H. 24. An act in addition to an act entitled "An act in addition to chapter eighty-three of the General Statutes, in relation to the grand list," approved November 22, 1864; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow morning. Mr. Clark, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 66. An act to authorize towns to equalize town bounties; Reported adversely to its passage; and thereupon the engrossment and third reading of said bill was refused. Mr. Mason, of Readsboro, from the General Committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 77. An act for the protection of deer; Reported in favor of its passage, when amended by striking out all after the enacting clause thereof, and inserting the following: Sec. 1. If any person shall hereafter within the period of ten years, kill any animal of the deer kind found running at large within this State, or assist therein, or shall hurt or worry any such animal, he shall be punished by a fine of fifty dollars, and costs of prosecution, to be recovered by a suit before a justice of the peace; one-half of said fine to be paid to the complainant, and the other half to be paid into the treasury of the town in which such animal is so hurt, worried or killed. Sec. 2. If any offense against the provisions of this act be committed in any unorganized town or gore within this State, one-half of the fine imposed by this act shall be paid to the complainant, and the other half shall be paid into the treasury of the State. Sec. 3. This act shall not be so construed as to interfere with the rights of any person who shall be the owner of such animals, partially or wholly domesticated. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect from its passage. The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time. Mr. Keith, from the Committee on Roads to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 137. An act to incorporate the Bakersfield and Waterville Turnpike Road Company; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time. Mr. Pratt, from the committee appointed to average and equalize the grand list, submitted the following report: To the House of Representatives now in session: Your committee appointed to average and equalize the appraisal of real estate by counties, have attended to that duty, and would respectfully report: That upon examination of the returns made by the chairmen of the respective county conventions for town equalization, they found the farm lands in the various counties to average as follows: Upon taking the farm lands of the various counties, as above reported, as our base, your committee have decided to allow the whole real estate, including farm lands and lots of ten acres and less, in the counties of Addison, Bennington, Caledonia, Essex, Lamoille, Orange and Windham, to remain as reported by the chairman of their respective county conventions, and to the county of Franklin they have added five per cent.; to the county of Orleans they have added fifteen per cent.; and to the county of Washington they have added ten per cent. From the county of Grand Isle they have deducted ten per cent. ; from the county of Chittenden they have deducted ten per cent.; from the county of Rutland they have deducted five per cent.; and from the county of Windsor they have deducted five per cent. All of which is respectfully submitted, LEWIS PRATT, Chairman of Averaging Committee. On motion of Mr. Waite, the House adjourned. AFTERNOON. Mr. Prout introduced a bill entitled H. 166. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Rutland"; Which was read the first and second time, and referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. Burt introduced a bill entitled H. 167. An act to amend section thirty-one of chapter one hundred and twenty-six of the General Statutes, relating to fees of county clerks; Which was read the first and second time, and referred to the tee Mr. from the special committee to whom was recommitted House bill entitled H. 84. An act to establish the Vermont Reform School, With certain instructions, reported, and recommended the passage of House bill entitled H. 168. An act to establish the Vermont Reform School; Which was read the first and second time; and the ques tion being, Shall the bill be engrossed and read the third time? on motion of Mr. Hebard, the same was Ordered to lie, and the Clerk directed to procure printed fifteen hundred copies of the bill, together with the report first made by the committee. Mr. Nicholson, from the Committee on the Judiciary to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 27. An act to amend section thirty-five of chapter eighty-four of the General Statutes, relating to collection of taxes by the trustee process; Reported in favor of its passage when amended by striking out all after the enacting clause thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 1. In suits for the collection of taxes by the trustee process, all goods, chattels, rights or credits belonging to the delinquent or principal defendant in the hands of the party trusteed at the time of the service of such process upon him, or coming into his hands afterwards, to time of final disclosure, shall be held chargeable. Sec. 2. The plaintiff in such case shall take judgment against the principal defendant only, for a sum, including costs, equal to the amount for which judgment is rendered against such trustee, and the collection of the balance of said tax shall in no wise be affected by such proceeding. Sec. 3. The jurisdiction of justices of the peace for the trial of such cases shall not be affected by reason of being interested as a tax-payer in the district, village, city, town or county where, or for whose benefit, such action be brought or pending for trial. may The House agreeing so to amend, the bill, as amended, was Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow morning. Mr. Nicholson, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 101. An act to repeal an act defining who shall be voters in town, village, city and school district meetings; Reported adversely to its passage; and thereupon the engrossment and third reading of said bill was refused. Mr. Nicholson, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 94. An act to extend the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in actions of scire facias; was Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill Ordered to be engrossed, and read the third time to-morrow morning. Mr. Wilson, from the same committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 121. An act to legalize the action of towns in raising soldiers, and tax assessed for certain purposes; Reported in favor of its passage, when amended in section two, by adding thereto the following: but it shall not affect any suit pending at the time of its passage; Which was disagreed to. The question being, Shall the bill be engrossed and read the third time? it was decided in the affirmative, and said bill was Ordered to be read the third time to-morrow morning. A message from his Excellency, the Governor, by Mr. Gay, Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs, as follows: MR. SPEAKER: I am directed by the Governor to return to the House of Representatives, House bill No. 11, entitled "An act in addition to chapter one hundred and twenty-one of the General Statutes, in regard to the discharge of poor debtors"; and to deliver therewith a communication in writing. Mr. Parker, from the select committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 134. An act to authorize the towns of Stowe, Morristown, Hydepark, Johnson, Eden, Wolcott and Elmore, to aid in building a railroad; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time. Mr. Fay, from the General Committee to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 126. An act to legalize the grand list of Sunderland for the year 1865; Reported in favor of its passage; and thereupon said bill was Ordered to be engrossed and read the third time. The Committee on Mileage and Debentures submitted the following report: (For report see Appendix.) Which, without reading, was Mr. Cushing, from the Committee on Military Affairs to whom was referred House bill entitled H. 118. An act to repeal the present militia law, and to provide for a system of military instruction in the schools of this State; Reported adversely to its passage; and the question being, Shall the bill be engrossed and read the third time? on motion of Mr. Benjamin, the same was Ordered to lie. A communication in writing from the Governor, was read by the Clerk, as follows: |