Imagens das páginas

the old shawl and laid it away from the dress of poverty on the chair at her side. Then with a delicacy that was most thoughtful, she beckoned me from the room, where she laid her head on my shoulder and wept, entirely overcome.

"O Henry, to think she was almost starving," she whispered, "and might have lied!'

Not long after, Birdie entered again. She told me afterwards that the girl sat before the empty dish, her hands clasped, her eyes raised, and that she never experienced such awe as then. It seemed as if she could feel the blessing of the God of the poor descending upon her in that silent room. And as she sat there the girl told her simple story. Let me give it in her

Own words:

"I was born in My father and mother were both cotton-spinners, and very poor. It would not have been so bad, but they both were fond of drink, and ĺ am afraid they cared nothing about God. I don't know how I grew up. I seem to remember nothing but the smell of the hot mills and the whirr of machinery, that always seemed as if it were eating up human creatures body and soul. When I was sixteen there came what we people called Ranters, and others, Dissenters, to our place, and they preached on Sundays in the open air. Some of the mill people heard them, but the most made disturbance and hated them. Among the last were my father and mother. They would not go hear the meetings, and forbade my going; ut I don't know, something seemed to Iraw me there, and I went. My father was so angry that he swore he would kill me, and he would have beat me dreadfully, but for one of the neighbours who had Home influence over him. But what I Beard at that meeting changed me, and emed to change everything about me. new there was something better than the readful life I led and saw others leading. omething seemed to talk to me in my ul, and I learnt to pray and love the aviour there all by myself when my ther locked me in to keep me from the eetings. But when he found out how I lt, I never saw anybody in such a dreadlrage. He wanted to tear me in pieces. He would strike me, and try by all manner f cruelty to tear me away from my reliion. But, O sir, he couldn't; nobody ould do that; it was beautiful when I got one with Jesus-it made up for all my


suffering. At last my mother gave out and began to hate me too. I had nowhere to go but to God. My father determined that I should marry a young man who liked me, but he was a very wicked young man; he swore, and caroused, and drank, and I saw nothing but misery before me. I did not know what to do, but when I went to God, I felt as if I must leave that place. A cousin of mine was coming to

; she offered to pay half my fare, so I worked secretly, beyond my strength; and the very week my father had declared that I should be married I left. My cousin carried me to some friends of hers, but I soon saw that it was no fit place for me. O sir! O madam! I cannot tell you how dreadful it was-how I was beset on every side, even by my cousin, whom I thought so pretty and good. She fell into bad ways, and I could do nothing with her. I left the house, and for weeks could find no friends. How I lived I can't tell, only some way God sustained me. I seemed to see nothing but trouble on all sides, but if

had only a bit of dry bread, it was sweetened by his loving-kindness. I tried to get work, but never having learned to be a good needle-woman, I failed there. Then I heard of a place where there were cotton. mille, and determined to go. I had no money, but God promised to be with me; so I set out, and I walked fifty miles. Sometimes I was near starving, but somebody would be raised up to help me. Once I found a shilling near a railroad, and it seemed as if God's angels put it there for me. That shilling lasted me till yesterday, for I bought only a little bread at a time with it. I was so worn down when I came here that I could not go farther. God directed me to a poor woman who has given me my lodging till yesterday. I have been trying every day to get work, but I can't do what the people ask me, and I can't tell a lie for the sake of a place, when I know I aint capable. And I do thank you for your kind words. Oh, it seemed almost just now as if I had got into heaven! If I could only do something to reward you for your kindness, madam!"

Birdie heard her silently, but she forbade her putting on her bonnet and shawl again. The poor child became one of our household, an apt, intelligent worker; and now that my little blue-eyed daughter has come, we would not part with Jenny Gray for her weight in gold. The influence of

such a girl will be priceless, as our little one grows up into girlhood.

God does give us impressions sometimes that should not be striven against, and well it is for us if we heed them!

DOING GOOD IN A PRISON. A PAINTER in Holland, having omitted to answer a summons to be enrolled in the fire-brigade, was sentenced to pay a fine of five shillings or suffer a day's imprisonment. Being poor, he chose the latter for his wife and children's sake, and proceeding to the jail gave himself up on the Saturday evening preceding the Sunday appointed by the magistrate for his incar


He was placed in a room with ten or twelve others, who were there for the same cause. They were a frivolous, jovial set. Some were laughing and joking, others were playing cards, and all were trying to be as merry as possible, though their merriment was of that kind which is as the "crackling of thorns under a pot."

The painter was uneasy. His pious heart was chilled by the ungodly atmosphere of the place. He shrunk from spending a Sabbath in such an evil company. He wished he had paid his five shillings, or could pay it now and go home. But such wishes were vain. He was a prisoner, and a prisoner he must remain until the close of the next day.

While brooding over these and kindred thoughts, the words, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good," flashed into his mind. "I am alone, and they are twelve," said he; and then, turning his thoughts into prayer, he added, "Lord, remember that I am alone, and they are many; remember, also, that they are blind and lost, and perhaps thou wilt pluck some of them out of the mouth of the lion. Help me, O Lord, to witness for thee."

Thus fortified by purpose and he prayer, drew his rude bench to the window, took out his pocket Bible, and began reading. "Hallo! what have you there ?" asked one of the men, slapping him on the shoulder.

"You see it is a book," replied the painter: "if you have no objection I will read a few pages to you."

"Are there nice stories in it?" rejoined the man.

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The painter read the parable of t Prodigal Son. To his surprise he was n disturbed until he finished, when one the men said,

"I know that story very well; the Bible."

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Other remarks followed, and as it w now too dark to read any more, the paint proposed to read more on the morrow.

"Very well," replied several of the me "it will help to shorten the day;" a then they all retired to an inner room sleep.

The next morning, when breakfast wa ready, the painter said,

"Permit me, friends, to say a word. W have slept soundly. God has graciousl protected us through the night. Mes and drink are prepared for us. It is h gift. Ought we not to thank him fo these mercies? If you have no objection let us thank God and seek his blessing."

Hearing no objection, he proceeded offer a simple, cordial thanksgiving to God and an earnest prayer for his blessing.

After breakfast one of the prisoner smiled and said, "You might be ou minister to-day. You pray just like parson."

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Yes, be our minister!" cried sever voices. "Let us have a bit of a church th morning."

To this several assented. Five laugh and going across the room, began playi cards. The painter read a passage Scripture, and then offered a roler prayer, in which he did not fail to reme ber the card-players in the corner. prayer he proposed singing, and at or began a favourite Dutch psalm; he s to a well-known tune. The effect powerful. One by one they joined until even the card-players dropped cards, doffed their stood up, caps, with the rest. The jailer, hearing unwonted sound, came to the door, seeing them so devout and orderly, pat to listen, and then helped to swell sacred chorus.


After the singing the jailer step inside, locked the door, and sitting be the painter, remained while that fait follower of his Lord proceeded to remarks on the Scripture he had previo

read, and to exhort them to come to Christ.

The painter's words made a deep impression. No more cards appeared that day. After dinner he held another service, which was interrupted by the jailer coming in to inform the painter that he had spoken to the magistrate about him, and had received orders to release him.

With a good conscience and a joyful spirit the painter hastened home. The entire result of that day's labour the painter will not know until the day of reward; but he did learn shortly after that

one of his fellow-prisoners, at least, was led to embrace Christ by his faithful and timely-spoken words.

I give this fact to my Christian reader as an illustration of the manner in which they who are wise to win souls will turn even the most unpromising circumstances of life into opportunities to work for Christ. If that good painter could stand up amid twelve of his Master's enemies in a prison, and win at least one of them over to the right, what may not the reader accomplish in his wider and more hopeful sphere, if he will but set his heart upon it?

Gems from Golden Mines.

"KINGS AND PRIESTS." WHEN I was in Yorkshire, the other week, I was returning home from a walk among the hills, when, as I was passing through the village, I saw a little glimmering light proceeding from a place that some persons would call a conventicle. I went towards it, and heard the voice of singing and praying; so I opened the door and listened, and then it was so good that I thought I would go in. There were only two candles lighted in the little chapel, and I saw just six people, and they were all in the table-pew, on their knees. There was a woman, a lad, and four men. As they prayed I went down on my knees in the little stone passage, because I did not want to disturb them; and very much was my soul lifted up with their prayers. They all prayed, one after another, and when they had done one of them said, "Will our brother that stole in say a word?" They took it for granted that one " stealing" in there had a right to be called upon to pray; and so I felt great delight in adding my petition to theirs, and I felt, indeed, that the promise had been fulfilled, "Where two or three are met together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.' What


I saw there is only a specimen of what is going on in the villages and hamlets of Yorkshire, and more or less throughout the country. And is not that a fulfilment of the Word that we were made kings and priests? Were not these poor men and priests unto God, beseeching him as intercessors for others?-Rev. Neuman



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Our Missions.


THE anticipations that we ventured last month to make have been more than fulfilled: It is with pleasure, and with devout gratitude to God, we are able to announce to our readers that there is not only no deficiency in the funds of our Missionary Society, but that the Treasurer has a balance in hand of £2,732 15s. 6d. The total receipts of the year amount to £34,419 11s. 2d., the largest income the Society has ever enjoyed. As compared with last year, which was £27,189 3s., this is an increase of £7,230 8s. 2d. As there is a decrease this year in the expenditure of about £1,500, it will be thus seen that the additional contributions have more than made up the expected deficiency.

Until time has been given to analyze the returns from the churches, it is scarcely practicable to say how much of this increase is owing to augmented subscriptions, or to what extent it consists of donations that may not be repeated. But so far as the balance sheet of the Treasurer, laid before the annual meeting, exhibits the distinction, we find that £1,168 6s. have been received on account of last year's debt, and £4,866 1s. 1d. for the special fund. The increase of subscriptions, which it is hoped may, to a large extent, be permanent, is over £5,000; thus showing that the effort to raise the regular income of the Society has been equally successful with the appeal for special contributions.

This result cannot but be most gratifying to the friends of the Society. It is a reproof to the despairing, an evidence of the deep sympathy of the churches with the missionary cause, an expression of confidence in the committee and its officers, and above all a renewed mark of Divine goodness. It has awakened a large amount of interest in the affairs of the Society, and given an impulse to the liberality of the churches which will not, we trust, be allowed to cool. The friends of the Society will be solicitous that the effort of the past year may not prove a merely spasmodic one. The organizations it has quickened, or given birth to, will have to be sustained, and the work of God supported by regular and continuous liberality.

Let the advantage now gained be per petuated, and our gratitude to the Head of the Church be seen by our retaining the ground that has been won.

There is every reason why the churches should not at this period restrain their ex ertions. Proofs are abundant that the long day of preparation in India is drawing to a close. The most orthodox of Hindus are affected by the progress of events. Here is one who spends two hours daily in the worship of his gods, who is deemed by his countrymen to be in all respects a very religious man, who is nevertheless willing to assist in the establishment of a native school in which the New Testament is a school-book, all the doctrines of the Gospel are taught, and daily prayer is held with the scholars to the only living and true God. Another Hindu, who boasts that he is a very "ripe" one, acknowledges that the gods were very wicked and unworthy of a good man's regard; that an idol is nothing in the world; that caste is merely social distinction and very incon venient; that his offering of flowers to the idols is a mere act of homage to the author of all beautiful things; and that in his own mind he worshipped only one God. A pundit is shocked at his de parture from the faith of his fathers, and tells him that he has sunk into the mud of error. In reply he says that he has known a good deal about Christians, as he had received and read a Sanscrit Bible more than thirty years ago from Dr. Carey, and although he did not fully believe all it said, yet its perusal had given him great pleasure and instruction.

It is in view of such facts as these that one of the missionaries writes:-"Er tensive results are accruing, wondrous events are happening; but they are not assuming a finished form. We are col lecting stores, and wood, and workmen. Our successors will build the temple of the Lord. We do not see all we desire; but we see enough to make us dance and sing with joy."

China, too, is presenting us with most gratifying proofs of the power of God's word to convert the soul and make the simple wise. At a village some distance from Yentai, Mr. Kloekers placed one of his native teachers. A small school was

opened, and on two or three visits the Gospel was preached to the people. A few months since the missionary determined to pay a longer visit. He obtained permission from the villagers to take up his abode in a small building, used by them for the purpose of paying religious service to their ancestors. To this place the school was also brought. As soon as Mr. Kloekers, with his servant, a pious Chinaman, was settled, he began to have a daily service for preaching. The seed sown on his former visits soon began to appear. A goodly number of people came to worship and to hear of Christ Jesus. In a few days three men openly gave in their adhesion to the Gospel and sought admission into his fold. "After having learned to pray," said one, "I felt as if a heavy stone was rolled from my heart, after which I enjoyed a quiet peace." In the cold weather of December

he was baptized. His example impressed others.

After some weeks Mr. Kloekers was obliged to return home; but on a subsequent visit he found that many more were anxiously seeking the way of life, and he speaks of no less than ten persons as hopefully converted to God. Thus is China also yielding her first-fruits unto God. The Church is rooting itself in that long-closed and dark land, and our missionaries are encouraged by the manifest presence of God working with them. We are happy to add that our missionary brother Mr. Laughton, by his assiduous study of the language, is able already to speak with the people in their own tongue, and that just as the year 1863 was closing, Mr. and Mrs. M'Mechan landed on this interesting spot.



THE great event of the past month has been doubtless the visit to England of General Garibaldi. There is no need to speak here of an event which has formed the chief topic of interest in every circle in the land: it is sufficient to say that the great Italian patriot has been received as he deserved to be received, and that he as gone back to his island of Caprera with honours that would have been accorded to no cther living man. All classes have been one in

the enthusiasm of their welcome. "The rich and the poor have met together" in doing honour to Garibaldi. His visit will have taught something to Englishmen-we suspect that it will have taught omething more to the despots and the peoples of Europe.

Parliamentary affairs have been chiefly characterized by several small defeats of the Government. Mr. Stansfeld and Mr. Lowe have both. been compelled to resign their respective officesthe former especially having been attacked with a malignity of which even Mr. Disraeli might be ashamed. Mr. Gladstone, however, has carried tis "Budget" with a high hand. Thanks to him, We are to have sugar cheaper, and the income-tax reduced a penny, and the duty on fire insurances also reduced. Year by year the debt of gratitude Tows greater, which England owes to her Chancellor of the Exchequer.

There is now before the House of Commons a Bill, the operation of which, if it should be earried into law, will be to extend and legalize Church-rates in some hundreds of parishes where they do not now exist. The Attorney-General has prepared and brought in a second Bill for the conolidation and amendment of the Church Building and New Parishes Acts. Last year a measure similar to this in purport was referred to a select

committee of the House of Commons, who made their report so late in the session that it could not be proceeded with. This year, with some alterations, the Bill is re-introduced, and it is to be read a second time on the day this magazine appears. The subject is attracting much attention, and we can but hope that the Bill will be defeated.

The Rev. Samuel Crowther, an African missionary, has been appointed, and is to be consecrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the course of a few weeks, bishop of the native churches in parts of Western Africa beyond the dominions of the British Crown. The episcopate is to be formed on the model of the Jerusalem and Central African bishoprics, under what is called the Jerusalem Bishoprics Act. The bishop nominate, who is a black man, was once a slaveboy, and being rescued by a British cruiser, became a missionary teacher in Sierra Leone.

The Rev. W. R. Fremantle writes that at a meeting of the committee of the Oxford Declarationists, held in Oxford the other day, it was calculated that the signatures up to the present moment amounted to about 11,000. The list will be closed at Whitsuntide, and is now in the hands of the printer, in order to the presentation of the declaration with its signatures to the archbishop3 and bishops of the United Church.

We have this month to record the death of the Rev. Dr. Evans, of Cefnmawr, North Wales. The reverend gentleman, who had been some time ill, died on Monday, March 28th, at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. He had resigned the pastorate, on account of increasing infirmities, six years since. His funeral took place on the Thursday after his decease. A correspondent says: "Dr. Evans's life has been truly a life of labour in season and out of season. He had a most grasping intellect, and his abilities as a Biblical expositor were of the first class; he was well

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