceased estered the hospital, on the Wednesday, till the Sunday following, and I ask you, if, in your opinion, that was not improper treatment? Mr. Pitman-No: that is my mode of treatment. ** Juror-That may be your mode; but the question is, was that a proper mode of treatment?

Mr. PITMAN say it was a proper mode of treatment, and the bandaging the leg did not produce the swelling and pain.


Juror-It appears that the deceased complained of great pain on the day after the bandage was put round his knee; in your opinion ought not the bandage to have been taken off, and leeches, or a lotion, or a fomentation have been applied?.

Mr. Jeffreys The wound caused the swelling, and not the bandage, Juror-1 am of opinion, that, owing to the surgeon's neglecting this young man, and not taking off the bandage in proper time, the wound healed up, and produced that mischief which terminated in his death.

Coroner-You must form your opinion from the evidence of the medical men. Did the bandaging the knee cause the death of the deceased ? Witness-It did not, in any way, produce that event.

Juror-Suppose there were hits of glass remaining in the wound, ought it not to have been kept open, and not bandaged up for four or five days and nights without any one examining it? I am of opinion, that when this unfortunate young man complained day after day of paio, which was caused by inflammation, that some medical man belonging to the esta blishment ought to have given himself the trouble to have examined the wound. I think there was gross neglect manifested by the Surgeons of the hospital. 7

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Mr. Bailey, the master of the deceased, said that he was disgusted with the treatment that his servant and other patients received in the hospital. He understood the regulations at other public hospitals were very different. The Coroner observed, that he had heard so before, and was sorry for

it, because he knew the Directors of the Institution would not permit it, if they were acquainted with it.

Juror Then 'such mismanagement and improper surgical treatment ought to be made public. N

After some further discussion, the Jury returned the following verdict: The deceased received a cut in the knee by an accident; and from the

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effects of improper surgical treatment and neglect, his death was produced. On Wednesday, an inquest was held at the Coach and Horses, MaryJa-bonne lane, on the body of Mrs. Margaret Griffin, an elderly widow lady, residing in the above neighbourhood. On Tuesday last she was on a visit at her son's house in Mary-Ja-bonne lane, apparently in her usual state of health, and occasionally indulging in cheerful conversation. The deceased bad retired to an apartment, and taken her seat on a chair, in which she was shortly afterwards discovered in a state of insensibility. A surgeon was procured, but she was quite dead. The Jury returned a verdict of" Died by the visitation of God." A fatal accident occurred near Paris on Monday last. An explosion took place at Ivry, in a manufactory of fulmigating powder matches. The workmen of the manufactory escaped; but those of an adjoining glasshouse, eager to give assistance, and unaware of the danger to which they were exposing themselves, rushed in at one door, while the people Belonging to the manufactory were flying by another. These men being unfortunately involved in two successive explosions, three were killed, and ten severely wounded.

FIRE IN LORD'S CRICKET GROUND-About half-past one on Friday morning, a fire broke out in the Pavilion belonging to Lord's Cricket Ground, on the St. John's Wood Road. From the nature of the materials of the building, which was principally of wood, the fire in a very short time defied the power of the engines. In about an hour and a half the whole Pavilion was reduced to a heap of ruins, except the foundation, which was of brick work. Happily no houses were sufficiently near to be in the least injured, although some trees were severely scorched.


At Abbeyliex Church, in the Queen's County, on Tuesday, the 26th inst. Lord Clifton, eldest son of the Earl of Darnley, to Emma Jane, third daughter of Sir Henry Parnell, Bart. and niece of the Earl of Portarlington. On the 26th inst. by special licence, in Harley street, the Right Hon. Lord Grantley, to Charlotte Earle, youngest daughter of Sir William Beechey. On the 18th inst. at Paris, the Rev. W. H. Bury, B.D. Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, to Mary Ann, widow of the late A. Mackenzie Grieves, Esq. On the 23d inst. at Bermondsey, John Coates, Esq. of the Temple, solicitor, to Emma, widow of the late Nathaniel Legge, Esq. of Punpern, Dorsetshire. On the 26th inst. at St. Pancras, George Hopkinson, Esq. of Kentish Town,

of Glenure, North Britain.

to Miss Eliza Isabella Alder, of Battersea Rise.

On Tuesday, at Islington, Wm. Quick, Esq of Hornsey row, solicitor, to

Harriet Caroline, daughter of Joseph Dudley Webb, Esq. of Cross street, Islington.

On the 23d inst. Wm. Bowden, jun. Esq. of Kennington, to Miss Eleanor

Hindmarch, niece of William Davison, Esq. of West square.

On the 27th inst. at the residence of Mr. A. Henry, of Haydon square, by the
Rev. Dr. D. R. Meldola, Mr. Elias Lindo, eldest son of David A. Lindo, Esq. of
Leman street, to Susan, fifth daughter of the late Rev. S. Lyon, Cambridge.
On Thursday, Alexander Robert Stewart, Esq. M.P. for the county of Lon-

donderry, eldest son of Alexander Stewart, of Ards, Esq. to Lady Caroline Ann
Pratt, youngest daughter of the Marquis and Marchioness Camden.
On Thursday, Peter Polo, Esq. eldest son of Sir Peter Pole, Bart. M.P. of
Wolverton Park, Hants, to Lady Louisa Pery, fourth daughter of the Earl of
On Thursday, William Henry Grey, Esq. of Willesden, Middlesex, to
Marianne, only daughter of the late Thomas Tomkins, Esq. of Morton, Here-



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On the 27th inst. at Somersham, Huntingdonshire, Mr. W. Orton Aikin,


[From the Scotsman.]


First Report of the Commissioners on Education in Ireland. Dated 30th May, 1825. Ordered by the House of Commons to be Printed June 3, 1825.0 IRELAND may be said to be the land of abuses, still more emphatically than the land of potatoes. What would be blessings elsewhere, are, by means of party feeling-Protestant ascendancy-and the spirit of jobbing and oppression, there converted into curses. In no country, perhaps, has so much been done for education as in Ireland, yet in no country has education accomplished so little, The charter schools, almost without exception, are taught upon the worst principles, the their discipline harsh or brutal, and the food and clothing of masters are farmers and manufacturers rather than teachers, the children of the worst description. The children bred up in this manner are sullen, dogged, diseased, ignorant, miserable; while the functionaries of the society are negligent, knavish, corrupt, and tyrannical; yet the business of the society is conducted by a central committee of fifteen members who meet weekly. They are also assisted by a local committee and a catechist for each school, whose duty it is to pay frequent visits to the school, and superintend its concerns. catechist has generally a salary of 201, per annum; and his special duties are to afford religious instruction, and to communicate monthly with the committee of fifteen. The officers of the society are a secretary, a registrar, a messenger, and inspector of apprentices. The Commissioners found that Mrs. Adamson the wife of the secretary, was in fact the con tractor for a great part of the clothing under the fictitious firm of Tyrell and Co.; that this was well known; and that it was dangerous for masters of schools to object to the quality of the clothing. It was found also that presents of greater or less value have been given by the masters of different schools to all the officers, the registrar being now considerably indebted to the masters of six or seven schools for money borrowed from them, and for which it does not appear that he was to pay interest. But the masters of the schools were not without their equivalent. From the good understanding that subsisted, complaints against the masters were suppressed, and the names of the complainants given, not for redress of grievances but for punishment. "No offence (say the Commissioners) that a charter-school child can commit seems to be less pardonable than daring to utter a complaint. A letter (they continue) was written by a boy of the name of Best, from Sligo, some time ago, to the committee of fifteen, which was returned to Sligo in a few days, and the writer punished in the face of the whole school for having complained." The Stradbally school, at which were 83 boys, was visited in the

grandson of the late Dr. Aikin, to Mary Ann, only daughter of William Mason, first place by two of the Commissioners, but the boys, though

Esq. of the former place.


On Sunday morning, Sir Alexander Grant, Bart.

On the 25th inst. at Camberwell, Joseph Gough, Esq. in his 79th year.

On Monday last, at East Acton, the infant son of Henry Porcher, Esq. M.P. On Sunday, at Brighton, aged 18, Mary, eldest daughter of William Stewart, Esq. of Sloane street, Chelsea..

of Dulwich.

On the 18th inst. at Old Radnor, near Kington, Herefordshire, John Warner, Esq. late of Bury street, Edmonton, aged 75. Lately, at Bridgnorth, Shropshire, in his 73d year, generally regretted, Mr. Gitton, upwards of 40 years Stamp and Postmaster of that town. His loss will be long and sincerely lamented by his family, and in him society loses a worthy member, whose characteristic, through a long and active life, has been that of distinguished honesty and firm integrity of principle. On the 26th inst. at Greenwich, aged 62, after several years of severe affliction, Mrs. Grundy, wife of Mr. Grundy, of Earl street, Horseferry road, On the 28th inst. at Bristol Hot-wells, in her 19th year, Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr Wood Forty-hill, Enfield, where she had been an inhabitant for 50 years, Mrs. Andre, widow of the late John Lewis Andre, sen. Esq. in her On the 26th inst. at Margate, aged 29, Jonathan, eldest son of Mr. Jonathan On Friday week, at Hampstead, Cornelius Dixon, Esq. of Bedford street, te On Friday, in Bruton-street, the Rev. Francis Haggitt, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, Prebendary of Durham, and Rector of Nunebam Courtney, Oxford.

On the 28th inst.

76th year I KON

of East lane, Bermondsey.

Bedford square.

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then, in the absence of every person connected with the establishment, were called upon to state whether they had any On the second visit, though grievances, did not complain. called upon in the same manner, they were at first silent, but on being told that the Commissioners present came from Government, and would protect them if they had any ground of complaint, THE WHOLE SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY CAME FORWARD, AND SAID THEY WERE CRUELLY USED; explaining that they had been afraid to speak, for they had complained once to the Catechist, and that the boys who had complained, had BEEN HALF KILLED." It was afterwards proved, that about three weeks previously a boy had been flogged nine times in one day, for a wrong sum in long division-another boy sixty-seven lashes on account of another sum; while on the day before the second visit-silence under the first having given the usher a conviction that he was to escape with impunity-eight boys had been punished so brutally, that their persons were found in a shocking state

of laceration and contusion. No wonder, then, that the Commissioners were particularly struck with the appearance of sullenness and terror which marked the deportment of the children at this school. At Castledermot the boys complained of being ill-fed and cruelly beaten; and although an improvement had taken place from the day the master learnt that the Commissioners were proceeding through the country, two boys had very recently been flogged and beaten on the head with a stick, because, from being hungry on account of a very stinted breakfast, they had eaten a raw cabbage, when set to work in the garden. At Longford the children looked very squalid and wretched, and, although there were some few exceptions, the circumstances we have stated give but a faint idea of the hardships and oppressións to which these unfortunate scholars have been subjected. The character given of them in 1820, by one gentleman, Mr. Lees, whose report never was presented, was, that they were "stinted in body, mind, and heart;" a character which was found to be substantially applicable to them in 1824. Not only are they maltreated, and kept in ignorance by the masters, who think chiefly, not of conferring knowledge and improving their minds, but of turning their labour to account, but until lately also, if not still, one person contrived to get as many as ten of them for apprentices, with a fee of 21. for each, and immediately turned the children upon the town; nor, in truth, from the neglected state of the children, physically and morally, was it easy to find any respectable person willing to accept of them as apprentices, even with a premium. Yet Local Committees had been in the habit of giving the most favourable reports, and Inspectors of Character reported that the treatment of the pupils was kind and tender!



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The Paris journals of Friday, including the Etoile dated Saturday, have arrived. We extract from the Journal des Debats the following article:

"A report has been circulated, that Russia had proposed to Austria to place Prince Gustavus on the throne of Greece, or at least of the Peloponnesus. This proposal, addressed to the Austrian Cabinet, is said to have been transmitted by the letter to England, which is stated to have announced that His Britannic Majesty, being convinced of the pacific views of Russia, and being also able to depend on the preponderance of his naval power in the Mediterranean, would feel no jealousy at the establishment of the new King or Grand Duke, but he thinks the Allied Powers should first propose the plan to the Greeks themselves. It is added, the Austrian and French mission to Napoli di Romania are for the purpose of inducing the Greeks to recognize the King proposed.-The well-known opinion of Prince Metternich, adverse to any concessions to the Greeks, make it improbable there should be any Austrian mission to Napoli. We might believe it if the object were to threaten or to discourage the Greeks.As to France, every one knows that the policy of the Minister centres in the Stock Exchange, and that with him the only Turks and Greeks are those who take or refuse his 3 per cents. It is remarkable that the German journals, in speaking of these reports, take care to place them to the account of the French, and more particularly the Parisian papers Every report is said to come from the Banks of the Seine.' The object of this caution is to avoid any dispute with the Austrian Observer."

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Rumours are afloat, but we cannot vouch for their accuracy, that the treaty between this country and the new State of Mexico is at an end; and that, owing possibly to some secret condition proposed by the Republicans, but undeserving Mr. Canning's approbation, it is the British Government which has now refused to ratify. M. Rocquafuentes appears from the papers to have been among the Foreign Ministers who were admitted to interviews with Mr. Canning, in contemplation of his leaving town.-Times.

ELOPEMENT. On Saturday last, a young gentleman, the son of Mr. Allsop, surgeon, of Uttoxeter, contrived to escape with the grand-daughter and heiress of the late Thomas Bainbridge, Esq. of Wood Seat, in this county, and who has a fortune of 50,000l. The parties have bent their way to Gretna Green. A pursuit was attempted, but as the youthful pair had the start of eleven hours' law, with" all appliances and means to boot," it was considered as a hopeless affair; and the Vulcan-bound couple may be expected to return in a few days-Pottery Gazette.

DUEL.-A duel, which it is feared will prove fatal in its consequences, was fought on Thursday morning on Crawleycommon, between a gentleman of the name of Elphinstone and a Mr. Barnard. The meeting was occasioned by a dispute about a lady. The first fire had no effect, but in the second, Mr. Elphinstone was wounded on the side of the right breast, and the ball was not extracted, although attended by Mr. Banks, a professional gentleman. The parties are distantly related.

Yesterday morning, between three and four o'clock, a fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Clinch, an extensive farmer at Singlewell, near Gravesend, which threatened destruction. to the dwelling-house and adjoining premises, but by the timely arrival of the parish engines, and exertions of the neighbours they were preserved, and a large barn only con sumed. Suspicions are entertained that some Irishmen who had been in search of employ, had either by accident or design occasioned the calamity-of which measures are taking to ascertain the actual cause.

COLONIZING. It is said Mr. Owen has 900 persons ready to settle at Harmony. The experiment will soon be tested. The editor of the ing the Jews. It is true; but, as the Mussulmen piously say, “ God is great."-American Paper.

Southern Patriot enumerates the difficulties to be encountered in coloniz

The horrible fraud recently exposed at the Mansion-house-we mean the adulteration of Flour, or, more properly, the manufacture and sale of Poison under the name of Flour,—will, we trust, be visited with the utmost vengeance of the law. If a single homicide meets death so frequently, what ought to be the punishment of wholesale murder? The substitution of putrid bones and plaster of Paris, ground up for the materials of eatable bread, we do think would entirely justify the addition of another capital felony to the Statute-book. The exposure, nevertheless, is worth a little, as the trash poisoned with lead, but miscalled Tea, will find employment, we trust, for the chemist and the tread


occurred this season from drowning than were ever remembered. As the DROWNING. [From the Taunton Courier.]—More accidents have stomach-pump has often proved efficacious in withdrawing poison, a correspondent suggests the probability of using it effectually in cases of drowning. The hint is good, and ought not to be lost sight of.-County opinion of an intelligent medical friend on this subject.]—Water scarcely, Herald. The hint is not good, and we gladly avail ourselves of the if ever, enters either the passage to the stomach or lungs, in cases of drowning. The idea has given rise to a practise of the most dangerous tendency that of suspending persons by the heels, which is never resorted to but by the most ignorant, as nothing can be more injurions, or more likely to destroy any remains of vitality that may exist. The most active and useful practice is to endeavour to restore breathing, by pressing on the chest so as to excite its natural actions, after drying the patient, and placing him in a horizontal position in bed, between two blankets, applying warmth in the quickest and most convenient possible manner, both to the pit of the stomach and to the feet-rubbing the hands, arms, legs, &e. either with the hand or flannel, and persevering in this manner until medical aid can be obtained, even if no symptom of vitality should appear. Many individuals lose their lives in consequence

We understand a despatch from the Court of Directors to the Government in India is now before the Board of Control for ipproval, directing a considerable augmentation of the army in all its branches at the different Presidencies.of raising their arms above water, the tubnoyed weight of which deEvening paper. 21


presses the head. Animals have neither notion nor ability to act în a

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