Imagens das páginas
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Hæc olim meminisse juvabit.-VIRGIL.




At the Franklin Press,



DR 26 5f
DoeR 265

to the Twelfth

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church at 251; improvements
of the city 303; arrivals at
325; monument erected to A.
Randall 367; freshet at, height
of the water, &c
Bank, national, remarks upon 68
-s, law of New York respect-
ing 96, 208; of Kentucky 239;
of the United States 185, 208,
336, 399; of Illinois 239; of


Bread, sir H.Davy's experiments
on flour

a series of experiments on
the making of


consumed in the U.S.273, &c.
Briggs, Isaac


Riots at London 16, 28; Car-
lisle 182; Ely 182; Manchester
182, 183, 205-at Dundee 28; Chip-
penham 28; Sheffield 28-in Ireland
157, 374, 396, 409; Cork 363; Not-
tingham 363, 374, 396; Yorkshire,
399 371-Wellington the duke of 16,
400 28, 69, 218, 298; Watson 28, 135,'

Bank notes, not money, a law-
case 221; remarks upon 262,
357; species of
Baptists in the U. S.
Barbary powers.-Export of corn
from Morocco 30; reported
hostility against the Dutch 30,
Algerine affairs 58, 158, 184,
299, 334, 376, Tripolitan af-
fairs 78; Tunis 250, 319; cor.
sairs in the English channel
334; pirates at sea
Barcelona-see Venezuela
400 Barney, com. entertained in Ken-
198 tucky

325, 341
198, 224


Almeida, case of 114, 129, 179, 231
Altitudes of mountains
American Monthly Magazine
prisoners in Cuba

82 Bayou, St. John, vessels cleared
at, with a list of exports

in Florida 237


seamen in England 218 Beanjour
union, permanency of 228
Amsterdam arrivals at, in 1816,
71; trade of
Ancient fortifications & tumuli 300
Andre, maj.-respecting his cap-
ture, 3; his character
Angustura-see Venezuela.
Apothecaries-blunders of
Appling, col.

Appointments-by the president


344, 374, 396; British goods im
ported from the U. States 28; bank
of England 28, 57; lord Cochrane
28, 124, 159, 205, 397; Bristol
meeting 28 Luddites 28, 46, 205;
Grain and flour, prices of, &c. 28,
95, 104, 182, 205, 216, 331,343,363,
396, 408; of butchers meat 28;
stocks, prices of 28, 108, 135, 298;
Representation! 28, 124, 363; Re-
48 form, measures and petitions for



Binns, Mr. bis edition of the de-
claration of Independence
Black Sea, trade of, &c.
272 Black, Dr. his statement respect-
ing the vaccine
Bland, judge, his opinion in the
case of Almeida 114; his ex-
amination of a great consti
tional question
Bonaparte, Napoleon-Brief no-
tices of, 30, 139, 158, 183, 249,
319; measures for his security
78, 183, 206, 364; of his treat.
ment 156, 169, 172; (pretended)
memoirs of himself 234; sir R.
Phillips' correspondence rela-
tive to his writings 318; of his
son 319, 411; his statue 363;



and senate-executive, consu-
lar, &c. 31; by the same, in the
army 31, 44; by the same, in
the navy 44; by the same, va-
Arabia-The Wahabees
Army of the U. S.-appointments
31, 44; promotions 160, gene-
ral-order of gen. Brown 112;
of col. Hindman 160 of the
adj. and insp. gen. 160; of gen.
Arrivals in the U. S. for 1816, 324

Arrow Root

Asbury, bishop


Auburn, N. Y.






[blocks in formation]

29, 45, 56, 76, 124, 135, 331,
70 332, 363; Lond n-address to the
275 prince regent for reform, and reply
Beauharnois, Eugene 138, 397 29; on the attack upon him 107;
Bible societies, denounced by the lord mayor 363; of the taxes
the pope 206; prohibited in 46, 49; table of 224; American
stocks 46, 159, 205, 317, 363; the
debt 46, 169, 818; navy, state of,
176 &c. 46, 56, 108, 135, 218, 298,
405 318; population, classes of 49; ge-
nerals, list of deceased 57; curren-
cy-paper and specie in England
57; independence of parliament 77,
182; remarks on the present state
of affairs 104, 107, 145, 157, 293,
404; Spa-fields meeting 107; army,
state of, &c. 108, 135, 182, 318,
396; budget 108, 396, 409; pu
nishments 124; post office estab-
lishment 129; army in France 135;
half-pay list, army and navy 135;
report of the com. of the commons
on the state of the country 136; do.
of the lords 374; arrests 156, 157,
237, 317; Cashman 157; princess
397 of Wales 157, 172, 248, 286, 397;
125, 334 exchequer bills 157, 409; Liver-
Joseph 334; his town pool, vessels detained at 157; re-
411 trenchment 135, 182, 410; marquis
Wellesley 182; earl of Buchan 182;
women flogged, &c. 183, 409; Wil-
liams, a prisoner for debt, 183:
hanging anecdote 205; executions
205, 298, 318, 343; Sidmouth's
circular 205, 218, 317; princess.
Charlotte 218, 248, 363; Depen-
dencies 218; mendicity 57, 95, 332;
325 shoe buckels, to be introduced 46;
Boundary commissioners 224, 336 distress of the people, 46, 124,
Bounty lands
81, 112 159, 183, 248, 293; "Patriot Fran-
Boyd, gen.
172 cis" decorated with a tomahawk

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Brass cannon-raised in York-
Brazil-Mr Sumpter at the court
of 139; Pernambuco, 159, 174,
184, 207, 219, 237, 250, 271,

46; fog in London 56; Waterloo sub-
176 scription 56; do. bridge 396; Cor-
nish miners 56; poor taxes 56, 317,
331; Dublin, population and beg-
gars 57; Edinburg and Glasgow
286, 299, 334, 376, 398 canal 59; Cork meeting 77; Staf
St.Anthony elected gen. 184 fordshire 77; new instrument of

-Hudson and Cham-
plain 79; report



and lake
Erie 79, 142, 144, 320; report
189; the work begun 340
Delaware and R1-
96, 110

war 95; lord Castlereagh 104, 135 [Canal between Edinburg and
184, 217, 276; his tergiversation
217; Mr. Canning 104, 217, 318;
opinions of the United States
230; of the presidents address 231;
Irish taxes 105, 183; dutchess of
Cumberland 105; Dogood, Thomas
121, military interference 124; mar
quis of Camden 124; revenue 124,
135, 159, 168; tax on tes, &c. 124,
172; larms 135; cattle,great prices
of 136; Brougham's speech 147:
treatment of Bonaparte 156, 169,
172; Manchester meeting 157;



Congress-see also, Laws, Reports.
Banks in the city of Washington
14, 37, 38; persons of color 14;-
about the decisions of the supreme
court and yeas and nays 14; on per
sons escaping from service and ye s
and nays 14, 37; Columbian Insti
tute 14; Spanish affairs 14; culti
vation of the vine 14, 15; army, on
the reduction with yeas and nays
272 14; army general staff 14; na
173 vigation bill 14; navy, hospital su
287 geons 14; timber for the navy 14;
320 internal improvements, bonus of the

Seneca and Sus-

spoken of in Italy
at Argyle, N. Y.

senate upon

extensive views of,
the United States
in England, &c.
Cancer cured

William Cobbett 157, 172, 179, Canals and road, report in
198; wife sold 157, 183, 318; ton-
nage 168; exports 169; royal en-
tertainment 182; Birmingham 182,
331; seditious society bill 183; in-
come tax 205; lord Holland 206;
Mr. Wai hman 217; American sea-
men in England 218; flaxseed 237;
cotton yarn 237; duty on salt 237;
Mr. Southey 248; lotteries 248;
bills for high treason 243; sir R.
Phillips 318; lead miners 318;
power of beauty 318; Septennial
act 331; rev. Neal Douglas 331;
Tunisian corsairs 334, 346, 396;|
Irish distresses 343, 409; state pri-
soners 344, 374, 396; conspiracies
363; progress of letters 363; fe- foundery in N. Y.
cundity 363; small arms, &c. Canova, the sculptor
409; Cummins, the player 409; Caracas-see Venezuela
relief of the poor 248; emigration Carver's purchase
checked 270, 298; law case-eari Cashiering of kings



US. bank,&c. 14, 38; president's no-
12 gative 25, yeas and nays 26, history
of the proceedings on the bill 56;
180 crimes, within the Indian boundary
270 14; James Madison, the privilege of
414 franking extended to him 14; Jas.

Canada-war between the N. W.
and II. B. companies 30, 109,
334; military law 95; British
ships on the lakes in commis-
sion 58; exports and imports
for 1816, 70; a new map of 270;
May poles erected on the ice
207, 271, 334; emigrations to
304; gov. Gore
Cannon, brass, raised at


of Morley vs. Kerswell 293; cloth "Cato," a writer on the navy
manufactories 318, 396; catholic

Monroe, respecting his election to
the presidency 14; inauguration 17;
D. D.Tompkins,respecting his elec-
tion to the vice-presidency 14;—
board of agriculture 14; internal
taxes, proposed repeal of, with the
yeas and nays 14; bills passed 15;
foreign relations 15; Chesapeake,
on the defence of 15; invalid corps
York 15; Mississippi territory 15; Cana-
176 dian volunteers 15; public debt 15;
406 judge Toulmin 15; list of acts pas-
184 sed 26; land titles in Tennessee 37,


question 318; the pope 319; new Catechism, royal, of Spain
gold coin 331; stage coach, law-Cattle, presented to Messrs. Pat-
case 332; Talma, in England 332; terson and Caton 252, 272
new speaker chosen 343; Black, arrive at New York from
Dwarf and Mr. Wooller 344; Al- Ohio

74, 114


38; neutral relations, with the yeas
325 and nays 37, weights and measures
81 37; plaster of Paris trade,with yeas
237, and nays 37; vote of thanks to Mr.
401 Gaillard 37; same to Mr. Clay 38;
92 new senate organized 37; consti-
tutional amendment, Mr.Harrison's,
38; national painting 38; "claims
law" 38; U States' bank 38; Geor-
287 gia militia claims38.
87 Connecticut. Election 128, 144,
185; governor's message 201
legislative proceedings 240.
politics, address of the majo-
rity of the house of rep. 247;
school fund 287; domestic
manufactures 300; celebration
of the 4th of July
Constitution of the U. S.-A.
mendment proposed in con-
gress, by gen. Harrison 38; do.
in the legislature of Pennsyl
vania, by Dr. Rodgers 41
Constitutional question
Constance, brevet of the pope to
the canons of
Copper, vast mass of native 416
301 Cotton, imported into England 71
frauds in the package
208 of
239, 272
300 Creek Indians-hostile acts re-
ported of 60, 112, 175, 287,
335; Woodbine's talk to them
287; assemblage of at Fort
Hawkins 399; talk

in the case of

ceste frigate 346; a pickpocket 363; Chamount le Ray's lands
Saxon coins 363; E. Rushton 396; Chapman, Eunice
Jack Ketch 298; Scotland 317;-Chauncey, com.
great heat 409; Boxing 318; Beth Charleston-exports 128; popu-
nal green 318; new vessels built lation 272; serivals at 325;
323; sheep in Great Britain 331; fight in the harbor 399; fever
insolvencies 332; constables 343; prevailing at
Lancashire dialect 199; Lancashire Cherokee warriors 121; exchange
toasts 344; curates 363; Mrs.Clark of lands with
272, 368
396; high-blood 408; money 408; Cheves, judge, on the power of
real tragedy 409. Habeas corpus the judiciary
act-106, 135, 156, 172, 205, 331,
343, 374, 376, 408; debate on 154; Rhodes
protest 156; reports on 136, 374. Chili-proceedings in 139, 159,
Prince regent of the attack upon
him 104, 106, 124; his speech to
parliament 105; debate on the ad-
dress in reply 107; his liberality 107,
172; his prodigality 172; address of
the city of London to 107; of the Church affairs
merchants and traders, 124; of the Clay, Mr.
bishop of Winchester, &c. 205; the Cleveland, col.
regent d-d 332; his message 344. Cleopatra's barge
Brown, major-gen.

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