THE DIARIAN MISCELLANY: CONSISTING OF All the Useful and Entertaining Parts, both Mathe- From the beginning of that work in the year 1704, By CHA. HUTTON, F. R. S. LONDON: Printed for G. ROBINSON and R. BALDWIN in Pater- [] THE POETICAL PARTS OF THЕ LADIES' DIARIES. The * AUTHOR'S PREFACE to the First DIARY. To the Fair Sex, E NGLAND has never flourished more at home, or been more fuccessful against her enemies abroad, than under the reigns of protestant queens. How did every thing almost succeed in the reign of Queen Elizabeth of blessfed memory? She baffled the Pope, and his excommunication; ruin'd the Spanish Armado, destroyed their harbours, supported her allies in their distresses, and continued her successes till her death. But great Anne, our glorious Queen, has in one year, done more than ever any prince has done before, in such a space of time: she has carried all before her, by her forces by fea and land; has been fuccessful in all her treaties, is courted by all her allies, has given more towards the defraying of the public debts than ever any prince has done before; is become, as it were, the great Arbitrator of peace and war: God and Nature seem to take her part, and profper all the fets her hand to: and to say no * Mr John Tipper, of Coventry. B more, |