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The Senate have passed bills of the following titles:

S. 18. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Burlington," approved November 22, 1864;

S. 24. An act annexing certain islands in Lake Memphremagog to the town of Derby, and authorizing their sale, together with a portion of Province island;

S. 35. An act to incorporate the Camel's Hump Hotel Company;

In the passage of which the concurrence of the House is requested.

Mr. Barstow, from the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 105. An act in amendment of an act for organizing the militia, approved November 22, 1864;

Reported adversely to its passage; and the question being, Shall the bill be engrossed and read the third time? on motion of Mr. Goodhue, it was

Ordered to lie.

Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 53. An act in addition to, and amendatory of, chapter thirty-three of the General Statutes, in relation to pro


Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section two, line six, by inserting after the word "body," the words, or within four days after such service;

The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended,


Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow morning.

The Committee on Bills submitted the following report: To the House of Representatives now in session:

The Committee on Bills respectfully report that they have this day duly examined and presented to the Governor for his approval, bills of the following titles:

H. 13. An act to incorporate the Vermont and New York Railroad Company;

H. 49. An act to incorporate the Red Mountain Manufacturing Company;

H. 102. An act making an appropriation for defraying the expense of completing the Gettysburg Cemetery.

R. M. PHILLIPS, for Committee.

Mr. Burt, from the Committee on Corporations to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 133. An act to incorporate the Brandon Marble Company;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Burt, from the same committee to whom was referred Senate bill entitled

S. 27.

An act to amend the charter of the Burlington Aqueduct Company;

Reported in favor of its passage; whereupon said bill was read the third time, and passed in concurrence.

Mr. Burt, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 32. An act to incorporate the Vermont Gold Mining Company;

Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section two, by inserting at the end of line four thereof, the words, of the time and place of which said meeting, notice shall be given by publication in any newspaper printed in the town of Brattleboro, at least two weeks prior to such meeting; also, in section five, by striking out the last five lines thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof, the following: an amount greater than one-half the amount actually paid in, and if the indebtedness of said corporation shall at any time exceed that amount, the directors and stockholders of said corporation shall be personally holden to the creditors of said corporation for such excess.

The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended,


Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time.

Mr. Rounds, of Chester, from the Committee on Claims to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 71. An act to pay Duron Whittlesey the sum therein mentioned;

Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section one, lines five and six, by inserting in the blank therein the words, twenty-two dollars and sixty cents; also, in same section, lines ten, eleven and twelve, by striking therefrom the words, "at the annual session in October, A. D. 1864." The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Chase, from the Committee on Corporations to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 106. An act to incorporate the West Pawlet Dairy Association;

Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section one, line five, by inserting after the word "association," the words, for the purpose of manufacturing and vending cheese; also, in section five, lines six and seven, by striking therefrom the words, "to the amount of their respective stock," and inserting in lieu thereof the words, for such ex


The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Burt, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 142. An act to incorporate the Neshobee Hotel Company;

Reported in favor of its passage, when amended by striking therefrom section five, and adding to section four thereof the following and if at any time the indebtedness of said corporation shall exceed that amount, the directors and stockholders of said corporation shall be personally liable to the creditors of said corporation for such excess.

The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended,


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Robinson, of Highgate, from the General Committee to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 132. An act to legalize the grand list of the town of Brookfield for the year 1864;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

The Committee on Corporations, to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 113. An act to incorporate the Lake Bridge Aqueduct Company;

Reported adversely to its passage; and thereupon the engrossment and third reading of said bill was refused.

Mr. White, from the same committee to whom was referred Senate bill entitled

S. 16. Company;

An act to incorporate the Farmingdale Marble

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was read the third time and passed in concurrence.

Mr. Gleason, of Thetford, from the Committee on the State Prison to whom was referred the petition of S. R. Stocker and one hundred and ten others, citizens of Windsor, praying for the abatement of a nuisance;

Reported, recommending the passage of House bill entitled

H. 149. An act authorizing repairs on the State Prison


Which was read the first and second time, and

Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Mr. Wilson, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 64. An act in amendment of chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, entitled "Of the grand list";

Reported in favor of its passage, when amended, by striking out all after its enacting clause, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

Sec. 1. In all cases where mining or mineral property, or quarries in this State, are assessed and set in the list by the listers of any town, and the person, company or corporation owning such mining or mineral property, or quarries, is dissatisfied with the appraisal of said listers, or with the annual additions to or abatements from the assessment of the person, company or corporation owning such property, made by said listers, the person, company or corporation may, on or before the first day of May, in every year, and also, on or before the fifth day of September, in each year, of the regular appraisal of real estate, appeal from said appraisal, addition or abatement made by said listers, to the judges of the county court, in the county in which said property is situated, for relief.

Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of said judges to give one or more of said listers, and the person, company or corporation owning such property, at least six days notice of the time and place of hearing such appeal, and after hearing them and their proofs on such appeal, said judges shall, on or before the fifteenth day of May, in the same year, if the appeal shall have been taken from the appraisal, addition or abatement made in the month of April, next preceding, and on or before the twentieth day of September, if the appeal shall have been taken from the regu

lar appraisal of the property, certify each to the town clerk of the town in which such case arose, the price at which such property shall be set in the list, and the decision of said judges shall be final.

Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the listers to complete their appraisal of the property mentioned in this act, and make the additions to, or abatements, if any, from the assessment of the person, company or corporation owning such property, at least six days before the expiration of the time limited for taking an appeal, as provided in the first section of this act.

Sec. 4. The fees and expenses of said judges, while in the discharge of their duty, under the provisions of this act, shall be paid by the appellant.

Sec. 5. This act shall take effect from its passage.

The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow morning.

Mr. Prout, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled

H. 19. An act to amend section thirty-two of chapter one hundred and twenty-six of the General Statutes, relating to fees of sheriffs and constables;

Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill


Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time.

Senate bills of the following titles were severally read the first and second time and referred, to wit:

S. 18. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Burlington," approved November 22, 1864; To the Committee on Corporations.

S. 24. An act annexing certain islands in Lake Memphremagog to the town of Derby, and authorizing their sale, together with a portion of Province island;

To the General Committee.

S. 35. An act to incorporate the Camel's Hump Hotel Company;

To the Committee on Corporations.

A message from the Senate, by Mr. Clark, their Secretary, as follows:

MR. SPEAKER : I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate have considered House bills entitled

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