Imagens das páginas


that other people more favourably circumstanced might take the alarm. MR. KEAN-MORAL CANT-We have thought with Sterne, that "of But we see the times are more favourable for the exercise of the power of all the cants that ever were canted in this canting world, the cant of criti-the Press than we had anticipated. So sovereign is this power, indeed, cism was the worst" but the cant of morality, especially when it supersedes that in the same paper, and in the same column, the same conduct is beld criticism, has, in our minds, completely engrossed the superlative. This up to execration in one which is imitated in another" For the libels "cant" was never carried to a more offensive, or absurd length, than in complained of," says The Times, speaking of the prosecution of Haydn, the present instance; in which we shrewdly suspect that it has been made it is enough to say, that they attacked the private character of the Lord a cloak for sundry sinister interests, much cowardly malignity, and many Lieutenant, in itself an unfair subject of abuse." We are the last persons skulking prejudices. It would be scarcely rational to account for the Drury- in the world who would wish to attack Lord Wellesley, on any other than lane uproar upon any other supposition. Mr. Kean is a servant of the public grounds. Though, therefore, we may doubt the policy of the propublic. In that capacity he is open to its censure, or entitled to its support, ceeding against Haydn, and regret that all the State prosecutions in in proportion to his merits or demerits. We go to the theatre to see an Ireland, since Lord Wellesley became Lord Lieutenant, should, with one actor, not in his domestic or personal character-but in his histrionic exception, have had for object the punishment of affronts offered to his character. We may sigh over the frailties by which genius is too fre- Lordship personally, we willingly join with The Times in condemning the quently degraded, and we may entertain strong feelings as to particular inroads into his private life. But how secure must the hold on public acts of the individual,-but we have no right to visit him in his profes-opinion have been deemed, when in the same breath, the same Journal sional exertions with an extra-judicial penalty for his moral transgressions. which threw its shield over Lord Wellesley, setting consistency at If we were going to invite him to our table, or to make him the companion defiance, has the following attack on a Member of the Legislature:of our wives, the case would be altered. In the theatre, it is the actor, "Belasco, the bruiser, was actively engaged for Kean.-A Whig Memand not the man, that claims our suffrages. The same principle applies to ber also, whom the more respectable part of the Whigs would be glad of all professions, that of the Church, perhaps, alone excepted. Michael an opportunity of renouncing, evinces his respect for good morals by a Angelo is said to have stabbed a poor fellow whom he had hired to be constant attendance and great zeal on the same side. He sometimes has fastened to a cross (for his picture of the Crucifixion) in order to catch his middle-aged Thais with him. He had better not provoke us."—Of and transmit to his canvas the expression of his last agonies. Is our ad- course the Gentleman will take the hint, and in all cases attend to our miration of the painter lost in our abhorrence of the assassin? But his injunctions. It would be absurd in uncontrouled power to be governed by crime may imputed to the aura sacra fames.-Be it so -Did the parsimony any thing like principle in the distribution of favours; tel est notre plaisir of Marlborough render him less fatal in the field, or less successful in is quite enough.-One man shall, by his liberality to his mistresses, and diplomacy? Are the military successes of Wellington neutralized by the splendour of their establishments, raise the price of marketable beauty the notoriety of his amours? Or are the decisions of a Chancellor less throughout Mary-la-bonne, and be the cause of mortgages, which, in the valuable because he may happen to be hen-pecked at home, despicable for late critical times, threatened to sweep away the mansions of half of our bis avarice, and odious for his bigotry? Was the eloquence of Atterbury ancient families, and yet be a prodigious favourite, whilst another man less splendid or admirable on account of his moral turpitude? To these shall not be allowed to bestow a smile on a single Thais. This is all of questions we believe that there can be but one answer; and we would course as it should be; only we do not exactly see the necessity for any apply that answer to Mr. Kean. But there is an inveteracy of personal | longer looking shy on John Bull. If he was a little more outrageous than hostility towards this gifted tragedian, for which we cannot pretend to ourselves formerly, he has like other people profited by his moral lessons, account. His habits of bibacity and love of pleasurable indulgence are and indeed would almost seem to have abandoned his wicked crimes, and arrayed against him, although they never-but once-tempted him to dis- taken to reading the book which he hangs out as a sign in good earnest. appoint an audience, or to appear before it “shorn of his beams." For Let us all, therefore, be on good understanding-let us bear with each his ultimate triumph over the paltry hypocrisy of his adversaries, we have other, and allow to each other the impunity which each would wish to not a single apprehension; but we must protest against the precedent, have for himself, and we shall laud it gaily over the world. During the which those adversaries would establish; put in the claim of other per-present bickerings, a number of bitter invectives against some of our conformers to a hearing (which they were denied on Monday night) when Mr. temporaries, have been communicated to us; but we always bore in mind Kean is not on the stage; and reprobate the mock morality-the pseudo the fable of the Bundle of Sticks. If the world will bear with us, why purity, which would sacrifice at the altar of its hatred, or of its cupidity, shall we not bear with one another ?—Morning Chronicle, the interests of a guilty man's unoffending posterity, and the enjoyments, exquisite and intellectual as they are, which less sordid, or less fastidious auditors, may derive from his talents.-Hereford Independent.

RAIL-ROADS.-LOCO-MOTIVE STEAM-ENGINES.-A Correspondent informs us that he was present, on the 17th inst., at Kellingworth Colliery, near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in order to witness a grand experiment as to the power of loco-motive Engines, which was performed at the desire and in the presence of more than twelve gentlemen, from the Committees of the intended Manchester and Liverpool, and the Birmingham Rail Road Companies, and the following was the result:-The Engine being of eight horse power, and weighing, with the tender (containing water and coals) five tons and ten hundred weight, was placed on a portion of Rail-Road, the inclination of which, in one mile and a quarter, was stated by the proprietor, Mr. Wood, to be one inch in a chain, or one part in 792. Twelve waggons were placed on the Rail-Road, each containing two tons, and between 13 and 14 hundred weight of coals, making a total weight of 32 tons, and eight hundred weight. The twelve waggons were drawn one mile and a quarter each way, making two miles and a half in the whole in forty minutes, or at the rate of 3 miles per hour, consuming 4 pecks and one-half of coals: eight waggons were then drawn over the same distance in thirty-six minutes, consuming 4 pecks of coals; and six waggons were then drawn over the same ground in thirty-two minutes, consuming five pecks of coals. Our Correspondent mentions, that the Rail-Road, the Engine, and Machinery were all in excellent order, and well prepared for the experiment; and that the Engine requires to be supplied with hot or boiling, and not cold water, and that two hundred gallons of water will take the Engine 14 miles, at the end of which a supply of hot or boiling water must be renewed.-Another gentleman, an eminent engineer, who witnessed the experiment above alluded to, has given us a very different representation of the matter: he says that an engine of eight horse power conveyed twelve loaded waggons, weighing 48 tons, or deducting the weight of the waggons, 39 tons of goods, at the rate of six miles and a half an hour; and adds, that a ten horse engine will unquestionably convey 20 tons of merchandize (exclusive of the waggons) at the rate of eight miles an hour, or 40 tons at the rate of four miles an hour.-Leeds Mercury. NEWSPAPER MORALITY.-We were somewhat afraid, in the commencement of this business (Mr. Kean's) that the Press bad gone a little too far in trying Mr. Kean over again, and laying the lash of public opinion on his shoulders We knew, indeed, that the morality of this country was very latitudinariau, that provided an adulterer did not expose his partner in sin, by the production of her letters, in order to reduce his damages, a verdict would only make him the more welcome into good society, and that players are punished for their sins merely upon the principle that es are beat, because they take blows patiently; but still we were afraid

TORY INCONSISTENCY.-A Quarterly Reviewer, taken off his guard,as when treating of a subject not directly political,-will sometimes furnish a cutting argument against the very system which he most strenuously upholds. The last No. of the Quarterly Review, in an article on Savings Banks and Country Banks, has the following passage as a note :-" We suggest the consolidation of the present five acts on the Savings Banks into one. It would not cost much trouble to those accustomed to frame acts of Parliament; but it costs a plain man of business (and such are the most valuable conductors of Savings Banks) an infinite deal of labour to read five acts of Parliament, and find out what clauses in the first four are repeated, and what are still to be considered as included in the fifth." Here the writer, full of his subject, and sincerely zealous apparently for the success of the institutions in question, feels strongly the absurdity and the mischief of the bungling legislation which creates five successive and distinct laws on one limited subject, instead of embodying the previous acts in the new measure. Yet this same Quarterly Review, if a BENTHAM proposes to reduce the hideous mass of statutes, old and new, obsolete, complex, inconsistent, and voluminous beyond the capacity even of a learned lawyer to comprehend, into one well-digested Code; this same Review, we say, and very likely this identical writer, would yell out "sedition!" against the proposer of such a reform-whine over the “ veuerable fabric" of our "sacred and time-honoured institutions," or sneer at the pretended vanity of a man who presumed to set himself up against "the wisdom of our ancestors!"

An unseasonable occurrence in the cellar of the late Sir Joseph Banks may be acceptable in the mention, and excite particular sympathy in persons who recreate with the juice of the vine: as a fact, it may tend to elucidate the origin and nature of vegetable fungi, particularly of that species termed mushroom. The worthy baronet had a cask of wine rather too sweet for immediate use; he therefore directed that it should be placed in a cellar, in order that the saccharine matter it contained might be more perfectly decomposed by age. At the end of three years, he directed his butler to ascertain the state of the wine, when, on attempting to open the cellar door, he could not effect it, in consequence of some powerful obstacle. The door was cut down, and the cellar found to be completely filled with a firm fungus vegetable production-so firm that it was necessary to use the axe for its removal. This appeared to have grown from, or have been nourished by, the decomposed particles of the wine: the cask was empty, and carried up to the ceiling, where it was supported by the surface of the fungus.-Hone's Every-day Book.

NEW YEAR'S GIFTS.-[From Mr. Hone's weekly sheet entitled the "Every-day Book," a storehouse of pleasant information, drawn from books of all sorts, including rare and curious old works, of which he possesses so extensive a knowledge.]—In a " Banquet of Jests, 1634," 12mo.,

there is a pleasant story of Archee, the king's jester, who, having fooled many, was fooled himself. Coming to a nobleman, upon new year's day, to bid him good-morrow, Archee received twenty pieces of gold; but, covetously desiring more, he shook them in his hand, and said they were too light. The donor answered: "I prithee, Archee, let me see them again, for there is one amongst them I would be loth to part with :" Archee, expecting the sum to be increased, returned the pieces to his lordship; who put them in his pocket with this remark, "I once gave money into a fool's hand, who had not the wit to keep it."-Pins were acceptable new year's gifts to the ladies, instead of the wooden skewers which they used till the end of the fifteenth century. Sometimes they received a composition in money and hence allowances for their separate use is still denominated "pin-money."-Gloves were customary new year's gifts. They were more expensive than in our times, and occasionally a money present was tendered instead: this was called "glove-money." Sir Thos. More, as Lord Chancellor, decreed in favour of a Mrs. Croaker against the Lord Arundel. On the following new year's day, in token of her gratitude, she presented Sir Thomas with a pair of gloves, containing forty angels. It would be against good manners," said the Chancellor, to forsake a gentlewoman's new year's gift, and I accept the gloves; their lining you will be pleased otherwise to bestow."


Though we have, on several recent occasions, called the attention of the public to the various new projects with which the age teems, for the profitable employment of capital, and to the Joint-Stock Companies daily formed for realizing them, yet neither the Mercury nor any other paper has said half as much on the subject, as the prodigious phenomena presented to our view demand. No previous age-not even the reign of George I. so renowned for the Mississippi, South Sea, and other schemes-ever offered such a multitude of new and vast speculations, supported by such a mass of capital, as the short reign of his present Majesty, and in particular the year 1824. To look at the announcements in the London papers for a few weeks back, the almost countless millions subscribed, or likely to be subscribed, for undertakings, some of them the most gigantic, and others the most ridiculous,to see the avidity with which the public rush into enterprises, in total ignorance of their grounds, and knowing only that their object is gain,-one might imagine that the fables of the East were realized, and that every man possessed a key to subterraneous chambers filled with treasure, whilst at the same time a spirit of boundless avidity seized upon all minds, and the suddenly acquired wealth was scattered over the whole earth, in hopes of bringing back fresh stores of riches. We do not say that the popular frenzy in the pursuit of these schemes is so great as on some former occasions, but the schemes themselves are much more numerous and extensive than was ever before known. As it is impossible to enumerate all the projects brought before the public, we refer our readers to the first paragraph in our Miscellany, for the announcements of a single day made in a single journal; from which some idea may be formed of the spirit of speculation, which is the prevailing epidemic of the country. Railways, insurance companies, and banks for the whole of England, Scotland, and Ireland; paving companies, mining companies, diving companies, gas-light companies, dairy companies, washing companies, improvement companies, pawnbroking companies, companies for manufacturing and selling all sorts of commodities; these are a few of the branches of enterprise now entered into by bands of capitalists, who do not confine their operations to their own country, but are preparing to dive on the coasts of Colombia, burrow in the Andes, and even illuminate with gas the towns of South America and the West Indies! In a single day, projects like these were announced, supported by a nominal capital of thirteen millions and a half sterling!

The first question naturally suggested, in looking upon this state of things, is-what is it owing to? and the next,-what will be its consequences, and where will it end?

In answer to the first question, it may be said, that all these speculations show the existence of a surplus capital in the country for which the existing branches of employment

and that they show still more conclusively the high perfection
to which public and private credit have been brought in
England. An excess of capital over the means of employing
it produces a low rate of interest, and this causes capitalists
to seek fresh modes of investing their money-which, though
they are less safe, promise larger profits, than the ordinary
modes. But we are inclined to think, that the phenomena
now observed are attributable less to a surplus capital than
to the high perfection of credit. In disturbed countries, or in
states subject to despotic caprice and exaction, credit is
scarcely known, money bears an enormons interest, and the
operations of trade require a much greater amount of real
wealth, in proportion to their extent, to carry them on, than
amongst a free and tranquil people. But in England credit
is more perfect than in any other country. Public credit
has been maintained unsullied and unimpaired through the
tempests of war, and the severest pressure of commercial and
agricultural distress; and of course the confidence of the
public in the faith of Government and the strength of the
national reeources, is proportioned to the trials which that
faith and those resources have sustained. And private credit
is also much higher in Britain than in any other part of the
world, owing to the better state of morals, the greater amount
of property, the fewer hazards of trade, the firmer foundation
and more established character of the mercantile body, and
the highly improved system of banking. Both public and
private credit are strengthened by peace, and by the com-
manding rank which the country now occupies in the scale of
nations. Money is easily
obtained; long credit is given;
hard cash is superseded by bills of exchange, which wonder-
fully facilitate trade and commerce; every germ of prospe-
rity is developed in the genial warmth of the season; and
thus a seeming overflow and torrent of wealth is produced,
which a time of war or distress would contract to a consider-
ably narrower stream. We do not insinuate that the coun-
try is not really prosperous, or that credit is not a blessing:
but we wish to show that there is not quite so much wealth
as there seems to be, and that credit, like other good things,
may be abused, and may do occasional mischief.

Another consideration to be borne in mind, in contemplating the vast amount of capital subscribed for carrying the new projects into effect, is, that very little of the nominal capital is actually produced and employed, nor will it be required for years, even supposing the schemes to be prosecuted. Any measure that should suddenly call for the production of the money would annihilate a large proportion of the speculations, which now appear to be so substantially supported.

Having ascertained the causes of the multitudinous projects of the day, it is natural to enquire how they are likely to operate, and in what they will end. But these questions can be very imperfectly answered, even by persons best acquainted with the circumstances of the country, and most sagacious in their calculations of the future. The character of the speculations is so extremely different, that no general fate can attend them; and events may lie in the womb of time, to disconcert the best and soundest plans. A few observations, however, may safely be made, to distinguish the various classes of projects from each other. It is obvious that those will in general be the least hazardous, and most beneficial to the country, which have the field of their operations at home. They are founded on better information, liable to fewer contingencies, may be more easily supported, and will yield the whole profits of success to the people of this country. Some of these, as the Railway projects, will be a permanent source of wealth to the community, even if the hopes of the first proprietors should not be immediately realized. They will do us as much good as if they added to the natural fertility of our soil. Some of the schemes for domestic improvements appear wild, but they may still. produce nublic benefit.

CITY, 12 O'CLOCK.-Consols for Account are quoted 934, with little doing. Austrian Bonds, 974; Buenos Ayres, 92; Colombian, 92; Chilian, 884; Mexican, 82; Spanish, 21; Greek, 583; Reduced, 944.



American Mining speculations we are extremely distrustful. They are brought out in a hasty, slovenly, suspicious manner, and must of necessity be attended in their execution with difficulties and risks of the most formidable nature. The situation of the mines, on high, cold, and barren mountains, with a scanty, half-civilized population around them, deficient fuel, execrable roads, no means of repairing machinery, a ADVICES have been received from Lisbon by way of Paris, dangerous climate, unskilful workmen, jealous natives, unset- which state that the appointment of Sir Charles Stuart, on tled governments-these are only a few of the difficulties and a special mission to the Court of Lisbon, had been officially dangers to be encountered by the Englishmen, who shall go announced to the King, who had received the communication out to La Plata, Peru, and Mexico, for the purpose of work-in the most gracious manner, and had expressed great satising mines. Of many of the other speculations broached we can say nothing, because we know nothing; and we only wish that others, who are as ignorant as ourselves, would obtain very good information before they risk their property in supporting them. It requires no conjuror to foretel, that many of these projects will never be carried into execution at all, and that others will fall short of their anticipated effects. We are convinced that a great number of them are the production of mere stock-jobbers, who hope to profit by the delusion of the public, and will abandon the schemes when they have realized their fraudulent expectations. We shall watch the progress of events, and use our best exertions to encourage honest and good undertakings, and to warn our readers against those which are hazardous and suspicious.-Leeds Mercury.



Mr. F. POLLOCK, Counsel for the plaintiff, stated that the plaintiff was the executor of the last will of Napoleon Buonaparte; and the defendant had been Buonaparte's banker in Paris, with whom he was in the habit of lodging considerable sums of money, previous to his quitting France in the year 1815. When Buonaparte left France in that year, he took with him documents from the defendant, which showed the amount of the money then in the defendant's hands, belonging to Buonaparte. These documents it would not be necessary now to produce; but an account, the result of them, and a declaration of the defendant's admitting its correctness, and that the balance, equal to 129,4221. 6s. 2d. remained in his hands, would be proved, which would entitle the plaintiff to a verdict for that sum. It would be unnecessary to prove the will of Buonaparte, as the defendant, by allowing judgment to go by default, admitted that the plaintiff was his executor. The Hon. Douglas Kinnaird stated, that he was acquainted with the defendant's hand-writing; he had seen him write, and was in the habit of seeing his writing every week; the signature to the account and declaration produced were in the defendant's hand-writing.

Mr. John Allan Powell produced translated copies of the account and declaration proved by Kinnaird. The balance due to Bonaparte on the account was 3,248,500 francs. The declaration stated, that the defendant held that sum on account of Napoleon Bonaparte, and was dated Jan. 15,


[blocks in formation]

faction at the appointment. Sir Charles Stuart is therefore, we understand, to embark for Lisbon in a few days. Several noblemen, it is said, are to accompany him, for the purpose of giving greater splendour and consequence to his mission. Letters have been received from Mr. Henderson, dated Bogota, Nov. 19, which state that an extraordinary courier had arrived with despatches overland from Bolivar's army, with the account of having totally defeated Canterac, who had retreated in great disorder with, it is said, no more than 1,600 men, closely pursued towards Cuzco. The action took place on the banks of the Apurimac, on the 29th of September. No letters of a later date have been received from Bogota, and the news, we learn from good authority, is confirmed by another of our Consuls, and letters from Carthagena of the 29th of November. If this account be perfectly correct and it comes from an authority to which we are disposed to give great credit-the struggle in Peru may be Considered as at an end.

Letters from Pernambuco, dated the 23d of December, were received on Saturday, which bring an account of the complete termination of the insurrection in that province. Most of the chiefs of the republican party were in custody, and were undergoing a trial before a military commission, and it was supposed that their lives would be forfeited. According to the statements in those letters, the individuals who fomented those insurrections were chiefly actuated by the love of plunder, aud were influenced by no patriotic motives for effecting a reformation in the Government. About 700 more of the Insurgents were in prison at Govana, and vessels were preparing to convey them to Rio, to await the Emperor's will The Insurgents from Bahia were also to be sent to the capital They were to sail in the first instance from Bahia to Pernam buco on the 6th of January, and orders had been given t disarm them as soon as they should come to an anchorage.


CORN EXCHANGE, MARK-LANE, FEB. 7. We had large arrivals of grain of all descriptions last week, and very considerable supply of Flour. The fresh arrivals this morning a however small, and fine Wheat being scarce, 1s. and 2s. advance h been obtained, but in the inferior there is little to notice. The fear of th ports being opened has much abated, and Barley may be quoted 4s. p quarter dearer, with good trade. Beans are as last week, but Boili Pease are 4s. advanced. Oats are slow sale. The Flour trade is very du Wheat, red (new) 528. 688. | Pease, White..


Ditto old
Wheat, white (new)
Ditto old
Beans, small



Tick ditto




54s. 71s.

42s 45

54s. 75s.
60s. 79s.


50s. 5

39s. 41

37s. 3

[blocks in formation]

Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Maritime Districts of E
land and Wales, by which Exportation and Bounty are to be regula
in Great Britain.
Wheat per

Quarter, 66s. 3d.-Barley, 38s. 9d.-Oats, 23s. 2d.-Ry
40s. 2d.-Beans, 40s. 3d.-Pease, 42s. 10d.


In the Beef market there is no variation, the price remains at 5s. 28. stone for the best meat, and for the coarse, steers, &c. the quotation is 4: 4s. 10d. Mutton is scarcely so high as on last market day, the Downs not being quoted more than 58. 64. Her stone. Veal is with

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Shortly will be published,

MEMOIRS of MADAME GENLIS, written by Herself. 2 vols.

2. JOURNAL of a RESIDENCE in COLOMBIA in 1823 and 1924, by Capt. C. S. COCHRANE, R.N. 2 vols. 8vo. 3. GAIETIES and GRAVITIES, a SERIES of ESSAYS, COMIC TALES, &c. now first collected, by one of the Authors of " Rejected Addresses." 3 vols. 4. TREMAINE; or, the MAN of REFINEMENT. 3 vols. post 8vo.

5. MEMOIRS of the COURT of FRANCE; during the residence of the Marquis de DANGEAU. 2 vols.

6. DON ESTEBAN; or, MEMOIRS of a SPANIARD. Written by Himself.

3 vols.

Just published by J. and H. L. Hunt, Tavistock-street, Covent-garden :Price 8s. boards,


Translated from the German of LESSING.

"The Fables are very entertaining from their fine satire and the agreeable way in which they are related, and are well worthy a place in every library, and even upon every idler's table. * Of the Epigrams it is needless to speak, considering their author's celebrity."-New Monthly Magazine. In 18mo. price 2s. 6d. boards,


In taking this masterly Essay from the larger work in which it first appeared, and reprinting it (with the permission of the venerable Author) in a cheap form, the object of the Publishers is, to make a more general appeal to Public Opinion against the mischievousness of that compound of falsehood, absurdity, and mystification, with which the minds of nearly all the children in this coun try are drugged, under the title of the "Catechism of the Church of England." Octavo, stitched, price One Shilling,

3. MOTHER CHURCH RELIEVED BY BLEEDING; or, VICES AND REMEDIES. Extracted from Bentham's "Church of Englandism," &c. This is a summary of the Vices, and a Proposal for the Reform, of the Church of England; and is designed as a popular appeal against the Establishment, as the Reprint of the "Catechism Examined" is against the doctrine, of that church. ANSWER TO THE NEW TRIAL OF THE WITNESSES. Octavo, stitched,

4. LETTERS to the EDITOR of the "NEW TRIAL of the WITNESSES; or, the Resurrection of Jesus Considered," &c. in Answer to that Work. By an OXFORD LAYMAN. Octavo, price 2s. 6d. sewed,

PROVINCIAL BANK of IRELAND.-CAPITAL, Two MILLIONS. perusal has satisfied us that it has been assumed solely on account of the ludi

Matthias Attwood, Esq. M.P.
Right Hon. Wm. Bagwell, M.P.
James Brogden, Esq. M.P.
G. R. Dawson, Esq. M.P.
Harry Alexander Douglas, Esq.
Sir Robert Farquhar, Bart.
Oliver Farrer, Esq.


Edw. Fletcher, Es.1. Devonshire-square
Sir Charles Flower, Bart.

W. Alexander Mackinnon, Esq.
T. P. Macqueen, Esq. M.P.
John Masterman, Esq.

John Fairlie, Esq.

S. E. Magan, Esq.

William Medley, Esq.
Moses Montefiore, Esq.
John Morris, Esq.

Charles Elton Prescott, Esq.
T. Spring Rice, Esq. M.P.
Rowland Stephenson, Esq.
John Thomas Thorp, Esq. Alderman
W. H. Trant, Esq. M.P.

Samuel Nevil Ward, Esq.

Samuel Williams, Esq. Finsbury-square John Wright, Esq. Henrietta-street, Covent-garden


Alfred Thorp, Esq. William Peat Litt, Esq.

SECRETARY-Mr. T. Joplin.

ENGLISH SOLICITORS-Messrs. Farrers, Atkinson, and Co. IRISH SOLICITORS-Messrs. P. and D. Mahony.


Messrs. Masterman, Peters, and Co.; Messrs. Spooner, Attwoods, and Co. Joint Stock Banking Companies have been the most uniformly successful of any of our Commercial Establishments, and when constructed upon proper principles, and a scale of sufficient magnitude, have invariably proved a safe and profitable investment for capital.

The Banking Business of Scotland is almost entirely conducted by such Companies, and the high price of their Shares is the best criterion of their success, and of the confidence reposed in them.

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The flourishing state of the Bank of Ireland, is the best proof of the value of Banking in that part of the United Kingdom. By an Act passed last Session of Parliament, the obstructions to the establishment of further Joint Stock Companies in Ireland, have been removed; and under these circumstances, a Company called the "Provincial Bank of Ireland," has been formed, to carry on business upon the plan adopted by the Scotch Banks.

The Capital to be 2,000,0001. (to be divided into Shares of 1001. each) under the management of a Board of Directors in London.

Establishments will be formed in the principal Provincial Towns of Irelandviz. Cork, Waterford, Clonmel, Wexford, Limerick, Galway, Sligo, Westport, Londonderry, Belfast and other places.

These Establishments to be under the superintendance of a Board of Resident Directors, aided by active and intelligent Agents, sent by the general Board of Directors, and the whole to be under the control of the General Board. Jan. 21st, 1825.

Company's Office, Levant House, St. Helen's-place, Bishopsgate-street, London.

[blocks in formation]

"Vix ea nostra voco." Just published,

BAPTISM DISCUSSED. By DAN. ISAAC. Containing Scripture

Principles, Precepts, and Precedents in favour of the Baptism of Infants and little Children, and thousands of Examples in proof that neither John the Baptist, nor Jesus Christ, nor the Holy Apostles, ever required of a Candidate, as a qualification for the Ordinance, either a knowledge of the theory of Religion, or Repentance, or Faith, or Holiness; Second Edition, 12mo. price 4s. 6d. boards. 2. The JUVENILE BIBLE CLASS BOOK. By the Rev. A. E. Farrer. A new Edition, much improved, 12mo. 2s.

3. FREDERICK; or, Incidents illustrative of the Beauties and Graces of Vital Piety in the Domestic Circle.

[blocks in formation]

A SECOND SERIES of SAYINGS and DOINGS, in 3 vols. 2. The LAST DAYS of NAPOLEON, by Dr. ANTOMMARCHI, his Physician. 2 vols. 3. MEMOIRS of COUNT SEGUR, Ambassador from France at the Courts of Russia and Prussia. Written by Himself. 1 vol. 8vo. 4. A SECOND SERIES of HIGHWAYS and BY-WAYS, or Tales of the Roadside. 3 vols. post 8vo.

5. The SPIRITS of the AGE, or Contemporary Portraits. 1 vol. 8vo. 6. The CONCLUDING LIVRAISON of NAPOLEON'S HISTORICAL ME MOIRS. 1 vol. 8vo.

THE NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE and LITERARY JOURNAL for Feb. 1, being the second number for 1825, contains, among other interesting original papers-I. The Clubs of London-II. Giulio, a Tale. An Improvisation of Napoleo-III. To the Year 1824-IV, A Vision of Judgment, in Prose-V. The Family Journal, No. 2.; Beautiful Offspring, The TownVI. Letters from the East, No. 12, Acre-VII. Poetical Scenes, No. 4, Raffaelle and Fornarina-VIII. Vesper of Petrarch-IX. The Canadian Emigrant, No. 2X. Grimm's Ghost, No. 22; Meeting the same People-XI. London paved with Poem-XVI. London Letters to Country Cousins, No. 2. The Horse Bazaar Physician-XIV. Revival of Christmas Merry-Makings-XV. Steam, a new XVII. Good news for the Ladies-Novelty and Familiarity. Approaching Downfall of the Golden Calf, &c., and the usual Varieties in Art, Science, Criticism, the Drama, Politics and Commerce.

FLUID EXTRACT of SARSAPARILLA. In this preparation Gold-XII. Mr. Plunkett and his informations-XIII. Marshal Saxe and his

are concentrated all the Medical Properties of the Sarsaparilla Root, even to a perfect saturation of the Menstrum with which it is prepared. To such persons, therefore, who, from various causes, would experience great inconvenience, or with whom it would be utterly impossible to prepare the Decoction, the Fluid Extract, which possesses the advantages of portability and of keeping in any climate, will be found a most desirable mode of employing this much-esteemed Medicine.-The Diseases in which it has proved most beneficial are those of the Skin, such as the Scorbutic Affections, Erup tive Diseases, Secondary Symptoms, &c. arising from a diseased state of the System at large. It is taken in Water, rendering it of the same strength

fute, Edinburgh; John Cumming, Dublin; and may also be exported to Friends Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington-street, London, Bell and Bradabroad, by application to the General Post Office, or to any local Post Master.

as the Decoction. Sold in bottles, at 4s. 6d. and 78. 6d. by Butler, Chemist, FISTULAS and PILES.-Having been effectually cured of these

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Be careful to ask for Butler's Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla.

FOR COLDS, COUGHS, ASTHMAS, &c.-The PECTORAL malady, where to apply for a cure, induces me to give this publicity to my case.

ELIXIR. Experience during a very long period has incontestibly proved the superior efficacy of this Medicine, in all cases of Colds, Coughs, and Asthmatic Affections. By promoting gentle expectoration, it very shortly relieves the patient of a slight or recent Cold, and a few doses are generally sufficient to remove those which neglect has rendered more confirmed and obstinate, and which are accompanied with Cough, Spitting of Blood, and other serious symptras. Its peculiar balsamic powers tend to heal soreness, and allay the irrita Son of the lungs, in cases of Cough; and in asthmatic affections it assists and mes freedom to the breath.-Sold in bottles, at 1s. 1d. and 2s. 9d. by Butler, Chemist, 4, Cheapside, St. Paul's; Savory and Co. 136, New Bond-street; 220, Regent-street; and by the principal Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom. Of whom may be had, the BALSAMIC LOZENGES, used in recent Langhe, Hoarseness, &c. and for rendering the Voice clear and flexible, and Protecting its organs from the effects of exertion. In boxes, Is. 14d, and 28. 9d. Be careful to ask for Butler's Pectoral Elixir and Balsamic Lozenges.

distressing complaints, by Mr. VAN BUTCHELL, Surgeon-Accoucheur, of No. 48, South-street, Grosvenor-square, London, after not more than FORTY ATTENDANCES, and without confinement, my sense of gratitude to him, and an anxious desire to apprise those persons labouring under the same dreadful Before Mr. Van Butchell undertook my cure, I had been under an eminent Surgeon for TWELVE MONTHS, and during that time underwent THREE operations of Cutting, and was urged by him to submit to a fourth,, as the only chance of a cure; but having received no advantage from the previous operations, and considering the result of a fourth equally doubtful, I could not muster fortitude to again undergo the excessive sufferings I had before endured. I then began to despair of ever being cured: but being strongly recommended to Mr. Van Butchell, I was induced to wait on him, when he at once assursd me of his being able to cure me (an assurance he soon realized) without my undergoing the hazardous, and at all times very doubtful, operation of cutting. Several respectable persons can corroborate this statement, and I shall have much pleasure in satisfying the personal inquiries of any female on the subject. A MARRIED FEMALE.

N.B. Cards of my address will be given to female applicants, by Mrs, Philipps, No, 34, Great Russell-street, Bedford-square.

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up in the French Provinces. By a WALKING GENTLEMAN. 4th Edit.
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See Quarterly Review, No. 61, p. 100.
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Lady, by H. Cam.

11. The Three Sisters, by 'The Hermit."
12. Coincidences, by

13. The Confessions of a Sexagenarian,
by The Author of the Dejeuné.
The Round Table, No. VI.
14. Life in the City; or, Mrs. Higgs

At Home.'

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16. Letter-press Illustration to the Steel Engraving.

The above Original Papers, Reviews of Twenty New Books, a Synopsis of Public
Events, Critiques on the Drama, Fine Arts, &c. &c. appeared in the 16th or
February Number of

published on the 31st ult. price is.

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