Imagens das páginas

when he is unemployed, and which enables him to maintain with less inequality the fearful struggle of laborious poverty against exacting wealth. From this general state of things arises a degree of happiness not to be disdained even if attended with no other advantage."

We may here remind the reader, that on this principle the plan of the benevolent Mr. HALL is founded, which he is endeavouring to put in practice at Lindfield in Sussex. This philanthropist however relies so far on the industry and prudence of the labouring class, as to make it a part of his calculation, that every owner of one of his comfortable cottages, with an acre of land, shall pay a rent sufficient to remunerate the capitalist for the purchase and building; for unless that be practicable, it is obvious that no such plan will ever be adopted in Britain, where the tendency of things is daily to depress more and more the labourer. But if Mr. HALI. shall be borne out by experience in his estimate of the strength of the powerful stimuli-comfort, and a share of independence--which he proposes to apply to the minds of his humble tenants, the result will be invaluable, even if it only serve to place in the most convincing light the happy effect of a reasonable portion of domestic comfort and ease upon the industry and frugality of the labouring class. In contending, in opposition to the majority of the English political economists, that abundant capital is alone the creator of large farms, and that the law of primogeniture has not the same tendency, M. de STAEL finds as usual in poor Ireland a rich mine of evidence: "The law of succession is nearly the same in Ireland as in England: yet these two countries stand at the opposite extremities of the agricultural scale. Why is this, if not that in one large capitals have produced large farms, while in the other, capital having fled before the face of oppression, proprietors have been obliged to divide their land

into small farms?

The comparison between England and France in regard to population is not less forcible:

"The English economists, in general so able at observing facts and drawing just inferences from them, have their minds for the most part so warped on the question of the division of property, that the most palpable truths escape them. The population of France in 1789, according to the reports of the Constituent Assembly, was 26,300,000; it is now about 30.000.000. This certain English writers represent to us as an alarming fact; while they forget that the number of inhabitants of England and Wales has risen from 9.168.000 to 12,218,000. Thus the population of France has increased fourteen per cent, in thirty-five years, amounting to eight per ce. in twenty years; and during the same twenty years the increase of the population in England has been thirty-three per cent or four times as much. Such a rapid increase sufficiently proves, that the concentration of landed property has not all the efficacy that is ascribed to it, in keeping up a due balance between the quantity of food and number of its consumers. I will even go farther: I will venture to assert, that entails and the law of primogeniture have a tendency to increase the number of children in the higher classes, nearly in the same way as the poor rates tend to the augmentation of indigent families; namely, by preventing the father from cautiously looking forward to the lot that awaits his children. Under the system of equal division, a man would not have a greater number of children than he could make provision for: under that of promigeniture, he is sure that the splendour of his name will be maintained by the eldest son, and his vanity is satisfied. This sentiment, so common among the wealthy class, evea in England, ceases with him to operate in aid of prudence; and the age or health of

his wife alone limits the number of his children."

The present prosperous condition of agriculture (as a science) in Britain, proves nothing in favour of the law of succession and entail; since other favourable circumstances may cause a country to flourish in spite of a defect which is fatal to less fortunate states. M. de STAEL justly remarks→→→ "That England has risen above almost every other country in Europe, by the progress of its agriculture, is incontestable; but I have not here to inquire what are the different causes that, under the omnipotent ægis of liberty, have produced this result; neither is it incumbent on me to prove, that it is in no degree owing to entails, or the law of promogeniture. In fact, if we reflect, that in Italy, in Spain, and wherever else the system of irresponsible freehold succession has been introduced, it has occasioned the deterioration of land, and the impoverishment even of those for whose benefit it was invented, we shall be convinced, that the agricultural prosperity of England must be ascribed to other causes, If a tree abounding in sap be planted in a fertile soil, it may be subjected to a bad system of management perhaps with impunity, its natural vigour may triumph over the obstacles opposed to its growth; but we must not ascribe to the errors of the manager what is owing to its strength of


Besides, were this otherwise,-is not the happiness of the bulk of the population a better thing than a somewhat encreased produce from the land? Is not a state possessing a cheerful, contented, and virtuous labouring class, really richer, in what the true statesman

would deem national wealth, than one with larger revenue, greater exports, huge capitalists, and an immense number of drones, if at the same time it is cursed with an over-worked and ill-fed, a vicious and brutal, labouring population, a toiling and anxious middle class, millions of parish paupers, and crowded jails? We contend, however, that great capital, and a large aggregate stock of commodities conducing to comfort and luxury, are not incompatible with the ease and independence of the lower orders. With an economic expenditure, moderate taxes, a sound system of commercial freedom, the product obtained from agriculture and manufactures in Britain might be as great as at present, while the actual producers could be well paid by their employers.

But the immediate remedy for the evil of an excessive pauper popu lation?-Aye, that indeed may well puzzle the wisest heads: the mischief has grown so formidable, and increases so rapidly now by ite own impetus, that it will require the most vigorous as well as prudent tendency to make matters worse with our peasantry. The latter are measures to arrest its progress. The state of Ireland has a direc not yet reduced to that lowest grade of human existence,-the living always be a motive for swarms of Irish labourers to come over here at on the potatoe exclusively; and until they come to that, there will busy periods, and by more than supplying the extra demand, to deprive the natives of the little advantage (in higher wages) which the temporary scarcity of hands for harvesting, &c. creates. As soon as that activity is over, the Irish emigrants find their way back, either by the help of their own savings, or by parish aid, to enjoy in their own cabins, if not the occasional variety of food of the English labourer, at least more health, gaiety, and actual independence.

Certain writers, calling themselves "political economists," have hinted-for they have not yet ventured to do more-at some natural means, or we should rather say unnatural,-of checking the increase of the numbers of the poor. These suggestions we hold to be utter y abominable. The originators may be well-meaning men destitute of sentiment, who look upon the question of population as a mere question of arithmetic; but we are sure no civilized society will ever listen to propositions for tampering with its domestic delicacy and morals. It is a sign of great narrowness of mind, even to enterta the idea of degrading the sexual intercourse into a merely anima gratification, and of depriving it of the moral graces which constitu nine-tenths of the enjoyment,-in short, of inflicting an irreparabis injury on all mankind, for the sake of checking an evil in one nation, for which the only proper remedy belongs to the science of polities. We trust nothing more explicit will ever be proposed, of the disgusting and barbarous kind to which we allude: we are sure it would only irritate the public mind against the proposers.

The true remedies we have already indicated. Let the law of er tails, and that which gives all real property to the eldest sons, be abolished; let the landowners' monopoly, which makes bread dear, be put an end to; let the sinecures be lopped off, the Civil List reduced, the standing army cut down to a tenth of its amount; let eli the taxes which oppress the poor be either taken off entirely or very much diminished, and the deficit-if any-be made up of au incometax that would not touch the lower classes; let the liberal system recently adopted with such encouraging success in some branches s commerce, be extended to all, and the vice-creating trade of the singgler be destroyed; let the Church Establishment be reformed on the French or German, if not on the American, model; let the Game Laws be expunged in toto from the statute-book, and a body of regula judicial functionaries substituted for the irresponsible country magis tracy; and then the farmer or manufacturer would be able to give his workmen better wages,* to keep him at the plough or the loom only two-thirds of the time he now drudges there, and yet to realize the same profits as at present upon the produce of his farm or factory; the poor rates would dwindle to a mere trifle; the jails would be hai fortable; and a large population would be thought a blessing instad emptied; the poor would grow more provident, because more com of a curse. We may be told, that all this is very fine; but how shail we persuade the clergy, the sinecurists, the landlords, &c. to surren der their selfish advantages for the general good? We shall not persuade them; we must have a Political Reform before we can oblar these good things; for that Reform we must look to the natură! workings of our complex and embarrassed state machine; but whet can be a greater motive for the people at large to bestir themselves to

* That is, better proportionately to the price of food, though perhap no higher in nominal amount. The number of loaves of bread a labourer can purchase with his wages, is the real criterion of their high or low rate,

accelerate the overthrow of the Oligarchy, and the establishment of a real Representation, than a belief that the benefits we have enumerated would flow from the consummation of the efforts of the Reformers?


Retsch's Illustration to the Fight with the Dragon.-There are two ways by which the beauties and defects of Art can be estimated,-by a comparison with the established works, and by the better comparison with common and select Nature, from which those works are faken. The power therefore of deciding upon the degree of beauty or defect in the Arts, is in a precise ratio with the power which Nature herself has bestowed of rightly apprehending her, and of the opportunities which have occurred of contemplating Nature and her best imitations in Art, or in other words, of cultivating the natural taste. Hence the great differences of opinion respecting it; for not only the opportunity, but the power of seeing Nature, and her representatives, Painting and Sculpture, differs in different persons. Some are all eye and sensibility in their presence; others have eyes and see not," and no sensibility. This is always strikingly evident in a walk with them abroad, or into a gallery of Art, We have frequently accompanied persons, who have not only been wholly indifferent to the usual aspects of inanimate Nature (which have always sufficient charm to the tasteful to prevent repetition from producing indifference) but who have even scarcely noticed its rarest beauties, a clear starry or moonlight night-a magnificent rainbow-a varied and extensive prospect-or a golden and all-coloured sunset. But even among those who really relish the beauties of Art and Nature, there are such diversities and degrees of opinion and feeling, that scarcely two are found exactly to agree about any given work; a difference that necessarily arises from the various temperaments of mind and imagination, mainly perhaps impressed at the birth, and varied by the innume, rable influences of domestic habits, education, &c. But though there are diversities of sentiment, there is seldom or never a very great or at least entire clashing of opinion among persons of taste, as to the existence of genius where it really does exist. No one with any just pretensions to taste ever denied, for instance, that SALVATOR ROSA had genius, though they may differ as to the comparative degree of talent glowing in his mind, and or in of NICHOLAS or of GASPAR POUSSIN. There is a power in genius which bends every susceptible mind to its homage; for genius in Art is the power of showing forth those beauties or energies of Nature, in which the susceptible mind delights. It is thus that there is but one opinion as to the existence of genius in EDWIN LANDSEER, as an Animal Painter; and in WILKIE, as a Painter of Familiar Life. It is the same, we believe, with the German Artist RETSCH. As far as we have observed and understood, his Illustrative Outlines, whether by his own hand or by the able one of HENRY MOSES, are universally attractive among the tasteful. They contain some of the best elements of design, composition, and expression; and are so much to the purpose, that we are reminded of the force of German and the grace of Italian design; as if a portion of the mind of ALBERT DURER, of DOMINICHINO and GUIDO. had passed into the sensorium, and moved the hand of the Artist. They have an occasional mixture of briskness like that of the awakening viol, with the fancy and heart-moving tenderness of the Eolian harp. Such are his Faust and Fridolin, and his just now published Illustration of the Fight of the Dragon. This consists of 16 outlines by the unequalled hand of Mr. HENRY MOSES, appended to the original text by SCHILLER, with a translation by J. P. COLLIER, Author of The Poetical Decameron. The story has the unvarnished simplicity and feeling of a legendary tale, and is highly chivalrous; for it tells of a Knight who rescues an island from the ravages of a Dragon by his stratagem and courage. Plate 1. exhibits a man with clasped hands, lamenting over the destruction and miseries inflicted by the Dragon, who is seen in the distance about to destroy two people. His female companion is fainting at the sight. 2. The Herdsmen in dismay, and a flock and herd scampering confusedly at the sudden approach of the Dragon.-3. The monster rushing from his covert and surprising two pilgrims.-4. Several Knights discomfited or killed by the Dragon.-5. A young Knight listening to the account of the Dragon's seizure of a child.-6. The Knight reconnoitring the Dragon. 7. The Knight superintending the making a mock Dragon, on whose vulnerable part he is to practice his mastiffs for the encounter with the real Dragon.-8. The mock encounter.-9. The Knight at his devotions previously to the fight.-10. His dismissal of his Pages before the enCounter.-11. and 12. The Fight.-13. His Pages lifting him from the ground to which he had been pressed by the fall of the Dragon.-14. The Knight's triumphal passage to the Cloister.-15. His trial before the Knights of St. John, for having fought the Dragon in violation of their orders.-16. His contrition, with the reconciliation of the Master of the Views in Provence and on the Rhone. The Messrs. COOKE are in the highest class of our engravers of landscape. This, in conjunction with great promptitude and industry in their publications, gives them a popu Tarity which brings their works in quick succession before the public, and a consequent demand for our frequent notice. This we have given to the five numbers of their and Mr. ALLEN's Views in Provence and on


the Rhone. The sixth and last claims the same aftention, for its accordance with them in sculptural beauty. Its four plates are by Mr. W. B. COOKE, whose style is the same as that of his brother, Mr. G. COOKE, a style essentially differing in its general execution and effect from that of WOOLLET and LANDSEER. Landscape engraving in line, the noblest species, (though the rest have their peculiar merits)-may be mainly divided into two kinds; that with a fineness of line which gives a more abundant touchiness, which is the Messrs. COOKE's; and the thicker and more open, which gives a more distinct gram. They are both extremely beautiful. This last number contains-1. Mont Blanc, from a height above Lyons. It commands a noble view of the valley through wirich the Rhone winds, bounded by mountains, over which Mont Blanc is distinctly seen, glittering in brightness, at the distance of near 100 miles."--2. Tarascon, a castle on the Rhône, in which is seen the talent of Mr. DeWINT, at giving interest to an indifferent object, by the charm of a lively light, like the agreeable lighung up of a plain face by a good-tempered vivacity.-3. The Bay of Marseilles.-4. Triumphal Arch of Marius at Orange; in its proportions beautiful, and though in decay, still rich in its ornaments of relievos, &c. The mixed profuseness and nicety of marking would become the graver of even the architectural LE KEUXS. The beautiful light of sunny nature upon this fine structure, and the structure itself, are not inapt denotings of the brilliant powers of Nature and Art which have combined to the production of this plate. [Notes of several Lithographic Prints in our next.]


R. H.


WITH a laudable spirit of enterprise, and encouraged no doubt by the success of Der Freischutz, the proprietors of this theatre produced for the first time, on Monday last, the operatic play of Turrare, from the French of BEAUMARCHAIS. Every student of the French drama is well acquainted with the singular, pertinacious, and intriguing character of that adventuring dramatist, who, on the production of the Marriage of Figaro, contrived to involve the whole world of fashion in France into parties, and with the most facetious adroitness to delude them into controversy on the subject of his theatrical morale. The subtilty of his finesse, the deep spirit of his intrigue, and his Mephistophiles-like appeal to the tendences of the minor legion of demons which more or less inhabit all human bosoms-the mere shadow of all which is presented in our operatic versions-might have discovered the secret; and so it did eventually, but then everybody had read and seen the play in the interim. Of this singular writer and character (for he was both) Turrare was another experiment, in which his object appears to have been, to strengthen the dramatic interest of opera by dialogue in musical French verse, and to claim for a species of romantic action the advantage of music. The composer, SALIERI, the musical disciple of GLUCK, happening to be his friend, agreed to aid him upon his own plan; and the result was the opera, or play, or both, of Tarrare, in five acts, which the English adaptation has comprised into two. French authors, like Bayes in the Rehearsal, have always felt a great inclination to insinuate the plot into the boxes; and in this instance BEAUMARCHAIS told a long story of his design. His object, it seems, was to contrast an unhappy tyrant who has everything in his power, with a virtuous hero who bears great misfortunes with fortitude yet with feeling. The happiness of the one exasperates the other; and the piece opens with a kidnapping of the wife of Tarrare, the principal source of his felicity, into the seraglio of Atar the tyrant. A rebellion takes place; and, to the confusion of Atar, and an intriguing chief Bramin who seeks for the advancement of his son, the oracle declares that Tarrare can alone succeed against the rebels. The latter meanwhile, having found out that his wife is in the seraglio, aided by a friendly Italian slave, gets within the walls in the disguise of a mute, but is disco vered, and condemned to execution, together with his wife Astasia, whet party of the soldiers mutiny, and rush into the temple to rescu them. Turrare, virtuous in every extremity, immediately chides the rebellious crew who dare to dispute the will of their sovereign,—an incident very French in sentiment in the time of BEAUMARCHAIS, but Tartar-like in practice at no time. It however succeeds; the repentant soldiers lay down their arms; and Atur, subdued, restores the virtuous pair to liberty, and promises to Turrare the second place in the empire. In the original, with much more consistency, the amiable monarch, intent upon poetical justice, puts himself to death with his own sword. We have very cursorily told the story of this drama, because in fact there is very little to interest in that respect. Nothing can be more tame and trite than the dialogue, in which we should not have recognised BEAUMARCHAIS for a moment, had-we not been

aware of the original; and even then only in a portion of the snipsnap between Calpigi, an adroit Italian slave, and Ninetto, his tart and intriguing wife (also a captive)-a supposed ci-devant actor and opera-girl. All the rest was very much in our own melo-dramatic style of dialogue, which it is altogether unnecessary to define. We at length therefore arrive at the music, which, independently of much splendid scenery and decoration, supplies the grand attraction in the present instance, both in regard to novelty and merit. It is spirited, and indicative of the style of SALIERI, who is said to have sought to combine the melody of Italy with the harmony of the German school, possibly to the abatement of both in their highest degree, but certainly not to the exclusion of a very great degree of attraction. Speaking generally, we encounter but few of those exquisite melodies and passages which haunt the delighted ear for ever afterwards, and mingle in all our musical reminiscences. On the other hand, the accompaniments, although fine, are deficient in fullness, and give little or no opportunity to the wind instruments. All this, however, by the way; for, if not to be compared with masterpieces which, like the Der Freischutz of WEBER, emanate as it were from a single overwhelming train of associations, Tarrare is still a considerable musical treat, rendered much more so by the extraordinary power and exertions of BRAHAM, the hero of the piece. We never saw this great vocalist more decidedly himself, that is to say, more excellent in his own comprehensive variety. In an interpolation,said to be from another opera of SALIERI, of a spirited march happily arranged to appropriate words on the subject of "Revenge," he was encored twice, and performed a task which few but himself could have adequately executed,with extraordinary energy and spirit. BRAHAM is serprisingly obtuse to hints; had he listened to friendly advice, he ought to have retired some time ago; yet he still remains the musical dramatic champion of England with unapproachable power. Miss PATON also appears to considerable advantage in this opera, and sang with great sweetness and variety of intonation. Her part in a beautiful terzetto-"To woman's charms surrender "likely to be the most popular piece in the opera-was particularly admired A young lady of the mame of HAMILTON, we believe, made her debut in the heroine (Astasia) Allowing for embarrassment, it was a respectable performance; but something more of variety and sweetness is wanting in the voice, and of facility in execution, which may possibly follow additional cultivation and prac tice. II. PaiLLIPS performed the tyrant, and sang occasionally very finely. A Mr. ATKINS, a pupil, we understand, of Mr. IAWES (who has arranged and superintended the production of this piece), also made a first appearance on this occasion. Ile possesses a powerful bass voice, which he displayed in the appropriate character of the chief Bramin to considerable advantage, and was very well received. THORN had but little opportunity in his very silly part, but executed the vocal share assigned to him pleasingly. On the whole, this get-up is likely to prove attractive through the season, although certainly not after the manner of Der Frieschutz. As a drama, it abounds in incongruities; for instance, worshippers of the sun, or Mahometans, we hardly know which, are found votaries in the temple of Brama; just as if a rogue of a chief priest (a part of the plot) would not have been found in a religions worship which a Persian or any one else might have attended. The opera was warmly applauded, although we have heard that many English professional musicians are dissentients. Speaking of the public at large, this will go but a little way; and we doubt not that the spirit of the proprietors in this species of revival, and the engagement of first-rate talent to support it, will be adequately rewarded. Q.


THE voice of past sweetness has slept on mine ear,
Oh! no more 'twill awaken its lingering strain;
It has fled like a fond fairy vision, and here

There lives no soft Echo io tell it again.

When those tones which for us have just breathed their farewell,
Thou art waking for others, far, far o'er the sea,
Then how oft will regret on thy minstrelsy dwell,
And a sigh from this bosom je wafted to thee.
No! never, VELLUTI, oh! never shall fade

On remembrance that voice, though I hear it no more;
Like the bright smiling West, still in beauty array'd,
Though sun-set has faded, and daylight is o'er.



AH! cease, VELLUTI, nor thus vainly try
To wake the world's cold narrow sympathy:
Hope not in Pity's silken wreath to bind
The heart ungenerons and the tongue unkind.
And though 'tis inhumanity indeed
That can resist when the defenceless plead,
Or moving eloquence like thine unheed
And tho' thy slighted wrongs demand redress,
As claims thy fate our gentlest tenderness-
Yet ah! while hearts are strangers to the name
Of mercy, what has wretchedness to claim?
Still, midst the taunts of our pufeeling world,
Midst each unmanly shaft around thee hurl'd,
And th' seorn that from th' unkindly spirit springs-
Reflect (tho' small perchance the balm it brings)–
Reflect, that 'tis unworthy bearts alone
Mock the unhappy-the defenceless scorn;
And deein, while to compassion you appeal,
That heart beneath regret, which cannot feel.
He in whose haughty and repulsive eye
Ne'er beam'd the hallow'd tear of sympathy-
He who with calm indiff'rence could behold
The trembling drop in thine, and yet with cold
Mute apathy and narrow selfishness
The voice of soft humanity suppress,
And from thy path of sadness harshly tear
The little boon that might shed comfort there-
Oh heed him not; so poor, so base a prize
Is 'neath invoking, nay, beneath despise.
And say not, 'mongst the rude and heartless throngs
That thus dublushing trample on thy wrongs,-
Midst looks of scorn and lofty arrogance,
There beams no eye of gentler, milder glance ;-
Say not, for thee there lows no pitying tear,
No soul to love thee, and no voice to cheer :-
One heart there is,-one heart at least, would bring
To Friendship's shrine its sacred offering.
Yes! here, VELLUTI, here thou'it ever find
Nor tongue ungen'rous nor reproach unkind;
Here beats at least one sympathizing breast,
Where thou mayst lay the weary head to rest,
And tell thy sorrows; and when the rude
Rough bitter blast of man's ingratitude"
Comes sweeping by ;-when on thy pensive mind
Rise friends far hence, and days long left behind ;-
When all around looks desolate and form,

And nothing meets thee save the cold world's scorn ;-
When from thy breast awakes the mournful sigh,
And the sad tear comes trembling to thine eye,-
'Ah! then to th' heart of gentle Friendship come,
And be that heart thy refuge and thy home.



SOUTHAMPTON THEATRICALS-MR. KEAN.-Mr. KEAN has been performing here with great success. The very flattering reception he met with, and the immense applause bestowed upon him by crowded and fashionable houses, called forth that energy of soul that characterises his all-expressive powers. His round of character was never more ably sustained; the audience was frequently electrified by the force of his natural acting. Miss COLLINS, who played Meg Over-that speculators generally attempt to turn this disease to account by the reach in A New Way to pay Old Debts, could with difficulty be kept from fainting, in the last scene. Mr. KEAN, the night of his benefit, chose to descend from his high station, and exhibit a mixture of the mountebank and madman in the farce. "Oh the pity of it, lago!" We know no greater enemy to Mr. KEAN, than himself. He should be advised better; for" though it may make the unskilful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve." Mr. KEAN, together with Mr. KELLY the Manager, dined at Gloucester cottage while he was here. It is is avowed intention to proceed to America after his Liverpool engagement.—From a Correspondent.

There is a sort of rabid curiosity which afflicts the inhabitants of this influence of the dog-star. It is, accordingly, at this season of the year metropolis, and which, like canine madness, seems to increase with the introduction of some extraordinary novelty. Not a summer passes with out its Mermaid, its Fire-eater, or its Bonassus; and the public are now invited, at the moderate charge of half-a-crown a dupe, to the spectacle of an emaciated Frenchman, under the attractive title of a Living Skeleton." This exhibition is one of the most impudent and disgusting attempts to make a profit of the public appetite for novelty, by an inde cent exposure of human suffering and gradation, which we have ever dragged the victim of his cupidity from his native country, for the purwitnessed. We are not, however, about to gratify the person who has poses of a public exhibition, by expressing any extraordinary indignation at his conduct. He is, no doubt, perfectly aware of the advantages of the




By favour of Thomas Higgs, Esq. the Coroner for the City and Liberty of Westminster, we are enabled to lay before our readers the following account of the number of Suicides committed in that City during the last 13 years:Men. Women, Total.

Yrs. 1812 13

Men. Women. Total.













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"puff collusive," and would be well content it should go forth to the version in the columns of the Examiner, the "crack of your thong” will public, that the Living Skeleton," as he styles this unfortunate foreigner, afford much satisfaction to justice and humanity, and to, Sir, yours is a sight which nobody ought to see, and which, nevertheless, everybody was profligate enough to be running to see. We shall better defeat his mercenary object by stating, that a month's attendance in our Hospitals is sufficient to render such spectacles as this " Living Skeleton" but too familiar to the eyes of the student, and that we have frequently seen cases of emaciation, from phthisis and disease of the mesentery glands. quite as afflicting as that for the exhibition of which an attempt is now made to extract money from the pockets of the public. As to the statement, that this wretched individual enjoys a state of perfect health, it is, upon the face of it, ridiculous; and the slightest examination of the patient establishes its falsehood. It is a case of disease and suffering to which the public are invited disease, for which there is no remedy, and suffering, which admits of no termination, except that which is likely to be accelerated by the daily exposure of the patient's person in a state of nudity, to be gazed at and handled by idle and senseless spectators. We were sorry to find that the person who has brought over this unfortunate foreigner, under the hypocritical pretence of promoting the interests of science, is an Englishman, but our surprise was somewhat diminished on hearing that he is also a Saint. It is "under Providence,” it seems, that he hopes to be the instrument of advancing science, by exhibiting a THIN FRENCHMAN at two shillings and sixpence a-head! The following is the exquisite paragraph in which this pious purpose is announced:In this enlightened age, when science has advanced with rapid strides, and borne down before it every prejudice which ignorant and interested pretenders have attempted to oppose to its course; when the excellence of the arts, of literature, commerce, che.nistry, and medicine, have arrived at great perfection, owing to fair discussion and open inquiry, every man must feel proud and conscious that he is rendering a true and importam benefit to mankind in general, and to his own country in particular, whenever he is the instrument, through Providence, of bringing before the observation of scientific men any object calculated, through their inquiries and researches, to meliorate the general condition of our corporeal state, and render us more intimately acquainted with the formation of the human frame, and the extraordinary sports of nature, occasionally exhibited in its construction."

Cant and hypocrisy are here prominent enough! In the name of Joe Burns, what does the Showman mean by stating that the exhibition of such an uninteresting creature is calculated either to "promote the interests of science," or " meliorate the general condition of our corporeal state?" To us it appears capable only of exciting disgust. We have, have, however, no more space to allot to the subject, but may perhaps recur to it, if this outrage on public decency should be persisted in.—Lan cet.-[For our own part, we would much rather read a description of this object, than see him at all events, we are fully content with the admi- | rable portrait of him given in Mr. Ilone's Every Day Book, which is so complete a picture both of the figure and the expression of his face, that together with the accurate and well-written account of his appearance. in the same publication, it leaves us without the smallest curiosity on the subject.]



The number of suicides committed during the Novembers of these 13 years is only 22, being an average of not quite two in the November of each year, while the number committed in June of these years is 84, an average of nearly three. This fact sufficiently proves that there is no truth in the proverb, which speaks of Nove uber as the month in which Englishmen hang or drown themselves. Indeed in the November of each of the years 1812, 1815, 1820, and 1824, there was not a single suicide, and that too, be it remembered, in a city, the inhabitants of which, according to the census of 1822, amount to 182.444. On the total of the thirteen years, May and September are the months in which the least number of suicides were committed, the number in each of these months, for the whole period, being only seventeen. The next lowest are August and October, in which month- the numbers are timeteen, and next to them comes November. It will be seen from the above table, that the aggregate number of suicides during the years 1812 up to 1816, inclusive, was 129, being an nonual average of 25 4-5th, and that from the year 1816 to 1824, inclusive, the number was 161, making an average of 20 a year; consequently there has been during the last eight years, a reduction on the average of nearly six suicides every year. It will also be scen, that the number of meu commutting suicide exceeds that of the other sex in the proportion of five to two.--Times.


On Friday evening a Meeting of Shopkeepers took place at the London Coffee house, to take into consideration the propriety of closing heir shops at a certain hour.-Mr JOHN WAITHMAN was called to the chair.

The CHAIRMAN said, that thongh he had no concern in convening the present meeting, yet he concurred with those who thought a limitation of their hours of business would add to the grocral respectability of trade, and be most convenient to their assistants. He understood that some resolutions were prepared for the purpose of carrying into effect the object of the promoters of this meeting.

Mr. SHOOLBRED said that, impressed with the propriety of carrying into effect the object alluded to, he held in his hand a string of resolutions which he would submit to the meeting.

The resolutions were then severally seconded by Mr. PIERSE, and put from the Chair. The first was declaratory of the propriety of closing their shops at earlier hours than was the present practice; and in answer to a question put by one of the company, the Chairman explained, that the traders alluded to, were generally the linen drapers, sitk-mercers, haberdashers, and hosiers. The first resolution was carried unanimously; the next, which recommended the following hours for closing business, was carried with only three dissentients:-In November, December, January, and February, to close their shops at seven o'clock; in March, April, September, and October, ut eight; May, June, July, and August, at Dine; and on Saturday nights, for the public convenience, to keep open an hour later.-About 100 persons attended this meeting.



Exeter, Aug. 6, 1825. SIR, Some time ago, two convictions under the Excise laws took place in this city, originating closely in the following circumstances:A Publican, who brews his own beer, was visited early in the morning by the Exciseman, and discovered by him removing his beer from one vessel into another, without having first entered the same on a printed paper, left by the Excise in the brewhonse for that purpose. On the examination, it turned out that the publican could not write, and that his daughter, who acted as his clerk, being unwell, did not come down so early that morning as she was wont to do. This fact was sworn to, as the sole cause of the non-entry. The othcer who laid the information was thus interrogated by the publican's attorney:-Did you suspect that the defendant had any fraudulent intent? No!-Now, upon your oath, under the circumstances of this case, was there any POSSIBILITY of the defendant's practising a fraud on the revenue? No, there was not!—Penalty MR. EDITOR,-In your paper of Sunday last, I perceive a letter from a adjudged against the Publican, 15l.-The next charge was against an Auctioneer, for exceeding the period of six weeks in the payment of 41. shopkeener, with proposals from the shopmen of the metropolis, for curor 5l. auction duty-all the other forms of law had been complied with, tailing the hours of business. These proposals, I am told, have been and not an indication of fraudulent intent was attempted to be set up pretty generally circulated among the shopkeepers; but as they are withagainst the defendant. Penalty inflicted, 121. 10s. but afterwards reduced out an address or ostensible rallying point, there is no mode of receiving to 51, on the defendant's utter inability to pay more being established or giving such information as might effectually promote the object so On the same day, the convicting Magistrates (three in number) dined at much to be desired by shopkeepers, as well as their assistants. I have an inn, drank their Madeira and Port, and the whole charge thereof was spoken with a great number of shopkeepers on the subject, and have found pot to the account of the Collector of Excise." This dinner was ordered them all ardently desirous of promoting the plan, and forwarding it with before the convictions took place, and the practice of the Magistrates their money, if that should be necessary; and the project only wants to dining at the expense of the Collector of Excise has been frequent and be respectably taken up, to insure the concurrence of every shopkeeper uniform. What would be said, Sir, of a system of jurisprudence, which in London. As to tire measure itself, nothing can be more imperiously made the fee of the Judge dependent on the conviction of the prisoner? called for. Such, of late years, has been the spirit of opposition among and yet this would appear to be the uniform case under all the Excise shopkeepers, that one is keeping open a little longer, and another is keepconvictions in this city, at least up to the time of those now alluded to.-ing open a little longer than his neighbour, until the hours of 10 and 11 If, Sir, you should think this circumstance-as well from its principle, as o'clock have become generally adopted for closing the shops. Perhap the cruel and demoralizing effect it produces a fit subject for animad-even these hours would not be so fraught with hardship, if the labours

the day ended with the shutting the shop; but in many trades, there is work to be done that keeps both masters and shopmen occupied till be. tween one and two in the morning, to the total ruin of their health and comforts; so that it may be truly said, that the life of a London shop. keper or shopman is fraught with the most abject and debasing slavery. The shops are as much of an accommodation to the public as the public to the shops, and by circumscribing the hours of business, there would be just as much trade carried on.


W. Forster, Philpot lane, wine-merchant. Solicitors, Messrs. Barrow
and Vincent. Basinghall street.
G. Walker, Wollaston, Northamptonshire, butcher. Solicitor, Mr. Hodg

son, St. John street road, Clerkenwell.

J. Masser, York, tailor. Solicitor, Mr. Capes, Holborn court, Gray's inn,
R. Hooton, R. Richards, and W. Wilkes, Bordesley, Warwickshire, iron
manufacturers. Solicitors, Messrs. Tooke and Carr, Gray's inn.
J. Baker, Bath, carpenter. Solicitor, Mr. Makinson, Middle Temple.
Saturday, August 20.

of October next.


S. Hodgson, Halifax, iron-founder.


Would the Stock Exchange, or the Bank of England, or the Banks, or Insurance Offices, or the merchants at the Royal Exchange, do any more business by extending their hours? Then why should not the shopkeepers J. Purser, Bowyer-lane, Camberwell, dyer, from the 13th inst. to the 1st confine their hours within something like reasonable bounds, instead of sacrificing so much to the detestable vice of avarice? Take a specimen of the daily life of a shopkeeper :-From the time of leaving his bed till he returns to it, he has no rest; even his meals he cannot take in peace with his family; and anything like regularity (which is the essence of health and comfort) is entirely out of the question; he is allowed no time for healthful exercise, but is confined to the enervating drudgery of the counter from 6 or 7 in the morning till 10 or 11 at night. Such a life soon drives him to calomel and colocynth, as a substitute for natural exercise, temperate recreation, and refreshing rest, until, in what is generally considered the prime of a man's life, he is under the necessity of abandoning his dear shop to the superintendence of strangers, to retire to the country with a pocketful of prescriptions, in the vain hope of prolong-G. A. Lingham, Whitechapel road, wine-merchant. Solicitors, Messrs. ing a miserable existence for a few years.

I have been informed, that the plan proposed is to obtain the assent of shopkeepers to the project, and to raise subscriptions to maintain those shopmen out of employ, who may refuse to serve where the late hours may be continued. My opinion however is, that this plan will not answer the end anticipated, and that nothing short of an Act of Parliament will pro duce ananimity, any deviation from which will frustrate the whole There are many Acts of Parliament for purposes similar to this; such are all acts for enforcing conformity in corporations and societies of various kinds, where a mere compact would be nugatory.

S. Hodgson, Dover-street, Piccadilly, wine-merchant. Solicitors, Messrs.
Pope and Brewer, Blomfield street, London Wall.
T. Crowder, and H. T. Perfect, Liverpool, merchants, Solicitors,
Messrs. Taylor and Roscoe, Temple.

G. Peake, Milton, Sittingbourne, shipwright. Solicitor, Mr. Richard-
son, Cheapside.
R. Hansford, Combe Down, Monkton Combe, Somersetshire, victualler.
Solicitor, Mr. Makinson, Middle Temple.

Gatty and Co. Angel court, Throgmorton street.

B. Connolly, Great Portland street, tailor. Solicitor, Mr. Gray, Old

Broad street Chambers.

P. D. Tuckett, Gloucester, grocer. Solicitor, Mr. Hindmarsh, Jewin street, Cripplegate.

THE FUNDS.-Consols still continue to look downwards, although the depression is trifling, but the market is very dull. All the jobbers seem to be at a stand both in the Home and Foreign markets. The Scheme market is more active, but even here there is very little real business" done; yet new Companies still make their appearance; as for instance a Gold and Silver Refining Company, and a Madeira and Canary Steam Packet Company, and a Company for Cleaning Manchester Goods, have commenced an ephemeral existence within these last few days. The last mentioned Company excites considerable merriment; a proposal to cleanse Manchester politics would have been much more popular. Latest quotations:

There can be no doubt, if the trading community of London required
an Act of Parliament to enforce unanimity against a practice that is so
utterly ruinous to their health, comforts, and morals, but that the Legis
lature would grant one; the matter therefore only requires to be taken up
by some respectable men; and if instead of obtaining signatures to the
compact, they were to obtain signatures to petitions to both Houses of
Parliament, they might get the matter in train by the next Session. I
believe there are few shopwen in London who would not gladly subscribe
a sovereign each, to further the object; and I believe the shopkeepers
would give from 14 to 201. each, for the same purpose.
Dealers in provisions and drugs to be exempt. Shopkeepers to be 34 per Cents. reduced, 98

liable to a fine of 17. if their shops were not closed in 15 minutes after the
time; if not within half an hour, to pay 57. to be recoverable before a

Holborn, Aug. 16, 1825.



SIR,-Your observations on the hardships endured by numbers of young men in the employ of the London shop-keepers, are honourable to your humanity.

I solicit your efforts in behalf of another class of sufferers, whose hours of labour are frequently protracted far beyond what is proper or neces sary. The class I refer to are the young women who are in the service of dress makers. As their endurings are private, and not exposed to the observation of the public, they are little reflected upon, and to most persons they are unknown.

I appeal to those of high rank amongst my country women, whether they would give extensive orders on condition that they shall be completed in such an unreasonably short time as to compel those who, from the sedentary nature of their occupations, are often the most delicate of their own sex, to devote to labour the time that is necessary for repose.

I know it is urged as an apology, that the holding of a Drawing Room has become (since the late King's time) an admirable illustration of the caprice of a Court, and that it cannot be expected that a lady shall order an expensive dress until she has some confidence that an opportunity will occur for wea ing it. Lord Mayor's Day, however, and the Easter Ball, are not subject to so much uncertainty. Dresses for these occusions might be ordered before the eleventh hour.

[blocks in formation]

Consols, 891
Reduced, 90

New 4 per Cents. 103
Consols for Account, 897


Brazilian Scrip 41 dis.

Ditto Account, 4 dis.
Colombian Bonds,

Ditto Account (1824) 84}
Greek Bonds, Account, 41

Ditto Scrip (1925) Acc. 12 dis.
Mexican Bonds, 75

[blocks in formation]

S. W.'s communication from Woburn place, which we received yesterday, was
too late to be of any service, an article on the same subject being already in
type. If the writer should wish to forward us papers of a like kind at auy
future time, he will be good enough to send them earlier in the week.
The LETTER to the CHIEF JUSTICE, respecting the King's Bench Prison, and
other communications, in our next.


LONDON, AUGUST 21, 1825.

THE foreign arrivals during the week have supplied very little specific information, in addition to the usual routine of events. The French papers very naturally abound with comments and observations on the agreement with Hayti, which certainly, in a commercial point of view, is a masterly step on the part of the French Cabinet, and not without dexterity in reference to a lingering claim to permanent sovereignty. That the mode of according the favour to Hayti (such as it is) is not. agreeable to the Charter, which demands a legislative sanction, is a discovery made by certain French politicians. We cannot inagine anything of less practical importance, the said Charter having already been perforated like a cullender. Still the fact of another breach, just after the utterance of a solemn oath on the part of CHARLES X to abide by it, is somewhat mal-apropos; but the revived Sorbonne, under its new name, will reconcile this case of conscience, we doubt not; and at worst, LA CHAISES and LE TELLIERS are now again favourite occupants of the royal confessionals. Reverting to commerce, it is scarcely necessary to add, that Great Britain will lose almost exactly in proportion as France gains; so much for our‹ over-profound regard for Legitimacy!

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