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seb annitelugs: LONDON, NOVEMBER 27, 1825.

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be saved if possible. Some characteristic results of this growing disposition may shortly be expected. alakad sa

We derive unfeigned pleasure from the recent adoption by the government of an enlightened and humane policy in regard to the publication of opinion on religious topics. We view in it the silent but sure triumph of truth and experience over prejudice and intolerance. Great and obstinate indeed has been the sway of persecuting error in this country, and dearly have we paid, and (in Ireland) still are paying for it. But the time has at length arrived, we trust, when intolerance is exploded from the theory of government, and the grand truth recognised, that every fuith must be injured by the endeavour to stifle forcibly the publication of hostile opinions. We say nothing here of the cruelty and injustice of persecution; an abstract sense of that, we fear, would never alone counteract the bad passions which attend religious bigotry in power; but we believe that domestic experience, and the example of foreign states, have wrought in our Rulers the conviction that Christianity has severely suffered from the interference of the law in its behalf; and that it is the part of a prudent government to avoid producing theological irritation among its subjects by acts of unreasoning and obnoxious power.

THE most interesting foreign news of the week is made up of ac-
counts of proceedings against the Paris Journals the Constitutionnel
and Courier Français, on the part of the French Advocate-General,
for what is denominated the spirit of their conduct in regard to
religion, meaning the renovated superstition and fanaticism which
have returned with the BOURBONS. Our own libel-law is but a curious
sort of matter but a BOURBON Cabinet alone, with a profession of
respect for the freedom of the press, could institute a prosecution on
tendencies instead of facts, and opinions in lieu of allegations. The
complaint, in so many words, is that the silly and fanatical portion of
the priesthood are occasionally exposed by the truth being told of
them; and this is called attacking religion! Their absurdities must
be concealed their intolerance passed over in silence; as well as the
interested and theological war they wage against all education but that
which, being soiled and defecated through their own exclusive me-
diam, is worse than none at all. The periodical press is not entitled
in France to a Jury in this species of prosecution; and the evident
intention is, by the high hand of authority, to cramp and put down the
only journals which are not either Government property, or dependent
for a licence on its will. Hitherto the pleading of the ADVOCATE-
GENERAL asserts nothing on the part of the journals complained of,
which in England would be deemed beyond a fairexpression of opinion,
except a few points of mis-statement, which every newspaper is liable
to and willing to rectify, but which, whether or not, ought to be tried
on their own merits. If this prosecution succeed, the French public
will not long possess even that poor shadow of a free press which
repeated violations of the Charter, in regard to it, have up to this time
allowed. The case is clear; the ascendancy of an encroaching Priest-infidelity.
hood, especially when flanked by Monks and Jesuits, is incompatible
with a free circulation of opinion; and if matters long take their
course in this d
direction, the present ticklish freedom of the French
Protestants will as certainly disappear, as the Edict of Nantz so trea-
cherously revoked against their ancestors.



proper for the supporters of truth! We quote from the daily papers

of Tuesday:

The liberation of RICHARD CARLILE would not alone have warranted these remarks; for the most prejudiced members of the cabinet could hardly have advised the longer detention of that courageous victim of intolerance; but there are other signs of a change of policy on this subject, too plain to be mistaken. The stupid and degrading persecution of the successive tenants of Mr CARLILE's shop in Fleet street has for some time ceased; and we would venture a good wager, that a considerable diminution has consequently taken place in the fanatical portion of the Tories could stimulate the ministers to a sale of his publications. Not even the senseless clamour of the renewal of the undignified and losing game of creating martyrs to Very recently the New Times made an insane outcry about a print exhibited in the shop of RICHARD CARLILE, embodying the attributes of JEHOVAH as described in the Old Testament: day after day did Slop call upon the City and State Authorities to suppress forcibly this blasphemous, horrible, audacious, &c. &c. exhibition; but the parties thus invoked were too wise to cause unseemly discusWere we speaking, however, nationally instead of individually, and sions in a court of law, for the abstract satisfaction of imprisoning a on general principle, on this subject, we confess that our own Irish poor lad or two; and presently Slop took the hint and held his tongue. history gives us no right to expatiate upon similar conduct in France of their masters: here within these few days we have had the Lord The creatures of power have a quick instinct in discovering the wishes of any other country,-a remark which is forcibly elicited by an event Mayor (a Mr VENABLES, a mere commonplace Alderman) talking of in the United States. The Irish inhabitants of New York, it seems-treating attacks on Christianity with contempt, as the only weapon including a number of the United Irishmen who emigrated during the rebellion-have held a meeting, in order to frame an Address to the Catholics of Ireland on the subject of their late defeat.-It is composed by the celebrated Dr MACNEVEN, and is an able and animated production, which, setting aside the question of religion, demonstrates that Ireland can never flourish but with such an enlargement of political freedom as gives equal rights to all, and consequently makes religion, as in America, an affair of the heart and of the individual. It further recommends the renewal of a local legislation, without separation, above all things deprecates mere religious disputation, and earnestly calls upon the Irish opposing leaders to study and be guided by the spirit of the happy constitution of the United States. All this is pithy enough; but the Meeting proceeded further, and absolutely carried resolutions to disseminate statements through out all the South American Republics and Independencies, to explain the treatment and situation of six millions of Irish Catholics in a country which is assuming so high a tone of liberality to all the rest of the world. So much for the operation of our Anti-Catholic policy on the Irish Catholics of the United States; but we are sorry to say, that the open, manly, and sensible tone of the Address, is as likely to be uucongenial with the Catholic Leaders of the hour, as with those of the opposite faction, Goaded into irritation, they are beginning to talk more like seraphical" Doctors than clear-minded politicians, and to be arguing the superiority of their Church, rather than the grand principle, that no Church ought to monopolize civil rights, or deprive a man of the privileges of a citizen for the variation of his creed Mr O'CONNELL must alter the inscription on his lately


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he had received several letters complaining that measures were not taken "CHRISTIAN EVIDENCE SOCIETY.-Yesterday the Lord Mayor stated to prevent the above Society from meeting for blasphemous discussions. His Lordship admitted that the irreligious conduct of the persons who promoted and supported the iniquitous objects of the Society was dis gusting in the extreme; but he felt confident that the truths of Chris tianity would be in no danger from the efforts of this Society, whose exertions were too contemptible to do any mischief."

The next day, a foolish person named Barham, the landlord of a tavern in Ludgate hill, applied to his Lordship with a canting story about having unwittingly let to the Society in question a room to meet in at his house, and his exceeding horror when he learned, by the publication of the above paragraph, the magisterial opinion of the Society. The pious publican was very nervous about the religious character of his tavern, and professed great alarm lest theological discussions in one of his rooms should taint the whole edifice, and make it offensive to the nostrils of the orthodox. He wanted the Lord Mayor to encourage him in violating his agreement in regard to the next meeting of the Society in the room they had hired of him. His Lordship, however, took all this fuming very coolly, merely expressing his astonishment that people could be found to pay attention to any discussions so "contemptible," and dismissing the unhappy landlord with the simple remark, that there did not appear to be any likelihood of a breach of the peace on the part of the Society. Whereat mine host of the Belle-Sauvage was forced to content him

or duarum: Catholic superiority is not the sign by which he will self, his hot zeal being chilled by this cold official rebuff.

conquer; it interferes too materially with the only sound and practical state of the fact,-Catholic equality of civil claim. From the tone assumed by the French Ministerial papers, it is thought that France is seeking to form some agreement between Spain and the New American Governments, in emulation of our arrangement between Portugal and Brazil, and in the spirit of her own settlement with Hayti. The fact is, she perceives the necessity of a more intimate connexion with the new States, to ensure a due participation of the commercial and political advantages that will otherwise be irretrievably thrown into rival channels, Cubà also must

Once more, we heartily rejoice at the wise and liberal determination of Government in this matter. The present Ministers have done several things productive of current popularity; but their discounte nance of religious intolerance will secure them an honourable and merited place in history.

There is a curious article in a Brussels paper, under date of Ghent, November 17, upon the policy of the Government of the Netherlands. From the manner in which this journal (not yet relieved from control) speaks of the intentions of the Government, we can feel little doubt of its being official, The writer sets out with a contrast between the

bigoted and unpopular retrogading of the French BOURBONS, and the enlightened progress of the Netherlands Legislature. After remarking that there is still much to accomplish in this noble career, he intimates that official attention is turned to the means of relieving from its fetters that powerful auxiliary of honest government, a free press. "It is now affirmed," he proceeds, "that most positive orders have just been given, that the greatest toleration shall be exercised towards writers who confine themselves to pointing out public abuses and criticising the measures of Government, without attacking the reputation and individual rights of the Citizen. It is too great and too strong to desire to revenge itself for an unjust censure, which meets its punishment in the general disapprobation, and too much the friend of the people not to desire to be enlightened by a criticism which is always salutary when it is reasonable and well founded."That single sentence contains the pith of a whole treatise in behalf of the liberty of the press: its brief but energetic appeal to common sense, is sufficient to sweep away a thousand slavish and timid suggestions of danger. What a glorious triumph for sound principle and for intellect, if the honest and zealous Rulers of the Netherlands should ground a law upon the sentiment above expressed, and exhibit to Europe the irresistible example of a just Government finding a powerful ally in a press possessing the completest liberty!

PUBLIC OPINION IN IRELAND.—Ireland, a country which has been described by all English writers of authority, as one of the most important and productive islands in the world, stands within five hours sail of Great Britain; she has, perhaps, eight millions of inhabitants. Six millions at least of those inbabitants, fortunately or unfortunately we will not stop to inquire, are Catholics. The law of the land-the law that is to govern the eight millions-the law which the Government says is to make the eight millions contented, puts the six millions of Catholics under various disabilities, pains, penalties and degradations. The six millions, with their prelates, their nobility, their gentry, professional men, traders, farmers, peasantry, protest against the law, and loudly call for its imme diate repeal. But this is not all. The two millions that remain behind boast, and justly boast, of great rank, influence, wealth, and power, arising from the proprietorship of the soil; and then come forward all those great proprietors in a body, backing the six millions, condemning, with them, the existence of the penal code; stigmatizing it as unjust, unconstitutional, and unwise. This is really the state of public opinion in Ireland.-Dublin Weekly Register.

WESTERN LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION—A general meeting of the members of this in institution was held on Thursday evening at the Freemasons! Tavern, for the purpose of receiving a report from thes Provisional Committee appointed to frame a of regulations for the Society. Mr Thomas Campbell having been called to the chair, con gratulated the members upon the successful establishment of the Institumeeting, which he compared to a full sunrise, preceded by the promise of > tion displayed by the crowded appearance of this their second publie’{" a fine dawn. After a few other introductory observations from the chair, a = report was read by the Chairman of the Provisional Committee, which, after stating the number of members at present to be 451 and setting forth the names of several gentlemen of literature and science who had volan teered to give lectures to the society on different subjects, proceeded to detail the various donations already presented them, amongst which were 50l. and a set of chemical apparatus, by Mr H. Drummond; 150 volumes of books, by Mr P. Moore; and 300 volumes by the Society for the Society of British Artists, in Suffolk street, Charing cross, had been Mutual Improvement. The report also stated, that the rooms belonging to the Chairman of the Committee next read over a humerous body of regahired for three months to begin with. The report having been received, lations, which were adopted by the meeting, with a few alterations. Thanks were voted to the donors of the Institution, to the Chairman, (of whom it was observed, that his exertions had mainly contributed to realize their "Pleasures of Hope") and to the Provisional Committee.


We are glad to perceive that a Mechanics Institution for Rotherhithe,. { Bermondsey, and their vicinities, is about to be established. A meeting, we see, is advertized for to-morrow, under the auspices of Messrs. Brougham, Birkbeck, Brunel, Donkin, Partington, and other friends to the improvement of the human race.


the 14th instant. The celebrated German writer, Jean Paul Richter, died at Baireuth, on

MR CHARLES KAYE.The papers say, that the deficiences of Mr Charles Kaye (late of the firm of Kaye and Freshfield, Solicitors to the Bank) are estimated at the very extent at 50,000, and that his conduct in no way implicates the credit of the house to which he was attached. It was, it is said, the discovery of a fraudulent application of 6,000l., in his character of trustee, that induced him to leave England.

for some time been desirous of employing his talents in the law, and for MR WOOLER This gentleman, as may be known to our readers, has that purpose lately petitioned the Benchers of Lincoln's Inn, to be admitted a member; which that "Hon. Society" refused without condescending to assign a reason. Yesterday Mr Wooler moved the Court of King's Beach for a mandamus to enforce his admission, which he desupposing that the court would recognize so arbitrary a power as that assumed by the Benchers, to exclude any person whatever from a public profession at their mere irresponsible will and pleasure. The Judges however decided that the Inns of Court were voluntary societies, and had therefore the right to admit or refuse whomever they pleased.-Applica

LORD NORBURY.-The Dublin Morning Register contains an account of a charge of Lord Norbury, on a trial of the right of presentation to a living in Ulster, which has been litigated between the Primate and Tri-manded both as a matter of law and of common sense and justice, not nity College, Dublin. Jokes upon the judgment seat, tiberally indulged in, are at best injudicious, as they tend to turn the attention, both of the utterer and the hearers, from the matters which they ought to attend to. But the jokes attributed to the facetious Judge in question do not seem to have the merit, the only one which in such a person can belong to them, of good nature; and are calculated as much to ronse the passions as to distract the judgment. They seem studiously levelled at the sore places of Irish Society. The Noble person is too old to change-but perhaps not to be changed.-Globe and Traveller.

HORRIBLE STATE of the Court of CHANCERY.-On the 11th January last there were pending, and ready for hearing,


Pleas and Demurrers..

Causes before the Lord Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.

Exceptions and Further Directions before ditto

Bankrupt Petitions before the Lord Chancellor (principally Appeals)

Do. before the Vice Chancellor...................................................................... Cause Petitions before the Lord Chancellor

Lunatic Petitions before Do....

Cause Petitions before the Vice-Chancellor


43 401


tion refused.


Sheridan) saw nothing

CHARACTER OF WARREN HASTINGS.-He (Mr S great, nothing magnanimous, nothing open, nothing direct, in his measures or in his mind. On the contrary, he had too often pursued the worst objects by the worst means. His course was an eternal deviation from rectitude; he either tyrannised or deceived, and was by turns a' Dionysius and a Scapin. As well might the writhing obliquity of the 60 serpent be compared to the swift directness of the arrow, as the duplicity 233 of Mr Hastings's ambition to the simple steadiness of genuine magna79 nimity. In his mind all was shuffling, ambiguous, dark, insidious, and little-nothing simple, nothing unmixed-all affected plainness and actual dissimulation-a heterogeneous mass of contradictory qualities, with nothing great but his crimes; and even those contrasted by the littleness of his motives, which at once denoted both his baseness and his meanness, and marked him for a traitor and a trickster. Nay, in his style and writing there was the same mixture of vicious contrarieties; the most grovelling ideas were conveyed in the most inflated language, giving mock consequence to low cavils, and uttering quibbles in heroics; so that his compositions disgusted the mind's taste, as much as his actions excited the soul's abhorrence.



Motions before the Lord Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor.. Innumerable Causes, Exceptions, and Further Directions before the Master of the Rolls.

Petitions do ...


294 Making a total (exclusive of motions to be made, aud of judgments pending before the Lord Chancellor) of 1577. This list cannot, if the cases are fully and properly heard, be got through in less than four or five years at soonest in many cases the parties must consume the same time in the Master's office-when they have waded through that sink of expence and delay, they must wait about three years more before their cause is heard on further directions-they are then liable to have an appeal to the Lord Chancellor, and from four to six years more must elapse before it can be heard; and how many years before they obtain judgment, no man can tell.-Morning Chronicle.

SELECT VESTRIES—On the Court of King's Bench on Friday, a motion was made on behalf of Mr Fenn, a Parishioner of St Martin in the Fields, foran order against the Chureli wardens of that Parish, to compel them to permit the said Mr F. to examine and take such copies of any books or writings in the Vestry as he may think necessary, to try the important question whether there is a legal Select Vestry or not, to govern the above Parish The motion was granted. gamla k „bioffto gaisa en i

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Loss of Life.—Why should we fear to lose a thing, which, being lost, cannot be regretted? And since, moreover, we are threatened with death of so many various kinds, is it not worse to fear them all, than to suffer one of them? And what matters it when it happens, since it is unavoidable? Socrates being told that the Thirty Tyrants had con demned him to die," And so has Nature them," said he. What a folly it is for us to afflict ourselves about a passage that exempts us from all trouble! As our birth brought us the birth of all things, so when we die, all things to us will be dead. Therefore to lament that we shall not be alive a hundred years hence, is as absurd as to be sorry that we were not in the land of the living a hundred years ago. Death is the beginning of another life. So did we weep, and so much it cost us. enter this, and so did we put off our former veil, when we entered this present state. Nothing can be a grievance that is but for once; and is it reasonable to be so long in fear of a thing that is of so short a duration? A long life, and a short life, are by death made all one; for there is no for there long hor short to things that are no more.— -Montaigne.

SCULPTURE-Artists and Amateurs speak highly of a piece of Sculpture just finished by Mr Westmacott, representing a Nymph and Zephyr." For beauty of form and countenance, grace of attitude, and exquisite finish, it is described as a master-piece of art; and those who saw, in the last Exhibition of the Royal Academy, the Mother and Child," by this accomplished Sculptor, will readily believe all that is said in praise of this new work. It will, we learn, adorn the Gallery of Sir John Leices ter, in Hill street; so that it will not be quite lost to the public eye, as that worthy Baronet annually indulges the public with a view of those fine native productions which he has collected with so much taste and liberality. EMBELLISHED PERIODICALS.-Two of these elegant publications for 1826, are now before us, the "Forget me Not" and the "Literary Souvenir."-The former is as tasteful a production as any of the preceding. Many of the literary pieces are highly pleasing, and some of the embellishments are unsurpassable-the Athenian Convent, and the Bridge of Sighs, for instance engraved by Le Keux after a drawing by Prout, which, for brilliancy of effect, delicacy of execution, and picturesque A GOOD COUNTRY DILIGENCE.-The diligence from Brussels to Antappearance, must be ranked among the choicest specimens of Fine Artwerp is a ponderous double-bodied vehicle, calculated to hold about The "Literary Souvenir" keeps up, or rather increases, its attractions, sixteen persons inside, independent of those in front: the top is piledr As we turn over its delicate leaves, we are led repeatedly to exclaim, with luggage, and a long inscription round the body purports that it is Beautiful-most beautiful!" The Designers and Engravers have in an accelerated conveyance. The horses, three in number, are placed all this number been almost equally successful. The Rivals and Lovers' abreast, and harnessed with the utmost simplicity, with ropes for traces, Quarrel are very characteristic and elegant prints;-the Forsaken is aa rusty collar, and reins to match, innocent of bridle to sustain the head, charming female figure, most admirably engraven; and the Kiss, from blinders, crupper, or any other leathern incumbrance; and being of Retsch's design, is at once graceful, spirited, and tender. The landscape heavy, broad-backed breed, undocked, and without a spark of mettle, pieces,-Bolton Abbey, Windsor's proud and picturesque Castle, and they run along poking forward their heads, switching about their long Richmond Hill, with the sky lighted up in Turner's happy manner, tails, more like pigs than steeds, and often several feet apart. The con are all admirable performances. Then the literary department is by no ducteur or driver has little in common with our dandy mail-coachman, means deficient in talent ;-the Forsaken, the First Kiss, and My God- A lumbering Fleming, of Dutch conformation, with short neck, and father, are among the best contributions:-in short, the work altogether shoulders nearly a yard across, in a greasy jacket, and little flat cap to reflects great credit on its tasteful Editor and judicious publishers. set off his broad cheeks, sits in the midst of four or five mynheers on the THE SINGING DWARF.-Drury-lane Theatre is about to have an extra-box, holds most ungracefully the single pair of reins in both hands, and ordinary musical acquisition in the person of a young man of very dimi- occasionally trusts them to one hand whilst he brandishes a cart whip, nutive size. Mr Birch, an eminent coachmaker, some days ago gave a which descends with uncouth thiwack upon the rump of the beasts before dinner to his establishment in his workshops, and he invited Mr Dunn, him. After all, this assemblage of clumsiness in the resisting, the mov of Drury-lane Theatre, and Mr Smith, the bass singer, and other gentle-ing, and the guiding powers, contrives to travel at the rate of six miles men, to be of the party. Nearly 100 sat down to dinner, and, after some an hour, the roads favouring it as much as possible.-Leeds Mercury. songs, suddenly a voice of surpassing sweetness was heard in the room, PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND.-The Provincial Bank, it seems, on but from whence it issued was not discoverable. The company stared at Tuesday, commenced business in Clonmel; lodgments have been already each other in astonishment. Every one declared that he never heard made to a considerable extent.--Dublin papers. such tones except from the throat of Catalani. The applause at the conclusion of the song was such as might be expected, and there arose a discussion about the sex of the melodist. The almost universal opinion was, that such tones could come from nobody but a woman. George Smith was of a different opinion; he said he believed the voice to be that of a young man; and soon afterwards the body of a coach, which lay at the upper end of the workshop, was opened, and out stepped a male dwarf, about 22 or 23 years of age. The qualifications of this little person were at once made known to the managers of Drury-lane Theatre, who immediately, upon the recommendation of the professional men who heard him sing, engaged him. His voice is, we understand, in all the upper tones, precisely like Catalani's; and in the lower, it bears a close resemblance to Mrs Bland's. Mr Birch had accidentally heard him joining in a glee with two other poor ragged creatures in the street, and humanely determined to give him a chance of bettering his condition. It is intended, we believe, that he shall sing without an accompaniment on the first night of his appearance.-Times.

of a

PROVINCIAL NOTES.-At the rent-day of Sir H. P. Hoghton, Bart. in Walton-le-dále, yesterday week, it was announced to the tenants, that in future no kind of provincial notes would be taken.-Manchester Advertiser. The Cambridge Independent contains an account of the bodies of two persons to be buried having arrived a short time too late, at Manea, a parish in Cambridgeshire, when the Rev. Mr Neal, who acts as curate, mounted his horse and rode home, and no persuasions could bring him back, although the corpses arrived in sufficient time for a parishioner to overtake the Rev. Curate before he reached home, a distance of not more than two miles from the church. The singers were present-they sang funeral psalm over the bodies, and thien interred them.***

out of Ramsgate Harbour, bound to the westward. Amongst that numOn Friday and Saturday, upwards of one hundred sail of vessels went ber was a large Swedish brig, the North Pole; the captain of which, fine healthy man, at the age of 80 years, says he has a father living and well in Sweden, at the great age of 132 years, and also a mother living and well, at the age of 122 years!-Sussex paper.

NOVEL SPORTING. Hoary matrons and other superannuated believers. A few days ago, Mr Turner, of Horsham, caught in his mill-pond in omens have received an indubitable corroboration of previous predic- pike weighing 15 pounds, in the stomach of which was found a king tions respecting the ensuing severity of the season. On Friday, a phea-fisher, which, from the state of its plumage, could not have been lang sant, at noon-day, perched, in the South street, Perth, on the top. gorged. chimney. The beautifully-enamelled plumage of the feathery visitant DANCING MATRONS. The propensity of the Vienna ladies for dancing. strongly excited the curiosity of all the idlers in the neighbourhood. As and going to carnival masquerades, was so determined, that nothing was it is always instructive to note the concatenation of those causes and effects which prove eventful either to men or to birds, we must solicit the ad- permitted to interfere with the enjoyment of their favourite amusement vertence of readers to the sequel of our narrative. No sooner had they so notorious was it, that, for the sake of ladies in the family way, there were apartments prepared with every convenience for their fatigued pheasant appropriated the sooty funnel for its temporary resting accouchement; and I have been gravely told, and almost believe, that place, than a pensionless veteran-who on many a field-day, at the base there have actually been instances of the utility of the arrangement. of the jutting-cliff, had expelled the bull's eye-exclaimed, "A fine Kelly's Reminiscences. shot!" He forthwith procured a flask and a firelock, presented, fired, ANOTHER CALCULATING BOY.A most interesting exhibition took and ere Echo had responded the report, the hapless fowl had fallen life-place on Monday, at the meeting of the Scientific Society in Cork. Mi less. The feelings expressed by the spectators were various: Some ap- Hall introduced a boy, named John Flyn, who has but lately completed plauded the dexterity of the musketeer-some deplored the fatality of his 11th year; his father is a small shoemaker, residing in Cork. This the shot, and, Quaker-like, deprecated the conjunction of guns and gun- boy has been educated at the Monastery school, and was considerably powder on any account whatever. Let not rural knights to whom a par- advanced in arithmetic before his extraordinary power of mental calcu tial legislation has legalized an exclusive right to the gallinaceous and lation manifested itself. Several questions were put to the boy by the other Beet and flying tribes, become querulous at this instance of game-members, among whom he created great astonishment by the readiness killing: Since Mr Canning, by an un-British estimate of glory and an and correctness of his replies, leaving those who solved the same propoanti-Tory antipathy to the de Castlereagh school, on a par) seenis deter-2s. Sid., pieces will make 1,000 guineas? whjgh he solved correctly in destruction, not of mice, but of men (the value sition on slates far behind. The question was asked him how many of both species were, m mined to inhibit his Majesty's lieges from exercising their militant quarter of a minute. At the conclusion this proposition was put :-Sapacquirements in the shooting of Frenchmen, he must be a niggardly posing there are present 34 ladies, 96 gentlemen, and 23 boys-that the patriot, and unworthy of knighthood or other coveted distinction, who ladies were each to give you 5d., the gentlemen d, and the bay Sdn would grudge a pheasant ?-Dundee Advertiser, and mom å how much money should you receive! The boy was not long in solving this question, though not so quickly as the hit was adopted by thisse. present, who expressed the gratification they had received by collecting for him the sum of 21, 9s. 10d. We trust that the powers thus early dis played by this boy may be turned to some profitable account. →→ Trist

STAGE-COACHES. To travel in stage-coaches is to be hurried along by force, in a box with an air-hole in it, and constantly exposed to broken limbs, the danger being much greater than that of strip board, and the noise much more disagreeable, while while the company is frequently not a great deal more to one's tikity. --Cobbett's Register.


EXPLOITS OF THE GREAT UNPAID. It appeared lately in the Shrewsbury Chronicle, that Hugh Owen was convicted of poaching before Sir Andrew Corbet, Bart. and not being able to pay the penalty of 207. was committed to the House of Correction for six months. This might well be termed poaching extraordinary, because Owen had lost both his arms above the elbow, and was unable even to pick up the hare which his dog had started and killed; it is difficult to conceive how he could be convicted of poaching. In a second statement, however, the Editor of the Shrewsbury Chronicle, in justice to the respectable Magistrate, informs us, that the severe punishment was inflicted on Owen because he was suspected of being a poacher!-This alters the case quite; and indeed, after hearing that a man is suspected of being a poacher, our wonder is not that he was torn from his family for six months, but that he escaped with so trivial a punishment. We have not forgotten the Oundle case, where a poor man, for cutting a switch, value two-pence, was sent a year to the House of Correction, being a suspected poacher; nor the case of the poor girls, who were imprisoned the half of that time by a Rev. Unpaid, for treading accidentally on some partridge eggs. No mercy for suspected poachers! If De Lolme were alive, he might improve his work by an additional chapter on the beauty of that sort of justice, which it is the peculiar felicity of the happy peasantry of England to receive for nothing-Morning Chronicle.had

PUBLIC MONUMENT TO DR. JENNER.-We have the satisfaction to announce, that a marble Statue to the memory of Dr. Jenner has been erected in Gloucester Cathedral. The execution reflects the highest credit upon the sculptor, R. W. Sievier, Esq. The doctor is represented, in the gown of his Oxford degree, which gives a fine display of drapery, so arranged as to render unobtrusive the ungraceful forms of modern costume, and at the same time to impart to the figure a degree of height and dignity which it might otherwise have wanted. In his right hand, which crosses the body, and supports a fold of the gown, he holds a scroll, and in his left, which drops carelessly on the side, the appropriate academical cap. The whole figure is beautiful, distinguished cal elegance and simplicity, and through the skill of the artist seems to convey to the mind of the spectator an idea of that spirit of philanthropy which ever actuated the illustrious Discoverer of VACCINATION. The statue is seven feet in height, placed upon a pedestal and base of sight feet. Upon the die of the pedestal is simply inscribed EDWARD JENNER,' with the time and place of his birth and death, eulogium being an unnecessary accompaniment to a name which is never breathed but with blessings, and which has won its way into the remotest corners of the habitable globe-Taunton Courier.

than to direct him to ma
make an entry by which he might know at any
future time the reason why the argument on the case had not been con-
In the matter of Howard and Gibbs, Mr HORNE offered to deliver up
book for his Lordship's private inspection, and leave it for his Lordship to
say whether or no it should be allowed to the petitioner to strengthen his
case upon the trial.

The LORD CHANCELLOR said, he disliked the word "private" inspec-
tion. He had heard so much about private hearings, a practice in which!?
all his predecessors had indulged without comment or reproach, that he
was quite tired of it.
The book was, however, handed up..
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COURT OF KING'S BENCH.R Stage Thursday, November 24.3q vizuali ani to pic THE KING . CLEMENTu ets zipbondstr Mr SCARLETT moved for a rule calling on Mr William Innel Clement, proprietor of the Morning Chronicle, to show cause why a criminal information should not be exhibited against him. He made this application at the instance of Mr Hullett, a gentleman who was member of a most respectable commercial firm in Throgmorton street. In 1822, he had million sterling. This loan was raised, and, with the exception of the contracted with the Government of Chili to raise a loan for them of one commission agreed on, was paid over to the agents of the Chilian government, in strict conformity to the orders given. The accounts were ap proved; they were regularly settled; and a formal and unqualified confirmation of all the acts had been received from proper authorities. The pretext for the libel, of which he now complained, was to be found in a report professing to give an account of a speech delivered by the Secretary of State for the Foreign Department. Upon the extract of this speech, a correspondent of Morning Chronicle had founded observations imputing to Mr Hullett he had enriched himself out of the transaction improperly, and that his whole conduct in respect to it was dishonourable and unjust. Mr Justice BAYLEY asked if all the imputations were denied? Mr SCARLETT replied, that all were denied in the most positive terms, to Mr Justice BAYLEY said the Learned Counsel had stated, enough to entitle him to a rule to show cause. zergatis, lạ, b'firany a ng kanodilure patrase

LORD ROLLE. THE KING v. WEYMOTT. 9usiv mờit auf Mr ADAM moved for a rule calling on Mr Weymott, a person who had s lately resided at Exeter, to show cause why a criminal information, shouldirər AN UNGRACIOUS CHECK. A few mornings ago a printed check was not be exhibited against him. He made this application at the instance o presented by a boy at the banking-house of Messrs Everett and Co. It of my Lord Rolle, who had, for many years, endured a series of unpro was filled up in French in the following terms: Payez Madame voked insults from this party, and who was at last obliged to ask for the Williams deux baissers pour la nuit agreeable que j'ai passé avec elle."-interference of the Court. The person against whom he moved was in The Clerk who received the check, told the boy that the lady must ap- the habit of sending letters to various persons connected with his Lordship, pear herself to take the amount. On the next day there came to the containing gross scurrility respecting him. One of these, recently ad banking-house a very smart young girl, who testified great surprise and dressed to the housekeeper of Lord Rolle, designated him as a thickindignation upon being informed of the nature of value she was to headed and cold-hearted tyrant." Another addressed to Lady Rolle of receive. She stated that the person who presented her with the check the 17th inst, described him as 668 a miser and tyrant husband," and con represented himself to be a foreigner of wealth and distinction, and that tained other opprobrious language. he banked as Messrs Everett and Co's. He certainly spoke a foreign language, and now that she considered all that took place, she believed him to be an Irishman.

DELICATE MODE OF CONFERRING A FAVOUR,-On Wednesday evening, a lady elegantly dressed, driving on a handsome jaunting car, called at the house of a Captain Walshe, in Richmond street, aud her demand, whether the Captain was at home, having been answered in the uegative, she delivered to the servant a band-box, accompanied by a letter addressed to the Captain, which she directed to be handed to him immediately on his return. Her bidding was performed, and the gallant Captain, on his examining the paper depository, was agreeably, (3) surprised to find his search rewarded by the smiling looks and dulcet salutations of a blooming cherub.-Dublin Weekly Register.

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The COURT granted a rule to show cause. Choong pana, PIRATENA

A CONSISTORY COURT, FRIday, Nov. 25.akan kata d

vlampany kna In this case, the Court was solicited to pronounce Mrs Bligh, wife of Thos. Bligh, Esq. of Westmeath, to be in contempt of Court, for having, by the advice of Mr Long Wellesley Pole, with whom she was living abroad, avoided the reception of a citation issued by the Court. The COURT declined to pronounce Mrs Bligh in contempt, but suggested another mode of proceeding, as the matter could not make any progress till next term.

In the case of NEWCOMBE U. NEWCOMBE (a suit of Divorce, brought by Mr Newcombe, of the War Office, against his wife, who had eloped with the Baron de Loronze in 1822) there was no opposition, and the divorce was pronounced.



e of the offic A SLIGHT MISTAKE.—On Thursday, Mr Sweet, one of t officers to In the course of the week, a cause affecting some small matter in the the Sheriff of Middlesex, Cursitor street, appeared to answer the complaint accounts of a bankruptcy had been called on, and the counsel did not ap- of Mr Bourn, of the Quadrant, Regent street, for assault and false impripear. It seems that the Lord Chancellor, addressing himself to the Re-sonment. Mr Bourn deposed, that upon Wednesday evening, whilst he gistrar, directed him to take a minute of the fact that the case had been called on for several days going, and no counsel had appeared. At the sitting of the Court, Mr Horne requested the opportunity to justify himself. So far from being absent, he had on every morning that the cause was adjourned, been present, and had been most anxious for the opportunity of reply, the delay of which had occasioned him great inconye-is Bunn the actor. My name, replied the complainant, is Bourn, and y nience. But the Court had been pleased, from motives which it was not for him to question, to let in other matters for hearing, among which he would mention the appeal of " Devaynes and Noble" which had, ou four of the days in question, superseded his reply.

The LORD CHANCELLOR disowned, with obvious anxiety, any intention of reflecting in the slightest degree upon the learned gentleman. He was ready to take all the blame of the delay upon himself. He might have been in fault, and he alone, in allowing other matters to be heard first. He had no other motive in the observation which he made to the Registrar,

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was enjoying the company of a few friends, the defendant enquired if Mr
Bunn was at home: the servant thinking he said Bourn, replied in the
affirmative, when the defendant walked into the house, and said, Your
name is Buon, and I have a writ against you for 401. – To this Mr Boura
demurred: when the defendant replied, Oh, Lam quite right, your name
which he spelt, but the defendant said, I know better, your name is Bunn,
and your wife is an actress at Drury lane Theatre. He could not con-
vince the defendant, who collared him, snatched at his watoh, forced its
out of the pocket, and threw it violently upon the ground; a struggle
ensued; the defendant seized the poker, but was at last captured, and
handed over to the watchman-Mr Sweet said, that Mr Bourn forcibly
took the writ from him, and he had only endeavoured to regain possession
of it. The watch, he said, fell out in the struggle. Mr Bourn's account,
having been confirmed, Mr Sweet wes held to ball for the assault,


· SISTERS OF HUMANITY:Miss Jane Pratt, the Governess of a Benefit
Society, entitled "The Sisters of Humanity," held in Paddington, was
summoned to show cause why the Society refused to pay Mrs Mary Moody,
an elderly Sister of Humanity, 14. 16s. Miss Pratt stated, that all Sisters
were bound to pay a certain sum a week to the box ; but if they neglected,
be scratched (excluded). Miss Pratt gave a description of the
articles, which stated that all payments should be made on the quarterly
night, or be scratched; if ladies got intoxicated, they would be scratched
or if, after claiming on the funds through sickness, any of the " Sisters of
Humanity were found employed in any Domestic way,' they would be
scratched." Mr RAWLINSON: But wouldn't it be rather inhumane for the
sisters to scratch a person for washing their hands or face?-Miss Pratt
confessed that it was necessary to observe cleanliness; but Mrs Moody,
after having received the society's money ever since the 3rd of October,
was found by the visiting Sisters out in the rain, going of errands-Mrs
Jane Hughes, a Sister, said she went to visit Mrs Moody, whom she saw
in a field, it was raining

fused admission, because (it is said) she was intoxicated; but it is also reported, that she was destitute of the wages of her shame, wherewithal to purchase a night's shelter beneath the roof of this miserable den of sin➡ and for want of this, she was driven, in shame and sorrow, to bear, beneath heaven's canopy," the pelting of the pitiless storm!" One witness saw the door shut in her face, and observed the miserable creature slowly moving along towards the place where her body was discovered. Most likely, the ill-fated girl, struck by the misery of her destitation, maddened by strong liquors, and probably some awakening sting of conscience rushing across her disordered brain, caused her precipitately to commit a deed, which ended at least her earthly pilgrimage of crime and suffering. The Jury's verdict was Found drowned". Ann Lambert was arrainged at the Spring Assizes of this year, in the Court-house of Carrickfergus. Her crime was, stealing bank notes to a large amount, from a gentleman of this county. Her appearance was highly interesting, and her person handsome. Of her fascinating qualifications, some idea may be formed, from the fact, that having an interview of a few minutes with her prosecutor, in the jail, decline prosecuting; and, in addition, to purchase her some ornamental dress, immediately on her liberation. She was liberated returned to her former habits and has found a miserable death, in the very morning of her days-Northern Whig.

sure the defendant was doing he came to Miss Pratt and told her she was just before she was brought into Court for trial, she prevailed on him to

the society.

Mrs Moody denied that she had done any thing of a domestic nature since she had claimed on the box. On the day she was seen out, she had just recovered from illness; it was not raining, and she was advised by her doctor to take the air. The Society was ordered to pay what was duc. -CHARGE OF SWINDLING-On Wednesday, this office was again crowded to hear the re-examination of Mr Stanley De Courcy Ireland, and his housekeeper, charged with various acts of swindling. The Clerk to Mr Marsh, house-agent, proved that Mr Ireland agreed to take the house, No. 94 in Gloucester place, at a rent of 450 guineas. He gave a reference to Mr Martin, the Member for Galway, who, in reply to an inquiry respecting Ireland, stated in a note, that he knew him, that he was a respectable man, and he believed that he was able to pay anything he contracted. Ireland, in consequence, got possession of the house, but was induced to give it up soon after.

Mr Martin testified that he had known the prisoner many years; that he was respectably connected, and beld extensive marble quarries in Galway; and that he thought he was quite solvent when he took the house in Baker street. He (Mr Martin) knew nothing of the person who went by the name of Ponsonby.

Miss Jane Hale, of Versailles, Kentucky, lately put an end to her existence, by jumping into a deep well. When the family retired to rest, they left her reading the New Testament; in the morning they found a note on the table, stating that they might find her in the well. HORRID CRUELTY-A cat having fallen under the displeasure of a baker's apprentice bere (Perth) was, a few days since, put into the oven and actually roasted alive!-Dundee Advertizer.

SUICIDE. An inquest was held on Thursday, in Buckingham street, Fitzroy square, upon the body of Clement Dibney, aged 22.-Thomas Kemp, scale-maker, of Buckingham street, deposed, that on Friday week the deceased came into bis apartments, and sent witness to call his landlady; on his return, he found the deceased had stretched himself on the bed; he looked wildly at the witness, and said, "I am just going to expire; I have come to the last extremity, but I hope to live until my friend arrives." The witness went for a surgeon. He said to the witness, "it is this day twelve months since Mary was drowned," meaning a young female to whom he was about being married, but she was accidentally drowned; since which time he had become very low spirited.— Mr Hillier, surgeon, stated, he had attended the deceased, and ordered some tea to be procured for him, and went into another room, and in less than two minutes after heard a heavy fall; he ran into the room, and found the deceased on the ground deluged in blood, and a large wound in his throat. The razor with which he had committed the act was firmly clasped in his' right hand. The deceased had committed the act evidently with great deliberation, having arisen from the bed and stood before the looking-glass; the blood had flown over the glass.-The Jury then returned a verdict of Insanity.

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Mr Tucker, of the house of Summers and Smith, silversmiths, stated that Ireland had ordered of them a service of plate, of the value of 3,0001. telling them that his mother had left all the family plate to his sister, and | that he could not eat off china, having been always used to plate! On going to Baker-street, said this witness, "while standing at the door, I looked through the window-blinds of Mr Ireland's house, and saw him standing with a little man, dressed in a scarlet livery, and a taller man opening a bottle of wine with two forks; he filled out a glass and händed it to the footman, which I thought was very condescending. I, however, knocked, and was admitted to the parlour, where sat Mr Ireland alone with a bottle of wine and two plates of fruit on a table. I drank two glasses, and after some conversation left him, leaving two corkscrews SHOCKING CATASTROPHE,—A melancholy event, attended with fatal and a cork which I had brought with me. He, during the conversation, consequences, took place on Tuesday evening, at Walmer Castle, Deal, said his family would soon arrive, and he would then be comfortable. In the seat of the Earl of Liverpool, the Warden of the Cinque Ports. The a few days after he called, to know why his order had not been sent Noble Premier has been sojourning at his marine seat for some days past, home; I apologised, and told him Col. Martin's reference would not do, and of course had a number of servants at the castle. The gamekeeper and asked for any banker's reference, and the goods should be forwarded. had been out, and upon his return, had very imprudently left his loaded He seemed much agitated, the perspiration rolled down his face. He gun; a short time after, the cook and one of the valets entered the apart talked of his connections, and at length quitted the shop in great dud-ment, when the former took up the gun, and (without knowing it was geon. The only things which the witness bad the honour of supplying loaded), said to his fellow-servant, in a joke "I will shoot you!" He him with, were the two corkscrews." pulled the trigger, and, dreadful to relate, the piece went off, and lodged the contents in the head of the poor fellow, who dropped, and instantly expired. The other servants hearing the report of the gun, ran into the room, when the cook, who had been upon the most friendly terms with the deceased, explained the cause of the disaster. An inquest was held upon the body; when, after a patient investigation, the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. This is another instance of the lamentable effects arising from the too prevalent, but inexcusable practice of sportsmen and others leaving loaded guns within the reach of persons who are unaware of the deadly nature of their contents. The gamekeeper was discharged from his situation; and the afflicted cook passed through Csáterbury on Wednesday evening, on his way to London.

Mr Pratt, of Bond street, said he had left two desks, which Ponsonby had ordered, at the house.Mrs Daniels spoke to the delivery of six dozen of knives and forks.Mr Benton, pawnbroker, proved having received, in pledge, the knives and glass which belonged to Messrs Daniels and VickeryBoth the prisoners were again remanded.


SHAVING ON SUNDAY.-William Atkinson appeared to answer a charge of exercising his calling on the Sabbath-day. One of the Churchwardens of St. Paul's stated that he and his brethren, on Sunday last, went into the defendant's shop, and there found six or seven unen waiting to be shaved; and that one man was actually undergoing the operation! What have you to say for yourself?" said Mr MARRIOTT, addressing the unfortunate Shaver. The Shaver replied "I am very sorry, Sir, for what has happened, but having lost my health in his Majesty's service, 1 have no other means of getting an honest livelihood but by shaving, and I thought it no harm to clear a man's beard."-Mr Marriott to the Informer: You say that this has frequently happened, do you, Sir?"-Churchwarden: "Yes, Sir".-Mr Marriott: "He winst pay 5s and costs."The mower of beards then paid 11s. 6d. and then departed. Shame! Shame!


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THE END OF THE PROSTITUTE?-Another melancholy instance of the fatal end which sooner or later ever awaits the unfortunate victim of deceit or of passion, has occurred in Belfast. On yesterday morning, the body of Ann Lambert, a wanderer from the path of virtue, was found in the dam, at Millfield. On the inquest, it was ascertained, that on Tuesday night, she had applied for admission into a house of ill-fame, kept by a Catherine Jamison, and where she had lodged for the last three months. She was re

HORRID OUTRAGE.-On Monday the 14th inst., about half past three o'clock, a respectable young woman named Mary Waters, of South Luffenham, Rutland, was stopped by two ruffians on the turnpike-road upon Barrowden Hay, where they robbed her of her money and some articles of wearing apparel, then repeatedly and brutally violated her person, and at length endeavoured to deprive her of life by cutting her throat. It was not until some considerable time afterwards that the unfortunate victim was discovered by a labourer who heard the faint cries of the still surviving girl, from a ditch into which the rafians had thrown her and where they had cast upon her a quantity of sods and weeds, under the impression, no doubt, that she was dead. She providentially, however, is still alive, and it is hoped will recover to give evidence before an earthly tribunal against the monsters by whom she has been so dreadfully injured. From her description of the criminals, pursuit was made, and two men who slept at King's Cliffe on the night after the outrage, were apprebended, and were on the evening of Thursday, the 17th inst, fully committed to Oakham gaol, for trial at the next Assizes, by the names of Jaceb Bozolander, a sailor, and William Bean.

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