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agreeing very well with that glorious Apostle, who first taught the Faith in thefe parts, and not to that falfe Heretick.

Furthermore, in the first Verse of the Bleffing of the Solemn Days, where it is faid of the Divine Word, Qui factus eft homo, & operuit Speciem fuam in filio hominis, for fear of the Neftorian Doctrine it shall be faid, Qui factus est homo, & operuit Divinitatem fuam humilitate noftra; and a littlé lower where it is faid, Benedic Ecclefiam tuam que patitur, & in ovili peffimi Damonis ecce comprehenditur, it shall be faid, Que patitur infeftationes a peffimo Damone, libera illam, &c. for the Catholick Church tho' it be infefted and perfecuted by the Devil, is not held nor overcome by him, our Saviour having promised, that all the Powers of Hell Shall never prevail against her. And afterwards where it is faid, Benedic dextrâtuâ,Chrifte,congregationem hanc, it shall be faid, Benedic dextrâ tuâ, Jefu Chrifte, &c. and in the fame Blefling, where it is faid, Salva Reges noftros & Duces noftros, it shall be said, Salva Reges noftros & Duces noftros Catholicos, all the Kings and Princes of this Church being Infidels, and fo ought not to be prayed for in the publick Prayers of the Mafs; and a little after, where it is faid, Sicut decet coram ipfo Jefu Salvatore, it fhall be faid, Coram ipfo Jefu Deo Salvatore, because of the Neftorian error; and in the laft Verse but one of that Bleffing, where it is faid, Qui comedit corpus meum & bibit ex fanguine meo fanctificante liberabitur ab inferno per me, the


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words of Chrift, Habet vitam æternam, fhall be ufed instead of Liberabitur ab inferno; and in the end of the third Bleffing, where it is faid, Gloria illi ex omni ore Jefu Domino, it shall be faid, Jefu Domino Deo, because the Neftorians do impiously affirm, That the name of Jefus is the name of a humane Perfon, and does not agree to God.

All the above-mentioned particular the Synod doth command to be Corrected,as is here ordered, with fuch caution as is neceflary in thefe Matters, wherein the curfed Neftorian Hereticks have fown fo many Errors.


Decree II.

Hereas in the Missals of this Diocess there are fome Masses that were made by Nestorius, others by Theodorus, and others by Diodorus, their Master, which are appointed to be faid on fome certain days, and which, carrying thofe Names in their Titles, are full of Errors and Hereftes; the Synod doth command all such Maffes, entire as they are, to be taken out, and burnt, and in virtue of Obedience, and upon pain of Excommunication Late Sententia, doth prohibit all Priests from henceforward to prefume to use them, ordering them to be forthwith cut out of their Books, and at the next Vifitation to be delivered by them to the most Illuftrions Metropolitan, or to fuch as he fhall appoint to correct their Books, that fo thefe Maffes may be burnt.

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Decree III.

Whereas in the Masses of this Bishoprick, there is an impious facrilegious Ceremony, which is the Priests, after having dipt that part of the Hoft, after his having divided it, which he holds in his right hand, and has made the fign of the Crofs upon the other part that is upon the Patin, opening this latter part that was upon the Patin with the Nail of his right Thumb, to the end, according to their Opinion, that the Blood may penetrate the Body, that fo the Blood and Body may be joyned together, which is ignorantly done in allufion to the Herefie of Neftorius, or of his Followers, who do impiously affirm, That under the Element of Bread is only the Body of Chrift without Blood, and under the Element of Wine the Blood without the Body: Wherefore the Synod doth command in virtue of Holy Obedience, and upon pain of Excommunication to be Ipfo facto incurred, that no Priest presume to use any fuch Ceremony, and that they throw it out of their Maffes, for that befides it alludes to the forementioned Herefie, it contains a great ignorance in fuppofing that the Species can penetrate the Body and Blood of Chrift.


Decree IV.

"Orafmuch as the Syrian Mafs is too long as

for Priests that have a mind to celebrate daily, the Synod doth grant License for the tranflating of the Roman Mafs into Syrian, defiring the Reverend Father Francifco Roz, of the Society of Jefus to undertake the Work, which Mafs together with all the Roman Ceremonies the Prieft may fay on particular Occasions, but the folemn and fung Maffes of the day fhall be always the Syrian, as they fhall be emended by the most Réverend Metropolitan: and fuch Priests as are able to say Maffes both in Latin and Syrian in the Churches of other Dioceffes, may fay it in Latin, but not in this Bishoprick, in which to avoid confufion, it fhall be faid only in Syrian. Wherefore the Synod defires the Bishops of thofe parts to give License, that the Priefts of this Diocefs, having Letters dimiffory from their Prelate, that do not know how to fay Mafs in Latin, mav be permitted to fay the Syrian Mafs in their Churches, or at least the Roman tranflated with all its Ceremonies into Syrian; the Schifm which this Church has been in, being now thorow the goodness of God removed, entreating the most Illuftrious Metropolitan, the President of this Synod, that he would be pleafed to prefent this Petition in behalf of the Priefts of this Diocefs to the first Provincial Council that fhall be celebrated

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brated in the Province, that fo if the Fathers fhall think fit, it may pafs into a Decree.


Decree V.

Hereas the Power of handling the Holy Veffels is given particularly to the order of the Subdeacon, this Synod doth command that from henceforward if the Minister that affifts at the Mass be not a Subdeacon, that the Prieft shall not put the Patin into his hand, when he is ordered by the Syrian Mass to do it, fuch a one having no Authority to touch it; but he may lay his hand only on the ftone or wood of the Altar, fo as not to touch the Patin, which is according to the Rubrick of the Miffal, which fuppofes the Person that affifts at the Mafs to be a Deacon, ordering exprefly that the Priest shall put the Patin into the hand ofthe Deacon.

Decree VI.

Hereas the Stole that is thrown over the Shoulders is the particular Badge of the Order of Deacon, it is not lawful therefore for any Person that has not taken the faid Order, to use the Stole in the Church with any publick Ceremony; and whereas hitherto all of the Clergy that have affisted at Mafs, tho' but in inferior Orders, or without them, have wore the faid Stole over their shoulders, no less than the Deacons, contrary to the Ceremoniale, which supposeth him


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